Damning Guilt Essays

  • Guilty Justice

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    were ironically killed, one by one, according to an old nursery rhyme.The characters were murdered according to the severity of the crimes they committed; consequently, their death was determined by their guilt. Mrs. Rogers was spared prolong torture because she had already suffered enough guilt from her crime and was less responsible than her husband. Mrs. Rogers had always felt guilty for what she had done, and therefore, had already started paying for her crime. After noticing that Mrs. Rogers

  • Oedipus Rex: Imagery of Blindness and Sight as a Medium to the Themes

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    During the course of the play, references to blindness and vision constantly recur, giving the reader an enhanced and more insightful look into the themes of the play. Some themes that are expressed through these references include truth and knowledge, guilt, and freewill versus fate. Throughout the play Sophocles constructs imagery based upon blindness and sight which embodies the prominent theme of the search for knowledge and truth in the play. Oedipus first innocently and honourably tries to find

  • A Little Cloud: Shame

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    Shame is a negative emotion that contributes to feeling guilty and disappointed. An individuals perception of themselves an a human being can have intensive implications because of shame. One’s behaviour and outlook on life can change drastically due to shame. The shame-driven behavioural changes can contribute to regretful situations due to certain actions that the individual carried out. These behaviours include aggressiveness or pure negativity, towards all aspects of life. Aggressiveness is a

  • The Sky Fisherman by Craig Lesley

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    about a boy learning about life’s way of balancing out. Culver and his mother, Flora, moved to the small town of Gateway, for a fresh start from their troubling past. Culver will witness the effects of guilt and repayment of debt on his Uncle as he tries to balance out the community of Gateway. Guilt and debt encourage people to make unwise decisions in favor of those who they are repaying. Their goal is to make things even and fair. Life balances out. Life has a way of evening out and making situations

  • The Trauma of Killing

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    Francisco: Routledge. Sherr, M. & Taylor, T.A. (2008). When veterans come home. Journal of Family and Community Ministries, 21(3), 6-16. Retrieved from http://www.baylor.edu/content/services/ document.php/145467.pdf Singer, M. (2004). Shame, guilt, self-hatred and remorse in the psychotherapy of Vietnam combat veterans who committed atrocities. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 58(4), 377-385. Van Winkle, E., & Safer, M. (2011). Killing versus witnessing in combat trauma and reports of PTSD

  • Mistakes are Valuable as Pearls

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    affect Pearl will have on her. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pearl is a major symbol that develops Hester and Dimmesdale’s dealings with their guilt and shame and develops her own theme to the novel. Pearl plays as a mirror of Hester and of her guilt and sin. She is almost like another scarlet letter. She shows Hester’s outer guilt and shame. When people look at Pearl they are reminded of Hester’s sin. Just as the book describes the scarlet letter to be beautiful and immaculate, Hester

  • The Nature of Ambition

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    but in the end he is destroyed by his excessive ambition which Shakespeare portrays as unnatural and dangerous. After the witches had prophesied that Macbeth will be the king, he only needed the extra push from Lady Macbeth to overcome his strong guilt feelings and so he could take action. Lady Macbeth, pursued her goals with more determination than Macbeth. She was willing to do anything to be queen and feels as if she is the one that has to spur him to take action. After reading his letter explaining

  • The Puritan's View Of Adultery In The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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    “You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14). In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, The Scarlet Letter, a woman named Hester, who is abandoned by her husband for two years, is having an affair with the pastor, Reverend Dimmesdale. Hester gives birth to a daughter while her husband is away which leads people to believe that she is having an affair. The Puritans’s view of sin is very strict, so they believe Hester deserves a terrible punishment.Hester keeps the father hidden from the knowledge of the townspeople

  • Guilt In Hamlet Essay

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    Fifth Business: The Theme of Guilt One particular human emotion can cripple humans mentally and physically. It can cause people to do things they do not want to do. It can lead them to twist the truth and lie not only to themselves, but people around them as well. It is something that they cannot hide. It is more like a disease, however, it is better known as guilt. Along with guilt, comes dishonesty, shamefulness, peculiar behavior, and even suicidal thoughts. Guilt is a recurring theme in both

  • The Theme Of Guilt In Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    is an important emotion for people to feel so we know when our actions are wrong. But when we ignore our feelings of guilt, it can lead to the destruction of our conscience. In his play Macbeth, Shakespeare incorporates his idea of guilt into images for the audience. Blood and water are two symbols in Macbeth that function as keys to unlock the hidden message of the effects of guilt. Blood is used to remind Macbeth and Lady Macbeth of their violent actions, while water represents a way to cleanse

  • Richard III: The Tragedy of Isolation

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    The real tragedy of Richard III lies in the progressive isolation of its protagonist.   From the very opening of the play when Richard III enters "solus", the protagonist's isolation is made clear. Richard's isolation progresses as he separates himself from the other characters and breaks the natural bonds between Man and nature through his efforts to gain power. The first scene of the play begins with a soliloquy, which emphasizes Richard's physical isolation as he appears alone as he speaks

  • The Downfall of Lady Macbeth

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    deed and that washing their hands will wash away all the guilt.  Macbeth exclaims that "all Neptune's ocean" will not wash the blood from his hands. Lady Macbeth appears at this point to be a ruthless killer working on behalf of the prince of darkness, which solidifies her character and gives the audience new insights to her psychological state. The audience is lead to believe that Lady Macbeth will never feel any guilt concerning the murder, but her guilty conscience is displayed

  • Guilt as Reparation for Sin in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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    Guilt as Reparation for Sin in The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter is a novel about a Puritan woman who has committed adultery and must pay for her sin by wearing a scarlet “A'; on her bosom. The woman, Hester Prynne, must struggle through everyday life with the guilt of her sin. The novel is also about the suffering that is endured by not admitting to one’s wrongs. Reverend Mister Dimmesdale learns that secrecy only makes the guilt increase. Nathaniel Hawthorne is trying to display

  • Guilt In The Scarlet Letter And The Crucible

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    The presence of guilt has been felt by all human beings. As guilt grows in a person’s life it eventually begins to have a deteriorating effect on the individual. In both The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible more than one of the characters are experiencing some form of guilt and the effects of the public’s opinion on their own personal sins. Each character’s guilt originates from a different personal problem and with each character’s guilt comes a different reaction

  • J.B.Priestley’s play, An Inspector Calls - Eva Smith

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    Eva Smith - character study. There are many reasons for the death of Eva Smith. Each one of the Birling family and Gerald pushed Eva Smith a little closer to suicide but no one person was solely responsible for her death. It was not only the Birling's that contributed to Eva Smith's death but her position in the world she was in, she was very poor and low in society Mr Birling was the first person who we were led to believe started off the train of events that led to the death of Eva Smith

  • Toni Morrison's Sula

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    Toni Morrison's Sula In the book Sula by Toni Morrison, Morrison’s ambiguous link between good, evil, and guilt, she is able to show that these terms are relative to each other and often occur mutually. In her comparison of good and evil, Sula states that "Being good to somebody is just like being mean to somebody. Risky. You don't get nothing for it" (145). Good and evil are being compared as if they are equal and that is how the book is structured. For instance, Eva's burning of Plum is a

  • J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls

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    J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls Sheila and Sybil Birling are two very different characters, in terms of attitude and behaviour. How far would the audience agree with this statement? The audience would agree 100% with the statement above, because Sheila and Sybil are two very different people, even though they are mother and daughter but their personalities and attitudes are shown to be different by the end of the play. The relationship between the mother and daughter appears to

  • Symbolism In The Novel 'Paradise'

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    The novel “Paradise” it has various significances not just its literary preference but the title itself. Paradise is very symbolic to the story because of the meaning of the word paradise itself, when a person comes across a word as such they first think of a tropical or a hard to reach place but to a person whose environment is hell to them paradise will be any place better than their usual place, the word paradise means a place where lost souls go and/welcome. In this novel women who were lost

  • Death Foretold Commentary

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    most likely, he did not. On pages 46-47, of the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Garcia Marquez, the narrator creates an overall mood of misery and brutality to show how bad situations can cause people to resort to blaming others for their own guilt. Angela Vicario is returned to her home on the night of the wedding when her spouse, Bayardo, finds that she is not a virgin. According to Bayardo, it appears that Angela is only worth marrying while she is still pure. As the crestfallen groom returns

  • What Is Gilligan Theory Of Guilt

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    Gilligan also believe that guilt is part of violence. Shame causes violence but guilt inhibits it. He believe that when an individual is so disrespected, abuse, humiliated and lacking in self-love, behaved as if they could not emotionally afford to love others, as if they need to conserve the love that they were capable of giving. For that reason those individuals who are capable of killing is because they are incapable of love and feeling guilty of what they did; remorse for others. Depending on