Digital Assistant Essays

  • The Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

    771 Words  | 2 Pages

    Your Right-hand-man is in your Palm In the 1980s no one who was anyone, went anywhere, without his or her Filofax. The end of the 1990s had replaced it by its digital equivalent - the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). A PDA is effectively a handheld PC, capable of handling all the normal tasks of its leather-bound ancestor - address book, notepad, appointments diary and phone list. Most PDAs offer many more applications besides, such as spreadsheet, word processor, database, financial management

  • Pocket Digital Assistants And Use For Staff Nurses

    1442 Words  | 3 Pages

    The personal digital assistant (PDA) is a handheld device originally designed as personal organizers but over the years have advanced becoming the newest tool in the academic toolbox. It had broad capabilities is a powerful reference source as well as a computer and communicator that can be stored in a pocket. The PDA was first developed in 1993 by Apple Computer and was named the Newton. Later Palm, Inc. released the Pilot 1000 and 5000 which retailed for about $500 (Wikipedia). Today the PDA

  • Convergent and Divergent Product Technology

    826 Words  | 2 Pages

    Convergent and Divergent Product Technology Every day we encounter different convergent and divergent products. Some people like the idea of a do everything Personal Digital Assistant, while others enjoy different products used for different things. Convergence can be defined as the occurrence of two or more things coming together. On the other hand, divergence is the tendency to move apart or evolve in different directions. In the instance of modern-technologies and their use in the information

  • Toshiba Personal Digital Assistant

    1806 Words  | 4 Pages

    1.)     Products and estimated market potential: The international market in PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant) is increasing every year. In the past, PDA’s were only expected to do simple tasks, like creating a schedule, alarm clock, calculations and other smaller tasks, which were seen as essential for businessmen. However today, the consumer range of PDA did increase immense. University students, teachers, small business owner, taxi driver and other type of occupations do require the need of an

  • A Student's Evaluation of Cellular Phone Websites

    1130 Words  | 3 Pages

    connection. Today anybody can easily call for assistance when he or she is stranded somewhere in the highway during winter blizzard. Besides communication, cellular phones are also equipped with many other features from camera to personal digital assistant (PDA). In the future the researchers might be able to incorporate the video recorder and personal computer together into a small cellular phone. In order to learn more about what a cellular phone has to offer, surfing internet is the most efficient

  • Trends in Nursing Informatics: Mobile Devices

    1182 Words  | 3 Pages

    regarding patient privacy and transmission of proprietary data. The introduction of the personal digital assistant and smart phone will revolutionize care in the coming years. Mobile Technologies When you hear the term wireless you might think of a laptop. Wireless is the technology of sending information over the air. Many devices now have this technology, from laptops to PDA’s (Personal Digital Assistants) and smartphones. Smartphones even have PDA’s in them in which you can read, send, and receive

  • Essay On Touch Screen

    668 Words  | 2 Pages

    common in devices such asplaying game consoles, computers, tablet computers, and phones. They can also be attached to computers or as terminals to networks. They also play a prominent role in the design of digital appliances such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), satellite navigation devices, mobile phones. The popularity of smart phones, tablets, and many types of information appliances is driving the demand and acceptance of common touch screens for portable

  • Marketing Strategy Of Sonic Marketing

    699 Words  | 2 Pages

    market. Founded eighteen months ago, the company was birthed by two entrepreneurs highly skilled and knowledgeable in telecommunications. They are preparing to present their first product, Sonic 1000 PDA. The Sonic 1000 offers wireless networking, digital technology, dual phone use, 20 gigabytes of memory, four megapixel camera, and voice recognition hands free operation (Kotler & Keller, 2009, p. A5). A marketing consultant group has been secured by Sonic to analyze its current marketing plan. In

  • Using Technology To Cheat

    1586 Words  | 4 Pages

    and books. In those years however, the internet wasn't available so world-wide communications did not lend themselves to aid would-be cheaters. Technology has progressed and so has the modern student. Backpacks are now filled with Personal Digital Assistants, MP3 Players, Cell phones and laptops instead of notebooks and #2 pencils. The ease at which students can now wirelessly download electronic information from the internet has created an entire generation of students whose goal is not only to

  • Management Information Systems

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    enable MFIs to achieve significant growth. Kashyap (2009) stressed that “It is difficult for an MFI to upscale significantly and maintain the accuracy and transparency of its loan portfolio without an MIS”.(PAGE?) PERSONAL DIGITAL ASSISTANTS (PDA) A personal digital assistant (PDA), also known as a palmtop computer, is a mobile device that functions as a personal information manager. MFIs employ PDAs to ease loan processing, improve loan officer efficiency, and increase data accuracy and access

  • Kristina Laycock ICT and My Everyday Life

    1337 Words  | 3 Pages

    Mobile Telephone Mobile Telephone SMS (Simple Message Service) Smart Boards SMS (Simple Message Service) WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) Lap top Mobile Telephone Email DVD’s SMS (Simple Message Service) Teletext PDA’s (Personal Digital Assistants) The Internet: I use the Internet to communicate with friends and family at home by visiting chat rooms on-line, it is very efficient and is cheaper than a phone call. I don’t just use the Internet for social reasons; I use it for schoolwork

  • Leadership Profile

    837 Words  | 2 Pages

    Leadership Profile Paper This paper will profile Jeff Hawkins, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for PalmOne, Inc. examining qualities that Mr. Hawkins exhibits that make him influential leader. The paper will also examine details of the business strategy that make this man an exceptional innovator and his contribution to eBusiness technology. Vision Jeff Hawkins a graduate of Cornell Universityis best known as “the inventor who, in 1994, took blocks of mahogany and plywood into his garage and emerged

  • Mobile Phone-based Interaction Techniques

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    classification [21]. Mobile phone as pointing devise: As a research area, several studies use image processing and visual recognition as a base in there interaction technique, since that most of the smart phones and handheld devices are equipped with digital camera. Jiang et al [1] attempted to take advantage of this fact by proposing a study to interact with display through mobile device camera. There method uses the position of the cursor on the display as the basic input source. The presented systems

  • Mobile Computer/Device Policy Paper

    765 Words  | 2 Pages

    Rusty Nailz Architecture and Planning Mobile Computing Policy This Mobile Computer/Device Policy incorporates principles or designs from templates provided by (2014) and (2014). 1. Overview This RNAP Mobile Computer/Device Policy defines the use of mobile computers and smart devices in the company. It defines: 1. The process that mobile computers and memory storage devices must meet to leave the RNAP network. Sensitive data should be encrypted, and password protected

  • What is Hardware?

    1315 Words  | 3 Pages

    out the particulars of the product or classification that product into a database. We can always saw this device in the supermarket and library, this device is to help people to keep whatever things they need to remember in a database. Digital camera A digital camera is a mobile device that allows users to take pictures and store the photo images digitally, instead of on traditional film. (Gary B.Shelly 2011). For example when a user already taken a photo they can directly send to the computer

  • How to Purchase a Smartphone

    672 Words  | 2 Pages

    be looked at before picking a phone. Let’s look at the history of smartphones and where the term came from. Smartphone is a mobile phone that has a mobile operating system that combines personal digital assistant with a mobile phone. They have added more functions into the phone like: media players, digital cameras, video cameras, and GPS. The first smartphone in 1994 only had the capability to send and receive facsimiles, emails, and pages. It also had a few applications like: address book, calendar

  • Should Smartphones Be Allowed In Schools

    733 Words  | 2 Pages

    According to an article from the Pew Research Center, nearly two-thirds of Americans own a smartphone today. As this statistic continues to rise, more and more aspects of our lives will be impacted in irreversible ways. Consequently, the incorporation of smartphones into daily life is being fought on some fronts, including that of education. There exists a significant rift within individual educational systems on how smartphones should, or should not, be used in academic facilities. Conclusions

  • The Technological Tower of Babel: Electronic and Digital Tongues in Media Society

    2786 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Technological Tower of Babel: Electronic and Digital Tongues in Media Society Works Cited Missing Anticipate the moment at which all your personal electronic devices - headphone audio player, cellular telephone, pager, dictaphone, camcorder, personal digital assistant (PDA), electronic stylus, radiomodem, calculator, Loran positioning system, smart spectacles, VCR remote, data glove, electronic jogging shoes that count your steps and flash warning signals at oncoming cars, medical monitoring

  • The Pros And Cons Of Mobile Phones

    1342 Words  | 3 Pages

    Assistant professor of psychiatry in the UF College of Medicine, Lisa Merlo (as cited in Birdwell, 2007), states: “Although cellar phones and personal digital assistants such as BlackBerry were created to make modern life more convenient, they’re actually beginning to interfere in the lives of users who don’t know when to turn them off

  • How Have Smart Phones Impacted Families

    1155 Words  | 3 Pages

    How have Smart phones impacted families Smart phones have now become an important part of everyday life, which is used a lot during the day by people around the world. Smart phones, have allowed us to communicate with people around the world faster and enables us to access many applications and websites without requiring a computer. The definition of a Smart phone is a device that combines a cell phone with a handheld computer, typically offering internet access, data storage, email capability and