Estates-General of 1789 Essays

  • The Life of the Commoners: The French System

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    At this time, France was going through a radical change. The three estates were starting to become equal and the huge gap between them was closing fast. The commoners of the 3rd estate were fed up with the life of poverty that they were forced to live in and sought for a change to the French system. But do the commoners deserve ALL the blame for executing the French Revolution? No they don’t. It was the Nobility that provoked this revolution and who drove the commoners into such despair. The Life

  • Estates General Dbq

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    Call of the Estates General (July 1789) Changed the name from Estates General to National Assembly, which better represented the people of France. Legal Divisions among social groups had existed for hundreds of years, which created discontent among the people of France. 1200 Deputies had arrived for the event in Versailles from all over France The political situation was rather bleak, which forced King Louis to call the Estates General The Opening Ceremonies commenced on May 5th, 1789 It abolished

  • What Wars Did Louis XV Need To Raise Taxes

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    country was the largest in the world in 1789? What was France’s population? What was the official language of diplomacy in 1789? King Louis XVI What group composed the First Estate in the French Estates General? What percentage of the population was the Clergy? How much did the clergy pay in taxes? What group composed the second estate? What percentage of the population was the nobility? What manorial rights did the nobility have that

  • Negative Effects Of The French Revolution

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    Revolution spanned over the years 1789 to 1793. It was intended to enhance the power of the Third Estate, but the movement greatly impacted the nobles. Due to these new reforms, the nobles were negatively affected because they lost most of their power due to the formation of the National Assembly, and also to the publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and the Constitution of 1791. The revolution stemmed from the aggravation of the third estate, or commoners, who were suffering

  • How Did The French Revolution Cause France In 1789

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    In 1789, some issues happened in France caused France was on the brink of revolution. Nevertheless, all of those problems were based on the French population was divided into three estates. The first and second estate were nobles and clergy, they made up 10% of the the population. The rest of the people were peasants. The tax system was corrupt. The part of reason was some tax-collectors didn't hand all the taxes they collected to the government, but the main reason was the poor peasants because

  • Similarities Between French Revolution And American Revolution

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    happening. Starting with the first state, General Estates of 1789. Having a equal number of representatives from each estate was the best solution we thought to clear the problem. They met in The Palace of Versailles to debate some problems. Opened by the King, The Estates General meeting was a great chance for the not as healthy people (third estate) to finally be heard by the King.That meeting was a very big sucess to be a better place. However, The third estate discovered that the double representation

  • French Revolution Research Paper

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    Revolution was a long bloody battle that lasted through 1789 to 1799. The new Enlightenment ideals began changing the governmental views of French citizens. The absolute rulers of that time were King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The rationale for the revolution was unrest among the three estates, financial issues, and new democratic visions. A large part of the the French Revolution was the Reign of Terror. The Storming of Bastille on July 14, 1789 marked the genesis of the French Revolution. Before

  • Louis Xiv Dbq Essay

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    of his weak position due to his earlier capitulations, Louis XVI had to call the first Estates General meeting in over a century. The three Estates came with their cahiers to address their concerns. The grievances laid out before the Estates General were both political and economical, and while the nation was successful in addressing (but not resolving) these requested reforms, the

  • The French Revolution A Boourgeoisie Revolution?

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    struggle between the Bourgeoisie and the nobles of the Second Estate, which led to the transition from feudalism to capitalism. However, revisionist historians such as Alfred Cobban and George Rude argue that this class-based interpretation is obsolete. Before analysing the nature of the revolution, one must understand the social structure of pre-revolutionary France which is referred to as the Ancien Regime. Society was divided into estates and the king ruled over all of them. The king was an absolute

  • Collapse of the Absolute Monarchy Between May and October 1789

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    Collapse of the Absolute Monarchy Between May and October 1789 After October 1789, the monarchy had not collapsed but the absolutism that had fuelled the family for years had. It was down to the combination of the political actions of the Third Estate representatives at Versailles and the direct action of the 'sans culottes' and disorder in the countryside. Events between these months had fed off each other; actions at Versailles had triggered events in Paris and the Parisians had helped

  • The Factors And Causes Of The French Revolution

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    This applies to many of the uprisings in history, but it is especially prevalent in the roots of the French Revolution. The distinct condition of the masses could be seen through the many eyes of France, and the various conditions posed on the Third Estate were the foundations for the French Revolution. Participation in the American Revolution and after King

  • Women's March Dbq

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    The women's march was all started by a group of procrastinating ladies that were treated unfairly and believed that the way they have been getting treated is wrong and they deserve better. The Women’s March happened on October 5th, 1789 on the Versailles. A big group of angry women with weapons marched with anger in the rain from Paris to Versailles. These women were very angry and wanted a change in the constitution of the French revolution. The Reign of Terror started in June 1793 and it ended

  • French Revolution Dbq

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    June 17th, 1789, the National Assembly was formed.4 France's Old Regime had three estates; the first and second Estates were the clergy and the nobility, and the third estate consisted of the bourgeoisie, the urban workers, and the peasants.5 When the Estates-General was called in 1789, the third estate decided that the three estates should verify the identities of the members of each estate all together, instead of in their separate groups as had been done previously. The third estate was not pleased

  • Causes of the French Revolution

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    The French Revolution went on for ten years, beginning in 1789 and ending in 1799. Influencing life not only in Europe, but in other countries as well, the revolution began because of important factors. Some specific factors were abrupt but powerful, while others were continual. The causes were because of economic, political, and social aspects. There were a numerous amount of economic issues. The first was when King Louis XIV left the France in debt. Also known as The Sun King, Louis XIV spent money

  • The Importance Of The French Revolution

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    were many The meeting of these three estates was known as the Estates General. The estate with the most complaints for the King happened to be the Third Estate. Their grievances spanned across three main subcategories being justice, finances, and agriculture. However, at the beginning of the document there were a few grievances focused on gaining rights that should have been naturally in place. The first complaints focused on the delegates of the Third Estate, which are “equal by such status to all

  • french revolution

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    Questions The Outbreak of the Revolution: 1) French society around 1789 was split into three groups of people or the Three Estates. The First Estate consisted of the clergy or the leaders of the church. The Second Estate were the nobles who were highly privileged. The Third and final estate consisted of peasants, city workers, and the middle class, all of which were taxes heavily and underprivileged. 2) The complains of the Third Estate were they were being taxed to heavily, they had land too small

  • Similarities Between King Louis Xvi And Marie Antoinette

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    Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette 
Louis XVI was king of France from 1774 until his execution in 1792. He was married to Marie Antoinette. King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were unfavored by the French society. King Louis XVI was an indecisive king, who did not do anything to help France in their time of debt and need. Marie Antoinette was known as Madame Deficit because of her excessive spending. King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were important because of their rule, the French society was unhappy

  • French Revolution Dbq

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    extent did the French Revolution originate as a result of the works of philosophers Baron de Montesquieu and Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès? The years 1763 to 1789 will investigated, as 1763 marks the formal conclusion of the Seven Years and the Treaty of Paris signing, while citizens stormed Bastille and marked the revolution’s official beginning in 1789. Chartier’s The Culture Origins of the French Revolution discusses philosophers in the revolution. An agrégé d’histoire with a Master’s degree from Sorbonne

  • The French Revolution

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    prosperous countries in Europe, but many of the peasants were not happy with the way France was being ruled. On July 14, 1789, peasants and soldiers stormed the Bastille and initiated the French Revolution. This essay will analyze the main causes of the French Revolution, specifically, the ineffectiveness of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the dissatisfaction of the Third Estate, and the Enlightenment. It will also be argued that the most significant factor that caused the French Revolution is the

  • Against the Monarchy of the Roman Catholic Church in the French Revolution

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    The French Revolution was a civil revolt that broke out in France against the absolute monarchy and the Roman Catholic Church, which lasted from 1789-1799. This resulted in the establishment of France as a republic, democratic government and caused the Roman Catholic Church’s necessity, as well as its power to be questioned. The French Revolution ended the thousand-year rule of the monarchy in France and began when King Louis XVI gathered representatives from the 3 social groups called the Clergy