Ethical Hedonism Essays

  • Ethical Theories Of Hedonism

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    Ethical theories attempt to prescribe concepts on how to live a ‘good life’. There are several ethical theories but hedonism is one of the most known because it has been around for many years. In general, hedonism focuses on happiness and states that the happier one is, the better their life is. Like almost all theories, hedonism has several criticisms, with “the experience machine” being an important one. Robert Nozick uses “the experience machine” to justify that happiness is not the only thing

  • Ethics Of The Hellenistic World

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    In comparing the ethical theories of the Epicureans, Aristotle, and the Stoics it’s found that they possess three separate ideas. These ideas are different in their individual beliefs; yet attempt to accomplish the same goals of creating an inner peace and sense of well being in their followers. Generally these three disciplines had distinctly separate ideas on how to set about accomplishing these goals; the Epicureans felt that the pursuit of pleasure was the correct path to enlightenment, while

  • The Formation of Jeremy Bentham’s Universal Egoism

    1009 Words  | 3 Pages Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. . "Egoism." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. . "hedonism". Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press, n.d. Web. 19 November 2013. Weijers, Daniel M. "Hedonism." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. N.p., 10 Aug. 2011. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Weijers, Daniel Michael. Hedonism and Happiness in Theory and Practice: A Thesis Submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the

  • What is Pleasure?

    911 Words  | 2 Pages

    The word pleasure means a state of enjoying, satisfaction, sex… When I first think about it, I think as it is a way of having fun from something simple. I don't think pleasure is like passion. It doesn't have to mean you a lot. It isn't a wish or a goal or a life time wish. It is just finding joy from something simple and good enough to satisfy you. I concerned about it because in my mind the first definition that came up to my mind was sex. I was prejudiced about this word. But why should I be

  • Nozick's Experience Machine and Hedonism

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    Hedonism is a way of life that is rooted in a person’s experiences or states of consciousness that can be pleasant or unpleasant. The ethical egoist would state that a person should maximize his or her pleasant states of consciousness in order to lead the best life. Act Utilitarian on the other hand would state that these enjoyable states of consciousness should be maximized by one’s actions for everyone in order to attain the most utility. On the surface, this appears to be a good way to live, however

  • Robert Nozick's The Experience Machine

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    Humans try to take full advantage of experiencing pleasure to its fullest potential. Hedonism claims that pleasure is the highest and only source of essential significance. If the notion of hedonism is truthful, happiness is directly correlated with pleasure. Robert Nozick presented the philosophical world with his though experiment, “The Experience Machine” in order to dispute the existence and validity of hedonism. Nozick’s thought experiment poses the question of whether or not humans would plug

  • Analysis Of The Argument From False Happiness

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    The theory of hedonism is the view that pleasure is the only thing that is intrinsically valuable, thus making it so that our lives are only truly good to the extent that we are happy. The Argument from False Happiness challenges the view of the hedonist: the hedonist believes that a life is good so long as there is happiness, regardless of where the happiness comes from, whereas critics of hedonism argue that a life filled with false beliefs is worse, despite the fact that the person may still be

  • Hedonism

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    Webster's dictionary defines hedonism as "the ethical doctrine that pleasure, variously conceived of in terms of happiness of the individual or of society, is the principal good and the proper aim of action" or "the theory that a person always acts is such a way as to seek pleasure and avoid pain." With this definition in mind, and with further examination of John Stuart Mill's theory on hedonism, I am going to argue that hedonism is not an exclusive or distinct way of thinking. In fact

  • Nozicks The Experience Machine Analysis

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    is arguably the most well-known argument against ethical hedonism. In The Experience Machine, Nozick argues that ethical hedonism at its base is a flawed moral theory because humans intrinsically have more needs and wants beyond that of pleasure. He uses the ‘experience machine’ to show that this point of view is not valid; if it were then we would have an overwhelming drive to ‘plug in’ which we do not. I agree with Nozicks objection to hedonism and believe that the three rejections he provides

  • Hedonism Essay

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hedonism is defined as an action that brings pleasure. Someone who does only those things that bring them pleasure or believes that pleasure is the most important thing is said to be a hedonist. Being a hedonist is thought to be a negative thing, but why? Shouldn’t we all strive to do things that bring us pleasure? Why would we do anything that would bring us pain or displeasure? Think of the time you were down to your last $10 for the week and barely getting by. You pass a homeless woman on the

  • What Is Pleasure?

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    Pleasure is a source of enjoyment or delight, as described by Hedonism is the pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses. Your view of pleasure clearly depends on which time period you are living in, talking about, and what you believe. For example if you lived when Epicurus lived you might believe that pain and pleasure are two different things, but if you live now and listen to Queen you might believe that pain and pleasure are not completely

  • Epicurus And The Good Life

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    and every pleasure and also we read about the possibilities of leading a virtuous but unpleasant life. Epicurus believes that pleasure is ‘the starting point and the goal of the happy life’. Epicurus invokes psychological hedonism (“starting point”) to support his ethical hedonism (“the goal”) in this statement. He claims that pleasure is the goal of life and that virtues are simply means. Epicurus was a consequentialist, he believed something is morally good because of something – a pleasure it may

  • Broken Embraces

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    This whole film is about collisions: collisions of characters and collisions of trends, philosophies and ideas. It is unavoidable that characters are going to reach, or even surpass, their limits to achieve their goals, which according to them are right. Of course, the consequences are that they going to act morally against some values, not only of the others but also against themselves! Lying, pretending or even hiding are all forms of being wronged towards someone else. Being wronged is always

  • Watchmen Essay

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    Morality and ethnics are two terms that closely resemble one another. Morality and ethnic both have to do with the concept of what is considered as right and wrong. However, there is a distinct different between the two. Morality is the principle that concerns itself with what is right and what is wrong based on an individual’s personal opinion and thoughts. Ethnics are a set of rules that are considered as “right” and are set out by an external source. Two types of philosophical ethnics are deontology

  • Hedonism and The Great Gatsby

    613 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hedonism and The Great Gatsby Hedonism means to live only for pleasure. It means not thinking about the consequences of your actions as long as make you happy. It’s a total abandon of all responsibilities. This type of lifestyle often has negative results. I mean, look at the hippies, and how their hedonistic society turned out. They are all either in rehab centers or have kids running around with names like “Moonbeam” and “Starchild”. But enough hippie bashing - let’s look at how the Hedonistic

  • Utilitarianism in Government

    1664 Words  | 4 Pages

    In its political philosophy utilitarianism provides an alternative to theories of natural law and the social contract by basing the authority of government and the sanctity of individual rights upon their utility, or measure of happiness gained. As an egalitarian doctrine, where everyone’s happiness counts equally, the rational, relatively straightforward nature of utilitarianism offers an attractive model for democratic government. It offers practical methods for deciding the morally right course

  • Plato's Symposium

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    of this world as rungs in a ladder"(211c). Aristophanes then gives love a comedic approach, breaking up the adulation. Agathon was next, and his speech showed how love affected people's minds. It created great poets, and spawned the practices of "hedonism, luxury, and sensualism"(197d). Agathon was last before Socrates, and the closest to Socrates' view. He was at the final steps of the deepest love, seeing the "beauty of people's activities"(211c) and of "intellectual endeavors"(211c). Love, the

  • Robert Nozick's Experiment, The Experience Machine and the Inclusion of Meta-Pleasure

    712 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Experience Machine and the Inclusion of Meta-Pleasure Robert Nozick is a philosopher who seeks to disprove the utilitarian notion of hedonism through a thought experiment that he has entitles “The Experience Machine” (Nozick 646). I will first explain the concept of utilitarianism and hedonism, then the experience machine before I give a reply about the inclusion of a third category of pleasure which I have called “meta-pleasure”. Finally, I will show how technology may be disproving the entire

  • Utilitarianism And Suicide

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    can be wide-rove. For a premises of a family who is a oppress and who is suffering, perhaps the intentions are all commendable and the act would grow the general happiness, just as might the suicide of an isolated, terræ filius miserable person. Hedonism, the Greek philosophic belief of the desire to pursue ‘the good life’ through seeking gre... ... middle of paper ... ...dults to compromise suicide if they are suffering from terminal conditions likely to proceed in death within six months. Furthermore

  • Compare And Contrast Asceticism And Utilitarianism

    1056 Words  | 3 Pages

    Bentham’s utilitarian moral theory states that pleasure and pain should guide one’s moral behavior. “Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do” (Bentham). He also claims that we should not base our moral behavior on pleasure and pain, but we do anyway. The principle of utility recognizes this and it either approves or disapproves of one’s actions by having