Destructive Nature Essays

  • The Destructive Nature of Technology

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    From that first day that man discovered fire, the human race has continued its never-ending search to accomplish tasks in the most expedient manner possible. Society has decided that technology can be used to solve most of its immediate problems. This quest has brought us many useful things such as the telephone, the automobile, the oven, the CD player, etc. and has made living a little more enjoyable. If that were all, there would be no need to even mention these facts other than to advertise them

  • Colonialism and Imperialism Exposed in Shooting an Elephant and Heart of Darkness

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    Destructive Colonization Exposed in Shooting an Elephant and Heart of Darkness As a man is captured, his first instinct is to try and break free from his shackles and chains. Primal urges such as this often accompany humans when they are forced, as in capture, to rely on their most basic instincts to survive. In this manner, natives in Africa acted upon instinct when the Europeans arrived to take their land and freedom. The short story Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell and the novel

  • Creon Defines the Tragic Hero in Sophocles' Antigone

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    perfect through his pride (tragic flaw). Secondly, his radical reversal of fortune is made clear after he struggles with the recognition of his fatal flaw. Thirdly and lastly, his pity and fear flowers into an understanding of his prideful and destructive nature leading to his redemption. Nevertheless he is left with the burden of the deaths of his family, becoming a shell of misfortune and loneliness. Although Creon's actions cannot be labeled as courageous, his character traits pertain greatly

  • Adorno and Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment

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    Enlightenment project. Enlightenment has no claim to being less a myth than the mythology it failed to escape. This new myth is defined for them by the drive to dominate nature at the expense of alienation of man from nature and from his own inner nature. They follow the appearance of the subject as it is objectified alongside nature, and is dominated with it. The subject becomes an object and his intellect becomes instrumental, and all instinct and sensory experience that fails to be productive in

  • Feminist Analysis Of Militarism

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    appeal, the connections between sexism, racism, imperialism, classism, and environmental exploitation. An example of an ecofeminist deconstruction is feminist analyst Joni Seager. Seager, as discussed in Noel Sturgeon's book entitled Ecofeminist Natures, identifies the patriarchal characteristics of governments, militaries, and corporations as one of the main factors in their continuing responsibility for environmental degradation

  • Darkness and Evil in Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    appropriate setting for the witches because caves tend to represent the under-world and hell, creating a feeling of evil. The witches appearance, "secret, black, and midnight hags" also indicates their evil nature. The witches dark meeting place and dark appearance all emphasize their destructive nature. Macbeth in Act 4: consulted with the witches, murdered Macduff's family, and continued to create chaos in Scotland. Macbeth  in Act 4 is described as an agent of disorder, "untitled tyrant  bloody-sceptered"

  • Arrogance in Oedipus and Cocteau's Infernal Machine

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    the King and Jean Cocteau's Infernal Machine both authors focus on the arrogant nature of Oedipus. Since this quality ultimately has destructive powers, the relationships Oedipus has with other characters demonstrates this arrogance. Although, the two authors portray Oedipus in different ways to emphasize their different themes both use the relationship between Oedipus and Teiresias to demonstrate Oedipus' arrogant nature. In both plays, this arrogance manifests in Oedipus' rejection of the prophet

  • Canterbury Tales Essay - The Assertive and Vulnerable Wife of Bath

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    The Assertive and Vulnerable Wife of Bath Society was different in Chaucer's time; males dominated and women were suppressed.  The manipulative and destructive nature of women was emphasized by men. Much like Eve in the Bible, women were blamed for the 'downfall of man'. Through the Wife of Bath, Chaucer investigates the difficulty of self-realization for a woman in this restrictive environment.  The wife of bath, Alison, represents antifeminist stereotypes and searches for happiness and a place

  • Pa Chin's Family

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    main driving forces in disruption in Kao family tradition would have to be the rebellious youth, Chueh-min, Chueh-hui, and Chin in particular. The family's personal encounters with the destructive nature of the traditional family have forced them to think in modern ways so they will not follow the same destructive path that they've seen so many before them get lost on. In this new age struggle for happiness within the Kao family a cultural barrier is constructed between the modern youth and the traditional

  • The Mayor of Casterbridge

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    Afterwards, Henchard becomes a wealthy man and the mayor of the town Casterbridge. His wife and child seek him out years later. In the end, it is neither his supposed child, Elizebeth-Jane, nor his wife, Susan, who ruins him but his own self-destructive nature. The novel was published serially in the Graphic and in Harper’s Weekly. The Graphic was the English version and Harper’s Weekly was the American version. They ran concurrently over the nineteen-week period from January second to May fifteenth

  • Christians' Beliefs About Their Responsibilities for the Universe

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    these four verses. In essence, God has told us to take care of the world for him and that is our great responsibility. More rules however, appear in other books of the Bible. For example in Deuteronomy 20:19-20[2], God reminds us of the destructive nature of war as all available wood was used to make siege towers. The people were told to leave the fruit trees so they could get fruit. In Exodus 23: 10-11the idea of fallow fields, giving the field a chance to revive is introduced. Similarly

  • Teaching Frederick Douglass in American School Systems

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    differences. Douglass's Narrative brings an ugly era of American history to life as it weaves through his personal experiences with slavery, brutality, and escape. Most importantly Douglass reveals the real problem in slavery, which is the destructive nature of intolerance and the need for change. Douglass refers many times to the dehumanizing effects sla... ... middle of paper ... ...s not solely about rote memorization and the three R's or anything else that can be tested with a bubble sheet

  • Views of War in Tennyson’s Charge of the Light Brigade and Whitman’s Drum-Taps

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    Views of War in Tennyson’s Charge of the Light Brigade and Whitman’s Drum-Taps Even though Walt Whitman and Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote with different styles and ideals, the common theme of war gave them the similar purpose of exposing the destructive nature of battle while remaining inspiring and even optimistic. Tennyson’s "The Charge of the Light Brigade" reveals a fatal "blunder" that cost the lives of many English soldiers, while asserting that the unquestioning loyalty of the British troops

  • Oil Spill Response

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    or small, have long been of concern to pollution control authorities in this country. Due to its destructive nature, once an area has been contaminated by oil, the whole character of the environment is changed. When it has encountered something solid to cling to, whether it be a beach, a rock, the feathers of a duck or gull, or a bather’s hair, it does not readily let go (Stanley, 1969). By its nature o... ... middle of paper ... ... Issues Resources Series 5 (61): 18-20. Max, N.E. 1969. Oil

  • The Destructive Nature of Societal Expectations

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    The expectations of one’s surroundings shape who he or she is. Whether it is requirements from parents, society, or oneself, these pressures determine a person’s decisions and their behaviour. The plots of Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood and The Shape of a Girl by Joan MacLeod both focus on the bullying of a girl and the effects of these actions on those involved. The victims in both pieces of literature are singled out because they do not fit into societal norms. In The Shape of a Girl and Cat’s Eye

  • The Destructive Nature Of Jealousy In Shakespeare's Othello

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    In Shakespeare's Othello there is several occasions and examples of the destructive nature of jealousy because it made all Othello lack communication and he made himself very easy to manipulate. Also it made other characters do bad things, such as setting up others to look bad. This idea of destructive nature of jealousy still applies in today's modern world. Throughout the play Iago is so jealous of Michael Cassio for receiving the position of lieutenant from Othello. He is so jealous I keep plans

  • The play Amadeus and the Destructive Nature of Jealousy

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    The play "Amadeus" is Mainly Concerned With the Destructive Nature of Jealousy This passage is all too true, both in Peter Shaffer's ‘Amadeus' and in life in general. However the play is also concerned with the destructive nature of ignorance and naivety. Salieri is jealous not just of Mozart's talent, but of the fact that God gave the talent to “Mozart … spiteful, sniggering, conceited, infantine Mozart”. He is envious of the vessel of God's laughter at the ‘patron saint of mediocrity' as he had

  • Cat's Cradle: The Destructive Nature Of Humans

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    consequences of his new discoveries. He is merely on a quest for further knowledge, not a quest to better our society. The game of cat's cradle, which Hoenikker was playing on the day of Hiroshima, can be understood to represent both the naîve, infantile nature of Hoenikker as well as the great destruction caused by his invention. Vonnegut counters the scientific aspects of the novel with the bizarre religion of Bokononism. Overall, Cat's Cradle is used by Vonnegut to point out the flaws in modern society

  • The Destructive Nature of Racism in To Kill a Mockingbird

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    guilt-innocence involving Tom Robinson. Tom Robinson is guilty of living in a prejudice society and even though he tries to escape from prison the novel states that prejudice will overcome with hope. In To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee reveals the destructive nature of racism and discrimination. The Ewell’s are such a racist family because they falsely accused Tom Robinson of raping Mayella Ewell. We are first introduced to the Ewell’s on Scout’s first day of school when Burris Ewell shocked his teacher

  • The Destructive Nature of Time: The Sound and the Fury

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    The passage and oppressive nature of time in one of the most important themes in William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Throughout the novel the men of the Compson family are concerned with time in varying ways. How they deal with this seems to dominate their lives and the plot of the novel. Each of the three men in the newest generation of the family, Benjamin, Quentin, and Jason all struggle against it and this leads to the ultimate destruction of the family. While the obsession varies