English Legal System Essays

  • The English Legal System

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    The English Legal System The English legal system is based on Common Law as opposed to Civil Law. Common Law is a system whereby Judges apply judgment derived from experience as well as knowledge of legal precedent; a system based on customs. Whereas Civil Law, which developed out of the Roman Law of Justinian’s Corpus Juris Civilis, is mainly based on written legislation, thus judgements are made on the provisions of codes and statutes; a system based on written doctrine. The English Legal

  • English Legal System

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    The English legal system refers to the system of law that has developed in England from approximately 1066 (the Middle Ages) to the present . The body of English law includes legislation, common law, and a plethora of other legal norms established by Parliament, the Crown and the judiciary. English law is one of the major European legal systems (the other one being Roman law) and has spread to foreign nations such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand, which also happen to be former English colonies

  • The English Legal System

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    The English legal system is complex and there are many ways in which it can be influenced, this essay will explore some of the different, more obvious ways the law can be changed and what this shows in relation to the quote above. First the essay will discuss the different ways the law can be created and changed and who enables and controls those changes, with my primary examples being the common law and legislation for the judicracy and Parliament respectively, then the essay will cover to what

  • Discuss The English Legal System

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    The English Legal System can be defined as a body of rules that is created by the state and is enforced with the state’s authorities through the parliament which is responsible for creating the laws that are applicable in the United Kingdom . The English Legal System is seen as being a matter of sovereignty , rules , courts and enforcement agencies . Besides that , it is also a system that amalgamates various institutions and involves formal or informal resolution of the legal disputes . Cownie

  • Sources Of The English Legal System

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    distinctive set of legal system. It is fairly different from other countries having civil law based legal systems. The legal system in the United Kingdom consists of various sources of law, where other civil law based countries rely only on a written set of law. European influences on the English Legal System came much later in near decades. This essay will aim to examine the development of the English Legal System by reviewing applications of various sources of law in the English Legal System furthermore

  • Judicial Diversity In The English Legal System

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    Introduction Judicial diversity has been a continuous topic of discussion in both society and in the English legal system. Currently, the process of the merit system causes a lack of diversity in the English bench, which is highly due to the undiverse characters of the upper reaches of the legal profession. There have been numerous unsuccessful attempts to promote diversity within the judiciary. The Constitution Reform Act 2005 (CRA 2005) was then introduced to ensure selection is based on merit

  • English Legal System Case Study

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    the core element of the English legal system. The doctrine is perceived as the ‘rule of thumb’ judges follow in deciding their judgements. This involves taking into account long-standing precedents, which only matured from the nineteenth century. A fundamental element of common law systems is the application of the principle of stare decisis , which means ‘let the decision stand’. This in practice means that judges in lower courts are bound to decide cases using existing legal principles made by superior

  • English Commercial Law: The Codification Of The English Legal System

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    Over the years, different jurisdictions had built their specific system of rules of conduct to govern behaviour. These legal systems, influenced by historical and cultural roots, can be distinguished in two families, the Civil law and the Common law legal systems. The distinctions lies in the process in which each decision is make by the judge and on the legal sources that shapes the law. Indeed, by contrast to the Common law system, which is largely based on Precedents, meaning the decisions that

  • Criminal and Civil Law in the English Legal System

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    different courts of trial. There are two courts for criminal cases, the magistrate's court and the crown court. In a magistrates court lay magistrates hear most cases normally in groups of three. Lay magistrates are part time, unpaid and do not need a legal qualification, however they are assisted by a legally qualified clerk who may advise if requested. Some, but very few cases may be heard by District |Judges. District judges are legally qualified, full time and paid, they sit alone and hear the

  • Overview of the Process of Law Reform in the English Legal System

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    process of law reform within the English legal system. The way in which the activity of parliament and that of the judiciary affects the way in which laws are reformed in the UK will be also discussed. The common law system in the UK means that the UK's primary legal principles have been developed by the judiciary rather than by parliament. However, as parliamentary sovereignty is an important key principle of the UK constitution parliament is the supreme legal authority in the UK. Parliament

  • The Selection, Training and Role of Magistrates in the English Legal System

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    The Selection, Training and Role of Magistrates in the English Legal System Lay magistrates are unqualified, part-time and unpaid profesionals who are chosen to serve in the magistrates court, yet they deal with the vast majority of cases in the legal system. They do not hear cases on their own but sit as a bench or panel of two or three other magistrates. The use of such unqualified people to judge cases is open to criticism. Magistrates sit in a magistrates court, usually in a bench

  • The Problems Created by the Doctrine of Judicial Precedent

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    problems created by the Doctrine of Judicial Precedent and will attempt to find solutions to them. Whereas, English Law has formed over some 900 years it was not until the middle of the 19th Century that the modern Doctrine was ‘reaffirmed’. London Tramways Co. Ltd V London County Council (1898). Law is open to interpretation, all decisions made since the birth of the English Legal System, have had some form of impact whether it is beneficial or not The term ‘Judicial Precedent’ has at least

  • The Use of the Peremptory Challenge in the U.S. Legal System

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    The Use of the Peremptory Challenge in the U.S. Legal System Over 80 million Americans alive today have been called to jury duty at some point in their lives (Henley 5). Out of these 80 million individuals, roughly 30% (or 24 million) have been eliminated from the jury selection process due to the use of peremptory challenges (5). According to Black’s Law Dictionary, a peremptory challenge is a challenge that “need not be supported by any reason.” Although these challenges are commonplace

  • A Philosophical Perspective on the Regulation of Business

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    of Business ABSTRACT: The paper compares the Anglo-American and continental legal systems in parallel with a comparison of the philosophical foundations for each. The defining philosophical distinction between the two legal traditions (viz., the Anglo-American system is predicated on idealism and the continental system on materialism) is shown to influence the way in which criminal justice is handled by the two systems as applied to citizens, and how this influence is carried across to the regulation

  • Criminalistics Case Review

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    astonishing tactic Morin’s lawyer tried to prove that he was schizophrenic. The jury didn’t believe the evidence of the schizophrenia, but never the less Morin was still acquitted of the crime. In the years following the acquittal the Canadian legal system was tested to its limits, Morin’s acquittal was reversed and a new trial was ordered. In 1992 Morin was found guilty of the murder and sentenced to twenty-five years with no chance of parole. In the years following new DNA evidence surfaced proving

  • Intellectual Property Law

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    different areas of the law exist to protect different kinds of intellectual property, with some overlap in some cases. The laws related to patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade-secret/secrecy-agreements are the vehicles available in our legal system for the protection of Intellectual property. Broadly speaking, these four distinct areas of the law apply to the following kinds of intellectual property: 1. patent law, for inventions and discoveries. 2. trademark and service-mark law, for

  • Don’t Shoot the Sheriff: An overview of Rastafarians and the Legal System

    5384 Words  | 11 Pages

    Don’t Shoot the Sheriff: An overview of Rastafarians and the Legal System Rastafarianism is a way of life… for many it is the only way of life. Growing up under a certain religion instills varying values and understandings into one’s moral fiber. These values are what shape a human’s character. In some countries, the government is trying to tell these peaceful people to disregard their upbringing and to conform to alien ways. Every religious sect has its own traditions and historical rituals

  • The Young Offender's Act Debate

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    Under fire from the date of its creation, the debate over the validity of the Young Offender’s Act continues. Should the YOA remain in its current form as a part of the Canadian legal system? An examination of the reasons it is seen as being ineffective, the need for change, and the suggested amendments and substitutes will provide an accurate picture of the situation from which a conclusion can be drawn. The young offenders act in its current form is nearly optimal. However, there enough reasons

  • miscarriages of justice

    1951 Words  | 4 Pages

    that one innocent suffer" summarises and highlights the mistakes and injustices in the criminal justice system. In a just society, the innocent would never be charged, nor convicted, and the guilty would always be caught and punished. Unfortunately, it seems this would be impossible to achieve due to the society in which we live. Therefore, miscarriages of justice occur in the criminal justice system more frequently than is publicised or known to the public at large. They are routine and would have to

  • Colonial Women

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    and food were prepared and created by women. Women performed these tasks without having any legal acknowledgment. Although women had to endure many hardships, their legal and personal lives were becoming less restricted, although the change was occurring at a snail’s pace. Life for the colonial woman was a mix of imprisonment and freedom in their marriages, homes, and in the American Colonial legal system. Women who chose to come to the American Colonies had a 100 percent chance of finding a husband