Emoticon Essays

  • Communication Icons: Emoticons

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    Since 1982, emoticons and smileys have gone from an adorable glyph to convey human emotions to a communication icon. Whether you are adept in using text emoticons and smileys or use computer generated emotion icons, these characters are a communication tool beloved by this technologically based society. Virtually every country has its own set of descriptive emotion icons. Whether Mexican or Japanese, there are hundreds of delightful characters to express emotion and enhance the electronic written

  • Case Study: The Emoticon Of Zalo

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    love. Zalo users can search for new friends nearby within 50km. Users can chat with countless people who are mostly unknown by group chat. Chat rooms are divided into several areas, can be classified by region, hobbies, lifestyle, trends... The emoticon of Zalo is pure Vietnamese application and service mainly Vietnamese, closer to the Vietnamese. They are also constantly updated with

  • Essay On Text Literacy

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    messages seem to be considered informal so many users take advantage of this mindset and use it as a way of expressing themselves. For example, someone can naturally text using a lot of emoticons showing that they like to be animated of have an animated personality. For example, this person enjoys using emoticons to emphasize her emotion and excitement. Using pictures, the five characteristics of abbreviations and insertion of letters into words is a way to express and exaggerate emotions in a written

  • The Effect of Texting on the English Language

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    is affecting the English language. One very common feature of texting is the use of emoticons. Emoticons are also widely used in other forms of digital communication. As icons that show facial expressions, they are extremely useful in conveying the tone of the message sent. For example: ‘What happened? : o’, shows that the writer is surprised or shocked. Whereas, the same message with a different emoticon: ‘What happened? ;-)’ completely changes the context of the phrase. In this case, the

  • The Egyptian Hieroglyphics

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    made after observing weather and people would come as far as it has. Emojis are very commonplace things today. Many young people use these emoticons to display emotions or actions daily and have become a crucial way to communicate with teens. Over the years emojis have slowly become part of our way of communication. After Shigetaka invented the first emoticons, a man by the name of Nicolas Loufrani saw the growth of the emojis and made his own “emoji dictionary.” This helped spur the growth of

  • Phase of Rapid Change in the English Language

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    people are starting to use 'emoticons'. An example of an emoticon is this ":)". Generally, this emoticon means that the person using it is happy, or smiling. There are many other alternatives ":(, =P , =D , =I , :o)". By looking at them from a side view you can see that they appear to be faces. These emoticons are used everyday by many different people and so are creeping into the language. Are we slowly weaning ourselves off words and using alternatives, such as emoticons, to communicate? Will

  • Texting: Shortening The English Language

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    will be destroyed. On the other hand, emoticon is typographic display of a facial representation aka :), :D, :P etc., used to convey emotion. In the article “How Using Emoji Makes Us Less Emotional” Alice Robb states, “You couldn't [can’t] communicate only with emoticons,” linguist John McWhorter wrote in an email. “You have to know what you're talking about, what happened, when, and so on. Emoticons don't do that.” From this Alice is proving that emoticons are only making us less emotional and

  • The Terms Multiple Identity and Virtual Identity

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    This essay is written to represent what has been tackled in my group’s presentation. It is human nature for both youngsters and adults to portray one or more than one identity. Some people like to show their ethnic identity, while others prefer to depict multiple identities. The terms “multiple identity” and “virtual identity” are often overlapped; but there is a major difference in meaning. When one presents multiple identities, he/she is able to embody multiple identities simultaneously but within

  • John Humphrys Analysis

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    it takes to tap the key?” (2007:1) Mr. Humphrys also states that text messaging, is as a form of laziness and a threat to the English language; due to the frequent usage of abbreviations and emoticons within in text messages. However, what Mr. Humphrys failed to realize, is that the abbreviations and emoticons were actually were made for a whole different other purpose. Text messaging weren’t always as affordable

  • Importance Of Formality In Business Documents

    1989 Words  | 4 Pages

    subtlety. Supporters of emoticons have several reasons why these “faces” should exist. They consider that emoticons can help create emotional connection between communicators from both sides. In other words, they bring the two sides involved closer. During communication via plain text such as chatting online with customers, the message is usually neutral while the tone is absent. It is very likely for the customers to look at the message in a negative way. Therefore, emoticons are necessary to clarify

  • Mobile Communication Essay

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    The History of Mobile Communications (Aundrea) The history of mobile communications has made a huge impact on how we live our lives on a day to day basis. Who would have thought that a small piece of equipment, had great influences in our society and the world. This all began in the 1940 's, when Bell Laboratories introduced the United States and Canada to the idea of cellular technology. One of the largest communication companies, Motorola was the first company to embark on this technology

  • Does Im Make U Dum Summary

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    (lovetoknowit.com) Another reason when using internet acronyms, there is a bad mechanism to use while sending a text or typing an email is a miscommunication. Text messaging cannot accurately convey the tone, emotion, expression, or even body language. Emoticons, like smiley faces and laughing faces, helps the other person know that you understand the joke and helps them know your feelings/mood that you’re

  • Explore Communication Through Digital Language

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    Since the first text message was sent in 1992 digital communication has affected our lives in both positive and negative ways. It has changed the way we run our lives, making us more efficient, more effective human beings. However many people claim that digital communication has had a purely negative impact on our civilisation. They believe the only product from digital communication is laziness. It is widely believed that the current generation is more lethargic then any other that came before it

  • Twitter Sentiment Analysis

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    section{Introduction} Many new forms of communication have emerged in the past few decades such as text messaging and have become quite popular and important. These new forms of communication convey huge range of information and are also popularly used to share sentiments and opinions about different events and topics. We have worked on the following task. The task is: egin{itemize} item Given a message, classify whether the message is of positive, negative, or neutral sentiment. For messages

  • David Crystal 2B Or Not 2b Analysis

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    According to the author David Crystal in the online article “2B OR NOT 2B”?, text messages developed in the “early 90s”. He also brings up the idea of “textese”. Which is basically the language of text messages. “The most noticeable… and 2 “to””. Words like this are called rebuses. Rebuses also go back for centuries. In Christmas annuals adults used to solve rebuses that are similar to todays text messages. Common textese used today isn’t as modern as the actual text message. Initializing of phrases

  • Nonverbal Cues in Computer-Mediated Communication

    2372 Words  | 5 Pages

    communication in human interaction (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. List of emotes. (n.d.). In WoWWiki. Retrieved June 2, 2011, from http://www.wowwiki.com/List_of_emotes Lo, S. (2008, October). The nonverbal communication functions of emoticons in computer-mediated communication [Electronic version]. CyberPsychology & behavior, 11(5), 595-597. Match.com information, statistics, facts, and history. (2011, May 13). In Dating site reviews . com. Retrieved June 2, 2011 Truss, L. (2004). Eats

  • Grammatically Incorrect Language will Alter an Opinion

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    People present different opinions towards creative forms of language use during web-based interactions and non-verbal communication. The use of grammatically incorrect language during interactions on the web is common among vast age groups, although prominent amidst young people. So, therefore arises the debate of whether ‘text talk’ degrades literacy skills or gives an opportunity to express thought in a creative manner. The use of various techniques such as phonetic spelling, elision and ellipsis

  • Internet Shorthand

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    Internet Shorthand Translate the following conversation, if you can: GUY1: wuz up? GUY2: nm, just chillin, u? GUY1: co’, btw did u hear about joe GUY2: no GUY1: imho, hes crazy :) he told julia that he wanted 2 8==D her @ the mall GUY2: roflmao! :) ur right, hes crazy GUY1: 4 real GUY2: hey, I g2g, ttyl GUY1: l8r Any guess on to what is going on? Well, I’ll go ahead and give you the basic rundown on what the conversation said: Guy1 was commenting on how is friend

  • Sentiment Analysis Essay

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    1.4 Sentiment analysis Sentiment analysis known also as polarity classification , subjectively analysis, opinion mining, affect analysis, its relishing field of study that that deal with people’s opinions, sentiment , emotions and attitudes about different entities such as products ,service ,individuals ,companies ,events and topics; and includes many fields like natural language process, machine learning, computational linguistic ,statistics, and artificial intelligence . it’s a set of computational

  • Ethos Pathos Logos

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    Communication has been around since there has been life on earth. We communicate in two different ways; verbally and non-verbally. Verbal communication is talking, singing, basically, using our voice. Non-verbal communication is facial expressions, body language, eye contact and sign language. People may not realize it, but they communicate non- verbally all of the time, even when there isn’t any word said. It is basic human instinct to communicate whether it be for an emergency or just for entertainment