English Classroom Essays

  • Teaching Students Ecological Literacy In the Secondary English Classroom

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    Teaching Students Ecological Literacy In the Secondary English Classroom In today's world, we are bombarded with industry, economic advancement, and progressivism with new technology. As our world becomes more high tech and produces more products for our consumer world, we may soon face many environmental problems, due to our over-consumption of resources and our excessive, industrial lifestyles. Within all curriculums, I find it highly important to address these issues concerning environmental

  • Using Listservs and Discussion Groups in the English Classroom

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    Using Listservs and Discussion Groups in the English Classroom Virtually everyone is on the Internet these days from my 85-year-old grandfather to my five-year-old nephew. We are checking our emails from long lost friends and next-door neighbors. As adults we are paying our bills, filing our taxes, and scheduling our appointments. But the phenomena is not exclusive to adults; teens are on there more than ever communicating with one another, shopping, and finding out information about endless

  • The Case for Non-native English Speakers in the ESL Classroom

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    English is one of the world's fastest growing languages. What's interesting is that this increasing number is comprised of non-native speakers. Simply put, a non-native speaker of English is one whose first language is not English. It's no surprise then that that there are more non-native speakers than native speakers of English seeking employment in the TESOL field. However, in looking at job postings for ESL teacher positions most (about 80%) of these positions require that the candidate be a native

  • Tailoring an English Language Classroom

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    I. Is there a need for tailoring an English language classroom? II. Possible ways of finding a fit between teaching and learning styles A. Studying the group; B. Diversity; C. Flexibility. III. Harmony in the classroom -- good rapport and high achievements. I like the idea of tailoring an English language classroom immensely. It reminds me of a real tailor who takes measurements and takes into account all the peculiarities of a person's figure and even character to make a suit fit

  • To Use or Not to Use Code Switching in English-Language Classrooms

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    The functions of Code-Switching in English Language Teaching classroom discourse by Kindergarten teachers in five Elementary schools in an Educational District in Saint Lucia. Introduction The English language teacher is still the main person in the classroom from which students derive many of their language experiences. Therefore, teachers need to remain vigilant in the manner in which they use the language. Teachers who are bilingual speakers may often opt to alternate between languages for

  • Coming of Age: A Thematic Unit Plan

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    (Pailliotet & Semali 4). It is my belief that the learning experience as a whole becomes more meaningful when multiple types of texts are incorporated into the curriculum. Although works of the canon certainly have an undeniable place in the English classroom, the benefits of more modern and up to date learning tools simply cannot be ignored. For those reasons, I have chosen to utilize a wide variety of textual sources. The first type of text is the aforementioned classic novel. For this unit

  • Two Main Categories of Collaboration

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    the ‘Conversation of Mankind,’” an essay many supporters and detractors of collaborative writing hearken back to time and time again, his essay “offers no recipes” because there are no recipes for effectively adding collaborative writing to an English classroom (394). There are merely guidelines for successful collaboration and rationales supporting or denying the usefulness of incorporating collaborative writing. Kenneth Topping, director for the Centre for Paired Learning at Dundee University, supporting

  • Teaching Philosophy

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    the subject is not enough; a teacher also has an obligation to foster an enjoyment of learning in their students and to show them how they can apply it to their own lives. Teachers should be able to show students that what they are learning in the classroom is relevant to their own lives. The subject material and the students’ response to the subject material should be helping them learn about themselves, and the people they want to be. As for the actual methods of teaching, the students should

  • The Chinese Room: The English Classroom

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    involves imagining an English-speaking person being inside a room with a rulebook that allows them to translate letters written in Chinese, that someone outside the room sends in, into English. The person outside the room, who sends the letters in and receives the English translated versions, cannot tell the difference between a room with an English speaker who has a rulebook and a room with a native Chinese speaker. The question is then, who speaks Chinese? Is it the rulebook? The English speaker? In fact

  • Censorship in the Classroom

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    Politics. Religion. The big three: a work of literature is often considered controversial because of its statement about or use of these topics. What makes these and other areas so touchy in the classroom? Why do some parents and concerned community members want controversial materials out of the classroom? In this look at the language of censorship, we must first define censorship, who does the censoring, and why. These will be the first three spotlights for looking at the language of censorship

  • A Model of Effective Instruction

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    Model of Effective Instruction I would have to contend that the 21st Century learning skills are a model example of effective instruction. In an ever-changing society it goes without saying that our classroom practices will also be revolutionized. In order to successfully prepare a student to enter in to the world outside of high school we must prepare them for the realities that they will encounter. Rotherham & Willingham (2009) state, “… the skills students need in the 21st century are not new”

  • Enjoy and Embrace Learning

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    freedom. When I observed Chinese class, I saw the classroom had blue wall which differs from the yellow chairs in other class and evoked tranquility, freedom and esteem. To my surprise, the placing of tables and chairs was very special. Four tables, on either side of the classroom, formed a long table. In the middle, each of the four tables was perpendicular to the long tables. And three black boards were on the three sides of this classroom. Every student enjoyed this open environment and

  • Personal Teaching Philosophy: Reflection To The Passion To Change The World

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    capable of reaching great heights in life if I am the fire under them. It will be my job, as their teacher, to motivate them and show them all that they can accomplish, after all our students are our future. I realize that not every student in my classroom will be eager to learn and I might encounter students that challenge me to the point of questioning why I went

  • Personal Experience: My First Day at School

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    door to my new school. It took me a few minutes to find the fifth grade area, but I was able to get there on time. I was really scared. What if everybody hated me? I had never moved schools before, and I had no idea what it was like. Outside the classrooms, I saw some new people I saw on Orientation day like Telma, and Maria. “Hi Maria and Telma, Are you nervous?” I asked. “Yes,” they answered. “I’m nervous too. I hope we are in the same class. I’ll be going to see which class I’m going to be in

  • Compare And Contrast Cultural Differences Between Usa And China

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    Classroom differences between the U.S. and China I. BACKGROUND When it comes to understanding cultural differences in an academic setting, it is beneficial to define the term itself. While some authors and researchers attempt to define this term, others imply a definition through the issues that surrounds the concept of cultural differences. One of the most interesting and illuminating points about studying cultural differences, especially in an academic environment, is that the term often conjures

  • Creativity in the Classroom by Ernest Boyer

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    learning. However, I can also see that this system doesn’t work perfectly in every classroom. Reading Ernest Boyer’s article “Creativity in the Classroom” helped me with my understanding of the main problem that nowadays exists with the American college education system. According to the author, the problem is that teachers and students don’t see each other as one team doing the same business; therefore, in most classrooms the process of learning becomes a boring procedure instead of being mind-blowing

  • Reflection On Ell Students

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    many of our students are ELL. I teach one section of 7th Grade Social Studies and four sections of Computer Applications. In this report I will describe the students, my class classroom setting, grouping, strategies used, the importance of technology, provide my lesson plan and my overall reflection. Part 1---The English Language Learners in my class consist of two females and eight males. This class is a 7th Grade Social studies class. Most of the

  • Classroom Observation Paper

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    semester, we were asked to maintain a record of our observations of comprehension and composition learning tasks that take place in our classrooms. Luckily, I was placed in the Leighton Learning Community so I attend Leighton elementary school, right down the road from the college. This is an amazing experience because I am able to spend a lot more time inside the classroom, which also results in me observing many things I would not normally in a regular block two placement. Instead of the standard one

  • Compare And Contrast Online And Online Learning

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    Online learning differs from traditional classroom learning in many ways. There are the obvious differences of the physical location in which each occurs, and how classes are attended. There are also differences that may not be quite so apparent. In traditional classroom learning, students attend a class at a specific time, in a specific location. There are many details that students do not have a say in, such as what time the class is offered, which day(s) it meets, where it meets, etc. This

  • Classroom Reflection Paper

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    Kindergarten general education classroom with 17 students, 2 are English Language Learners and 3 have Individualized Education Plans. The students sit at tables with groups of 4 for independent work and sit on a large alphabet rug for class discussions at the SmartBoard or by the easel. There is a lot of positive reinforcement throughout the class and day. If they do something the teacher will say, “You’re a rock star!” or “You did an awesome job!”. Teacher has a pleasant demeanor and is always