Drummer Essays

  • Thomas Hardy’s Drummer Hodge

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    Thomas Hardy’s “Drummer Hodge’ is a poem that laments on the horrors of war. It particularly focuses on the personal tragedy of a young innocent boy from Hardy’s Wessex. This is however effective due to the fact that it makes the character win over more sympathy from us readers as we are able to acknowledge to a greater extent, the tragedy of this individual. The first verse tells us that the “Drummer Hodge” was thrown into a grave uncoffined which shows the lack of acknowledgement for his

  • Moral Ambiguity of Charlie in The Little Drummer Girl

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    Moral Ambiguity of Charlie in The Little Drummer Girl In George J. Lennard’s, “John le Carre” critical assessment of the ending of Little Drummer Girl, he claims that “Charlie can not continue to act in the theater of the real...she can no longer return to the romantic fluff of Western middle class society.” Charlie’s last line in the novel, the theater of the real, are “I am dead” (pp.659), which confirms Lennard’s statement. Charlie, an actress, by nature and craft is a coerced into a scheme

  • Drum In The Civil War Essay

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    There are many famous and important people who were a part of the Civil War and drummer boys are some of those people. R.C. Murphy said, “When most people think of the Civil War, they think of famous generals or battles fought or how politics entered into an Army operation. But when I think of the War Between the States, I think of quite possibly the most important member of either side--that is the drummer.” Drums and drummer boys played a crucial role in wars, mainly in the Civil War. The first time

  • The Importance of Oral Traditions in African History

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    One of the most crucial aspects of the development of philosophy of African history has been a realization of the importance of the spoken or oral traditions in the framing and interpretation of African history. The oral tradition is a living, and dynamic organism within the African community, and the original element of oral traditional is djembe. The Djembe is a traditional African drum and is the symbolic instrument of the West African community. The Djembe is held on a high pedestal in the social

  • Travis Barker is an Admirable Person

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    Barker is a drummer in the band blink-182. Although he may be famous, he acts like a normal guy you see every day. Most people think of someone who is famous as being egotistical, stuck up and think they are better than everyone else in the world. Travis basically proves all of those opinions wrong and makes you realize that although some famous people may be that way, not everyone is. Travis is a very talented drummer and takes his work seriously. Travis wasn’t the original drummer for blink-182

  • Our Church Choir

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    find another drummer. Then, like an ominous slinky, the rest of my carefully laid plans fell one on top of the other. Our directors took ill. The music was taking too long to teach. Our pianist, gone. Our strongest soprano's voice, history. And I broke a bass string. I could do nothing but laugh . . . and cry. I managed to do that quite a bit. But just when Murphy's Law seemed martially imposed, things got miraculous. The night before the concert, an old church choir drummer stopped by

  • College Essay On Drumming

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    band relies on you as a drummer to stay on time, these attributes become a must know. We walk in time, talk in time, breathe in time, and dream on time. Like other things in life, you don’t start off perfect. Drumming takes a lot of practice and time. So much that it can become hard to continue practicing, but like a language if you don’t use it, you will forget it. Percussion and drumming is amazing since it can fit into almost all genres. Also it is really up to the drummer how they want to build

  • African Drumming

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    The music culture model can be used to view music not as a part of culture, but culture as a part of music, which gives a better understanding to outsiders trying to comprehend another society’s music. The first component of the music culture model is ideas about music; this topic is subdivided into music and the belief system, aesthetics of music, context, and history. The second aspect is activities involving music in that culture. The third facet is repertories of music, which includes styles

  • Dishwalla

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    these tracks. Twelve years and five albums after the band from Santa Barbara, California made their debut, Dishwalla endures. Together the group – lead singer JR Richards, guitarist Rodney Browning, bassist Scot Alexander, keyboardist Jim Wood and drummer Pete Maloney - have survived record company musical chairs, countless musical trends, and even the curious challenge of having their very own smash hit right out of the box. Through it all – the good, the bad and the ugly – Dishwalla have emerged

  • Similarities Between Ewe And Dagomban Americans

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    In some ways similar to uses of Agbekor, the drummers tell historical stories and occurrences with their drums, similar to how the Ewe would express themselves after war, telling of there experiences. The overall instrumental density of the various Dagomba songs seem to be less than that of the Ewe

  • Concert Report

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    lead guitar playing, Stone Gossard. The other guys on the strings are, Mike McCready on guitar, and Jeff Ament on bass. My favorite band player of any band is the drummer, and for Pearl Jam, this guy is Matt Cameron. He is the only unoriginal band member when they formed in 1991 and produced their first album, Ten. FYI, the original drummer for Pearl Jam was Dave Krusen. I have always liked Pearl Jam, but was not expecting much of the show. I was not impressed by their last two albums, especially their

  • Emerson And Thoreau

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    “Dance to the beat of your own drummer:'; A piece of advice that I have been told my whole life, and have tried my hardest to follow. The words were taken from Thoreau’s quote, “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.'; Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau changed our lives. How? Well, the answer is not so simple as the statement. To understand fully how they affected our lives, we have to understand the philosophy

  • Differing Mentalities In Hip Hop And Rock

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    known as hip-hop. Rock music consisted of a drummer, a guitar and a bassist. As time and technology progressed the instruments of this music also changed. The introduction of the electric guitar connected to amps and speakers. Guitar players were able to distort the sound giving it a louder angrier tone. Although technological progress has changed the method in which hip-hop is produced, rock music is still traditionally played with guitarists, drummer and bassists. The actual music being played

  • Life of Blondie

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    1974 by singer Deborah Harry (b. July 1, 1945, Miami), formerly of Wind in the Willows, and guitarist Chris Stein (b. January 5, 1950, Brooklyn) out of the remnants of Harry's previous group, the Stilettos. The lineup fluctuated over the next year. Drummer Clement Burke (b. November 24, 1955, New York) joined in May 1975. Bassist Gary Valentine joined in August. In October, keyboard player James Destri (b. April 13, 1954) joined, to complete the initial permanent lineup. They released their first album

  • My Band

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    I used to be in a band called Deft. There were five of us. Brandon, 19, was our singer, Rob,16, was lead guitarist, Kevin, 18, was the drummer, his little brother Jason, 16, was the bassist, and I played rhythm guitar. Kevin and I had been working together for four or five years, ever since he moved to Watertown. We had been in and out of several bands, but always stuck together. My dad came home one day and told us about a friend of his whose step-son played guitar. We called him up and had him

  • Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy

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    eventually moved on to play electric guitar for the band. In 1968 the Yardbirds broke up leaving Jimmy Page the rights to the band. Jimmy went out looking to start a new group and found charismatic vocalist Robert Plant, Roberts close friend and explosive drummer John Bonham, and already famous bass guitar player John Paul Jones. The group hit it off and did a few shows in England before renaming the band Led Zeppelin. Somewhat a mysterious band, Led Zeppelin rarely did interviews and did not talk much to

  • Impressing My Father

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    would play the drums, my father’s eyes would sparkle and light up like fireworks on the fourth of July. I always wished my father would look at me like that but it was only my brother who could generate that look of pride. My father is an amazing drummer, so watching his only son take after him must have been great. My brother and my dad are the two people I adore and respect the most in this world and all I wanted to do was be like then and make them proud. After my brother died, I never saw that

  • Free Narrative Essays - The Battle of the Bands

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    The Battle of the Bands The best and worst two days of my life took place at Bogarts with my band Radioactive Weasel last month.  We had practiced daily for near three years, and our group decided to pull together again and enter "The Battle of the Bands."  This was the first time we sparingly paid fifty dollars to perform anywhere. All the other competitions we had entered were mail in tapes and then wait for a response. We got out of bed at five in the morning, then raced to our drummer's

  • Music Diaries

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    A lot of the meanings went unknown for a very long time and some are still making people wonder. They also had a very talented band. This made it easier to make the background music in their songs interesting. The guitar solos are excellent, the drummer is great, and the vocals are very enjoyable. There are many that feel that the fact that the lead was a bisexual changed the quality of their music. I don?t believe that. Queen was Queen, no matter what, they were good. There is a reason that they

  • Metallica

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    are still a band to this day. They have gone through many changes over the years. The original members of the band were James Hetfeild, Lars Ulrich, Dave McGovney, and Dave Mustain. Hetfeild was the rhythm guitarist and singer. Lars is a very great drummer. McGovney was the original bass player. And Dave Mustain was the original lead guitarist. Lars first began playing at the age of 13 when his grandmother brought him home a cheap set of drums which he pounded in. He was inspiried and began to like