Dominant Ideology Essays

  • Analysis of Dominant Ideology in Various Media Texts

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    media text in relation to dominant ideology and culture in general. His main points in this are twofold, first is to point out that the more horrible and "nightmarish" a media scenario (i.e. story) is, the more difficult it is to de-construct the ideological markers that serve as the basis for the text. The second, and perhaps more important, is that the ideological representation in the nightmare represents a repressed wish of society and has increased threat to the dominant class, or the bourgeois

  • Donald Trump Promotes Classical Liberalism

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    Classical liberalism was the dominant ideology of capitalism during the periods of eighteenth century. It view was widely accepted. It said that government should just sit back and watch business so they do not cheat the government also to enforce contracts. The classical had many creeds they were Psychological, economic, and ,political. Each view has its own points. In this paper I will discuss those points and show you how Donald Trump is a classical liberalist. Psychological creed of

  • Analysis of N. Scott Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain

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    placing them where the double edges of reality meet.  On the one hand, there is a reality as the result of the dominant ideology, which has become a priori in many cases, and which has hidden that there is another reality (or possibly, multiple realities).  On the other hand, there exists another reality, which is present (thus, real) but absent (or buried), and which makes the dominant "reality" possible but, at the same time, continuously undermines it.  In The Way to Rainy Mountain, the patterned

  • Social Context in the Poetry of John Donne

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    existing cultural intertext (the collected writing and debate of a society) and combines them in new ways to create new discourse (34). Differences in these new discourses of various authors are the result of existing debates concerning the dominant ideology of a particular society. While this theory of writing may be recent, it applies to the literature and the writers of all historical periods, including the Seventeenth century. By looking at two poems by John Donne, namely "The Canonization" and

  • Mass Media As Agents of Dominant Ideology

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    Agents of Dominant Ideology The attitudes and beliefs that are followed by the mass in societies are dominant ideologies. These vary in different societies and can be spread through cultural transmission. Mass media is one form of cultural transmission, it is different forms of communication and ways in which communication can be received. “The real importance of the media lies not in content, but in the way the media alters our social world” (Mcluhon). Without mass media dominant ideologies

  • Clue and the Crisis of the American White Male

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    complex allegorical situation that presents characters as archetypal figures for repressed forces in the dominant American ideology. In reality, Clue is a film about the crisis of the upper class white male in American culture. In the piece “Cinema/Ideology/Criticism,” Jean Luc-Comolli and Jean Narboni define the critic's job as the discernment of “which films, books and magazines allow the ideology a free, unhampered passage, transmit it with crystal clarity, serve as its chosen language” and which

  • Supremacist Ideologies in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

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    Supremacist Ideologies in Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness colludes with the ethnocentric attitude of Europeans towards the native people of Africa. At the turn of the century, European imperialism was viewed as "a crusade worthy of this century of progress" by King Leopold of Belgium. Although Conrad was critical of imperialism, his novella reveals to the reader an undeniable Victorian provenance. It endorses cultural myths of the period and reinforces the dominant ideology of the

  • The Media and Control

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    Reality for most people, is what they “assume exists independently of any concept or representation”. (Grossberg, 1998:184) That’s “reality” to us, no second thought about it. Fiske says that reality “is the product of that culture’s codes”; (1987:4) meaning, that our society presents us with “a collection of material facts, that we can accurately perceive”. (Grossberg, 1998:185) The concept that the material facts have to be collected is peculiar. It implies that a negotiation between the public

  • Definition Essay - The True Meaning of Hegemony

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    Hegemony is defined by Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought as "Political and economical control exercised by a dominant class, and its success in projecting its own way of seeing the world, human and social relationships as 'common sense' and part of the natural order by those who are, in fact, subordinated to it."  Hegemony is defined as a predominant influence or leadership of a dominant class or institution over a subordinate class; the question is are the "subordinates" forced to follow the

  • Media Stereotypes

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    that they begin to form daily thoughts and views and one is unable to look beyond them. They then become dominant ideologies that are impossible to remove. These stereotypes are inevitable since they have been a key player in the propaganda that the west promotes to other cultures and societies. Media plays a vital role in producing these stereotypes. This is because the media is a very dominant mode of communications in the society that we live in today. In the past 50 years the media has shaped

  • The Last Wave

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    director is trying to communicate the idea of a culture within a culture or sub culture. The dominant culture in the film is the white members of society living in Australia. The subculture in the film is the Aborigines who were natives to the land before the white people settled in Australia. The natives sustained their cultural beliefs and ideologies while living in largely populated cities. The dominant white culture imposes their laws , ideas of societal values and moral beliefs on the native

  • The Aboriginals

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    No Sugar, the story of an Aboriginal family’s fight for survival during the Great Depression years. In communicating the racist and hostile attitudes of the dominant white ideology towards, for example, discrimination and assimilation, Davis constructs characters, which are continuously under fire and in opposition to the oppressing dominant white society. Admittedly Davis utilizes his characters to confront the audience and take them out of their comfort zone, thus showing them the reality of Aboriginal

  • Dominant Women in Society

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    In the story Hunger as Ideology by Susan Bordo women are portrayed as passive and inferior to men. Bordo looks into advertisements to prove her point about how visible it is that women are how they are suppose to be dainty and quaint. In the movie “The Thomas Crown Affair” it is totally opposite; the woman in this story is independent, strong, and self-reliant. She is able to outsmart him and prove to him that she is able to survive without any help. The modern women has transformed and broken the

  • Muted Group Theory

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    in Kramarae's theory. Muted group theory was designed to explore the experience of a subordinate group, particularly women, and therefore, the majority of the general public does not recognize it. In order for the theory to become wide spread the dominant group must acknowledge and encode it. For many, women and other marginalized groups' lack of voice remains "the problem with no name" (Kramarae, 1981) or worse, not a problem at all. An underlying premise of Kramarae's theory asserts that the

  • Ideology Of Police Brutality

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    Ideologies are to blame Secondly, dominant ideologies in the media represent criminals as demoralized and dangerous individuals while, on the other hand, police officers are depicted as “honest and heroic public servants” (Hirschfield and Simon 2010: 155). In turn, these forms of ideologies lead to individuals blaming the victims for their experienced abuse. In addition, according to William Ryan (1976: 3) the formula for blaming the victim is, “justifying inequality by finding defects in the victims

  • Socialization test

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    inside of ourselves based on the interactions we have with others like us, or society as a whole. It allows us to make a sort of measuring stick to see where we stand in life. To develop a sense of who and where we are. Social interaction is the dominant creating feature in the way we view ourselves as humans and as members of society. Without social interaction we would never begin to be able to live at the mental capabilities that we have now. A good example of this I believe is to compare two

  • Ideology Criticism

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    rhetoric can construct and deconstruct beliefs and belief systems – or ideologies. While individuals can certainly generate and abide by his or her own private set of beliefs, ideologies understood and employed in the rhetoric often refers to its public and collective manifestation. Foss defines ideology as “a pattern of beliefs that determines a group’s interpretations of some aspect[s] of the world” (2009, p. 209). Ideologies are then serve as a mental framework consisting of “the language, concepts

  • Ideology

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    French philosopher Destutt de Tracy originally coined the term "ideology" at the end of the 18th century to create a science that would provide a rational foundation for the study and critique of ideas. Instead, the term has become an extremely challenged and changeable concept. The term "ideology" is used to refer to a system of mutually dependent ideas, principles, traditions, gatherings, and even folklore that functions as a routine frame of reference. These routine ideas are taken for granted

  • Deculturalization

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    There are many methods of deculturalization, such as segregation, isolation, and forced change of language. When the content of curriculum reflects culture of dominant group, it is deculturalization. Also, dominated groups are not allowed to express their culture and religion, which is deculturalization. Use of teachers from the dominant group to teach those that are dominated is another form of deculturalization (Spring 49). "The problem was the assumption that U.S. institutions, customs, and beliefs

  • Blackrock Themes

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    Australian playwright Nick Enright is a dramatic play created to challenge a dominant social belief of twentieth century Australian youth. Blackrock, being inspired by the real-life rape and murder of schoolgirl Leigh Leigh (in Stockton, near Newcastle, Australia on 3 November 1989), provides powerful criticism of a society of dominant Australian male youth culture, and highlights how outwardly harmless attitudes and ideologies can lead to the death of a young women. Many aspects of Australian cultural