Dark Continent Essays

  • Jungian Psychology and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

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    As the Heart of Darkness snakes its way into the savage shadows of the African continent, Joseph Conrad exposes a psycho-geography of the collective unconscious in the entangling metaphoric realities of the serpentine Congo. Conrad’s novella descends into the unknowable darkness at the heart of Africa, taking its narrator, Marlow, on an underworld journey of individuation, a modern odyssey toward the center of the Self and the center of the Earth. Ego dissolves into soul as, in the interior, Marlow

  • lighthod Human Soul Exposed in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

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    The Human Soul Exposed in The Heart of Darkness In Joseph Conrad's novel, The Heart of Darkness, Charlie Marlow narrates the story of his journey into the dark continent, Africa. Through his experiences he learns a lot about himself and about the nature of mankind. He discovers that all humans have the capability within themselves to do good or evil. Outside circumstances substantially influence which path a human will take. Marlow travels not only through the darkness of Africa, but also through

  • The Immortality and Blindness to a Dark Continent

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    The Immortality and Blindness to a Dark Continent Joseph Conrad’s s novel “Heart of Darkness” portrays an image of Africa that is dark and inhuman. Not only does he describe the actual, physical continent of Africa as “so hopeless and so dark, so impenetrable to human thought, so pitiless to human weakness”, (Conrad 2180) as though the continent could neither breed nor support any true human life. Conrad lived through a time when European colonies were scattered all over the world. This phenomenon

  • The Soul of Darkness in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

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    Imperialism, yet also of a mental sojourn into the core of insanity. It also paints paradoxes of seemingly clear concepts and states, such as the mental condition of central character Kurtz, an enigmatic ivory trader deep in the heart of the "Dark Continent."  Two of the characters provide insight into Kurtz's moral paradox.  The Intended views Kurtz as an emissary of light while Marlow views Kurtz as a god of darkness. Marlow, though he only knew Kurtz for a short period of time, sees how

  • Realization of Inner Evil in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

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    able to exhibit his understanding of life and recount his journey into Africa. The Heart of Darkness explores the idea of self-discovery and the realization of inner evil through the characters Kurtz and Marlow and through the exploration of the dark continent of Africa. Throughout the novel the reader only comes into contact with Kurtz through Marlow and the comments of other minor characters. Kurtz is a first class agent employed at an ivory station in the center of Africa. Due to his great ability

  • Critique of A Biography of the Continent Africa by John Reader

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    A Critique Abstract A Biography of the Continent Africa, written by John Reader is an extensive chronological and topical study of Africa. Support reveals the earliest corroboration of the existence of human antecedents was discovered in east Africa at locations scattered north and south of the equator. The discovery shows fossilized bones, stone tools, and the most significant of all, a trail of footprints in the preserved mud pan surface. The trail shows they walked across the pan

  • The Future of Africa: Third World Countries Falling Further Behind

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    The Future of Africa: Third World Countries Falling Further Behind Rory J. OConnor's article uses Africa as an example to show how third world countries react to the developing technology of this time. Africa, once called, the dark continent because of its inaccessibility to physical explorations by Westerners is still inaccessible today, both by residents and outsiders via the virtual world. (270) All the advances in technology and more to come in the future will continue to separate countries

  • King Leopolds Ghost

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    Book Review of King Leopold's Ghost, by Adam Hochschild What some have considered to be the first international scandal of the modern era took place in the Congo from 1890 until 1910. King Leopold II of Belgium was at the head of this so-called scandal. Although Europe and the rest of the world seemed to have forgotten the victims of these crimes, there is a considerable amount of material to use when attempting to recreate the horror that took place in Leopold's Congo. This is exactly what

  • David Livingstone

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    his own personal health in his quest to open the interior of Africa to “Civilization, Christianity, and Commerce.';(Hollett 236) Through his daring explorations into the unknown, he discovered and documented many new landmarks inside the dark continent, and at times became obsessed with his determination to find a single source of the Nile. He had a major impact on later expeditions into central Africa. . Livingstone was born to a poor Scottish family in 1813. Starting at age ten, Livingstone

  • Heart of Darkness

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    implies a sense of unknown evil, and invokes thoughts of secrecy and mystery. It paints paradoxes of seemingly clear concepts and states, such as the mental condition of central character Kurtz, an enigmatic ivory trader deep in the heart of the "Dark Continent." The setting indeed takes place in a region remarkably like the Congo that has led many scholars to automatically label it as such.( Lackey ) For the purposes of this essay, I will acknowledge such connections while keeping in mind that we are

  • The Importance of Joseph Conrad’s Congo Journey

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    It was the year 1868. A young boy of about nine years of age stood looking at a map of Africa. The boy raised up his hand and stuck his finger directly into the middle of the “dark continent.” “When I grow up I shall go there,” said this boy with great enthusiasm (Conrad 13). Little did he know that some years later his childhood wish would come true. Joseph Conrad grew up to become quite the sailor, starting as an apprentice on a French vessel in 1875 and working his way to become a master

  • Marlow's Assessment of Africa in Conrad's Heart of Darkness

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    silly little bird. It could be that he felt Britain's occupancy of Africa was nothing more than his own country falling into a trap. It was not a designed trap but one of destiny. It was his countries destiny to fall prey to the allures of that Dark Continent. Millions would die in the attempt to make monetary gains while occupying Africa. When Marlow mentions "the whited sepulcher" he could be referring again to his homeland, and when he makes this statement he may be referring to the fact

  • Black Studies Paper

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    Black Studies Paper African's past can be dated back to millions and millions of years. People from every continent is a descendant of the African origin. This essay will explain African's isolation to the rest of the world and some of the famous contributions and some of Africa's contributions to our world. Researchers have found that African people were the home of the first human beings. They have found fossils and archaeological findings that support thus evidence and by genetic research

  • Heart of Darkness

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    time, the Europeans often referred to Africa as the ‘Dark Continent’. This is the main setting of Marlow’s story and his destination is the Congo, which is the heart of Africa. An image of darkness is used to portray this whole setting. As Marlow begins to narrate, one of the first descriptions of Africa that he gives is of the dark shores. This gives the passengers of the Nellie, as well as the reader, their initial image of the Dark Continent. Before Marlow leaves for Africa, he goes for an interview

  • Evaluating the Evidence for Continental Drift

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    Evaluating the Evidence for Continental Drift There are several pieces of evidence certifying the existence of continental drift. They include mid oceanic ridges, fitting of continents, similarities of fossils on different continents and rock matches. The mid-oceanic ridges rise 3000 meters from the ocean floor and are more than 2000 kilometres wide surpassing the Himalayas in size. The mapping of the seafloor also revealed that these huge underwater mountain ranges have a deep trench

  • The Middle Ages

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    Rome fell in 476 AD, the subsequent 1000 years made up a period of time called the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages are often referred to as the Dark Ages because of the way of life in Europe during that age. William Manchester suggests that this time period was actually a dark age, in his A World Lit Only By Fire. Manchester describes the ‘Dark Ages’ as a “mélange of incessant warfare, corruption, lawlessness, obsession with strange myths, and an almost impenetrable mindlessness”. He also states how

  • Atlantis

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    leaving only a space frontier that is as yet unreachable. But standing out is a charming fantasy the modern world has yet to verify or condemn: the lost continent of Atlantis. The father of the modern worlds perception of Atlantis is Plato (circa 428- circa 347 b.c.). (1) The Greek philosopher spoke in his works Timaeus and Critias of a continent in the Atlantic ocean larger than Africa and Asia Minor combined which rivaled Athens as the most advanced in the world. (2) According to the legend surrounding

  • Misrepresentations And Stereotypes In Africa

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    Africa is a continent with two fronts. First is the façade that Americans create with our misrepresentations and stereotypes. They tend to be negative and create a negative image for those who live on the continent. The other front is the truth. Although there are some truths in American connotations, it isn’t the full truth. The stereotypes make two people look bad – Africa and those who do the stereotyping. Misrepresentations are created from a variety of different things, but it is up to the ignorant

  • Why: Why History Should Be Important?

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    Christopher Columbus, He is known as the great discoverer of the American. The man who sailed the ocean blue overcame several hardships and finally found land and discovered the continent of America. Despite the fact that common sense tells you he did not actually discover America, because there were already people living on the continent. In fact Columbus was a wicked, heartless and barbaric human being. Columbus and his men took “women and children as slaves for sex and labor” (Zinn 1). The Native people

  • What Is Africa, Perceptions And Misperceptions About Africa?

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    Africa is an “in development continent” with a very deep background about colonization, that is why is so hard to define it. With fifty four countries, some of them are: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Democratic Republic of Congo, among others, scientists says that the limits of Africa goes farther than their boundaries. In the lecture “Africa in World History and Anthropology: perceptions and misperceptions” (2012), Maiko argues that people have different perceptions