Dutchman Essays

  • Binaries and Identities in Amiri Baraka's Dutchman

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    In Amiri Baraka’s Dutchman, the binary between black and white people embeds itself into the characters on the subway. Lula, who incorporates her image with control and deception through her white skin, represents one significant driving force. Clay, who faces manipulation from the oppressive white presence of Lula and the others on the train, has to step up and become an opposing force. Throughout these characters transformations from individuals to powers, they express a combination of double consciousness

  • The Character of Clay in Amiri Baraka's The Dutchman

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    The Character of Clay in Amiri Baraka's The Dutchman Clay is not naive. He may be misguided, misled, and mistaken, but he is anything but naive. Clay is an individual who has shed the roots of his race, disregarding many of the cultural implications that such a decision could have on him. He is a misguided individual who, because he is human, does the wrong things at the wrong times for the wrong reasons. He continually struggles with his own identity and the power struggle between him and Lula

  • The Difficulties of Immigrating to the USA

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    around in wooden shoes and wear large hats, why exactly would a person travel half way across the world and land in the United States? A non-bordering country, fairly unaffected by globalization and maquiladoras. I sat down a talked with a native Dutchman and asked him many of the questions from my opening paragraph and this is what I learned. His name is Koos Van Leeuwen, he lives in the northwest valley of Phoenix, Arizona: “Kevin, did it work out for in California? With the job interview you

  • Bertolt Brecht, LeRoi Jones and Antonin Artaud

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    Bertolt Brecht, LeRoi Jones and Antonin Artaud In LeRoi Jones's play, "Dutchman," elements of realism, naturalism and non-realism abound. The play features characters such as Clay, a twenty-year-old Negro, Lula, a thirty-year-old white woman, both white and black passengers on a subway coach, a young Negro and a conductor. All of these characters take a ride that, for each, ends with different destinations and leaves the audience to sort through the details and find conclusions themselves

  • The Euro

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    within the governing council. What has most Europeans concerned is the ECB’s secrecy of conducting business. There is no voting record nor will there be published minutes of the meeting that take place. Wim Duisenberg president of the ECB and a native Dutchman stated that he wanted the ECB to be one of the most open banks in the world.1 When BBC reporter Steve Levinson confronted him about this in Frankfurt Germany Wim replied I reconcile these two positions by not defining openness as publishing everything

  • Lola Dutchman

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    “I mean if I murdered you, then other white people would begin to understand me. You understand?” Baraka (p.9, 1964). Irony is great in view of the fact that it creates such a lasting impact. Amari Baraka’s Dutchman is not only exemplifies irony in the script, but it deriving criticism from the audiences as promoting hatred of whites may be more ironic than the play itself. So how can a white woman murdering a black man in public aview not be promoting hatred toward whites? Many people prefer

  • Aspect of Race in Dutchman

    683 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dutchman is a play by Amiri Baraka; it is a one act drama set in a train. Dutchman’s debut was in the Cherry Lane theatre in New York, more specifically Greenwich Village. The date of its debut was March 1964; on the date of its debut it also won an Off-Broadway award or the Obie award. In short this play features an African American man by the name of Clay who is on a train. On this train there is a woman by the name of Lula, she is older than Clay and she is white. Lula attempts to sexually seduce

  • Language in Amiri Baraka's The Dutchman

    1936 Words  | 4 Pages

    Language in Amiri Baraka's The Dutchman The popular saying "actions speak louder than words" is upended in Amiri Baraka's play, The Dutchman, where words, or in this case language, speaks louder than the actions of the characters, Lula and Clay. Language governs the characters and their actions, and is therefore a prominent feature in shaping the identities of Lula and Clay. In the play, Baraka conveys the significance of Lula and Clay being enabled to change their identities by a simple change

  • In-N-Out Burger Strategy is Working

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    1a. Rich Snyder in his youth was an unlikely business mogul, but from the outset he had a special knack for spotting major trends in society and positioning his business to thrive by meeting the needs of customers. He eventually grew into the job and pursued a much more aggressive expansion than his father would have preferred. However, putting a twenty-four year old in charge of a major enterprise was a risky move. An incredibly local group of managers and a culture embedded into the operating

  • The Flying Dutchman Research Paper

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    The Flying Dutchman There once drifted the wraith of an unknown soul along with his haunted ship, swooping ever so stealthily over the humane lives of the people of Holland. He was contrived with the undesired, unexpected, very shade of glowing green. Wearing a weary, tattered pirate hat. Along with a dense beard and an old-fashioned shirt embellished by a fancy belt also in green. He had no legs at all, his body thinned into the air as it would get to his feet, into a thin string-like consistency

  • How Does The Setting Of The Five People You Meet In Heaven

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    The Five People You Meet in Heaven was written by the American author, Mitch Albom in 2003. This suspenseful, drama filled, philosophical fiction novella was published by Random House Large Print and is enjoyed by people of all ages. This 322 page book is best known for the heart wrenching story line and the twists and turns that impact not only the story but the characters as well. Detailed scenes, characters and places make the book come to life and transports the reader to a new world. The setting

  • Dutchman And The Slave Character Analysis

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    seen and treated. In the book “Dutchman and The slave” by LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka) demonstrates the racial problems of how people with different color see each other. The Dutchman and The slave misjudgement of race that all race with same color are the same. This judgement shows how the world see other people with different ethnicity, culture, and race different from them. This misunderstanding cause big wars and fights between people of different race. Dutchman and The Slave has a huge meaning

  • The Representation of Racial Tension in Baraka’s Dutchman

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    In the 1964 play Dutchman by Amiri Baraka, formally known as Le Roi Jones, an enigma of themes and racial conflicts are blatantly exemplified within the short duration of the play. Baraka attacks the issue of racial stereotype symbolically through the relationship of the play’s only subjects, Lula and Clay. Baraka uses theatricality and dynamic characters as a metaphor to portray an honest representation of racist stereotypes in America through both physical and psychological acts of discrimination

  • Play Review: Dutchman By Leroi Jones

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    Dutchman, a fresh play written by African-American controversial playwright Leroi Jones, otherwise known as Amiri Baraka, opened last week at the Lane Theater in Greenwich Village. The brief play, only consisting of two scenes, has caused much scandal on how American race relations are handled in the America. Jones takes this breakthrough work, which contains a mundane basis¬– a white woman and a black man being introduced on a New York subway car¬– and molds it into a fierce circumstance. The play

  • Political Allegory Of Amiri Baraka's 'Dutchman'

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    Dutchman, considered to be Amiri Baraka's best play, by which he won the Village Voice's Obie Award for the best American play of the 1963-1964 season, and later being developed to a film (Peterson 21). Moreover, it was Jerry Watt who seems to praise Amiri Baraka's Dutchman as his best known single work (67), Watt also makes use of Harold Clurman, a theatre critic, who reviewed Dutchman in The Nation magazine in 1964; Clurman called LeRoi Jones as an outstanding dramatist. Dutchman might be regarded

  • The Role Of Double Consciousness In Amiri Baraka's Dutchman

    891 Words  | 2 Pages

    If you are Black in America you cannot be truly content with your place in life, because you are constantly trying to find and prove yourself. This idea is portrayed admirably throughout Amiri Baraka’s Dutchman. The protagonist Clay Williams is seen in a constant inward struggle between his two identities of being American and being black. He is also seen in a constant outward struggle with Lula, who is representative of White society and culture. I will look into how assimilation and the idea of

  • The Black Power Movement In Clay's 'Dutchman'

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    Dutchman takes place in a train car in the subway beneath a city. It is specified that it is summer at the time of the play, in 1964. Obviously, this was during a period in American history where segregation was still rampant, particularly in the South, though of course racism was still prevalent throughout the United States of America. At this time as well, discourse about the civil rights movement was gaining momentum. Other societal influences included the Vietnam war, the Cold War, and the anti

  • The Dutchman: A Dramatic Expression of the Relationship Between Whites and Blacks

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    Amiri Baraka’s The Dutchman would be considered a historical allegory that could be understood as this poetic and dramatic expression of the relationship between whites and blacks throughout the existence of the United States. These patterns of history are symbolically acted out by the two characters Lula and Clay; Lula represents white America and Clay seems to stand for the modern day Uncle Tom, who has over time been shaped by white America and this slave mentality. The beginning Stage directions

  • Analysis Of Joe Turner's Come And Gone And Dutchman

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    Two plays, twenty years apart helped to depict two very important periods in African American history. Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, premiered in 1984, and Dutchman premiered in 1964 help to show the development of the black mind set in certain periods of history. Dutchman, written during the black arts period (1960-1975); helped to show how African Americans constantly fought to escape the classic stereotypes that they were associated with. Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, written for the Contemporary

  • Pirates Of The Caribbean Study Guide

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    Jack is approached by a rebirth Bootstrap Bill Turner, • Will's long-late father, who appear he is now in the group of The Flying Dutchman captain by Davy Jones, and • Jack must recompense his debit to him - Jack ask Jones to move up his craft from the nadir and create him captain for • thirteen years. Bootstrap additionally tell Jack that the Kraken will be sent behind him. In fear