Creating Sympathy Essays

  • Creating Sympathy for The Great Gatsby

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    Creating Sympathy for The Great Gatsby In the text, The Great Gatsby, the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald leads us to sympathize with the central character of the text, Jay Gatsby. Fitzgerald evokes our sympathy using non-linear narrative and extended flashbacks as well as imagery, characterization and theme. Through these mediums, Fitzgerald is able to reveal Gatsby as a character who is in an unrelenting pursuit of an unattainable dream. While narrative and imagery reveal him to be a mysterious

  • Creating Sympathy for the Johnston Family in Blood Brothers

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    Creating Sympathy for the Johnston Family in Blood Brothers Blood brother is a tragic tale about two twins who were parted at birth and as a result, led very different lives. The playwright, Willy Russell portrays the circumstances in which the twins were conceived, born and parted and also gives us an insight into how society has the influence of shaping individuals according to the classes they are in. We, the audience are made to sympathize with Mrs. Johnston on many occasions varying

  • Role of Women in the Epic of Beowulf

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    of Beowulf generally supports the traditional Anglo-Saxon views of women by praising Wealhtheow, condemning Grendel's mother, and showing the need to suppress feminine forces like Wyrd; however, he does offer some criticism of these views by creating sympathy for Grendel's mother, allowing Wealhtheow to assert herself in the interest of her husband and children, and revealing masculine fear of feminine power. The author creates Wealhtheow to embody the role of a traditional Anglo-Saxon woman, and

  • Creating Sympathy for Oliver Twist

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    English Coursework Oliver Twist- How does Charles Dickens create sympathy for Oliver Twist in the first four chapters? Charles Dickens the author of the much acclaimed book, Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens was born in 1812 at Portsmouth the eldest of eight children two of whom died in childhood. Growing up, he saw his father go to the Marshalsea Prison with his mom and five other siblings because he did not manage his money well. He was put into a workhouse since his family had to sell

  • Sympathy in Medea, Aeneid, Metamorphoses, Orlando Furioso, and Hamlet

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    Sympathy in Medea, Aeneid, Metamorphoses, Orlando Furioso, and Hamlet Euripedes tugs and pulls at our emotions from every angle throughout The Medea. He compels us to feel sympathy for the characters abused by Medea, yet still feel sympathy for Medea as well. These conflicting feelings build a sense of confusion and anxiety about the unfolding plot. In the beginning, the Nurse reveals the recent background events that have caused Medea so much torment: "She herself helped Jason in every way"

  • Social and Spiritual Energy in Middlemarch

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    Lydgate. The earliest example is when he has to make the choice between Fairbrother and Tyke. Both of these characters are rather poor examples of the clergy (Fairbrother because of his gambling, and Tyke because of his rather lazy attitude). Our sympathies are clearly with Fairbrother for a number of reasons; he doesn't gamble because he wants to, but because the wage he receives from running his parish alone is too small to support him and the various members of his family that rely on him. Lydgate

  • The Tragedy of Tess in Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles

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    combination of pride and a long-suffering mood, she does not. When the abandoned wife, having fallen on hard times, attempts to seek her father-in-law's help, we are told that "her present condition was precisely one which would have enlisted the sympathies of old Mr. and Mrs. Clare" (304), but measuring the father by his less compassionate sons, she fails to call on him. Angel, having reconsidered her situation while in Brazil, misinterprets the lack of letters from his wife: "How much it really said

  • A comparative study of the ways in which Richard Cameron and Thomas

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    A comparative study of the ways in which Richard Cameron and Thomas Hardy apportion justice and sympathy towards the male characters. In 'Can't stand up for falling down' Cameron is looking at the boundaries of drama and braking them, most of the play consists of monologues, we are told of events by the female characters rather then, as is traditional in theatre, being shown them. Cameron uses this to form an intimacy between the audience and the female characters, allowing the audience

  • Whitman and Neruda as Grassroots Poets

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    as a communist, looking for the equal treatment of all citizens of Peru. Whitman, though not overtly political like Neruda, did emphasize the equality between all in his writing. The appellation, “poet of the people,” is used to indicate their sympathies towards a commonality in humans, if not the “common man”. As the term “commoner” carries various connotations and needs much explaining, I prefer to discuss the two authors as grassroots poets. “Poets of the people” and “grassroots poets” have

  • Sympathy for PIP

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    Great Expectations Dickens’ gripping novel of 1861, Great Expectations, portrays his distinguishing tendency to exaggerate both plot and characters. Chapter eight enhances his main aim of initiating sympathy for Pip, and this, consequently, lasts for the novel’s entirety. We are shown similarities between Dickens’ early childhood memories and the protagonist’s inability to defend himself against the injustices he discovers throughout the early years of life. Dickens successfully creates a sympathetic

  • ?An Interpretation of Paul Laurence Dunbar?s Poem Sympathy and We Wear the Mask?

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    racism that African Americans faced in America. Throughout this essay I will discuss, describe and interpret Sympathy and We Wear the Mask. Both Sympathy and We Wear the Mask were written by Paul Laurence Dunbar. To begin with, the poem Sympathy suggests to the reader a comparison between the lifestyle of the caged bird, and the African American. Paul Laurence Dunbar’s center of attention of Sympathy is how the African American identifies and relates to the frustrations and pain that a caged bird experiences

  • The Dance of The Body without Organs

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    Scottish farmers immigrating to the rural Midwestern US roots me in the blood-soaked soil of the Klu Klux Klan. I was born and raised 20 years after and 30 miles from Marion, Indiana, site of countless barbaric lynchings of African Americans. My sympathies betrayed the hegemonic classifications of my own body and color of flesh. I lined up with the victims, not with my kin. My desire to be done with the coding of the politics of identity in my flesh increased my sense of disembodiment. My own betrayal

  • Guy Fawkes

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    one of the greatest conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot. Fawkes, pronounced fawks Guy, English conspirator, born in York. A protestant by birth, he became a Roman Catholic after the marriage of his widowed mother to a man of Catholic background and sympathies(Miller 578). In 1593 he enlisted in the Spanish Army in Flanders and in 1596 participated in the capture of the city of Calais by the Spanish in their war with Henry IV of France. He became implicated with Thomas Winter and others in the Gunpowder

  • How far is Shylock a character for whom we can feel sympathy?

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    How far is Shylock a character for whom we can feel sympathy? How would a contemporary audience’s response to him differ from that of an audience in Shakespeare’s time? Shylock isn’t a character for whom we can feel much sympathy for because he always seems to be thinking about himself and his money rather than other people around him. Through most of the play he seems selfish, and it seems in some parts of the play as though he doesn’t care about his daughter. He also has a very strict religion

  • Sympathy for Oedipus in the Oedipus Tyrannus

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    Sympathy for Oedipus in the Oedipus Tyrannus The aim of tragedy is to evoke fear and pity, according to Aristotle, who cited the Oedipus Tyrannus as the definitive tragic play. Thus pity must be produced from the play at some point. However, this does not necessarily mean that Oedipus must be pitied. We feel great sympathy ('pathos') for Jocasta's suicide and the fate of Oedipus' daughters. Oedipus could evoke fear in us, not pity. He is a King of an accursed city willing to use desperate methods

  • Evoking Sympathy for Macbeth

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    Evoking Sympathy for Macbeth Within Macbeth the tragedy and demise of Macbeth is an important factor in determining his character as a tragic hero.  However in order to elucidate on this point we need to define what is a tragedy.  Aristotle within ‘Poetics’ highlighted what characteristics he believed to define tragedy these being; ’…Imitation of an action that is serious and also, as having magnitude, complete in a dramatic, not narrative form; with incidents arising pity and

  • Ulysses Essay: William Blake’s Influence on Joyce’s Ulysses

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    understands the schoolroom and its small miseries.  The form is tried and true: the catechism, call and response.  Cochrane replies automatically to Stephen's barked interrogatives but his mind is elsewhere.  The window, the unknown.  Our hero Stephen's sympathies lie that way too: Fabled by the daughters of memory.  And yet it was in some way if not as memory fabled it.  A phrase, then, of impatience, thud of Blake's wings of excess, I hear the ruin of all space, shattered glass and toppling masonry

  • Ovid's Devaluation of Sympathy in Metamorphoses

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    Ovid's Devaluation of Sympathy in Metamorphoses Ovid reveals two similar tales of incest in the Metamorphoses. First, he describes the non-sisterly love Byblis acquires for her twin brother Caunus. Later, he revisits the incestuous love theme with the story of Myrrha who develops a non-filial love for her father, Cinyras. The two accounts hold many similarities and elicit varying reactions. Ovid constantly tugs at our emotions and draws forth alternating feelings of pity and disgust for the

  • Comapring Sympathy For Characters in O. Henry's Furnished Room and Chekov's Vanka

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    Sympathy For Characters in O. Henry's Furnished Room and Chekov's Vanka Two Works Cited  The narrators in both O. Henry's "The Furnished Room" and Anton Chekov's "Vanka" view their protagonists as desperate and helpless in a world of cold realism. With tones rich in sympathy, the narrators in both stories take pity on their characters. Both characters have yet to understand that realistically they have little control of the dismal life they lead; instead, their surroundings have more of an impact

  • The Complex Alceste of Moliere's Misanthrope

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    announcement, at the end of the play, of the martyrdom he is imposing upon himself--exile to "some solitary place on earth/Where one is free to be a man of worth"{6}--makes him look less heroic than ridiculous. And yet, if we do not place our sympathies with Alceste, we search this play in vain for another character worthy of them. The silly marquises do not command much respect. Arsinoé is conniving, spiteful, and a critic of everyone else's morals. Oronte is not only as vain a... ... middle