Ethanol Fuel Essays

  • Corn Ethanol: The Future Fuel?

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    In the world of global warming, all kinds of pollution and fuel shortages going on, renewable and clean/ green energy is increasingly the ideal solution of energy related problems we have to solve one way or another. Biofuel is one of the mainstream and highly supported solutions nowadays, an idea to make renewable fuel by living organisms such as fiber, corn, vegetable oil or sugar cane. Unlike nonrenewable fossil fuels over extracted by people causing various environmental problems like generating

  • Ethanol Fuel

    980 Words  | 2 Pages

    Missing Figures Ethanol Abstract: As of now we drive cars almost everywhere from home to the local store or different states. According to there is “an estimated 243,023,485 registered passenger vehicles in the United States according to a 2004 DOT study!” 1That is a lot of cars. In a year the US alone consumes around 146 billion gallons of gasoline that is a huge amount. 2 According to figure 1 about 86% of all world energy comes from oil, gasoline, and coal; this leaves

  • The Pros And Cons Of Ethanol As A Vehicle Fuel

    1002 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ethanol as a vehicle fuel is not a new concept. Henry Ford designed the framed Model T to run on alcohol, he said it was “the fuel of the future”. The oil companies thought otherwise, however the oil crisis of the early 1970s gave ethanol fuel the new lease of life. More than two trillion miles have been driven on ethanol blended fuels in the United States since 1980. Ethanol can save our future children generations of work by keeping our planet clean and prevent warfare. Today our renewable fuel

  • Should Corn Ethanol Be Used For Fuel?

    2514 Words  | 6 Pages

    Should corn ethanol be used for fuel? Alternative energy is the world’s race as of now. As the space race concluded and the nuclear arms race died down, alternative energy became the race of the ages. In today’s society, with today’s technology there are all sorts of forms of alternative energies. These energies include hydro power, geothermal, biomass, nuclear power, and so much more. With all of these variations of alternative energy the question now becomes, which form is the best to use? Are

  • Is Corn for Food or Fuel?

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    read,” Fuel may contain 10% Ethanol.” I was a little taken back by the sticker. I didn’t have a full understanding of why ethanol was being used in the fuel for my car. I knew that ethanol was a bi-product of corn and other plants, so I found myself asking the question, is corn for food or fuel? I got back into my car and returned to the freeway with this question on my mind. While driving I started noticing stickers and labels on other vehicles that read: CNG (compressed natural gas), Flex Fuel (allows

  • The Benefits Of Biofuels

    1369 Words  | 3 Pages

    Figure 1: Fuel Ethanol and Biodiesel Production is Highly Concentrated (2007) As more and more countries turn to renewable bioenergy alternatives, the demand increases. To keep affordable prices for consumers, the supply must also increase at the same rate. While Brazil has not found problems with land limitation to grow crops, US and China experience such issues. (to be continued) It’s also helpful to consider first generation biofuels in comparison to second generation biofuels. Ethanol pr...

  • Hawaii’s Renewable Energy Future

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    “By 2020, Hawaii is aiming to generate 20 percent of its energy from non-fossil fuels” (Brown et al. 2008, 11). According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Arent et al. 2009, 1-2), petroleum accounts for 90% of Hawaii’s energy consumption and 75% of their electricity. Since Hawaii has no pipelines or oil fields, they are forced to import petroleum to accommodate their energy needs (Arent et al. 2009, 1). Hawaii is disconnected from the rest of the United States, which means that Hawaii

  • Essay On Water Scarcity

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    production from food crops is not economically viable, thus the biofuel production from lignocellulosic plants is less likely to be. There are uncertainties regarding if the lignocellulosic crops are really going to decrease the water consumption of ethanol production. And finally, biofuel production can cause food insecurity within the producer countries and sometimes it can be expanded to the rest of the world due to the increase of prices. Therefore, with the current previsions of growth in world

  • All Biofuels Are Not Created Equal by David Tilman and Jason Hill

    816 Words  | 2 Pages

    prevent this so Earth can last for future generations. The way that biofuels are being made is not very effective in helping this problem. This is because it either requires deforestation or the burning of fossil fuels, which the world is trying to stop. Instead of using corn or sugar cane as ethanol, alternative crops should be used because it will benefit our environment the most. The authors of this article are David Tilman and Jason Hill. David Tilman is a Regents Professor and McKnight Presidential

  • My Research Philosophy

    1275 Words  | 3 Pages

    fundamentals from science with engineering principles in searching for practical answers. This theoretical and empirical approach guides my own research. My current research at Purdue University is focused on the handling issues faced by the corn ethanol industry and specifically on studying the caking behavior of corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). I am using basic and applied research principles to investigate the conditions at which this granular bulk product cakes. Results from

  • Ethanol and Gas Prices

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ethanol and Gas Prices Do the gas prices frustrate you every time you pull up to the pump? Gas companies are charging too much for the natural resource that is turned into what we know as gasoline. Gas companies discourage research and new ideas every year. Afraid of losing the market that they have cornered they buy patents. This way the patents will never be used and they still have the market cornered. Ethanol is a much safer and more economical solution to our gas problem. It is cleaner

  • Ethanol Essay

    1405 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ethanol fermented from renewable sources for fuel or fuel additives are known as bio-ethanol. Additionally, the ethanol from biomass-based waste materials is considered as bio-ethanol. Currently, there is a growing interest for ecologically sustainable bio-fuels. The target in the European Union is to increase bio-energy contributions in total energy consumption from 3 to 11 % by the year 209. Ethanol is a fossil fuel which is made from sugars found in plants. In the India, it is usually made from

  • Renewable Sources of Energy: Ethanol

    1058 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ethanol is a clear, colorless, flammable liquid. Other names that ethanol can also be known as include ethyl alcohol, ethyl hydrate, ethyl hydroxide, fermentation alcohol, methylcarbinol, and grain alcohol. The condensed structural formula for ethanol is C2H5OH, and the expanded structural formula is shown in figure 1. This chemical compound belongs to the alcohol function group therefore characterized by the hydroxyl group –OH combined with a carbon atom. Some characteristics of ethanol include

  • The Pros And Cons Of Ethanol

    1766 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ethanol can be made from many different plant sugars including starch and cellulose. Starch ethanol is the most common biofuel used in the world. It is made from kernels of corn, which is very easy to break down. This means that corn is very easily converted into ethanol. On the other hand, cellulose is not easily broken down into ethanol. Cellulose is found in the cell walls of plants, and resembles plant armor. The cellulose combines with lignin, which makes plants woody. During the process of

  • Biofuel Proposal

    1405 Words  | 3 Pages

    made. A Shift Away From Oil Is Crucial The consequences of the United States’ reliance on oil have brought together the nation’s leaders in ways that few issues have in decades. The call for action to deliver advanced biofuels and efficient flex-fuel vehicles now comes from national security experts and business leaders down to consumers. They have all come to the conclusion that as each day passes, more of the nation’s wealth is lost and complacency thwarts critical national policy changes that

  • Gas Chromatography Lab Report

    987 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ethanol in Gasoline Analysis by Gas Chromatography and Infrared Spectroscopy Introduction: In the constantly developing economy, gasoline has become an important resource used worldwide and in everyday life. Gasoline serves as the main fuel source of both private and industrial vehicles that allow a majority of the world to move from place to place. However, as the demand for gasoline increases, the supply of oil decreases and pure gasoline is hard to come by. On average, the gasoline purchased

  • Biomass Energy

    814 Words  | 2 Pages

    socio-economic development in the countryside.Using biomass gains importance to solve energy problems. I. What is biomass energy? II. The Advantages of Biomass Energy III. Biomass Resources IV. Gasification Ways V. Environmental impacts VI. Bio-fuels BIOMASS ENERGY Biomass start to being importanat in time.Because of this is that energy sources consume day by day and in todays world, people do their almost every works using energy sourses. For example, they go to work,school or their interview

  • Midwest Ag Processing (MAP)

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    congestion is creating an increased demand for containers and higher fuel costs. The company founder, Stanley, sees that there are many issues with his transportation network. Stanley sends his sales manager, Mark, and supply chain manager, Mary, to the Midwest Transportation Symposium to learn about current transportation issues. Two weeks later, while discussing the issues, Mary shared an idea of investing in Manly Terminal, an ethanol and multi-product storage and reload facility from North Central

  • The Government and Alternative Energy

    1220 Words  | 3 Pages

    With every passing day our planet is slowly becoming contaminated by the fuels we use and the green house gases they emit. This damage can never be reversed and will continue to harm our planet; however there are many systems of alternative energy that could be implemented in order to reduce this damage. This is why I believe that our government should endorse alternative energy and set regulations in order to promote the use of alternative energy. Wind energy is a current source for alternative

  • Ethanol Pros And Cons

    1203 Words  | 3 Pages

    With the fuel crisis that is happening in the world today it is now more important than ever to begin the look towards alternative fuel sources. One smart step for the US would be to wean the country slowly off of the gasoline fix and to look into alternative fuels to replace the “never coming back” fossil fuels. It turns out that Ethanol as a hybrid fuel proves to be a notable candidate for this gasoline intervention, per say. Now the United States is currently looking to subsidize fossil fuel alternatives