Digital Revolution Essays

  • Digital Revolution

    1527 Words  | 4 Pages

    Digital Revolution The world we live in today is a very fascinating and mysterious place. While many people are intrigued that there might be life on another planet, cyberspace is a whole other world on earth. The widespread impact and use of the Internet did not mesmerize the world until the early 1990s. The author, John Schwartz, examines some of the effects the Internet has had on a small town. Another author, Dale Spender, focuses on the effects of the Internet on the world as a whole. In

  • The Digital Revolution And Schooling In America

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    Technology: The Digital Revolution and Schooling in America Alison Shrive Many people are questioning our educational system and wondering what direction it is going. Long gone are the days where there were just private and public schools, parents now have options. Some of the changes in education are the educational options, state testing, curriculum and technology. Allan Collins and Richard Halverson’s (2009) Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology: The Digital Revolution and Schooling in

  • Influence of the Digital Revolution in Society

    1912 Words  | 4 Pages

    Executive Summary Digital revolution is exponentially accelerating the productivity of various outcomes in the society and also transforming the employment and economy of the world. In recent times, innovation in technology is inadvertently becoming the cause for chronic unemployment which in turn is drastically affecting the median household income. This book discusses such trends and outcomes in general and offers solutions to the problems faced by present and future generation of workers. Erik

  • Luddites, Neo-Luddites, and Technophobes: Confused by Technology

    1950 Words  | 4 Pages

    time, possibly in the fantastic cultural memory of the 1950s, where we weren’t surrounded by computers and pagers and cell phones and all manner of surveillance and recording.  Many say that these things add hassle to our lives, and that the digital revolution is simply incompatible with our analog minds and souls.  Such people are often condescendingly called “old fogies” when they are, typically, older, confused by technology, and fearful of change of any sort.  There are, though, hearty subcultures

  • The Digital Revolution and its Effects on People

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    “These days, being connected depends not on our distance from each other, but from available communications technology.” Relationships today are being impacted by the digital revolution. Modern technology diverts time and attention from spouses, families, and friends. Japanese believe that cellphones, texting, instant messaging, email, and online gaming have created social isolation. The greatest ‘social skill’ nowadays is to maintain eye contact with another person while texting. In ways, texting

  • Technology And Inequality: The Impacts Of The Industrial Revolution To The Digital Revolution

    928 Words  | 2 Pages

    Technology has significantly changed our lives over the last couple centuries. From the industrial revolution to the digital revolution, it has affected not only the way we work and create things, but also the way we interact with information and even with each other. However, just like with the industrial revolution, some argue that today’s the rapidly evolving technology is replacing labor instead of complementing it and contributing, if not instigating, the wide disparity in income and the stagnant

  • Digital Revolution: The Impact on Illustration

    1012 Words  | 3 Pages

    Of all new advancements, the digital space arguably has the most outstanding effect on illustration, encroaching on our reality and the meaning of physical space within the field. As the digital space expands and further accommodates more aspects of the global illustrator’s life, we may come to a point (or are already at the point) where there is novelty in the restricted physical space; in a physical artwork, studio or gallery. It has changed the playing field and the rules of the game- knowledge

  • Bitcoins: Revolution of Digital Currency

    2242 Words  | 5 Pages

    public and has since evolved to become a staple of our society. The evolution of the internet has been likened to that the commerce industry may be facing with the increasing popularity of Bitcoins and other forms of digital currencies entering the market (Tindell). Bitcoin is a digital currency that was created by a person obscured under the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto (Maurer), on November 1, 2008. Bitcoin is an open-source online currency system that is secured by peer to peer connections. With

  • Illustration Art: The Benefits And Impacts Of The Digital Revolution

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    Digital revolution is a worldwide phenomenon that not only changed the way people live and connect with each other, but also the way designers think and create artworks to express themselves or certain ideas. In fact, new technologies have revolutionized the world of design, giving designers new possibilities, tools and sources of inspiration that could be more than helpful to improve their creative thinking skills. In reality, Digital revolution has provided us uncountable benefits, which we are

  • Behind the Digital Revolution: Steve Jobs' Journey

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    winner Aaron Sorkin. Set backstage in the minutes before three iconic product launches spanning Jobs? career?beginning with the Macintosh in 1984, and ending with the unveiling of the iMac in 1998?the film takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution to paint an intimate portrait of the brilliant man at its epicenter. MICHAEL FASSBENDER portrays the pioneering founder of Apple in Steve

  • The Roots of Our Digital World

    2967 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Roots of Our Digital World Today's world revolves around the storing, organization, and communication of information. While the world today may seem new and unique, this digital world arose out of a combination of many smaller steps that varied from innovations like a new discovery in science or a new philosophical outlook. In their writings Lev Manovich, a professor of New Media at San Diego University, and Dr. Simon Cook, an Economics professor at Duke University, have developed of a history

  • How is technology affecting the younger generations' perceptions of morality and the world?

    1406 Words  | 3 Pages

    perceptions of morality and the world? The advent of the internet signaled a revolutionary shift for society, in which participation in massive amounts of information was easily and rapidly accessible to any connected country. This digital revolution gave rise to monolithic digital communities that dominate the web and strongly influence the globe; Twitter helped Belarusian youth organize flash-protests against their authoritarian government in 2006, while Wikileaks continues to serve as a public international

  • Alia Wong's Essay On Technology And Education

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    makes a claim that the digital revolution has dramatically changed the way kids perceive reality. Wong inserts a quote from a principal researcher at Microsoft Research explaining the reasoning and it says ““ the rhetoric of digital natives’” is dangerous because it distorts the realities of kids’ virtual lives, the result being that they don’t learn what they need to know about online living.” Another claim that was made was that kids are getting a distorted view of the digital world. The article says

  • Reasons Why We Should Require Digitalization of College Textbooks

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    designer and author of Teaching Digital Natives: Partnering for Real Learning and Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom, takes the position that colleges should ban non-electronic books to improve teaching and learning. Some of the issues he speaks to are; what a bookless college would look like, moving education into the 21st century, addressing pushback of the social and cultural norms, creating enhancements to the educational system, the advantages of having an all digital campus, and the roles of teachers

  • The Advantages of E-Textbooks

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    found on practically every electronic ... ... middle of paper ... ...irst generation of digital natives. New York: Basic Books, 2008. Print. Shepperd, James A., Jodi L. Grace, and Erika J. Koch. "Evaluating The Electronic Textbook: Is It Time To Dispense With The Paper Text?." Teaching Of Psychology 35.1 (2008): 2-5. Academic Search Elite. Web. 8 May 2012. "Technology in the Middle » Blog Archive » Digital Literacy 101: Class Dismissed But Not Over." Technology in the Middle . N.p., n.d. Web. 23

  • Digital Technology

    2374 Words  | 5 Pages

    bewildered as to why their successors are so eager to incorporate such raw technologies. The common terminology used for this difference of opinion is known as a “generational gap”. Historically, we can observe this dispute through the information revolution initiated by Johannes Guttenberg, the inventor of the printing press. Guttenberg’s invention resulted in chaos, upheaval, and great apprehension from the elder generations of this time. No longer was it necessary for individuals to adhere to the

  • The Major Catalysts in the Formation of the Internet and Digital World

    2671 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Major Catalysts in the Formation of the Internet and Digital World Introduction There exisits two schools of thought concerning which components have been the major catalysts in the forming of the internet and digital world as we know it today. Both entertain stimulating and valid arguments. Manovich stipulates that the visual format of the internet is purely based on the visual reasoning that erupted out of the late nineteenth century as a result of constructivist principles and the

  • Digital Divide in the US and Around the World

    2659 Words  | 6 Pages

    Digital Divide in the US and Around the World Since the launch of the Internet as a global communication network and the boom in communication technologies, our world has been overwhelmed by a new phenomenon – digital divide. It has gradually turned into a major, constantly growing world issue, threatening to further increase the gap between advanced and developing countries. Yet, is digital divide really an unprecedented occurrence or a natural and unavoidable trend? “Divide” is certainly a

  • Digital Access Divide

    1978 Words  | 4 Pages

    Digital Access Divide Technology is a vital part of education and the workforce. The digital divide is putting some students at risk for lacking vital vocational and educational skills. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration states that currently about half of Americans are online (ClickZ, 2002). According to a report from the New York Times (2003), United States President, George W. Bush seemed to be satisfied with this number. He tried to eliminate the technology access

  • Media Influence On Technology

    762 Words  | 2 Pages

    Baby Boomers (Grewal, Levy 152). Generation Z consists of people born between 2001 and 2014 (Grewal, Levy 152). Generations Y and Z are referred to as the digital natives because they were born into a world full of electronics and digital technologies (Grewal, Levy 152). The term “digital natives” refers to people who have grown up in a digital world and are accustomed to multitasking and getting information fast (Kopenhe... ... middle of paper ... ...on, and the idea of becoming famous for practically