Cruz Essays

  • Life of Celia Cruz

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    Celia Cruz the Queen of Salsa well known all over the world for her outstanding performances and her message of joy to life. She was an artist with over six decades of success making her an inspiration to the Latin community as well as the rest of the world. CELIA CRUZ LIFE Celia Cruz was born in a humble neighborhood of Santo Suarez in Havana, Cuba on October 21, 1924. She was one of 14 children. One of her chores was to sing to her youngest sibling to sleep. Her first appearance as a child earned

  • The Boardwalk of Santa Cruz

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    The Boardwalk of Santa Cruz "Keifer Sutherland blockbuster Lost Boys filmed on this spot," proclaimed the self-important plaque. It was mounted on a wall along a long flight of log stairs. As I looked back, miles of beach stretched out before me and, across the bay, I could see red, blue, orange lights whirling high above the crowds upon a huge wheel. We made our way back to where the steps met back up with the sidewalk alongside the highway. We were hit by the smell of the city, of the

  • The Death of Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes

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    The Death of Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes Carlos Fuentes author of The Death of Artemio Cruz has used his novel to show how Mexico has been transformed and molded into its present state through the use of his character Artemio Cruz. Fuentes uses Cruz to bring together a historical truth about the greedy capital seekers, robber barons, if you will, who after the revolution brought Mexico directly back to into the situation it was in before and during the Revolution. Fuentes wrote the novel

  • Run Baby Run, by Nicky Cruz

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    Run Baby Run, by Nicky Cruz Run Baby Run is the autobiography of an inspiring Christian, Nicky Cruz, who wasn't always serving the Lord. Nicky grew up in Puerto Rico, where his mother and father were spiritualists. His childhood was hard and lonely and he was convinced no one loved him. Nicky felt alone in the world at a young age and this made a deep hatred begin to grow inside him. By the time Nicky was 16 his parents could no longer handle him and sent him to live with his brother, Frank

  • Jackie Cruz Essay

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    Jackie Cruz Wiki, Bio, Net worth, Girlfriend, Lesbian, Dating, and Relationship Jackie Cruz is a Dominican-American actress along with a former model and a musician. She is known for her outstanding supporting role on the hit Netfix arrangement Orange is the New Black. Cruz is best known as Marisol from Flaca Gonzales. Jackie Cruz was born on 8th of August in the year of 986 which makes her current age 31. She was born in Queens, New York City. Later she moved and grew up in Los Angeles, the Dominican

  • Celia Cruz Life

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    most popular style of dance in many Hispanic communities In the early 1960s important political changes took place in Cuba with the communist Fidel Castro taking power over the country; therefore, forcing many Cubans including musicians such as Celia Cruz internationally known as the “Queen of Salsa” to immigrate to the United States, especially ...

  • Puerto Rican Experience in Hartford

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    country (Cruz, 5). Nonetheless, Puerto Ricans still face myriad challenges with respect to the integration and acceptance of their culture in Hartford. Although the PR community is only two generations old, Puerto Ricans have managed to both organize and mobilize in this relatively short time (Cruz, 2). Puerto Ricans have focused closely on their ethnic identity because they viewed their incorporation into the political sphere occurring only by means of asserting their difference (Cruz, 10). They

  • Bound By Honor

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    have Paco, a rebellious teen that loves a fight, and is in a small East Los Angeles street gang called “Vatos Locos.” Then, there is his half brother Cruz, he is trying to stray away from the gang life by painting, however, he still is and hangs with the Vatos Locos. Lastly, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and white skin, there is Miklo the cousin of Cruz and Paco, who ran away from his white father to reconect with his Mexican roots. The only problem is Miklo does not look Chicano, and the Mexican community

  • cinco de mayo

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    left Juarez in debt to Spain, England, and France. The three countries were concerned about the debt, so they held a meeting in London, at which Spain and Britain decided to waive the debt in exchange for military control of the Custom House in Vera Cruz. France did not agree to these terms and invaded Mexico in 1861 in hopes of defeating the country and disposing of Juarez. The French troops--deemed among the best trained and equipped in the world--marched into the city of Puebla on May 5, 1862, expecting

  • Vascular Epiphytes of Far North Queensland

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    diversity in tropical forests allows an increased fauna diversity. Epiphytic species, while not agronomically important, play intricate roles in ecology. HISTORY Columbus wrote the first known documentation of an epiphytic species. Martinus de la Cruz, an Aztec Indian physician, illustrated the first epiphyte (an orchid) in the Badianus Manuscript in 1552. Trade around the world by the 1770's included many exotic and tropical plants with epiphytic species among them. Orchids, ferns and others were

  • Brazils Current Film Industry

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    thoroughly cherished by the public. By the end of the 1940’s Brazilian film making was becoming an industry. The Vera Cruz Film Company was created in Sao Paulo with the goal of producing films of international quality. It hired technicians from abroad and brought back from Europe, Alberto Cavalcanti, a Brazilian filmmaker with an international reputation to head the company. Vera Cruz produced some important films before it closed in 1954, among them the epic O Cangaceiro which won the "Best Adventure

  • One Life To Live!

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    before dawn on the 15th of February 1997 in Immaculate Concepcion Hospital in Manila, Philippines. After thirty-six hours of screaming and pushing, my mother’s difficult labor finally paid off when I came about. I was born to Israel and Maria Victoria Cruz. I had one older brother and now three more younger brothers, leaving me the to be the only daughter in the family. My passion for learning began as I started kindergarten in International Christian Academy and graduated from preschool with the highest

  • Ted Cruz

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    Texas and local politician presentation and discussion Ted Cruz was born on Dec 22, 1970 in Calgary, Alberta to Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson Darragh and Rafael Bienvenido Cruz. Shortly after Ted Cruz’s birth the oil industry slumped in Canada causing his parents to have to sell their seismic-data processing company. At the age of three Ted Cruz’s father would divorce his mother and move to Houston. It was not until, six months later that Eleanor moved to Houston with Ted, and remarried Rafael. Despite

  • Traffic, Directed by Steven Soderbergh

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    Traffic. Dir. Steven Soderbergh. Perf. Michael Douglas, Benicio Del Toro, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Dennis Quaid. USA Films, 2000. Blow. Dir. Ted Demme. Perf. Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Paul Reubens, Ray Liotta. New Line Cinema, 2001. 1. Just as the intoxicating sensations of different drugs are incommensurable with one another, so films about different drugs tend to have radically different themes and effects. In American popular culture perhaps the illegal drug with the longest cinema

  • Pablo Neruda

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    encontró un grupo alerta, vuelto hacia la liberación de la poesía por la reforma poética, de anchas consecuencias de Vicente Huidobro, el inventor del Creacionismo. La obra de los años siguientes de Neruda acaba de ser reunida por la editorial española Cruz y Raya en dos muy dignos volúmenes que se llaman "Residencia en la Tierra". La obra del capitán de los jóvenes ofrece, desde la cobertura, la gracia no pequeña de un título agudo. "Residencia en la Tierra" dará todo gusto a los estudiosos presentándoles

  • Nikolas Cruz

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    Nikolas Cruz age nineteen, walked into Stoneman Douglas high school at 2:06 pm eastern time with an AR-15 with only one intention, to kill. Bloodthirsty, in a span of 7 minutes he murdered seventeen people, lost the innocence of his own life, and took many others. Madame defarge a young women living through the time of the french revolution had such hate and bloodthirst for any aristocrat around her, she caused the deaths many people whether it was slitting their throats or sending them to the guillotine

  • Edmund Kemper:Co-ed Killer

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    in Atascadero. In 1969, a 21-year-old behemoth grown to six-foot-nine and some 300 pounds, Kemper was paroled to his mother's custody over the objections of the state psychiatrists. During Kemper's enforced absence, his mother had settled in Santa Cruz, a college town whose population boasted thousands of attractive co-eds. For the next two years, through 1970 and '71, Kemper bided his time, holding odd jobs and cruising the highways in his leisure time, picking up dozens of young female hitchhikers

  • A culture of my own

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    prideful of this. One of the greatest salsa singer/writer was the late Celia Cruz. She was somewhat of a hero to Cuban people; seeing as though she had been a Cuban refugee, and became a great success in the U.S. Her recent passing was a devastation, not only to the Cuban society but to all Latinos and many Americans as well. Which brings me to family. My Mother and Aunts had grown up listening to and admiring Celia Cruz so you can only imagine their reaction to her death. Our entire family was in

  • Chanukah festival of Lights

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    decorate trees for Christmas and the lighting candles for Kwanzaa--it’s all about looking at light at times of darkness." Marcus, who is the cantor for the Temple Bethel, will be performing the Chanukah ceremony at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center [in Santa Cruz] on Dec. 5 from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. What is Chanukah? Chanukah commemorates the physical and spiritual victory of the Jews against the Greeks almost 2,000 years ago. Chanukah means rededication and the symbols and rituals of the holiday demonstrate

  • Homeless Americans

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    alleges that there are several other major cities in the U.S. with similar laws (321). According to Pascale, Berkeley uses trespassing laws and loitering laws to keep people off the sidewalks and away from places like parks and laundromats. And in Santa Cruz you can be arrested for sitting on a sidewalk, sleeping outside, or even sleeping in a car (321). Pascale asserts that the reason for these laws is to protect the businesses located around these areas. She also says that “no one wants to run a guantlet