Dachshund Essays

  • For the Love of My Dog, Lilly

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    direction, but that’s not always the case. The love that I share in my life has kept me on a pretty good path so far. My love for things varies but one thing in my life that I have learned to have the most love for is my dachshund, Lilly. Lilly, my black/brown long haired miniature dachshund, has been a part of my family since 2005. I had begged and pleaded with my parents that year that I needed a dog. It was the year after my cat had just died and to be honest I wasn’t a hundred percent sure how having

  • Essay On Dachshunds

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    Dachshunds are really awesome dogs once you start to research them. They may be hard to train, but once you have trained them, you will have a loyal companion. They can help you hunt or, they can just be an everyday pet. My three subtopics will be about breeding, potty training, and training your dachshund. Dachshunds will try your patience just like the 6th and 7th grade Language Arts class at Evans Christian Academy. One of the hardest thing to do with your dachshund is potty training. The

  • Dachshund Research Paper

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    Today i’m going to talk about five different dog breeds that I have been researching. The five dog breeds are Bichon Frise, Boxer, Dachshund, Greyhound, and Keeshond. Each dog is unique in its own way. I hope if your looking for one of these dogs that this information will help you find the right one for you. The colors of the Bichon Frise vary from a solid white, cream, gray, or apricot. The males height is 9-12 inches and the females is 9-11 inches. The Bichon Frise weighs between 7-12 pounds

  • Little Red Riding Hood In The Landlady By Roald Dahl

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    bed and breakfast catches his eye and after moments of contemplation he decides to stay there instead. He then meets the owner, an old lady, and she lets him stay there at a ridiculously low price. As he is looking around he notices a parrot and a dachshund and decides it’s a good sign. After the old lady shows him his room she makes him sign the guest book, as he was signing the book he noticed that there were only two entries

  • Golden Retriever Research Paper

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    break and the dog gets to have fun and play with the kids. If you like small dogs then these 4 dogs are the top small dogs for you. p://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/ claims that these are the top 4 small dogs . The first small dog is the Dachshund.

  • Examples Of Manipulation In The Landlady

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    a disguise, hiding the true terrors beyond a ‘homey’ exterior. “...the first thing he saw was a bright fire burning in the hearth. On the carpet in front of the fire, a pretty little dachshund was curled asleep with its nose tucked into it’s belly.” (page 107) Later do we find out that this “pretty little dachshund” is dead and has been preserved by the Landlady herself. The fire is welcoming during a cold night in a new place. “Animals were usually a good sign in a place like this, Billy told himself;

  • Perfect Child Research Paper

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    a ton of times where this selective breeding has turned out bad for non-human species. For example: Pugs; this dog breed is susceptible to nasal and respiratory infection and disease because they have been selectively bred to have a short nose. Dachshunds (or Sausage Dogs) are another example of this being the

  • Evolution of Dogs

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    The grey wolf has been transformed into what we, today, call a dog. After years of traveling with humans, the wolf began to change and became adapted and tame enough to socialize with humans. The environment it was placed into was one of the causes for change, and another was the role it played for humans. The most likely scenario for wolves beginning to coexist with humans is that a human hunting party came across a very young wolf cub and decided to take it with them. The wolf cub would have

  • Dog is Man's Best Friend

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    BAM! Dogs, now a man's best friend. The most common pet, thanks to wolves. Now let's go way back in time before dogs existed. Now, wolves gradually evolved into dogs. A wolf and a dog are the same species. They also have the same DNA. Hunting dogs are more related to wolves. Some people long ago tried to breed dogs by changing their features. For example, a doberman pinscher got most of its tail cut off. Now they have such small tails! A corgi has a natural tail. A great dane has surgically

  • Small Dogs Are More Aggressive Than Large Dogs

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    Rottweiler (26%), and Chihuahua (17%). The three least aggressive dogs according to this chart are Dachshund (50%), Chihuahua (22%), and Rottweiler (11%). There are different combinations of beliefs on which canines are believed to be more aggressive than the other. However, Diana Vilibert reported from a journal (Applied Animal Behavior Science) that the top three most aggressive dogs were the Dachshund, Chihuahua, and the Jack Russell. Vilibert stated that the journal reported “one in five bit our

  • Dialectical Journal Worksheet

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    house." This shows that at first Billy sees the hotel as completely normal with no odd suspicions. He thinks that nothing odd has happended yet as he states later. 2. "His landlady wasn’t there, but the fire was glowing in the hearth, and the little dachshund was still sleeping in front of it" This shows that the hotel that Billy is stayign at seems very friendly and the animals there make it seem like your at home. 3. “I stuff all my little pets myself when they pass away." This shows that the animals

  • Use of Situational Irony in The Season of Divorce

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    Use of Situational Irony in The Season of Divorce John Cheever's "The Season of Divorce" could be viewed as nothing more than a story of hopeless love, a tale of something that could never be. It is through the author’s use of tone in the story that a theme deeper than simple forbidden desire is conveyed. The situation between Ethyl and her husband, the narrator, reflects one of hidden resentment; a product of imposed societal stresses. Through the use of situational irony, Cheever gives the

  • Cause And Effect Essay On Pit Bulls

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    raised. Many of pit bulls are just big babies, and love the attention to cuddle, and give lots of kisses. Any dog can bite you or get into a fight with another dog. Based on researchers decisions and calculations the most aggressive breed is the Dachshund. They also discovered that that one in five have bitten or attempted to bite someone they did not know and one in twelve have went after their owners. Chihuahuas were in second place, and Jack Russells were the third most aggressive

  • The Last Meow Summary

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    amount of money spent on pets increase and it is not worthwhile to spend a large amount. Pets have health problems and do not live for a long period of time which Bilger asks, ”Is the agony of chemotherapy worth an extra six months of life to a dachshund?” to reveal the excessive use of money Americans spend on their pets daily for the care of the owners’ pets. As the years past by, more and more money are spent on pets to satisfy its needs. Bilger’s question reveals the sound argument in which Americans

  • Description Of An Object Essay: Poochie

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    had a very special way of giving this dog to us during the holidays that I will get to later. But, anyways, we do not actually know when his real birthday is, so we always celebrate it on December 22nd, the day we got him as a gift. Poochie is a Dachshund, or also known as a “Wiener Dog”, which is a very popular breed in the Reusnow family. He has short brown hair, but he is fairly old now, so he even has some little gray hairs on his paws and chin! He has also put on a bit of

  • Suspense In The Landlady And A Tell-Tale Heart

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    Some authors use suspense to make their readers more intrigued and to create a feeling of wanting to know more. In “The Landlady” by Roald Dahl, Billy Weaver is looking for a place to spend the night and finds himself in front of a bed and breakfast. However, the Landlady, owner of the bed and breakfast, is a murderer. However in “A Tell Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator originally wants to kill the old man because of his eye the beat of the old man's heart is what drives the narrator

  • Descriptive Essay About A Dog

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    Some people may say a dog is just a dog, but for me they are extremely desirable. Dogs are a person’s best friend. They make me cry, laugh, and I wish never adopted one because they do smell. Although, dogs smell, it should not be a justification to not obtain one. I mean what does not smell? I never realized how taking care of a dog could change my life; until I saw how they sleep throughout the day, they are always there to comfort me, and how they provide a responsible way of living. All

  • Discrimination Against Pit Bulls Essay

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    Every day Pit Bull”s in shelters are killed just because people discriminate them by the breed of dog they are. Many people think that all Pit Bulls are the same as the other, but the truth is “All dogs are individuals”[Best friends.org]. Also, people think the name Pit Bull means a mean fighting dog, but that is also false their name actually means dog of America. Everything that people in America do to make all Pit Bulls disappear forever is like saying they want America to disappear forever because

  • Roald Dahl Scary Stories

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    In the first story “The Landlady” it says “she nodded towards the dachshund curled up so comfortably in front of the fire. Billy looked at it. And suddenly he realised that this animal had all the time. Been just as silent and motionless as the parrot. He could see the skin underneath, grayish-black and dry and perfectly

  • The Catcher In The Rye Creative Writing

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    clear Billy strode nonchalantly towards the exit, safety, and refuge from this accursed bed and breakfast was tantalizingly close. However, Billy’s phlegmatic demeanor was shattered when he carelessly tripped over the unmoving corpse of landlady’s dachshund. Billy fell to the ground with a sickening thud. Stars swam in front of Billy’s eyes; it felt as though someone had put his brain into a meat grinder and turned it into mush. He knotted his body into the fetal position and waited for the agonizing