Destructive Power Essays

  • The Destructive Power of Love in Hesiod's Theogony

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    The Destructive Power of Love in Hesiod's Theogony Love is one of the most fundamental forces at work in Hesiod's Theogony.Ê Personified as Eros, Love is one of the first gods to appear.Ê Although he is parentless and fathers no children of his own, he plays catalyst to the reproductive creation of the world.Ê Just as the world is not perfect, however, so Eros is not an entirely benevolent power.Ê He affects all beings indiscriminately, which results in the proliferation of monsters and dark

  • Comparing The Jewel in the Crown and Wuthering Heights

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    Similarities in The Jewel in the Crown and Wuthering Heights "He stood a stranger in this breathing world, An erring spirit from another hurl'd... What had he been?  What was he, thus unknown? Who walked their world, his lineage all unknown? George Gordon, Lord Bryon (1788-1824) This except of a poem from the Romantic period could be used to describe two characters from two different works of different time periods.  Heathcliff - the "dark-skinned gypsy" with the "manners

  • Essay on Relationships in Antony and Cleopatra

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    Destructive Power Relationships in Antony and Cleopatra Antony and Cleopatra's “love” is not really about love at all.  Their interaction can only be considered a sort of immature lust-power relationship. Their relationship is shallow, self-centered, irresponsible and destructive. Their attraction for each other centers around infatuation and a sort of egoistic rush that they are more important than the world.  Just as a man or woman of today may attempt to control the desires of his or her

  • The Importance of History

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    warfare tactics prevalent today would never have evolved from those primitive tactics man used to use in wars. Many countries nowadays are trying to acquire Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), as history has convincingly displayed their awesome destructive power, and their potential to deter aggressions and conflicts thrust upon on a country, like the Cold war remained 'cold' because both countries had WMD and were aware of the consequences if they were used. Another example were historical research

  • Alfred Nobel: The Man behind the Prize.

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    of something so powerful seems to have shifted direction in his later years to a more peaceful manner. The reason I wrote this report is that I wanted to find out where Nobel came from and what forces played a role in his creation of such a destructive power. Also, I am very curious what caused his shift in perspective to create a prize to better society. Over the years there have been many winners of the 5 Nobel prizes, and I intend to investigate some of their individual contributions to help determine

  • The Atomic Bomb Changed the World Forever

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    an estimated 140,000 people dead. The bombs created a temporary resolution that lead to another conflict. The Cold War was a political standoff between the Soviet Union and the United States that again created a new worldwide nuclear threat. The destructive potential of nuclear weapons had created a global sweep of fear as to what might happen if these terrible forces where unleashed again. The technology involved in building the first atomic bombs has grown into the creation of nuclear weapons that

  • Freedom and Equality in the Comparison of Political Systems

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    Freedom and Equality in the Comparison of Political Systems ABSTRACT: The notions of freedom and equality in a group are precisely defined in terms of individual exertions of influence or power. Freedom is discussed in the version ‘freedom from’ influence rather than in the version ‘freedom to do’ what one wants. It is shown that at the ideal conceptual level complete freedom implies equality. Given the plausibility of the definitions this shows that political ‘folk rhetorics’ in which freedom

  • All Quiet On The Western Front-Analysis

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    are blinded, limbs are blown off, blood flows everywhere, and innocent men die in agony. When soldiers take shelter in the graveyard, bombs explode all around them, the living hide in coffins and the dead are thrown from their graves. The destructive power is so great that even the fundamental differences between life and death become blurred. The impact of war on the spirit is subtle. They find themselves less able to returrn to civilian life- friends die all around them. 2) The Lost Generation

  • Indecision, Hesitation and Delay in Shakespeare's Hamlet

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    actually the author's own, insoluble.  I believe that the Problem is actually ours. Perhaps the real issue is not Hamlet's hesitation, but our unwillingness to understand it. In an ironic maneuver, Shakespeare has Hamlet tell us about the self-destructive power of a tragic flaw: So, oft it chances in particular men, That for some vicious mole of nature in them, As, in their birth--wherein they are not guilty, Since nature cannot choose his origin-- By the o'ergrowth of some complexion, Oft breaking

  • The Destructive Powers of Scientific Advancement

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    In our short time on earth our scientific community have amass such technology that can increase the live hood and age expectancy of humans. Yet, the same scientific community has also exacerbated human and animal suffering on many levels. In “Cat’s Cradle” Kurt Vonnegut takes the reader in this humorous yet apocalyptic world where Science is revered as universal truth that few people question. Cat’s Cradle satirizes the idea of scientific advancement and how society views it shows that human stupidity

  • The Destructive Power of Peer Pressure

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    common occurrences in our everyday society. A person, who under any other circumstances would never act in such a way, will commit unthinkable acts when backed by a single person or even worse, a large mass of individuals. It’s almost always destructive, and the person or persons involved usually always end up feeling regretful and bewildered by their actions. When thinking about group peer pressure, there are several other words that come to mind such as; conformity, compliance, brainwashing

  • The Destructive Power of Peer Pressure

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    Peer pressure: influence from members of one's peer group. Peer pressure is an incredibly widespread issue in today’s society, and can have many significant and long lasting effects. Peer pressure is an issue that can be found in many places, with many varying degrees, but often happens for the same reasons. Peer pressure can cause drug and alcohol addictions, being caught shoplifting, failing exams, and other problems. It has many causes, with many contributing factors, but is most prevalent

  • The Destructive Power of Revenge: An Analysis

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    Revenge is a fairly strong emotion; it’s wanting to retaliate towards those who wronged you. Revenge is such an uncontrollable way of retaliation that it can result in a destructive outcome or carried out successfully. Although the results may vary, revenge sums up to one thing which is pain of some sort, affecting both parties or just one. Throughout history we see many tales of revenge and redemption. Often revenge does leave the one carrying it out feeling victorious but this can suddenly change

  • Terrorism: A Destructive Power Beyond the Victim

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    any criminal beyond the next victim. The plan of terrorists is to cause severe acts of violence that draws the attention of the local citizens, the government, and the world to their demise. The terrorists plan their attack to obtain the greatest power, choosing targets that represent what they hate. The effect of the terrorist act lies not in the act , but in the public’s or government’s response to the act. But the real target is the 1 million people watching the televised event. The irony of this

  • Nuclear Weapons- A Possible End to Civilization

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    an unprecedented power over nature and humanity. The technological decisions regarding nuclear weapons will have a huge impact upon all nations around the world and even future generations. “Of all the unprecedented powers in our hands, none is potentially more destructive than nuclear weapons. For forty years we lived with the threat of a nuclear holocaust that could wipe out a large part of humanity and other forms of life” (Barbour, 200). This technology increases the power of one nation, or

  • Power: Sought by Many, Obtained by Few, Destructive for All

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    Power is an illusion that is sought by many, obtained by few and destructive for all. Since the dawn of man, power has been an established mentality carried within his psyche. It has been used as a way for man to define himself, his place within this world and the place of everything else that surrounds him. Man has ignorantly assumed himself and his race to be the possessors and wielders of power while disregarding the truths and true definition of it. The consequences of his disregard have been

  • The Death of Creative Power in Sonnet 73

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    The Death of Creative Power in Sonnet 73 Most of the 127 sonnets Shakespeare wrote to one of his close male friends are united by the theme of the overwhelming, destructive power of time, and the counterbalancing power of love and poetry to create and preserve beauty. Sonnet 73 is no different, but it does present an intriguing twist on this theme. Most of these sonnets address the youth and beauty of his male friend, as well as poetry's power to immortalize them, but number 73 addresses the author's

  • Colonialism and Imperialism Exposed in Shooting an Elephant and Heart of Darkness

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    Destructive Colonization Exposed in Shooting an Elephant and Heart of Darkness As a man is captured, his first instinct is to try and break free from his shackles and chains. Primal urges such as this often accompany humans when they are forced, as in capture, to rely on their most basic instincts to survive. In this manner, natives in Africa acted upon instinct when the Europeans arrived to take their land and freedom. The short story Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell and the novel

  • Class Struggle in Robert Frost's Poem Out, Out

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    character; the harshness and destructive characteristics of a saw, then, can undoubtedly be associated with similar qualities in mankind. The harsh buzz saw is then immediately contrasted against an otherwise serene and natural landscape: "And from there those that lifted eyes could count / Five mountain ranges one behind the other / Under the sunset far into Vermont." Thus, the narrator has immediately established a conflict between the natural environment and the harsh destructive nature of man as represented

  • Fly Away Peter

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    'despair created by war', its destructive nature and the effect it has on the world. The bond between Imogen, Ashley and Jim is founded on their passionate interest and love of the birds, and the individual gifts that each brings to that interest: Jim's special knowledge, Imogen's photography and Ashley's sense of the land and nature. The relationship between the three reflects the calm, balanced and tranquil order of the natural world. Their appreciation of the 'primitive power' of the bush represents