Entire Nation Essays

  • My Utopian Society

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    the country's resources are produced. The services of the economy, smithing, carpentry, clothmaking, etc., are mainly produced in the cities. Iron is the only resource which must be imported abundantly. All of the resources, except iron, that the nation requires, it produces on its own. The Utopians live a very simple lifestyle. They work, and in their spare time play games, read, and socialize. Other forms of entertainment, such as gambling and hunting are looked down upon. They only eat what

  • The English Civil Wars and Quaker Persecution

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    of England (Charles I) and Parliament, but the underlying issue of this time, concerned the religion of the nation, which at the time included Scotland, Ireland, and part of North America. The Parliament consisted mostly of Protestant middle-class gentries and merchants. They did not believe in the King’s proposal of religious standardization that he tried to enforce on the entire nation. The proposal was the catalyst for two wars between Scotland and England from years of 1638-1640, as well as

  • Documentary Critique

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    of Flint was good until Roger Smith the CEO of GM decided to close the factory. This destroyed the city. Violent crime became the highest in the nation, businesses went bankrupt, people were evicted from their rented homes. There were no jobs and no opportunity. Life was so bad that Money magazine named Flint the worst place to live in the entire nation. When news of the factory closing first broke, Michael Moore a native of flint decided to search for Roger Smith and bring him to Flint. Michael

  • Lincoln At Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America

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    and have them as slaves, and should not be kings over them. If you own certain things, how can you free it? You can't free property; you can't free your clothes. Those are just items, people are not meant to be owned. It is point out to the entire nation and he even pointed it out even further towards both the North and the South. 1Gary Wills, Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America, 1992. (New York: Simon Schuster, 1992), 35 2Gary Wills, Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That

  • Expansion Of Government Power

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    the citizens. Military was placed in Southern states, by the federal government, in order to keep control over the rebellious people. Not only that, but, the idea of putting the federal government in charge of Reconstruction and rebuilding an entire nation gave them an enormous amount of power. Finally, the creation of the 14th and 15th Amendment were two more big achievements on the part of the government. In the month of April of 1862, the government issued the first draft of the Civil War. Throughout

  • Abortion - An Unborn Child is a Human Being!

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    Abortion - An Unborn Child is a Human Being! The founding of entire nation was forged on the principle that all men are created equal under the law.  This is the essence of our Declaration of Independance and the philosophy behind the Constition.  We, through history, have made certain that ALL people in this country have equality before the law.  We have set uup the premise that all people are equal before the law. Lady Justice is blind to Race, Religion, _________ .  We have declared

  • Women: Their Freedom, And How They Got It

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    for what they knew was right. She was able to fight for all women, represent a whole "race" and take control, she was one of the very few women who had the strength and will power to face this problem head on, and win. She was able to take on an entire nation and voice her opinion regardless of what her consequences could have been. That is what it takes to free yourself and or other people from the hold of injustice. Not too many people have the quality to be able to stand up in such harsh situations

  • Jack Kerouac's On The Road

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    a way everyone could visualize. It contained examples and experiences of common people looking for new and exciting experiences and most of all, the unknown. America, at the time, had very few vehicle accessible roads that stretched across the entire nation. Route 66 was one that did and, it still exists today in parts of the west. The road led them to new places and people with different views and cultures and this is a prime example of what most people had the desire to do during that era, expand

  • greek and roman art history

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    Greek Empire (600 B.C 1 A.D) Doric Order- entasis- swelling of the columns -always used for largest temples -alternating triglyphs and metopes Ionic Order – scrolls -shafts are thinner - no triglyphs in frieze Corinthian Order –large temples -no triglyphs, just metopes. Archaic Period – 600-500 B.C -     stiff and rigid pose -     focused on anatomy -     archaic smile -     Kouros, Kore – male and female archaic sculptures. Classical Period -     depict distinct motion (Apollo belvedere)

  • Frontier Expansion vs. the American Bison

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    time ignoring the price we pay for that stubbornness and strength of character. Westward expansion resulted in the extinction or endangerment of hundreds of native species of flora and fauna, altered entire ecosystems, such as the Great Plains, and impacted aquifers and watersheds across the entire nation. One species famously affected by these pioneers and settlers was the American Bison, a relic of the last ice age. It is estimated that over 40 million of these great beasts roamed the American

  • Language Conflict In Canada

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    The first was an ethnic nationalism in which French-speaking citizen felt that they owed their loyalty to the French community. The second was a civic nationalism in which the English-speaking citizens felt that they owed their loyalty to the entire nation of Canada (Conlogue, 21). The civic view of Canadian national identity allowed its citizens to choose their own language and their way of life. However the English language was preferred in business, education and politics, and the English culture

  • Domestic Terrorism

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    Domestic Terrorism National terrorism has been the focus of attention since September 11. But now domestic terrorism is becoming increasingly common among hate groups across the nation. Domestic terrorism can be defined as visible crime, or “street crime.” These acts would consist of violent crimes, (acts against people in which injury or death results) property crimes (acts that threaten property held by individuals or the state) and public order crimes. (acts that threaten the general well-being

  • Judgement Day

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    of inner turmoil and over twelve months of meticulous planning, 17 year old Dylan Klebold and 18 year old Eric Harris unleashed a rampage that would cause over 5 million dollars worth of damage, ruin the lives of countless people, and send the entire nation into a state of shock. April 20 1999 started out as a normal day at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. The only thing that seemed out of place was a cryptic message displayed at the end of the Columbine video announcements, reading

  • Rhetorical Analysis of Speech a Speech by George W. Bush

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    The appeal of emotion became a very effective tool in motioning the audience in the direction of his purpose, mainly the gain of support for the republican candidates in the next Arizona election. The speech appeals to the emotions of the entire nation when it addresses the topic of the war in Afghanistan and the threat of terrorism. Bush states, “ the best way to defend the homeland is to hunt the killers down one at a time, and... ... middle of paper ... ...policy or any other such issue

  • The People Versus Lady Macbeth

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    The People Vs. Macbeth The Macbeth trial broke out in full force today as the entire nation of Scotland paid close attention to the small town court of Grahacknboroughsly, Scotland. The charges are for abuse of power, abuse of wealth, abuse of friendship and misuse of a regal Scottish accent. As the parade of people came into the courthouse, 2/3rds of them were enemies of Macbeth. The motion to dismiss came early on grounds of permanent death on Macbeth’s defense team. The motion was quickly dismissed

  • Beloved: The Haunting Past of America

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    deterioration, shock, fatigue, senility, drug use, alcoholism, anesthesia, illness, or psychoneurotic reaction."1[1]  Especially, when amnesia is a psychoneurotic reaction, it can cover even the patient's entire life.  Toni Morrison, in an interview, said that not only an individual but also an entire nation could be diagnosed as (psychoneurotic) amnesia.  Discussing Beloved, she explained what she calls a "national amnesia." I thought this [Beloved] has got to be the least read of all the books I'd

  • Imprisonment in Shakespeare's King Lear

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    challenges the position that he has been given and thus his family and indeed the entire nation, descend into disorder and chaos. The storm is symbolic of this occurrence; the weather imitates the state of men. "One minded like the weather," the gentle man recognizes the disquiet and unrest of the storm, as a manifestation of the turbulence in Society at the time. He is not only responsible for the harmony of a nation, it is also his duty to maintain harmony in his house. This he does with little success

  • John F. Kennedy

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    John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy was one of the greatest presidents of the twentieth century. He united almost the entire nation under a common goal; the Moon. His charisma could turn skeptics into believers, and strengthen the bond between himself and his supporters. He had so much charisma because he used many rhetorical devices in his speeches, the same rhetorical devices that have been wooing crowds of people since the time of Rome. One of his most memorable speeches he gave was at Rice

  • George Orwell's Coming Up for Air

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    recognized many of the shops but they all had different names and owners. This difference startles George but also shows an important difference between England in 1900 and 1939 England. Towns were becoming cities, the war had industrialized the entire nation very quickly, and a small town like Lower Binfield quickly became a manufacturing center. The city no longer housed the smaller family owned businesses that had once dominated Lower Binfield. These smaller shops had been bought out by national

  • Comparison of Odyssey, Divine Comedy, and Paradise Lost

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    woven into the background of each story in the same palatial style as the rest of the poem. Epic poems are not merely entertaining stories of legendary or historical heroes; they summarize and express the nature or ideals of an entire nation at a significant or crucial point in its history.  I have chosen for comparison the Odyssey, The Divine Comedy, and Paradise Lost. The Odyssey, attributed to Homer is about Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, who sailed with his army