Et Al Essays

  • Tropical Rain Forest Soils of La Selva

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    soil, and surface water, flora, fauna, and microorganisms (Otzen 1993). These changes may result in a loss of soil organic matter, a decrease in soil fertility (Garcia-Oliva et al. 1994, Tissen et al. 1994), severe soil erosion (Otzen 1993), and changes in soil structure and chemistry (Fernandes and Sanford 1995, Sollins et al. 1995, Montgagnini and Sancho 1994.) The response of tropical rain forest soils to deforestation depends upon the specific properties of the soils as well as the type of

  • Developmental Profile

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    by the increase of the hormone testosterone in males and estrogen in females (Rathus, et al., 1986). 3. The primary sex characteristics enlarge and mature: in males--the testes, prostate gland, penis and seminal vesicles, in females--the ovaries, uterus and vagina (Papalia, et al., 1998). 4. Acne develops in some adolescents, due to the change in hormones, and can last well into adulthood (Edelman, et al., 1994). 5. Toward the end of puberty, menarche in girls and ejaculation in boys signals

  • Types of Silica

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    large, breathing becomes difficult and death may result. Silicosis victims are also at high risk of developing active tuberculosis [Myers et al. 1973; Sherson and Lander 1990; Bailey et al. 1974]. A worker's lungs may react more severely to silica sand that has been freshly fractured (sawed, hammered, or treated in a way that produces airborne dust) [Vallyathan et al. 1988]. This factor may contribute to the development of acute and accelerated forms of silicosis. Types of Silicosis A worker may develop

  • History of Marijuana

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    numerous accounts of its medicinal qualities in multiple historical artifacts. Its use dates back to 2737 B.C. when the Chinese emperor, Shen Nung, used it for medicinal purposes including malaria, gout, poor memory, rheumatism, and analgesia (Carter et. al., 2003). Eastern Indian documents, in the Atharvaveda, dating back to 2000 B.C. also refer to its medicinal use. The Jamestown settlers cultivated hemp produced by the marijuana plant. They used these fibers to make clothing, rope, and canvas

  • Eating Disorders and Alcohol Abuse

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    paper) Cepik A, et al. "Bulimia in a Male Alcoholic: A Symptom Substitution in Alcoholism." International-Journal-of-Eating-Disorders Mar. 1995; Vol 17 (2): 201-4. Dunne, FJ et al. "Eating Disorders and Alcohol Misuse: Features of an Addiction Spectrum." Postgraduate-Medical-Journal Feb. 1991; Vol 67 (784): 112-3. Goldbloom, DS et al. "Eating Disorders and Alcohol Abuse in Women." British-Journal-of-Addiciton Jun. 1992; Vol 87 (6): 913-9. Jones, DA et al. "Anorexia Nervosa,

  • Progress in Xenotransplantation

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    specific antibody response that is responsible for HAR. An in vitro kinetic experiment combined rat endothelial cells with primate serum and then measured bound human and monkey antibodies, number of lysed cells, and C complement activity (Azimzadeh et al., 1996). The results showed that IgM antibodies were produced rapidly in the earliest stage, after which a large number of IgG antibodies were produced. Components of the C cascade were present on the endothelial cells. Th... ... middle of paper

  • St. John’s Wort for Depression

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    most controversial herbal remedies is St. John’s Wort. As a cheap over-the-counter antidepressant, and with over 17% of the population experiencing depression sometime in their lifetime, its allure to the lay person is not surprising (Kessler, R. C. et al., 1994). Is St. John’s Wort an effective treatment for depression as many claim it is? Is it really safe? St. John’s Wort, often called hypercium for its botanical name, Hypercium perforatum, is derived from a yellow flowering plant. Hypercium is

  • The Three Competencies of the Mentor Role

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    others, interpersonal communication and developing others" (Hesketh et al pp 4). Because high school students are less experienced the author used this role continually in an effort to develop his students and guide them through their learning experiences. Per Hesketh et al the author must determine his own strengths and weaknesses so he can maximize them. "Your weaknesses can be overcome through self-development" (Hesketh et al. 1997 pp 51). By researching all he could about the Health Science

  • Kleenmaid: History, Development, And Growth Of A Company

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    staffs discuss organizational issues (Hill et al. 2004). The Electrolux group holds about a 50 per cent market share with sales of more than A$1 billion hence dominating the appliance category in Australia. Other competitor include Simpson, Dishlex, Fisher & Paykel are relatively new entrants in the market. A range of high end brands like Maytag, Smeg, Gaggenau, Ilve and Blanco “compete for the same premium dollar” as Kleenmaid St George does (Hill et al. 2004). The competitive advantages Kleenmaid

  • Coral Bleaching: Potential Mechanisms and Observed Adaptations

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    algae of the genus symbiodinium. These algae are commonly called zooxanthellae. This symbiosis between heterotrophic hosts and photosynthetic symbionts allows coral to thrive in nutrient poor seas and deposit calcium carbonate to build reefs (Toller et al. 2001, 348). Coral bleaching occurs when there is a loss of zooxanthellae from their coral host. This is accompanied by loss of a coral's normal color that may or may not be detectable to the human eye. Bleaching can lead to coral death when prolonged

  • Salinity Stress on Plants

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    breeding (Winicov, 1998). Many factors interact with salinity, and this complicates studies on the effects of salinity. For example, humidity, temperature, li... ... middle of paper ... ... Scientia Horticulturae 78, 261-269. Serrano, R. et al. (1999). A glimpse of the mechanisms of ion homeostasis during salt stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 50, 1023-1036. Shannon, M.C., and Grieve, C.M. (1999). Tolerance of vegetable crops to salinity. Scientia Horticulturae 78, 5-38. Volkmar

  • Lethal Tools of Our Past-Weapons of The Frontier

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    200 yards. The other weapon of choice, the shotgun, did not boast a straight, clean shot, but had the capacity to tear anything to shreds in a single blast. A short barrel provided the advantage of a wider blast range and easier handling (Trachtman et al 50). In many battles, the shotguns were often preferred for their simplifying features. In the frequently lawless country that the United States had become, a quicker solution for combat was deemed necessary. It did not take long for such handguns

  • Technical Challenges of Remote Access Surgery

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    Charly. Remote Control Surgery. 21 March 1997. . Nair, Nundu. Telesurgery. 1999. . Pescovitz, David. In the Waiting Room. 2000. . Proukas, Constantine-Basil et al. Technology and Clinical Applications: Telemedicine. 1996. . Proukas, Constantine-Basil. Medical Robotics. 1996. . Stevens, Rick L et al. Petaflops in Medicine: Telesurgery PetaFlops Workshop.  26 June 1998. < 95_workshop/participants.html>. Vanderheyden, L. Telesurgery:

  • Male Dominance Over Women Traced Back to Roman Times

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    conception (qtd. in Lefkowitz et al. 228). Plato asserts that because "all concoction works by means of heat" and "some of the body's parts are 'principles'" (qtd. in Lefkowitz et al. 229), a lack of heat will affect concoction which will, in turn, affect a principle body part. This is crucial to the development of the body as "once a principle has been 'moved' (i.e. changed), many of the parts which cohere with it must of necessity change as well" (qtd. in Lefkowitz et al. 229). Therefore, no heat in

  • Preservation of Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Habitat

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    Woodpecker Habitat Ever since 1973, when the Endangered Species Act came into being, conservationists and private landowners have been debating over whether to preserve the habitats of many endangered species found in unprotected areas (Ligon et al, 1986). Increasing levels of human development has led to the cutting of old-growth forests and construction of roads and other physical barriers to wildlife. These activities have greatly contributed to the fragmentation of wildlife habitat, which

  • Equality in School Finance

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    inclusion of after-care activities for inner-city youth in any successful educational spending program. Odden et al. note that their analysis of spending patterns across the 50 states is supported by the conclusions reached by the Finance Center of the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE), although the results of their research did diverge in some significant ways. Odden et al. examined spending and staffing patterns at the district and school levels. They also scrutinized staffing patterns

  • Importance of Dr. Kevorkian case for Medical Ethics

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    Does a doctor have the right to end a patient’s life to relieve their suffering? We can use the principle of double effect to analyze this case. There are four criteria for an act to be ethical according to the principle of double effect (Garrett et al., 2001): 1) “The action itself must good or morally indifferent. 2) The person must intend only the good effect and not the bad effect. 3) The bad effect cannot be the means to the good effect. 4) There must be a proportionality

  • Garlic

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    Included in this family are onions, shallots, leeks, Japanese bunching onions, Chinese and common chives. Mostly all Allium crops originate from the main center of Allium diversity that stretches from the Mediterranean basin to central Asia (Meer et al. 1997. 1997). Garlic has a long history of use throughout Europe as well, being used as a food additive and for various medicinal purposes, and has often been mentioned in folklore. There is a Mohammedan legend that states: "When Satan stepped out

  • Aluminum

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    Aluminum Aluminum is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. It has a concentration of about 8.2 percent (Craig et al 264). Aluminum “is malleable, ductile, and easily machined and cast; and has excellent corrosion resistance and durability” ( It is evident in everyday life. Aluminum is a very useful abundant metal. A large fraction of the mineral products we seek are metals, such as aluminum (Halleck, 1/20). The major uses of aluminum are transportation

  • Medicating Young Minds

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    biased in their writing. All of these reasons make it a poor argument over a very important subject. In the article, “Medicating Young Minds” author Jeffrey Kluger goes into detail about the problems of medicating children today. It is Klugers et al belief that it should not be happening; medicating the youth. His argument is logical to himself but, it may not be to everyone, especially people who need medication to survive. Kluger uses a sarcastic tone and is somewhat biased in his article. He