Coquette Essays

  • Hannah Webster Foster's The Coquette

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    Hannah Webster Foster's The Coquette Eliza Wharton has sinned. She has also seduced, deceived, loved, and been had. With The Coquette Hannah Webster Foster uses Eliza as an allegory, the archetype of a woman gone wrong. To a twentieth century reader Eliza's fate seems over-dramatized, pathetic, perhaps even silly. She loved a man but circumstance dissuaded their marriage and forced them to establish a guilt-laden, whirlwind of a tryst that destroyed both of their lives. A twentieth century reader

  • Violations of the True Woman in The Coquette

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    Violations of the True Woman in The Coquette In her article, "The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820-1860," Barbara Welter discusses the nineteenth-century ideal of the perfect woman. She asserts that "the attributes of True Womanhood . . . could be divided into four cardinal virtues-piety, purity, submissiveness and domesticity." Furthermore, she adds that "if anyone, male or female, dared to tamper with the complex virtues which made up True Womanhood, he was damned immediately as an enemy of God

  • Expected Behavior in The Coquette and The Female Marine

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    Expected Behavior in The Coquette and The Female Marine In society, constructs of correctness have been formed on the basis of expected, gendered behavior. Individuals have traditional roles that they play which are based on the historical performance of their gender. Although very rigid, these traditional roles are frequently transferred, resulting in an altered and undefinable identity that exists beyond the boundaries of gender. These transgressions into the neuter role are characterized

  • The Coquette

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    The Coquette, written by Hannah Webster Foster in 1797, chronicles the life of an affluent woman in the 18th century. There are a few themes that are presented throughout the whole novel: correspondence, sexual freedom, and ideal womanhood. Elizabeth Whitman has been an icon of American history since the 19th century because of her bravery and contempt for the caged position of women in society. It is stated that the tombstone of Elizabeth Whitman is a popular tourist attraction; “her grave was a

  • Themes of Hannah Webster Foster’s The Croquette

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    Themes of Hannah Webster Foster’s The Croquette Hannah Webster Foster’s The Coquette, published in 1797, has long been regarded as a sentimental novel with little literary quality. Though The Coquette was a best seller at publication and remained in print for most of the 19th century, critics gave it little attention other than to ridicule the novel. Not until 1978 with the publishing of Walter Wenska’s The Coquette and the American Dream of Freedom did Foster’s book receive critical attention

  • Free Hamlet Essays: Hamlet Interpreted

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    appreciation of the value of wardrobe and inflection of voice. Prior to this performance I did not see Polonius as a buffoon (as portrayed by Mr. Shapli), nor the incestuous nature of Ophelia's familial relationships (Ms. Cole's ability to transform from coquette to lunatic was shocking). Doubtless there are near as many interpretations of Hamlet as there are Shakespearean aficionados. My own expertise lies in the political arena. I believe Hamlet could be construed as a treatise on aggressive, imperialist

  • The Complex Alceste of Moliere's Misanthrope

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    The Complex Alceste of The Misanthrope "I cannot improve on it, and assuredly never shall," said Molière of his satire The Misanthrope, {1} and the critic Nicholas Boileau-Despréaux concurred by accounting it one of Molière's best plays.{2} But the French public did not like it much, preferring the dramatist's more farcical The Doctor in Spite of Himself--a play that, according to tradition, was written two months after The Misanthrope's premiere to make up for the latter's lack of success.{3}

  • The Coquette Sparknotes

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    “The Coquette”offers a very compelling depiction of women who were learning how to navigate the struggles of late 18th century society. Despite society norms and expectations that were weighed on women, the female characters within this novel grapple with questions of power, and constraint.By examining their contributions to literature as the insightful women they are, the intricacies of power and agency become clear. Even though Phyllis Wheatly, Hannah Foster and Judith Sargent Murray all faced

  • Comparing The Coquette And The Awakening

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    ideology emphasized four pillars of conduct—purity, piety, submission, and domesticity. The Coquette by Hannah Webster Foster, published in 1799, and The Awakening by Kate Chopin, published a century later, in 1899, both engage with and challenge this ideology, albeit in contrasting ways. By closely analyzing both Eliza and Edna’s relationships to their respective environments, we see that while The Coquette upholds what is to become the purity and domesticity pillars of the Cult of True Womanhood

  • Gender Roles In The Coquette

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    Hannah Foster’s The Coquette represents two main genres. The seduction novel, a genre that centers in on a pathetic and naive female character who is ultimately seduced away from friends and family set out to protect her, made pregnant, and then is left by an unfaithful partner to suffer and die. The Coquette is also a novel of republican motherhood, the idea that women must be schooled in virtue in order to keep the republic running smoothly and educate their children. The ideal eighteenth century

  • Social Rejection In The Coquette

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    The idea of social rejection, which can be used to describe persons rejected by, omitted from, or mistreated by their peers. Social rejection can be in the form of slavery, shunning, bullying, or in Hannah W. Foster’s novel, The Coquette, the barring of women because they do not conform to the rules of proper society etiquette. Foster’s Eliza Wharton has all the qualities of this kind of societal young woman. As she is entering society, having to obey by the proper society etiquette, she fits into

  • Anne Bradstreet And The Coquette

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    intersect and ultimately influence how writers from different periods perceive their art and comprehend the world. In this article, I analyze the influence of gender roles in the literature written by Anne Bradstreet and Hannah Webster Foster, where "The Coquette" is the novel's title. We seek to bring to light in common how both authors came to victory over and challenged dominant gender concepts of these periods in their work through our comparison. By investigating chosen passages and biographical grounds

  • Analysis Of The Coquette In The Boarding School

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    no man will take her has wife and single mother will not be easy. Eliza Wharton´s a fiction character made up from the novel ¨The Coquette¨ by Hanna Webster Foster a higher educated woman lived in 1758-1840 published The Boarding School; or, Lessons of a Preceptress to Her Pupils, a commentary on female education in the United States and her more famous ¨The Coquette¨ inspired in the gossip around the city about women who where easy lovers. It is a common case with a more complex message for the

  • The Coquette And The Boarding School Analysis

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    After reading the novel “The Coquette and The Boarding School,” I was intrigued in a certain passage written in the novel. Mr. Shelby, Mr. Boyer’s friend writes to him saying “I am quite convert to Pope’s assertion….the result of her education.” (Foster 78) Throughout the novel Mr. Shelby gives Mr. Boyer advice on what to do with his current situation involving his love interest, Eliza Wharton. In this passage Mr. Shelby agrees with the pope’s opinion that “Every woman, is at hear, a rake.” (Foster

  • The Role Of Women In Sai Foster's The Coquette

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    Fiction was looked on as a sort of manipulating genre that supposedly made others think of things differently. In the Coquette, Foster defines many aspects of 1800’s living, marriage, and status, and she makes these views in her point of view that not many agreed upon. It showed how a woman is left with nothing and it began to stir commotions between others. To be successful

  • The Meaningless Victim In The Coquette By Eliza Wharton

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    The Coquette by Hannah Webster Foster, is an epistolary novel framing the life of Eliza Wharton; a young woman captured and victimized by the era of her time. Published in 1797, The Coquette, similarly to a 1792 publication of A Vindication of the Rights of Women by Marry Wollstonecraft, challenges the status quo of the eighteenth century. The main character, Eliza, is used as a social rift of the era, breaking ground with “new” concepts and topics of the eighteenth century. This essay challenges

  • Female Education In The Coquette By Hannah Webster Wharton

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    Name Instructor’s name Course Date An Argument on how female education existed within the Coquette The Coquette; or, The History of Eliza Wharton narrates the tribulations of an unmarried woman in post-revolutionary America. The author Hannah Webster Foster uses the story of Miss Wharton as an allegory of female moral decay. The highly patriarchal demands that women be submissive, domestic, and married. However, the protagonist Eliza Wharton has conflicting ideas of her expectations within the society

  • Critical Analysis Of Hannah Webster Foster's The Coquette

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    Queen Ahiwe ENG 2327-5003 Prof Sidle Fall 2014 LITERARY ANALYSIS A: ELIZA WHARTON-THE COQUETTE Hannah Webster Foster wrote the novel, The Coquette using the epistolary genre. In this story, Eliza Wharton had lost her fiancée who, by the way, was chosen for her by her parents, to the cold hands of death after a protracted illness. Currently she has two young men who desire to have a relationship with her. Boyer, one of the suitors, was a polite and respectable but boring clergyman, who believes

  • Whats The Importance Of Establishing An American Identity In The Coquette

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    The issue of women’s rights as well as their place in society is brought into question in Hannah Foster’s The Coquette. By using the form of a seduction novel, Foster questions women’s role in society by focusing the novel around the seduction of an affluent man of society with the character who fits the description of a coquette. This novel then shows the pressure of young women, and how they are subject to social entrapment. Fosters also provides insight into the fact

  • Eliza's Responsibility for her Own Downfall in Foster's The Coquette

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    A coquette is a woman who flirts without a sincere affection to gain the attention of the man. Eliza Wharton does her fair share of flirting in Hannah Webster Foster’s novel. She is stubborn and refuses all the advice she is offered. Eliza misses things right in front of her and doesn’t realize her mistakes until it is too late. Eliza Wharton was responsible for her own downfall. From the beginning of The Coquette Eliza Wharton is a headstrong, freedom-seeking woman. Having escaped her impending