Detective Fiction Essays

  • Isolation in Detective Fiction

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    In detective fiction, authors create chaos, which they balance with a sense of structure and reason. They implement many elements to entice the reader to continue with the detective on his quest to solve the riddle and defeat the chaos, which can be divided into two sections: noticeable chaos and silent chaos. Noticeable chaos includes elements such as murder and thievery, obvious aspects of detective fiction that make the reader cringe. Silent chaos, on the other hand, includes locked rooms and

  • The Themes Of Secrets And Silence In Detective Fiction

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    The use of secrets and silence to enhance a narrative The theme of secrets and silence are important themes to detective fiction, without secrets the narratives wouldn’t have anything to keep the readers interested in continuing with the story. Secrets keep the audience reading, trying to anticipate the next move the antagonist is going to make. Silence is also used in narratives to enhance the mystery of the storyline and draw the reader in, because without silence, secrets couldn’t be kept. This

  • Detective Fiction

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    Why Ask Why? The most important part of any type of book or story is that it be interesting. This proves to be particularly important in detective fiction as well. What could be more interesting than having a crime committed in front of you, given all (or most) of the details and still not be able to figure it out? This is exactly how detective fiction authors draw people into these stories and books. By weaving an intricate and interesting plot full of fascinating characters, and all types of details

  • Edgar Allen Poe, Father of Modern Detective Fiction

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    E.A. Poe became the father of modern day detective stories by introducing Dupin in "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" as the first detective to use analytical and imaginative reasoning to solve the mystery and will create a guideline for all detective stories to come. The word "detective" was not in existence until Poe's writings. Mysteries had existed but never such a story that used a "detector" or placed such emphasis upon analysis versus trial and error. The vivid painting of the scene of the

  • No, Poe is not the founder of detective fiction

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    To most the detective fiction genre is considered to be “new.” Marking its inception with Edgar Allan Poe’s short story The Murders in the Rue Morgue in 1841, classifying Poe as the “undisputed father” of crime fiction (Butler). However, Poe is not the creator of the detective fiction genre, and in fact this type of literature can be seen centuries before in Old Testament writings. These writings include “Susanna and the Elders” and “Bel and the Priests,” as well as Greek writings like “Hercules

  • Tzvetan Todorov's Detective Fiction

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    Tzvetan Todorov views detective fiction as literature that speaks for itself and needs no introduction. According to Todorov, detective fiction should adapt to its new genre instead of going beyond traditional literature (43). Todorov views detective fiction as two separate entities: the crime that establishes the groundwork of the story and the investigation that backtracks the crime in a logical manner. Todorov believes that these stories, “in their purest form,” are completely independent from

  • To what extent do the detective fiction stories looked at imitate

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    To what extent do the detective fiction stories looked at imitate The Murders in the Rue Morgue in terms of the character and the creation of tension? Question: To what extent do the detective fiction stories looked at imitate 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' in terms of the character and the creation of tension? This essay will explain, discuss and examine the effects of Edgar Allen Poe's 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' had on other authors writing detective stories during the 19th century

  • Detective Fiction & Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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    “for a book to be described as detective fiction there must be a central mystery and one that by the end of the book is solved satisfactorily and logically, not by good luck or intuition, but by intelligent deduction from clues honestly if deceptively presented.” (James. 2009: 16). This is traditionally conducted via a detective; a figure deployed within the narrative structure ‘whose occupation is to investigate crimes’ (Oxford. 2006: 202). Therefore detective fiction represents an enigma, a puzzle

  • Missy's Argument About The Role Of Feminism In Detective Fiction

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    parts of the brain, like the hippocampus or the frontal lobe, have been proven to be activated when reading detective fiction. Our thesis is that among all of these sections that are activated, the frontal lobe is the most dominant and important one. The frontal lobe is responsible for memory, reasoning, judgement, and problem solving; all of these functions are crucial for reading detective fiction. We visually represented this through a clay brain with the frontal lobe painted a distinct color and a

  • Dashiell Hammett: Major Themes Of Detective Fiction

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    narrative style of hard boiled fiction is also surprising. Hard boiled fiction is often defined by what it is not. It is not British; but is American. It is not set in the little village; but in a large city or urban area. It is not filled with civilized and polite people; but with crooks, criminals and mafia types who are very familiar with physical violence, psychological intimidation and can say some rough languages. The solution is not reached by a brilliant detective who analyzes clues and is an

  • Successfully Breaking the Rules of Detective Fiction in Agatha Christie’s The Murder of Roger Ackroyd and Ruth Rendell’s A Judgement in Stone

    1968 Words  | 4 Pages

    “Mystery fiction is a game with rules, an intellectual competition between writer and reader. To keep the game honest, both writer and reader must be playing by the same rules” (Miller). Some of the conventional rules of detective fiction are listed in S. S. Van Dine’s “Twenty Rules for Writing Detective Stories” and Ronald Knox’s “10 Commandments of Detective Fiction.” However, some of the ‘rules’ Knox and Van Dine list do not extend to Ruth Rendell’s A Judgement in Stone and Agatha Christie’s The

  • Tony Hillerman's Portrayal Of Racism In Detective Fiction

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    Race in Detective Fiction Race plays a major role in all that people do today. As writers of fictions novels, is it okay to right about racism if it is not true, or something they have experienced personally? As readers read about racism, they place themselves in that spot, can escape from where they are, and feel as they are the ones in the situation. However, for a writer who has not experienced racism on a real level, they need to be care on what they produce, and how they portray racism. Portrayal

  • Compare The Speckled Band, The Red Headed League and Silver Blaze as Examples of Detective Fiction

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    The birth of classic detective fiction was originated just in the mid nineteenth century, and was producing its own genre. Classical detective fiction follows a set of rules called the ‘Ten commandments of detective fiction’. The genre is so popular it can bee seen by the number of sales in any good book stores. Many of these books have been created a long time ago and there is still a demand for these types of books. The popularity is still ongoing because it provides constant entertainment, and

  • Stereotypes In Detective Fiction

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    The genre of Detective Fiction not only gives the reader an intellectual challenge, but also brings up significant stereotypes in society. Detective Fiction allows the reader to explore a new realm of mystery while also being guided by the detective to uncover the suspects and clues. Underneath the mysteries lays a deeper look into the structure of society. In the novels, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, and The Big Sleep, there are multiple cultural narratives through

  • Overview of Miss Marple

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    to last a long time in my life. If I had had any second sight I would have provided myself with a precocious schoolboy as my first detective; then he could have grown old with me” (Agatha Christie 2011, 436) This is what Agatha Christie, the queen of crime fiction, stated in her autobiography about one of her most famous characters, the elderly female amateur detective Miss Jane Marple. It is doubtful, however, whether a “precocious schoolboy” would have ever reached the same worldwide fame as the

  • Isolation in Poetry

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    spider and reflective speaker. This particular theme of isolation is commonly utilized in writings of detective fiction, such as those by Edgar Allan Poe, to highlight the crazed emotional state of man as well as his fervor and ability, when provided with an enclosed space, to connect the dots and thereby come to a conclusion. In Walt Whitman’s poem, the effects of isolation in detective fiction are mirrored and manifested as reasons for loneliness as well as for finding meaning in the universe by

  • Sherlock Holmes Character Traits

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    Dedrick McCollins Analysis of Sherlock Holmes Ms. Fairchild Of all of the genres of fiction, the most recognizable one is the mystery genre. Due to its popularity it has been changed and its conventions critiqued. The detective fiction is a subgenre that stared in the mid-nineteenth century. One of the most famous heroes of detective fiction that came out of that era was Sherlock Holmes. Each of Holmes story lines centered on a “whodunit” theme which allowed the reader in the process

  • The Maltese Falcon

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    Dashiell Hammett’s San Francisco: A Unique Setting in the Changing World of Early 20th Century Detective Fiction The Pacific coast port city of San Francisco, California provides a distinctively mysterious backdrop in Dashiell Hammett’s The Maltese Falcon. Unlike many other detective stories that are anchored in well-known metropolises such as Los Angeles or New York City, Hammett opted to place the events of his text in the lesser-known, yet similarly exotic cultural confines of San Francisco

  • Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Ratiocination

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    Ratiocination" The detective story is a tale that features a mystery and/or the commission of a crime, emphasizing the search for a solution. It distinguishes itself from other forms of fiction by the fact that it is a puzzle. The detective story did not just spring into being in its current form, but rather, evolved over time. The first true detective stories were written by Edgar Allan Poe. Many writers and critics have plainly stated that he is the inventor of detective fiction. Poe introduces one

  • The Dark Influence of Edgar Allan Poe

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    that usually ended sadly. He drank excessively, was known as a dark man, and tended to write stories of horror. Poe is one of the greatest authors in all of history because of his love for gothic themes, his passion for romance, his influence on detective stories, and his interesting characteristics. To begin with, Poe was a great author of his time period because of his passion for romance. Nina Baym states, “We should see him, instead, concerned with another and equally ‘romantic’ problem: investigating