Critique Essays

  • A Critique of The Giver

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    A Critique of The Giver The purpose of this book was to show us a possible version of a "Utopia". It  was a fantasy oriented book, that was suppose to make you think about the possibilities for the future.  The setting is a supposedly perfect society where everyone is taken care of and no one is different.  The author Lois Lowry does a fine job portraying this supposedly "ideal" society. This book began with a description of sameness and release the two general principles the society

  • Documentary Critique

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    This is a critique of" Roger And Me", a documentary by Michael Moore. This is a film about a city that at one time had a great economy. The working class people lived the American dream. The majority of people in this town worked at the large GM factory. The factory is what gave these people security in their middle working class home life. Life in the city of Flint was good until Roger Smith the CEO of GM decided to close the factory. This destroyed the city. Violent crime became the highest in

  • Critique of "The Darling"

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    For centuries, women have turned and have entrusted in men for advice to fulfill their lives with romance. Some women, even though they had difficulty establishing a satisfactory bond with their spouse, still had a tendency to have a dependency on the male spouse for identity. For a woman to become a "wife" was a defining role in women's lives back then, especially within the eastern European cultures. Sadly, marriage is not always shown to be flowery and romantic as expected. Although Anton Chekov

  • sphere critique

    685 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sphere Sphere is an interesting story about a group of scientists from different disciplines who are brought to a super-secret underwater site where the U. S. Navy has discovered a mysterious, glowing sphere. Although the movie was very interesting, a lot of scientific facts, it was just too long and there were parts of the film where I found myself yawning. I give the movie a thumb up for being the movie my teacher chose to show the class. Although the movie was directed by Barry Levinson and

  • Scarlet Critique

    855 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne was written in 1850. It was based on the Puritans of the 1600's, which were revived in Hawthorne's era. Hawthorne descended from Puritan heritage and harbored a sense of guilt and hatred for their way of life. He used many themes and literary techniques in The Scarlet Letter including symbolism and irony. He emphasized the individual's role in the community and the role of women in society. Hawthorne used romanticism as opposed to the classical correctness

  • Critique on Kirstie laird

    1050 Words  | 3 Pages

    Critique on Kirstie laird Orange Girl I chose to critique and analyze the works of Kirstie Laird. I liked the variety of her works, and the bright, brilliant colors in most of them. I think the one that fascinated me most, however, was “Marionette” because it didn’t have any of the orange colors or motifs prominent in her other works. This puzzled me, since the title of her showing was “Orange Girl” and every other picture in the showing fit the title well. I found Laird’s works quite

  • Heidegger's Critique of Cartesianism

    3337 Words  | 7 Pages

    has been neglected. I wish to address the question by focusing on the major aspects of Heidegger's critique of Cartesian philosophy and the modern tradition. I will first show that the strength of his criticism lies in its all-encompassing penetration of the foundations of modern philosophy, running through both the ontological and epistemological channels. Ontologically, Heidegger presents a critique of subjectivism; epistemologically, he discredits the correspondence conception of truth and its underlying

  • Critique La Ventura

    932 Words  | 2 Pages

    Critique La Ventura La Ventura is widely regarded as one of the greatest films to date. Michelangelo Antonioni didn’t win the Palme D’or, but it did get a Special Jury Prize during the Cannes film festival of 1960. No surprise he didn’t win the Palme D’or, but why give him an award in the first place? The reason for winning the title seemed unclear at first because the film had serious issues with breaking the rules of standardized filmmaking. For example having his actors enter the scene from

  • Critique on Relational Dialectics

    649 Words  | 2 Pages

    Critique on Relational Dialectics A Theory by Baxter and Montgomery Relational Dialectics concerns itself with trying to explain the intricacies of close interpersonal relationships such as those with a lover, close friend, or family. Written by two women, Leslie Baxter and Barbara Montgomery, it comes across a little more "touchy-feely" than other theories. This Humanist quality in the way it iw presented allows myself to critique Relational Dialectics in the following fashion. According

  • Pirates Of Penzance - Critique

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    Pirates of Penzance - Critique The Pirates of Penzance was an opera performed by the Southwest Texas Opera Workshop. The Pirates of Penzance, composed by Gilbert & Sullivan, is a light-hearted parody of the traditional opera. This opera takes place somewhere in the British Virgin Islands. It is about a boy, Federic, who is to be apprenticed by his nurse, Ruth, to become a pilot. Ruth mistakes the word pilot for pirate and apprentices him to a band of pirates. She, too, remains with them as a maid-of-all-work

  • Analytical Critique of The Godfather

    928 Words  | 2 Pages

    Analytical Critique of The Godfather I believe the reason that, 'The Godfather', is such a great film is because it lets audiences decide whether they like the characters or not. Too many movies made about organized crime begin with some seemingly random act of violence. 'The Godfather', however, lets it be known from the start to judge the characters in the film based on what type of person they are instead of the criminal activities they may engage in. The film begins with a wedding, and

  • Critique on Open City

    1104 Words  | 3 Pages

    Critique on Open City “Open City” is a neo-realist film that followed the movement in Italy during World War 2. The film is neo-realistic because it has that ‘reality’ like feeling to it by following specific characters through their daily stressful lives that are screwed up from poverty and war. It has many qualities that make it in some ways ‘closer’ to the characters. While watching, the viewer is sucked into the story and immediately feeling emotional with the families and the other various

  • A Critique of The Taming of the Shrew

    1893 Words  | 4 Pages

    A Critique of The Taming of the Shrew The Taming of the Shrew is one of the earliest comedies written by William Shakespeare.  Some scholars believe it may have been his first work written for the stage as well as his first comedy (Shakespearean 310).    The earliest record of it being performed on stage is in 1593 or 1594.  It is thought by many to be one of Shakespeare's most immature plays (Cyclopedia 1106). In The Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio was the only suitor

  • Rousseau's Critique of Moliere

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Rousseau’s critique of Moliere, he sees Moliere as being a perfect author. Moliere incorporates betrayal and distortion to stir the emotions and gain our interest, as well as sympathy. Rousseau feels that Moliere doesn’t help society, instead, he harms it. The reason is because Moliere is bringing down the value of society by using politics and comedy together. People are starting to see their flaws as being acceptable due to the content they see in Moliere’s work. If the first thing that one

  • Critique of Kane and Abel

    1801 Words  | 4 Pages

    Critique of Kane and Abel Jeffrey Archer’s epic novel Kane And Abel could just as easily be two novels; one named Kane and the other Abel, such is the difference between the two characters. From the outset, we are aware of William Lowell Kane’s privilege and of Abel Rosnovski’s poverty. Both are born 15th April, 1905 as male members of the human race. These are the most obvious similarities shared by the two. Their contrasted births introduce us to two different personalities and two different

  • Various Art Critiques

    929 Words  | 2 Pages

    Various Art Critiques The Doll Man, Doug Safranak, oil painting As I enter the Gioconda and Joseph King Gallery at the Norton Museum of Art the first thing that Caught my attention was a painting measuring approximately at 4 ft. by 10 ft. on the side wall in a well- light area. As I further examine the painting the first thing I notice is that it has super realism. It also has color, texture, implied space, stopped time, and that it is a representational piece. The foreign man sitting on the

  • Critique of The Breakfast Club

    1164 Words  | 3 Pages

    Critique of The Breakfast Club Breakfast Club is a comedy that was released in 1985. It was written, produced and directed by John Hughes. It’s about five teenage students from different social groups when forced to spend a Saturday together in detention they find themselves interacting with and understanding each other for the first time. A jock, Emilio Estevez, a stoner, Judd Nelson, a princess, Molly Ringwald, a basket case, Ally Sheedy, and a brain, Anthony Michael Hall, talk about everything

  • Critique of Story Haircut

    677 Words  | 2 Pages

    Reading through the whole story "Haircut" , it is not easy to believe that the death of Jim Kendall is really accidental. It is most likely that the incident is a murder. Jim Kendall is not a man who is loved by people in that small town, although some people find his jokes funny as long as they are not on them. There are many examples of those on whom Jim always makes annoying jokes such as Milt who "has got an Adams apple that looks more like a mushmelon" Julie Gregg and especially

  • Critique of Robert Frost

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    Marion Montgomery, “Robert Frost and His Use of Barriers: Man vs. Nature Toward God,” Englewood Cliffs, NJ; Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962. Reprinted by permission of The South Atlantic Quarterly. Robert Frost is considered by the casual reader to be a poet of nature like that of a Wordsworth. In a sense, his poetry is about nature, yet with strong underlying tones of the drama of man in nature. Frost himself stated, “I guess I’m not a nature poet,” “ I have only written two without a human being in

  • In Search of Excellence: Critique

    1260 Words  | 3 Pages

    Peter's & Waterman write of marketing but never refer to the marketing concept. However, is the philosophy of the marketing concept crucial to the theme of the book? Or, is the marketing concept compromised by the authors' interest in a product orientation. The marketing concept's ultimate goal in essence is to satisfy an organisation's clientele, while at the same time enabling the company to survive and prosper. It stresses consumer-orientation in all facets of a company's operation. It also emphasises