Domestic Sphere Essays

  • Factory Labor and the Domestic Sphere in the Lowell Offering

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    her moral sentiments? To a great degree, the economi... ... middle of paper ... ..., 1820-1865. Columbia Studies in American Culture Series (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942): 13-14. Cott, Nancy F. The Bonds of Womanhood: "Woman's Sphere" in New England, 1780-1835. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1977. Dublin, Thomas. Women at Work: the Transformation of Work and Community in Lowell, Massachusetts, 1826-1860. New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Dublin, Thomas. "Women

  • John Steinbeck's The Chrysanthemums

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    that this one was one of the hardest for him to write (Timmerman 38). It was a “story of a woman he couldn’t get out of his mind” (Timmerman 169). “The Chrysanthemums” is symbolic of Elisa’s failed attempt to escape her mechanical life and the domestic sphere that entraps her femininity and her true self. The symbolic nature of this story relies on the creation of images of isolation, routine/mechanical lives, and oppression. A feeling of the isolation of the couple and Elisa individually is created

  • Symbolism in Chapter 17 of Chopin’s The Awakening

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    wanted to destroy something. The crash and clatter were what she wanted to hear.” The scene neatly encapsulates Edna’s rage at being confined in the domestic sphere and foreshadows her increasingly bold attempts, in subsequent chapters of the novel, to break through its boundaries. At first glance, the room appears to be the model of domestic harmony; “large,” “beautiful,” “rich” and “picturesque,” it would appear to be a welcoming, soothing haven for Edna. However, she is drawn past its obvious

  • Fashion and Women?s Movements in the Past Century

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    Today’s American women are following centuries old traditions of rebelling against society’s outlook on women around. Earlier in America’s history, it was unheard of for a woman to be in both the public and domestic sphere. Women were forced to spend most of their life in the domestic sphere, and wear ridiculous clothes everyday. For a long time, women have been degraded and pushed around, causing women to initial movements to change the way society treats women. In America, “the land of the free”

  • Gender and Power Relations in Browning’s Porphria’s Lover and My Last Duchess

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    speakers is emphasized, which forces readers to examine the sanity of their own notions of gender dynamics. In the Victorian age, the idea of separate spheres was an integral part of society. Men’s roles involved participation in the marketplace of the industrial society. Women, on the other hand, were expected to remain in the domestic sphere. They were assigned subordinate, and often passive roles, whereas men played direct roles in an industrial society, therefore being active agents. William

  • The Legal Classification of Men and Women

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    Originally, most of the gender specific legislation in the United States was passed because stereotypes regarding women pervaded the mentalities of many of our nation's lawmakers. Slowly the government realized that women had been sealed into the domestic sphere and attempted to reverse this discrimination by giving women special compensations. In some instances the treatment women received was leftover from old notions of role typing, while in others, laws directly tried to remedy harmful effects of

  • The Rights of Women in 18th Century America

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    century were acknowledged as nothing more than housewives, and were expected to play that particular role with a smile on their faces. Women were to "find happiness in their chimney corners" (Norton). "Women remained essentially confined to the domestic sphere" (Tindall and Shi). Women's rights were to be nonpolitical in nature, confined to the traditional feminine role of wife and mother. Where is the justice? In the Declaration of Independence, we are granted inherent liberty, yet women, small property

  • Barbara Ehrenreich's The Hearts of Men

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    have inhibited American society from developing its full potential. She deviates from conventional wisdom, which says that gender roles have been largely detrimental to only half the population, which is simultaneously confined to working in the domestic sphere and prevented from participating in the public realm. Her theory says that Americans subscribe to a "sexuo-economic system" which reduces men to "mere earning mechanisms" and forces women to "become parasitic wives" (6, 4). As she explains, members

  • The Gendered Division of Labour Within the Domestic Sphere

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    gendered division of labour within the domestic sphere has perennially been characterised by evidence of a clear inequality concerning the allocation of unpaid chores within the home between men and women (Warren, 2003:734). While men have traditionally been regarded as primary breadwinners, the management of home-maintenance has remained largely women’s responsibility (Breen & Cooke, 2005:47). A number of theories exist to explain this unequal distribution of domestic labour, in particular the economic

  • Conflicts in Elizabeth Stuart Phelps' The Angel Over the Right Shoulder

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    fascinating because of the conflict it uncovers between a woman's need to fulfill her domestic role and her need to develop as an individual. The story was published in 1852, when the American people were struggling with the role of women in society. The author, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, introduces two opposing possibilities for this role. One is the woman whose entire being revolves around her domestic sphere and who has no individual identity. The other is an individual who, although fulfilling

  • Gender in Shakespeare's As You Like It

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    specific roles to which society prescribes standards and qualifications. There are certain tasks that have been traditionally completed only by men, and others that have been assigned to women; most of which are separated by the realm of the domestic sphere. During the period of the Renaissance, men and women were assigned very different roles within society. The value, social expectations, legal status, and rights of citizenship differed greatly between the sexes as well as among the classes. Many

  • Division of labor in a Household

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    roles women and men take on in the household. In The Second Shift by Arlie Russell, she states three different ideologies of gender. There is the traditional, transitional and egalitarian ideology that determines what sphere men and women want to identify with, home sphere or work sphere. However, it depends what kind on the time period and society you live in that determines the “norm” gender ideology, which affects the division of labor in a household. The society, which affected the Mendoza and Ortega

  • Cousin Marshall and the Role of Responsibility, Charity, and Suffering

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    ‘Cousin Marshall’ and the Role of Responsibility, Charity, and Suffering Harriet Martineau, in her story “Cousin Marshall,” addressed the separate spheres of work and responsibility between a husband and wife in the figures of the Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Marshall. Martineau intended the story to act as a lesson to her readers and this is reflected in the dualistic portrayal of the two women. Cousin Marshall is portrayed as the height of womanly responsibility and suffering while Mrs. Bell is portrayed

  • Homelessness in the Jane and Finch Area of Toronto

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    Many individuals would define leisure as time free from paid work, domestic responsibilities, and just about anything that one would not do as part of their daily routine. Time for leisure and time for work are both two separate spheres. The activities which people choose to do on their spare time benefit their own personal interests as well as their satisfactions. While some people may enjoy one activity, others pay not. Leisure is all about personal interests and what people constitute having a

  • The Importance of Women and Weavin In the Greater Southwest

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    and other goods to the communities. Through trading, the communities were able to be complete in the resources that they were lacking and they were able to communicate with other communities. In addition, weaving brought women into the economic sphere and enabled them to have relationships outside the household as traders and in weaving networks. Women played a vital role in all weaving activities and without their efforts textile production would have been an exhausting activity for the men,

  • North and South and Hard Times

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    breadwinner [and  the] wife as childcare giver" and led ultimately to the "19th century  ideology of the two separate spheres -  the masculine public sphere of work [and]  the private female sphere of domesticity". Is, however, this "shift" one which  Elizabeth Gaskell in North and South and Charles Dickens in Hard Times not only reflect but one which they endorse? If the public  sphere is masculine then the opening chapters of HardTimes immediately confronts us with this masculinity in the form

  • The Harem – A Rare a Privilege of the Rich

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    from society. In Moslem society, secluding women became prevalent and the harem was used to describe the part of the palace in which the women were secluded. Only the Sultan, eunuchs, and women were allowed in the harem.1[1] The harem “was the sphere of the women and the eunuchs that guarded them. Its centre was, of course, the Sultan’s family—his wives and concubines, and their children.”2[2] To adequately house all the people and provide for their needs, the harem was not a confined room or

  • It’s Time to Face the Problems Caused by Our Ancestors

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    people to expand humanity! More geniuses born into each generation to solve the problems the last generation left behind. What’s the big deal? Surprisingly, on the order of serious environmental problems, few people outside the scientific or political spheres have any idea about the threat overpopulation poses. The Earth’s population as of now is about 6 billion right now. It took the entirety of human existence up until 1960 to reach the level of 3 billion. It took, oh, 30 years after that for the world’s

  • Personal Narrative- Meditation

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    Personal Narrative- Meditation Perhaps, like me, you have wondered how you might best contribute to helping save the world. There are so many problems evident around the world that need attention, but which are most urgent? Which people are the most needy? Where is the worst suffering, the most oppression? Where is the earth being damaged most? There is no shortage of strife around us needing attention. At the same time, we can wonder what it is we have to offer the people of the world. What

  • Feminism in Sor Juana

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    essentially giving up what she had been originally fighting for and abandoning her previous ideals. Secondly, Sor Juana only fought for herself and what she wanted to pursue. She did not fight for other women or in other political, economic, or social spheres. Finally, the play fails to identify how Sor Juana set any kind of precedent or example by accomplishing anything that women before her had never accomplished. In the remainder of this essay I will analyze how Trambley’s representation of Sor Juana