E.M. Forster Essays

  • A Passage to India by E.M. Forster

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    A Passage to India by E.M. Forster In E.M. Forster's novel A Passage to India, characters often seem grouped into one of two opposing camps: Anglo-Indian or native Indian. All the traditional stereotypes apply, and the reader is hard pressed to separate the character from his or her racial and ethnic background. Without his "Britishness", for instance, Ronny disappears. However, a few characters are developed to the point that they transcend these categories, and must be viewed as people in their

  • A Passage to India by E.M. Forster

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    A Passage to India by E.M. Forster Upon a most rudimentary evaluation, A Passage to India is simply a story, a tale of two countries through which we follow a handful of central characters. As readers, we watch as these characters

  • Where Angels Fear to Tread, by E.M. Forster

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    “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread,” is a saying is commonly used to emphasize how ignorance can result in decisions that lead to unfavorable situations. Likewise, in Where Angels Fear to Tread, Edward Morgan Forster uses irony, point of view, and satire to effectively emphasize how stereotypes, prejudices, misunderstanding of cultural differences, and hypocrisy could lead to unfavorable circumstances. Where Angels Fear to Tread begins as a light and comedic novel but later develops to become

  • Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and A Room With a View by E.M. Forster

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    I enjoyed the novel Rebecca thoroughly because of its many plot twists, suspense, universal themes and realistic characters. This novel ties closely with the novel Jane Eyre , in theme, plot and characters. My second novel A Room With A View has similar women characters and themes but has a very dissimilar plot line. All three of the novels are set in Italy in the early 1900’s. All three authors wrote love stories that included a strong willed man and an inferior woman. I found Daphne DuMaurier

  • Society´s Dependence on the Internet as in The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster

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    varying degrees. In the story The Machine Stops (Forster, 1909), there is a contrast to the two main characters approach to technology. Vashti, impatient with her son, Kuno, at the slightest delay as indicated when he dawdled for 15 seconds, "Be quick!" She called, her irritation returning. "(Forster 1) Kuno finds it acceptable to dawdle. Kuno scolds his mother for dependence on The Machine, “The Machine is much, but it is not everything.” (Forster 1) This is similar to the approach that was discussed

  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and Maurice by E.M. Forster

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    Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and Maurice by E.M. Forster An interesting plot isn’t always enough to make a novel a good piece of literature. It’s the believability of the characters that ensnares the reader into the world that the author has created. As characters develop, so do their interactions with one another. In Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and Maurice by E.M. Forster, each novel’s main characters have relationships which shape the story with their uniquely definable characteristics

  • A passage to india

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    E.M. Forster's A Passage to India concerns the relations between the English and the native population of India during the colonial period in which Britain ruled India. The novel takes place primarily in Chandrapore, a city along the Ganges River notable only for the nearby Marabar caves. The main character of the novel is Dr. Aziz, a Moslem doctor in Chandrapore and widower. After he is summoned to the Civil Surgeon's home only to be promptly ignored, Aziz visits a local Islamic temple where he

  • Education Reform

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    the action taken by most teachers who instead dictate words to the students like they were "depositories." (Freire 213). These students then learn have learned the cold hard facts but not the greater context within which those facts lie, or as E.M. Forster put it : “Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.” (Columbia Dictionary of Quotations). Freire in his essay "The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education" confronts this situation. He calls this one sided way of teaching

  • Connection in Forster’s Howards End

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    The epigraph of E.M. Forster's novel Howards End is just two words: "only connect".  As economical as this gesture seems, critics and interpreters have made much of this succinct epigraph and the theme of connection in Howards End.  Stephen Land, for example, cites a: demand for connection, in the sense of moving freely between the two Forsterian worlds - the two "sides of the hedge", the everyday world of social norms and the arcadian or paradisal world of individual self-realization - has its

  • Patriarchy in Shyam Selvadurai’s Pigs Can’t Fly

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    skilful use of characterization, filters, narrators and setting. Before explicating my argument, I would like to clarify a few key terms I have borrowed mostly from Seymour Chatman in analyzing the story. The only exception, characterization, is E.M. Forster’s concept of round and flat characters where flat characters are predictable because they are dominated by a single trait unlike round characters with multiple, sometimes conflicting traits dominating their personality. Filter, here, is used

  • How do Jane Austen and E.M Forster portray their heroines as remarkably independent?

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    presents her heroine Elizabeth as having unconventional views on marriage and society. It is clear that in Austen’s choice of Elizabeth she is presenting an alternative role model for the women of Regency society. Similarly, in “A Room With a View”, E.M Forster’s heroine Lucy demonstrates an independence and fearlessness in her choices which challenges society’s expectations. Elizabeth’s views are of crucial importance to her independence; both in her personal life and views of wider society. Elizabeth’s

  • Allegory in Forster's The Other Side of the Hedge

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    Allegory in Forster's The Other Side of the Hedge After reading the first few paragraphs, The Other Side of the Hedge, by E. M. Forster, seems to be nothing more than a story about a man walking down a long road.  The narrator's decision to go through the hedge transforms the story into an allegory that is full of symbols representing Forster's view of the journey of life.  The author develops the allegory through the use of several different symbols including the long road, the hedge and the

  • Public School Mentality in Howards End and Passage to India

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    the Anglo-Saxon middle classes - how perfectly it expresses their character - with its boarding houses, its compulsory games, its system of prefects and fagging, its insistence on good form and on esprit de corps - (E.M. Forster, 'Notes on the English Character', 1936.) Forster perceived the public-school system to be at the centre of the English middle-classes, defining their set of core values and moulding their behaviour. He was particularly intrigued by the notion of emotional repression

  • Not Looking at Pictures - Not Reading Texts

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    wall on which it hangs. "Pictures," writes E.M. Forster, bringing us into "Not Looking at Pictures," "are not easy to look at" (130). Standing in the gallery, we are inclined to believe him, having seen St. George and the Dragon as colorless subjects and objects intermediated by verbs; here no paint has dried. Yet there must be some paint in Forster's essay, and we would sooner see it than watch his walls go bare, for ours would go bare, too. Where Forster imagines that the dragon utters some silly

  • Modernism in Forster's A Passage to India

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    Modernism in Forster's A Passage to India When considering the novels of E.M. Forster, it is natural to recall the reserved landscapes of the Merchant and Ivory cinematic versions. Gauzy images - green hills, languorous boat rides, tender embraces - these impressions, cousins, really, to Jane Austen's plots and settings, are remembered as period pieces seldom associated with the literary experimentation of Virginia Woolf or the winsome angst of the lost War poets. It seems - does it not

  • Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield

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    autobiographical. John Forster one of Charles Dickens close friends and the author of Dickens biography wrote, “too much had been assumed…of the full identity of Dickens with his hero; but certainly a good deal of Dickens’s character and experience went into the book”(Unknown 2). Forster’s remark deals mainly with some of the public’s belief that the entire story of David Copperfield was autobiographical. Charles Dickens began work on David Copperfield after John Forster questioned him about his

  • Forster's Comic Irony in A Passage to India

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    Indians, and the Anglo-Indian relationship. Frederick P. W. McDowell confirms this sentiment when saying "Forster, in his description (of characters), is the witty satirist..." (100). Most of the English officials are presented satirically. Turton, Burton, McBryde, and Major Callendar are all victims of Forster's scornful eye. Even the wives of these men cannot escape the light mockery of Forster. For example, the Turtons are introduced as unquestionably arrogant, although Mrs. Turton is far more haughty

  • The Important Role of the Marabar Caves in A Passage to India

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    The Important Role of the Marabar Caves in A Passage to India During the fourteen years that followed the publication of Howards End, Edward Morgan Forster underwent a harsh mood change that culminated in the publication of A Passage to India, Forster's bitterest book (Shusterman 159).  Forster was not alone in his transition to a harsher tone in his fiction.  A Passage to India was written in the era that followed the First World War.  George Thomson writes that the novel

  • An Inward Collapse of the Human Perspective in Forster's A Passage to India

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    An Inward Collapse of the Human Perspective in Forster's A Passage to India The reverberation of sound in the form of an echo is threaded throughout E.M. Forster's A Passage to India, and the link between the echo and the hollowness of the human spirit is depicted in the text. The echo is not heard in the beginning of the text when the English newcomers, Mrs. Moore and Ms. Quested, arrive in India; it is more clearly heard as their relationship with India gains complexity. The influence of the

  • Free Essays - The Second Coming

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    The Second Coming The Second Coming reminds me of the Marabar Caves in A Passage to India because of the "disconnectedness" that is portrayed.  The poem quickly begins: "Turning and turning in the widening gyre [cycle of history] The falcon cannot hear the falconer'; Here Yeats reminds us all about the cycle of life that is constantly in rebirth.  Everything is constantly "turning" in a "widening gyre" and yet the "falcon cannot hear the falconer"  Life is connected in the sense that it is constantly