Economist Essays

  • Classical Economists

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    As a coherent economic theory, classical economics start with Smith, continues with the British Economists Thomas Robert Malthus and David Ricardo. Although differences of opinion were numerous among the classical economists in the time span between Smith’s Wealth of Nations (1776) and Ricardo’s Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817), they all mainly agreed on major principles. All believed in private property, free markets, and, in Smith’s words, “ The individual pursuit of private

  • The Economist: Finding Alternative News Delivery Platforms

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    This is the time for the newspaper industry, The Economist in particularly, to fully explore alternative news delivery platforms, such as mobile phone and the Internet. “Old media” is no longer support the demand, and people tend to use more tablets and mobile phone rather than buy printed newspapers (Musil, 2013). Nevertheless, a simple change of platform is not guarantee of success. Transformation in the Economist demands an ambitious agenda: - A better understanding of the forces reshaping the

  • Armchair Economist book report

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    Economic theories are as wide as an economist's vision to think. In the Steven Landsburg book The Armchair Economist - Economics and Everyday Life, Landsburg takes many of these economic theories and relates them to everyday type scenarios and makes them understandable to a beginning economist. He breaks his book into six sections each relating to different types of economics, from personal to national theories. Landsburg talks about the power of incentives in his first chapter. What he

  • Principal Economist

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    Principal economist. The key role of my job is to provide high quality economic advice to enable well rounded and informed policy judgments. I am also required to analyze competition and regulatory issues and concerns and apply standard economic analysis to conduct investigations and inform decisions on regulation and deregulation. This role will involve drafting and presenting policy proposals and economic advice to the Executive Board. It provides oversight for the administration and research

  • Micro and Macro Economics

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    products. A major area of concern among economists is opportunity costs. Opportunity costs are the products that are given up for another product. Because we have a limited amount of resources, we must find the most efficient way to use them. Production possibilities are the alternative combinations of all final goods and services that can be produced in a given time period with all available resources and technology. The main objective of economist is to maintain maximum output in production

  • The Rising Of Inequality By Joseph E. Stiglitz

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    Rising Of Inequality The article of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1% is written by the famous American economist Joseph E. Stiglitz, who won the Noble prize in economics, tells us about the growing inequalities between the upper class people and the middle class people. The main purpose of this article was to focus on rising inequality in economy of the United States of America. The article gives us insight about the change in economy in past and present. Joseph starts by giving numbers to mention the

  • The Necessity of Positive and Normative Economics

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    The Necessity of Positive and Normative Economics Keynes once wrote: “The object of a positive science is the establishment of uniformities, of a normative science the determination of ideals.” (Blaug, 122) This is the dichotomy that economists recognize when approaching their field of study. The social scientist must recognize both positive and normative distinctions, means and ends, as important factors of fruitful research. Secondly, they must clearly express the conditions and assumption which

  • Xenophon´s The Economist

    1242 Words  | 3 Pages

    Xenophon, (430-c.354 BC) Athenian peer of Plato and fellow student of Socrates, is known for his philosophical writings including Anabasis, Cyropoedia, and Memorobilia. Xenophon wrote extensively on the domestic economy in his Economist and defined the duties of a wife therein (the overseer of the home and children) and marriage as a “partnership ordained by the gods.” Not much is known about the life of Xenophon after his education. It is, however, recorded that Xenophon served as a mercenary

  • Henry Carey

    3373 Words  | 7 Pages

    Henry Charles Carey 	One of the most highly regarded and best known economist of the early eighteen hundreds was Henry Carey. Of all the many American economists in the first half of the nineteenth century, the best known, especially outside of America, was Henry Carey. Being born in Philadelphia, Carey's views were that typically of an American. The manor, in which he opposed other economists and established his own theories, distinguished him as a prominent figure not only in his hometown

  • Economics In Our Daily Life Essay

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    and seeing how the economy uses resources , you can learn what resources the society controls and which ones the society needs . Tied in with this factor of resources you can get an idea of which countries have leverage over other countries . An economist how a society or government meets the needs and wants of

  • Oil and Saudi Arabia

    4092 Words  | 9 Pages

    May 2004). ?Plots and bombs,? The Economist, May 1 2004: 47. ?Still at its mercy,? The Economist, May 22 2004: 10 ?The limits of reform,? The Economist, Mar 27 2004: 47. ?US Challenges and Choices Saudi Arabia: A View from the Inside,? The Atlantic Council of the United States, The Middle East Institute, The Middle East Policy Council, and The Stanley Foundation, <> (May 31, 2004). ?What if?? The Economist, May 29 2004: 69. William Powell

  • Abortion Reduces Crime

    1227 Words  | 3 Pages

    United States over the last decade. But that fact has not prevented politicians from taking credit for the downturn. The newest theory about why crime is down, however, put forward in a report by two highly regarded economists, is drawing both outrage and intense debate. The economists claim that abortion may prevent the birth of unwanted children, who would have received very little attention from their parents and therefore would have higher probability of committing crime. In the report, Dr

  • Economists for the Future

    651 Words  | 2 Pages

    few people really understand the power of the dollar. Unlike the average American, Economists have a real understanding when it comes to money. Economists study how people spend money for private companies and how to improve the economy for the government. I have always been interested in traveling and how people spend money globally, and that is why I was considering becoming an economist. To become an Economists one must study a wide variety subjects in math and science. To get the best jobs at

  • A Critique of Arguments Against Taking Future Generations Into Account

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    found in the Heilbroner article. Heilbroner quotes two different economists, both of whom seem to raise the same question: why should I care how long the human species lives? One of the economists states that we cant necessarily say that generations who are yet unborn are any better off if they are born than if they are not (quoted in Pojman 277). The... ... middle of paper ... ..., I critiqued the two economists quoted in Heilborns article. To return to them for a minute, both

  • The Panopticon

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    its form from Bentham's Panopticon. In the period shortly following the age of Enlightenment, Bentham, an economist by trade, began to critically evaluate the disciplinary institutions of the day. Seeing that the model of the prison could be characterized as a form of discipline-blockade, he set out to improve the functionality of the prison as well as other institutions. Being an economist, Bentham saw that these institutions were not functionally productive. In describing the discipline blockade

  • Communism

    589 Words  | 2 Pages

    industrial revolution in Great Britain and French Revolution in France. These two revolutions had proven the fact that rich and power could be successfully challenged by the poor the powerless people. During this time ¡§A German philosopher and economist born in 1818, who lived most of his life in England, Karl Marx¡¨ (Communism, pg 7) was very aware of the huge gap between the rich and the poor. The poor were starving while the rich were luxurious and wealthy. Marx wanted to change this, and he

  • Of The 1 % Ethos Pathos Logos

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nobel Prize winner, professor, author and economist, Joseph E. Stiglitz, wrote “Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%.” Joseph E. Stiglitz served during the Clinton administration as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and is former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank. Throughout his piece Stiglitz argues how America’s economy is not likely to succeed in the future. Stiglitz creates a strong and credible argument throughout his piece by using the appeals of ethos, pathos

  • Wendell Berry's Another Turn of the Crank

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    goods and services. Close in relation to this are the "marginal propensity to consume" and various graphs that demonstrate the relationship between savings and investment, as mediated by the prevailing interest rates, or price of money. Contemporary economists are also fascinated by "the multiplier effect," the fact that the "effective money supply" is always much larger than its foundation in reserves, such as gold. The answer, in other words, is always that money lies at the heart of economics. Value

  • The undercover Economist

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    my report is The Undercover Economist by Tim Harford. Unlike a textbook, the Undercover Economist explains economics in a way that it easy to relate to and easy to understand. The Undercover Economist provides a logical explanation of the world’s economy by expressing his views of the world’s economic system. The author uses real life situations and examples to explain how economics around the world affect our lives. The book I have chosen The Undercover Economist by Tim Harford explains economics

  • Time Value Of Money Essay

    864 Words  | 2 Pages

    Time Value of Money M. Scott Peck once said, "Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it." (2006). In the next paragraphs as the unveiling of a financial scenario occurs, one will see the importance in time value of money and the effects caused by the influence of annuities. In addition, while exploring the concept of annuities, one will notice other factors. Factors such as, interest rates, present and future value and the