Educational Rights Essays

  • Title IX and the Expansion of Educational Rights for Women

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    Title IX and the Expansion of Educational Rights for Women Title IX legislation, passed in 1972, expanded the rights of an individual in ed ucational opportunities. It equalized academic prospects for individuals by ensuring that males and females must have equal access to educational possibilities. Title IX is traditionally attributed to the growth of athletic programs for women by demanding that programs for women are given the same amount of money and attention as men's teams. However, Title

  • Peer Grading Does Not Violate the Privacy Law in Schools

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    School District because she claimed that her children were ridiculed when their grades were read out loud in class by classmates. Falvo says that when teachers have students grade each other's papers, the 1974 federal law protecting the privacy of educational records is violated. This is such a controversial subject that it has not been resolved as of today. This paper argues that peer grading does not violate the privacy law. One argument in favor of peer grading is that it offers a student feedback

  • Special Education and Inclusion

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    with special learning needs into “regular” classes with non-disabled peers. Resource classes, which used in a typical educational setting for learning disabled students, are classes that are for special needs students only. Just like inclusion and mainstreaming, learning disabled and special needs can be used interchangeably. Students with disabilities have educational rights under a special law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which mandates that students with disabilities

  • Roles of Women Through Time

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    life of a women Men + women inequal, laws about polygamy Female infanticide P2 - How womens rights increased when Islam progressed Polygamy rules Choices How the Qur'an and Hadith improve the situation P3 - Areas of inequality Children, education (% boys % girls up to what age?), Parenting (who says at home?), Employment (Turkey, Women in fields, lower wages than men) Legal rights (Fundamental roles, etc) P4 - Interpretation from several scholars Many muslim women in 21st centuaryu

  • Homeless Children and the Educational System

    2479 Words  | 5 Pages

    Homeless Children and the Educational System Many people still think of homeless transients as alcoholics and/or mentally disabled. The truth is, the current homeless population consists of runaway adolescents, single adult males or females, battered women and over one million homeless families with children – typically headed by a female parent. To be homeless means that one’s primary residence is a public or private shelter, emergency housing, hotel, motel, living with family or friends

  • A Vindication of the Right of Women and Woman in the Nineteenth Century

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    Education of Women in A Vindication of the Right of Women and Woman in the Nineteenth Century In two centuries where women have very little or no rights at all, Mary Wollstonecraft and Margaret Fuller appear as claiming voices, as two followers of feminism. Two women separated by a century but united by the same ideals. In these male- dominated societies, these two educated women tried to vindicate their rights through one of the few areas where they could show their intelligence: literature

  • Educational Literacy in the Context of Environmental Ethics

    3582 Words  | 8 Pages

    Educational Literacy in the Context of Environmental Ethics ABSTRACT: I explore the concept of literacy and the role it might play in environmental ethics. One of the goals of environmental ethics is to describe and contribute to the creation of an ecologically responsible culture. The creation of such a culture requires the development of knowledge and abilities that will help sustain such a culture. Since education is one of the key institutions for instilling values and world views, it is

  • The Use of Educational Software in the Classroom

    2074 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Use of Educational Software in the Classroom It is no surprise that technology is expanding every minute of every day. That would mean it should not be surprising that computers are becoming part of an everyday classroom. Middle Schools and High Schools have been using computers in a certain classes for years, but is it expected that children in kindergarten through 5th grade will be using computers also? It seems strange to think those children 11 and under are using a computer in the

  • Autism: Educational and Social Effects

    880 Words  | 2 Pages

    Autism: Educational Social Effects As a student living with no impairing physical or mental disability, it is difficult to imagine life any other way. On the other hand, when taking the time to contemplate what people with disabilities, such as Autism have to cope with, I realize just how much I take for granted in every day life; such as options to any class, learning at a normal pace, and peer interactions, to name a few. Autism not only affects people physically, but socially as well, ensuing

  • Plato's Dialogues As Educational Models

    5408 Words  | 11 Pages

    Dialogue, Dialectic, and Maieutic: Plato's Dialogues As Educational Models ABSTRACT: Plato’s Socrates exemplies the progress of the dialectical method of inquiry. Such a method is capable of actualizing an interlocutor’s latent potential for philosophizing dialectically. The dianoetic practice of Plato’s Socrates is a mixture of dialectical assertions and questions arising out of his ethical concern for the interlocutor. The Dialogues act as educational models exhibiting how one inquires and learns as

  • Affirmative Action - The Battles Against Race-based Educational Plans

    2279 Words  | 5 Pages

    Affirmative Action - The Battles Against Race-Based Educational Plans California's decision in 1996 to outlaw the use of race in public college admissions was widely viewed as the beginning of the end for affirmative action at public universities all over the United States. But in the four years since Californians passed Proposition 209, most states have agreed that killing affirmative action outright would deepen social inequality by denying minority citizens access to higher education. The

  • Multiculturalism In Canada

    1692 Words  | 4 Pages

    claim that individual educational institutions will provide a level of education that is sensitive to the differing cultures and economic status within a particular area. Both sides contend that their system will provide a higher standard of education while improving the educational opportunities for minorities. Due to the recent investigation by the UN into Ontario's education system, it is appropriate to define what Canadians are entitled to as far as educational rights. The UN proclaims universally

  • Internet As An Educational Tool

    2902 Words  | 6 Pages

    Internet As An Educational Tool According to Bookshelf 98, Reference Library, technology is defined as, “the application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives.” It further defines technology as, “the scientific method and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective.” What does all these mean to me? All of these words such as scientific method, commercial, and industrial objective do not seem to have significance in my life. I always treated technologies

  • Educational Awareness of the Computer and the Internet

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    to go back to school to learn about computers and its uses, in order to keep up with the ever moving technological advances.  That is why there is so much of an increase in the computer workforce. Jobs in computer field are opening left and right, training centers are growing widely, and almost every company small or large is looking for someone who has knowledge of the computer and the internet.  Either to do networking, to set up webpages, or to do any other technical work needed to be done

  • Educational Programs In Prisons

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    Educational Programs in Prisons “It is not a surprise to see that prisoners all have a low education level. I guess a more educated person has enough sense not to be involved with crime…the relationship between crime and education is easy to see when viewing these facts” (Cordes 1). This is the view of most people when asked why people are in prison. People simply say that criminals were ill educated. As hard as we may try, we cannot do a lot about what happens before they enter prison, but there

  • Educational Equity

    1191 Words  | 3 Pages

    these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” (Declaration of Independence,1776) This quote is symbolic of the expressed opinions and ideology of the founding fathers of America. History, especially the history of the American educational system, paints a contradictory portrait. Idealistic visions of equity and cultural integration are constantly bantered about; however, they are rarely implemented and materialized. All men are indeed created equal, but not all men are treated equally

  • Educational Productivity

    2089 Words  | 5 Pages

    Educational Productivity Educational productivity is the improvement of students outcomes with little or no additional financial resources, or a consistent level of student performance at a lower level of spending. Educational productivity is based on effectiveness. This is the linkage between student outcomes and the level and use of finacial resources in the schools. Production functions are concerned with how money is related to student learning and lifetime earnings. Other approaches are cost

  • Topics of Discussion in Educational Studies

    611 Words  | 2 Pages

    Topics of Discussion in Educational Studies I read the article “Another Look at what young Children Should Be learning” because the title interested me, how do we decide what to teach and when? Who controls the standards for a school? Is it up to the teacher or is it something that the teachers were told to teach? In many cases I understand that it is a mixture of both the teachers influence and what the teacher is required to do. This makes me think back to my own experiences in school, being

  • School House Rock: Animated Educational Music Videos for Kids

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    The Benefits of School House Rock: Animated Educational Music Videos for Kids "As your body grows bigger, your mind must flower, it's great to learn, 'cause knowledge is power!" Any person in their twenties can tell you where this phrase comes from, and that is because every Saturday morning in between Saturday morning cartoons children would wait anxiously for a five minute break of School House Rock. Little did we know that while we were singing along to "Sufferin' Till Suffrage" we were

  • Statement of Educational Philosophy

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    Statement of Educational Philosophy A person’s philosophy of education is important because it affects the way that their classroom will be run. To be a good teacher, a person should genuinely like the students and want to make a difference in their lives, giving them the confidence to succeed. There are many things that go into developing an educational philosophy: The nature of the students, the nature of knowledge, the purpose of education, the method of education, and the curriculum.