Elderly Abuse Essays

  • Elderly Abuse

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    treats the elderly with passion and love, but I now know that I was wrong. The elderly people have been treated just as badly, if not worse then, in Japan. How could this be? The elderly are so innocent, loving, and have nothing but care for most people. How could anyone harm such a loving soul? These questions are more than likely going through many minds as I am writing this paper. In the United States most of the abuse has came from nursing homes, but in Japan more than likely the abuse is coming

  • elderly abuse

    7032 Words  | 15 Pages

    ? The National Elder Abuse Incidence Study ? Executive Summary ? Introduction and Background America's burgeoning elder population has affected every segment of the social, political, and economic landscape. Public debate of the issues surrounding the special needs of the approximately 44 million persons in this country age 60 years and over has heightened national awareness and concern. As a result, public policies relating to issues such as retirement security, affordable long-term care, and quality

  • Elderly Abuse And Abuse

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    reports and incidents of elderly neglect and abuse. Although Personal Support workers walk a very thin line between what could be considered neglect and could be considered abuse, there are no rules pertaining to this grey area, which could potentially be the cause of raising incidents. "It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of their life, the children; those who are in the twilight of their life, the elderly; and those who are in

  • Elderly Abuse and Neglect

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    When discussing abuse and neglect we often think of children first. That being said, children are not the only ones who will be abused and/or neglected. In fact, this happens to some elderly as well. While some elderly may be productive enough to care for themselves, others are not. The end result is a complete (or close to complete) dependency on someone else for their needs. In addition, just like with children, this dependency can lead to abuse and/or neglect. There has been an increase

  • Effects Of Elderly Abuse

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    Many elderly people are victims of abuse. It can happen to anyone, regardless of race, religion, or background. It can happen in many places, of which include the household of the elderly person, in the household of a family member, a place of assisted living, or a nursing home. Caring for someone who has a physical or mental disability can sometimes be difficult and exhausting. Some people responsible for providing care can be frustrated, which can lead to physical and emotional abuse of the elderly

  • The Importance Of Elderly Abuse

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    Media attention of elderly abuse usually refers to the incidents of abuse in nursing or assisted care facilities. Although the prevalence of elderly abuse in nursing homes in America may suggest that nursing homes are a common source of elderly abuse, the data on abuse suggests that in most cases the abuse is inflicted by a family member or well trusted individual. The growing number of elderly over the age of 65 does have an impact on the rate of incidence of abuse in assisted care facilities

  • Financial Abuse of the Elderly

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    Elder Abuse is defined as any activity performed by an individual whereby these actions cause suffering of the older adult, intentionally or not (Touhy, Jett, Boscart & McCleary, 2012, p. 378). Unfortunately, the incidents of elder abuse continue to rise with the increasing number of people entering older adulthood. It is interesting to note that although elder abuse is highly under reported its occurrence increased three fold over a ten-year period (Friese & Collopy, 2010, p. 61). Certainly, it

  • Preventing Elderly Abuse

    1228 Words  | 3 Pages

    Elderly Abuse People tend to think of women or children whenever the word “abuse” is mentioned. However, elder abuse is a growing problem in the United States along with the abuse of children and women. The issue of elders being abused, neglected and exploited is more common than you think. The life span has increased over time and many adults look forward to the years of retirement as an opportunity to spend time with their family and friends. On the other hand, relaxing time of retirement can

  • Elderly Abuse Case Study

    2567 Words  | 6 Pages

    There are five types of elderly abuse that can occur. The types are physical, psychological, sexual, neglect and financial abuse (Fox, 2012). With each type of abuse there can be another type attached. For example, with sexual abuse there can be a psychological abuse present that could send someone into a state of depression. Clinicians have the responsibilities to: the patient, interpret findings and recognize patterns of harm and promulgate the issue in wider professional and public forums. Clinicians

  • Essay On Elderly Abuse In Dementia

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    discuss issues of abuse within the elderly population who have dementia. I will discuss the caregiver role and why elderly individuals with dementia are more prone to abuse. Studieshave shown that there are alarmingly high rates of abuse among patients suffering from dementia by their caregivers and within a home-care setting. A study of caregiver-care recipients found that 47.3% of elderly patients with dementia were abused (Gibbs, &Mosqueda, 2010). The literature described verbal abuse as being the

  • Multiple Forms Of Elderly Abuse

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    Elderly abuse is an intentional or neglectful act of maltreatment by an individual that results in harm or loss inflicted on an older adult. There are many specific ways a person such as a caregiver, child, or relative can abuse an elderly person. Sometimes a person will be abusive in more than one way, and multiple forms of abuse can occur simultaneously. Providing society the four most common forms of elder abuse known as physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, and neglect. Unfortunately

  • Elderly Sexual Abuse Essay

    730 Words  | 2 Pages

    Physical sexual abuse in elderly is one of the most common types of elderly abuse. According to Long-Term Care Ombudsman programs in 2003, there were more than 20 thousand complaints of exploitation, neglect and abuse coming from nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The most common type of abuse reported was physical abuse. (Traxler 2016) Physical elderly abuse occurs when a loved one or someone that is watching the elderly person harms the elderly or place a hand on them. The loved one

  • Elderly Abuse In Nursing Homes Essay

    1016 Words  | 3 Pages

    Elderly Abuse in Nursing Homes Statement of the Problem Elder abuse in nursing home is a social problem that has had more and more attention in these recent years. “Elder abuse is the most recent domestic violence issue to gain the attention of the public and the medical community.” (Elder Abuse: A Review) According to the Senate Special Committee, about 5 “million older Americans are abused and neglected every year.” Abuse for the elderly can be considered a social problem due to the people

  • Elderly Population Rise: Potential for Increased Abuse

    1236 Words  | 3 Pages

    INTROCUCTION The elderly population has been steadily rising as the generation known as the “Baby Boomers” matures. In 2010 the United States census reported the proportion of people age 65 and older to be approximately 40.3 million, or thirteen percent (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 2011). This trend is predicted to continue and by 2050 it is estimated that over twenty percent of the United States population will be over the age of 65. In addition, the fastest growing segment of

  • Substance Abuse and the Elderly

    2005 Words  | 5 Pages

    this paper is to determine the level of substance abuse in the elderly community. There is concern that as the population ages in the United States, there will be a significant increase in the number of older adults being treated for substance abuse problems. This paper seeks to understand the issues and concerns that are consequently involved with substance abuse among the elderly. There is no doubt that there is a prevalence of substance abuse throughout several age groups. To a certain extent

  • Legal and Ethical Issues of Reporting Abuse in Both Children and the Elderly

    570 Words  | 2 Pages

    Reporting abuse has been a legal and ethical dilemma for years in the healthcare system. Some physicians, nurses, and other healthcare workers are quick to report abuse while others are more reluctant to report abuse in fear of overreacting to an occurrence. This leaves children and the elderly in unknown state of protection from their abusers. While these medical personnel are reluctant to report abuse, there are approximately 2,000 reported deaths in children due to abuse each year. With the

  • Elderly Abuse Essay

    681 Words  | 2 Pages

    in-service education program for the nursing assistants. The topic is elder abuse. Identify and discuss the information would be most important to include? Topic: Elderly abuse Content 1. What do you understand by the term ‘elderly abuse’? Elderly abuse can be defined as any form of mistreatment that may result in the harm or loss of an older person. Elderly abuse can be divided into the following categories: - Physical abuse which is the physical force that result in bodily injury, pain, or impairment

  • Elderly Abuse: Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

    4574 Words  | 10 Pages

    preceding year.[1] Not only are nursing home residents at risk of being abused by their caretakers but they are also at risk of being restrained, which may lead to a form of abuse. With five percent of the elderly population, or one to two million instances of elder abuse occurring yearly there is no doubt that elder abuse deserves serious consideration.[2] Upon growing older there are many decisions to be made. Among one of the most difficult and perhaps most important decisions is where the

  • Financial Fraud Among The Elderly

    3049 Words  | 7 Pages

    imperative that social workers who work with the elderly have resources to identify elders who may be particularly vulnerable to fraud and to have tools to assess suspected victims of fraud while helping the elder to maintain their integrity and autonomy. Having tools to assess these situations could provide relevant information and allow targeted intervention programs to be developed with the goal of decreasing incidents of financial fraud among the elderly. This information and these resources could

  • Dementia Effects the Elderly and Their Caregivers

    718 Words  | 2 Pages

    Literature Review Dementia is common among a large population of elderly people. The disease affects not only the individual diagnosed, but also the caregivers that work towards making their life comfortable in the end. Understanding and learning about the disease is crucial in helping those that experience or live with someone who has dementia. The services and support that are currently in affect for elderly people with dementia and the caregivers is poor, and ineffective because of the lack of