The Debate Over Internet Censorship Many people believe the Internet has become the World’s Emancipation Proclamation. They believe that this newfound cyber-freedom will free countless generations of people. These people will be of every race, creed and color, whose lives, up until now, have been restrained by the paradigm of governments. Whether it is the United States Government, or the government of a foreign nation, the Internet will be our new Underground Railroad of cyberspace. Recently
got to know my family through her experiences with them. That was before the invention of electronic mail, a faster, cheaper outlet for communication that can reach anyone in the world who has access to the World Wide Web. Without technology, cyber space, and e-mail I would have very little communication and understanding of my family in Ireland. Prior to the creation of e-mail, writing letters was the best way to communicate overseas or anywhere a phone company considered long distance. Phone
physical space but actuallly was a computer-generated construct representing abstract data." Years later, mankind has realized that Gibson's vision is very close to reality. The term cyberspace was frequently used to explain or describe the process in which two computers connect with each other through various telephone lines. In this communication between the two systems there seems to be no distance between them. There are now four catagories that describe the major components of todays cyber space
Crime and the Criminal Internet Laws Cyber Space Law Right now there is a very interesting war being waged in the court rooms across America. It is a battle for the rights of citizens on the Internet. The Internet is a fairly new medium gaining wide popularity in 1994. Because of its incredible growth in popularity in a very short amount of time it has been hard to regulate. The first act to come out regarding the Internet and Freedom of Speech was PL 99-508 the Electronic Communications and Privacy
Ontological Shift In Michael Heim’s essay “The Cyber Space Dialectic”, he discusses how our culture is going through an ontological shift fashioned by the Internet. Heim articulates his theory of what dialectic is and how this ontological shift is creating a new dialectic. The Internet is the main place today where people from all over the world exchange and communicate their ideas and feelings. The Internet is a new community in itself. The ontological shift into the cyberspace times will change
Social Control of Cyber Space Our nation's infrastructure is daily becoming much more of an abstract environment due to the use of organized cyber criminals hacking away at our super computer information systems. They are generating unpredictable challenges for law enforcement in discovering the unethical abuse on computer systems and a concentration on the young topic of cyber terrorism threatening our criminal justice system. Our law enforcement continues to invent newer methods to function
For my term paper, I researched on Cyber Terrorism. I believe that Cyber Terrorism is a big problem in our society and may even be a worldwide problem for all humanity today. I want to do my term paper on Cyber Terrorism because I had some personal experience with this sort of terrorism. About a two years ago, I encountered a Hacker on America Online. I opened an unknown message in my mailbox that was titled “Free Nude Teens”. Then about a couple weeks later, we received all sorts of bills that had
Cyber Squatting and Domain Speculation – A Global perspective Introduction and definitions ‘Cyber squatting’ has become an increasing source of annoyance and problem in the internet world. Apart from some of the other issues such as internet security, hacking and frauds, which usually occur after going online, ‘Cyber Squatting’ is the first major problem faced by any company well before they even setup an internet web site. Before moving on to the various issues, it is often unclear of what
Millions of people around the world use computers and the internet everyday. We all use it in school, work even at home, computers have made us life easier, it has brought so many benefits to society but it has also brought some problems, cybercrimes is one of them. The internet could be considered a type of community of computer networks, therefore we could consider it a society. Like in every society, in the internet there is commerce, education, entertainment, and of course there is crime, cybercrime
Cyber-plagiarism It's two o'clock in the morning, you're just one page into a 10-page term paper that's due at eight o'clock. A few years ago, that would have been it: You would have submitted the paper late, if at all, and dealt with the consequences. But this is 2005, and so, in your most desperate hour, you try a desperate ploy. You log on to the Internet, enter "term papers" into an online search engine, and find your way to There you find a paper that fits the assignment
Geeks & Pr0n: A study of the culture behind the underground realm of cyber pornography. The spawning of the public Internet as we know it today provided a brand new type of communication, virtually unrestricted, and naturally, as with nearly every other form of communication, has been exploited by pornography. This newly-invented category of pornography, to be called “cyberporn,” would not only revolutionize its own industry, but also help to speed the development and growth of the Internet. Feeding
Cyber-Communism: The New Threat in the New Millennium My expedition into cyber-communism began when I read Brock Meeks' "Hackers Stumble Toward Legitimacy"[1]. The article addressed a recent hackers' convention. Interestingly, the keynote speaker was Eric Boucher[2] (alias Jello Biafra[3]), a rock star with no technical background. Numerous questions ensue. Who is Eric Boucher (alias Jello Biafra)? What does he believe? More importantly, why schedule someone with no technical background to speak
Freedom of Cyber-Speech Freedom of speech has always been an important issue in American society. With the advent of the Internet as a high-speed communication device, this issue has become even more prominent in recent years. This paper will explore the issue of whether the Internet should be censored. Additionally, it will investigate possible methods for undertaking this censorship. Since 1787, the Constitution has been integral part of American society. The First Amendment to the
Cyber Ethics: Rules for Using the Web We all have heard of ethics. According to Webster’s II New College Dictionary (1995), ethics is the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession. As Winn Schwartau (2001) stated “ethics is also about understanding how your actions will affect other people”. Cyber-ethics is the ethical decisions we make when using the Internet. We are tasked to use the Internet on a daily basis and we task students to use the Internet regularly
Cyber Crime is Not Real Crime If a crime doesn't result in actual physical damage or loss, can it be considered a crime? Or is any act that leaves a victim feeling violated a punishable crime? One way to look at the issue is through the approach that yes, cyber rape and other crimes are punishable. This can be argued through the fact that these crimes effect "real" life and stir up "real" emotion. It is a punishable violation because it involves actual victims and makes them feel violated
Cyber Terrorism Thus far we have scratched the surface of the ever-perplexing problem of terrorism. As it has evolved those in the position of countering it have also gained some valuable experience. Even with this knowledge it is very difficult, bordering on impossible to prevent terrorist acts from occurring. In the recent past there has been an extra element added to this confusing and dangerous equation, the Internet and other computer capabilities. Cyber-terrorism is a realistic possibility
Cyberculture has definitely changed the way the people of today communicate. More often than not in today’s society communication involves no personal contact at all, because of today’s modern marvels including e-mail, instant messenger, and cellular phone text messaging people are able to communicate more conveniently and fairly efficiently. The telegraph, typewriter, and the telephone all posed threats to the art of hand writing and in more recent times e-mail in particular has changed the
effectively turned cyberspace into a new strategic common, the same way the sea is for global trade and international movement of goods. Modern militaries now consider cyberspace as a fifth domain, along with the traditional domains of sea, land, air and space. The US Department of Defense defines cyberspace as ‘a global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures, including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer
has developed – Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can be defined as “the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person,” (Merriam-Webster, 2012). This form of bullying can come through various mediums including but not limited to text messages, emails, videos, and social networking sites. There is an overwhelming amount of information that defines cyber bullying, identifies the demographics of bullies and victims of cyber bullying, and identifies the outcomes of cyber bullying on victims
Cyber attacks on the Internet occur on a daily basis - ranging in size, form, mechanism, level of sophistication and impact. Some cyber attacks can merely be a nuisance that affects a relatively small number of people with an easy fix, while other attacks can be detrimental and costly affecting millions of users (Kramer, Starr, & Wentz, 2009). It is now more apparent than ever that effective cybersecurity defensive technologies and policies need to be designed and implemented to counter the full