Creative Genius Essays

  • Bipolar Disorder and the Creative Genius

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    Bipolar Disorder and the Creative Genius Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a psychopathology that affects approximately 1% of the population. (1) Unlike unipolar disorder, also known as major affective disorder or depression, bipolar disorder is characterized by vacillating between periods of elation (either mania or hypomania) and depression. (1, 2) Bipolar disorder is also not an illness that remedies itself over time; people affected with manic depression are manic-depressives

  • Dmitri Shostakovich: A Musical Creative Genius

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    Dmitri Shostakovich: Creative Musical Genius "In Shostakovich we have the paradigm of a new, essentially political form of complex inward adjustments, one which requires a new kind of symphony." (Norris 177) Although a lifelong communist and an intense Russian patriot (he applied for and was granted membership into the Communist party in 1960), Dmitri Shostakovich composed under constant fear of public condemnation, often for what he perceived as the most contradictory reasons. He strongly believed

  • Dave Barry: The Evolution of a Creative Genius

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    Dave Barry: The Evolution of a Creative Genius Humor, as a creative effort, has been respected throughout the world, I’m sure, since the beginning of spoken language. There is nothing in the world like conjuring up a joke or some other anecdote that sends a group of people off into a fit of laughter. In fact, throughout time, people have attempted to make humor at least some part of their professional career. Court jesters made the royalty of the castle laugh at his foolish behavior. Playwrights

  • Creativity and Mental Illness

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    intellect. Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night - Edgar Allen Poe When you are insane, you are busy being insane - all the time... When I was crazy, that's all I was. - Sylvia Plath Is creative genius somehow woven together with "madness"? According to the dictionary, "to create" is "to bring into being or form out of nothing." Such a powerful, mysterious, and even impossible act must surely be beyond the scope of scientific inquiry! No wonder

  • Creativity, the Subconcious, and Daydreaming

    862 Words  | 2 Pages

    is and then how it is affected. Creativity¡¦ is it merely the expression of ones ideas, or must it be something that none has ever thought of before? My answer to this question is that neither idea is a proper definition for creativity. To be creative is the ability of the individual to express themselves in a passionate manner that is unique. The expression must be unique in the fact that the way in which it is expressed demonstrates the emotions and feelings of the creator. Also there are other

  • Brian Wilson

    3173 Words  | 7 Pages

    Wilson is the creative genius that wrote and produced much of The Beach Boys’ music. Despite being near deaf in one ear, Wilson managed to not only provide the Beach Boys with countless hit records, but also made a major impact on popular music as a whole. His music influenced most major pop musicians today and his harmonies are used in songs sung by such pop acts as N’Sync and The Backstreet Boys. Even the Beatles admit that they felt threatened by the Beach Boys and without the creative challenge that

  • Harry Forster Chapin: Musician, Song Writer, Film Editor and Political Activist

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    In the short thirty-nine years of the life of Harry Forster Chapin (1942-1981), he managed to distinguish himself as a creative genius in multiple fields, ultimately leaving a distinct mark on this world, though he received only moderate public recognition. Professionally, he was a musical performer and songwriter, a film editor, and a political activist and lobbyist, able to reach remarkable heights in all three fields. In the field of music, Chapin rose to stardom as a rock and roll performer and

  • Ntozake Shange

    3085 Words  | 7 Pages

    to challenge Gardner and his model to become less Euro-centrally male driven. In order to confront him, I have chosen a person who is neither, White nor male. Instead, she is a Black American woman who I can consider to be, in many aspects, a creative genius. Although I find it incredibly hypocritical to try to fit Ntozake Shange into Gardner's creativity model, for all intensive purposes for the class I will first point out how she does meet his model. Next, in accordance with Black feminists

  • Virginia Woolf's A Room of One’s Own

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    as economic freedom allows one to inhabit a physical space---a room of one’s own---so does mental freedom allow one to inhabit one’s own mind and body “incandescent and unimpeded.” Woolf seems to believe that the development and expression of creative genius hinges upon the mental freedom of the writer(50), and that the development of mental freedom hinges upon the economic freedom of the writer (34, 47). But after careful consideration of Woolf’s essay and also of the recent trend in feminist criticism

  • Mozart

    907 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is one of the greatest music composers who ever lived. His name and the word 'genius' are often bandied about together by music writers and critics and many would argue rightly so. Mozart had a fantastic ear for writing a catchy tune with perfect orchestral arrangement. His compositions have a rich and distinctive sound; it can be said that in his brief lifetime (only 35 years) that he wrote a masterpiece in every genre of classical music without much apparent effort. Original

  • Physics, Love, and Richard Feynman

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    investigated in an attempt to give insight into his unique creative genius. To see how well Feynman's defining characteristics fit with those of other creative geniuses, another investigation follows. Howard Gardner's model of creativity, as described in his Creating Minds (1993), is used as the backdrop for this analysis. Through these investigations, the physicist and non-physicist alike will gain a sense of the extraordinary mind that this "half genius, half buffoon" exercised daily--for his love of physics

  • The Blair Witch Project

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    approach no one had used for decades. Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel Myrick came up with an idea for a new style of horror film. These two gentlemen were independent filmmakers so their budget was fairly limited. From the small amount of funds and creative genius of the two filmmakers, the idea of The Blair Witch Project was born. The story takes place in the small town of Burketsville, Maryland. An actual city of less than two hundred people. Before the spring of 1998 it was known for the pivotal civil

  • Individual Presentation: Kevin Mitnick

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    Individual Presentation: Kevin Mitnick Introduction Originally, I had planned on researching George Lucas as my creative genius. I am in love with the Star Wars saga, but I really could not get interested in George Lucas. Then, late one night, I saw a movie called Takedown. It was based on a true story that dealt with the pursuit and capture of Kevin Mitnick, one of the most infamous computer hackers of all time. I was instantly amazed. As soon as the movie was over, I began scouring the

  • Julia Child: Master Chef and TV Star

    2137 Words  | 5 Pages

    truth belies its outer sight; For never were there foods, nor were there wines, Whose flavor equals yours for sheer delight. O luscious dish! O gustatory pleasure! You satisfy my taste-buds beyond measure. - Paul Child Julia Child is a creative genius who changed the culinary world with her energetic personality and fine cooking skills. She is a fine example of the gusto-olfactory intelligence with special accents of visual spatial and interpersonal intelligence’s. There were many chefs that

  • High Rennaisance Art

    591 Words  | 2 Pages

    The High Renaissance was the culmination of the artistic revolution of the Early Renaissance, and one of the great explosions of creative genius in history.(1). During the Renaissance there were many drastic changes in the style of art. Giotto was a very influential painter, during the start of the Renaissance. In Giotto's work he used three dimensional images; this was a drastic change from the classic art where depth was not used. His paintings were very realistic and life like, unlike the previous

  • Claude Monet

    4243 Words  | 9 Pages

    "Is that a Monet?" As a nine-year-old boy with minimal knowledge of the arts, I wasn't exactly sure what I was being asked. I turned around to look at the painting on my grandparents' wall and saw the writing "Claude Monet 1903" in the bottom right-hand corner. I politely answered my aunt's question, "Yes, I believe so." After we both looked at the painting for a few moments, she commented on its beauty and praised Claude Monet as a "great artist." I liked the painting myself. The different shades

  • Martin Luther King, Jr.: Effective Nonviolence & the Multiple Intelligences

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    concise, provide a rubric with which to investigate Martin Luther King, Jr.'s creative genius and intelligence. Howard Gardner, eminent contemporary psychological theorist promoting the concept of multiple intelligences, investigates the lives of seven geniuses of the modern era in his book Creating Minds (1993). While Martin Luther King, Jr., falls more or less at the tail end of the modern era, investigating his creative genius is nonetheless instructive. Of the seven intelligences, King remarkably

  • King Arthur

    1859 Words  | 4 Pages

    one day he would return and restore the golden age in his country. I suppose, the version we know best is the one that was composed in the 15th century. This is the great English version of the story, compiled out of earlier versions by the creative genius of a rather mysterious and cryptic figure, the knight, Sir Thomas Malory. But the story doesn't end there. The whole thing revives in the time of Queen Victoria, with Tennyson's "Idylls of the King." As a result of this great work on the Arthurian

  • The Life Work, and Creativity of Albert Camus

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    country -- the French language." -Albert Camus Albert Camus was a man consumed by three images--his mother, the Mediterranean, and death. His greatest creative achievement, his writing, would center around these images, images that would be transformed into great ideas through simple and refined words. Albert Camus lived the life of the creative genius according to Howard Gardner's model of creativity. His writing has left a lasting impression on the literary world and his life has left a fascinating

  • The Goodfellow Chronicles, The Sacred Seal

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    attempting to sleep sadly in his new home, he encounters and meets a petit human in a diminutive mouse suit – Jolly Goodfellow, a Sage. The Sage has been on the Earth for countless numbers of years, providing unseen inspiration to humans in pursuit of creative genius and scientific advancement (such as Albert Einstein and Amelia Lockhart), being disguised as mice, so that they can move about freely and are assigned “cases” (humans). Coincidentally, Jolly has a case he needs to attend to: Professor Hawthorne