Contracture Essays

  • Dupuytren's Contracture: The Claw Hand Disease

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    with the struggles of a Dupuytren’s patient, people need to be informed about the disease. It is important to understand the diagnosis, treatment, outcomes, and history of the condition that leaves people with malformed hands. “Dupuytren’s contracture originated with the Vikings, who spread it throughout Northern Europe and beyond” as they plundered, raped, settled, and intermarried (Flatt). Dr. Charles Eaton, a member of the board of trustees of the Dupuytren’s Foundation, indicates that although

  • Dupuytren’s Disease

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    Introduction Dupuytren’s Disease, also known as Dupuytren’s Contractures, palmar fascitis, Viking Disease, or palmar fibromatosis, is a hand deformity that usually develops slowly, usually over years. This disease is caused by the thickening and contraction of the palmar fascia. As the disease progresses, nodules progress to form longitudinal bands referred to as cords on the palmar fascia, and the finger gradually loses extension, with contractures that draw one or more fingers into flexion at the metacarpophalangeal

  • The Claw Hand Diease

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    Tradition has it that Dupuytren’s Contracture originated with the Vikings, who spread it throughout Northern Europe and beyond as they traveled and intermarried. At this time, scientists are not sure why the Viking origin predisposes people to suffer more from Dupuytren’s compared to non-Vikings. {First citation} It is estimated that, in70% of cases, people have a predisposition to Dupuytren’s. There is no known screening procedure such as DNA, laboratory tests or other diagnostic tests. It is

  • Breast Argumentation Research Paper

    534 Words  | 2 Pages

    A multitude of people would like to change something about their physical appearance and some actually do through cosmetic surgery whether it’s a rhytidectomy, abdominoplasty, or breast argumentation. However, these surgical procedures are not necessary to the patient health but instead, they are performed purely for the patients need to change how they are viewed. One of the most common procedures here in the US is breast argumentation for example, “between 2000 and 2006, a record number of women

  • Trigger Points

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    Trigger points are known as tender nodes of degenerated muscle tissue causing local and radiating pain that may be bound to a single muscle or to several muscle groups. Their structure consists of small-circumscribed hyperirritable foci in muscles and fascia, often found within a firm or taut band of skeletal muscles. Trigger points may also occur in ligaments, tendons, joint capsule, skin, and periosteum. When palpating a trigger point, a local or referred pain pattern may be elicited causing a

  • Breast Implants Persuasive Speech

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    Breast implants in Melbourne, Australia Breast implants makes you feel confident in your body by giving you the shapes and curves that attract attention. Cosmetic surgery procedures and Breast implants are now very affordable in Melbourne. Most women in their 30’s or in the middle of their child bearing years will start to lose their breast volume after pregnancy. Some ladies will be affected also after a major weight loss. There’s no way to get breast volume back except through breast implants

  • Arthrogryposis Essay

    1004 Words  | 3 Pages

    Arthrogryposis is a disorder in which a child is born with joint contractures; this means some of their joints may be stuck in one position (curved or crooked). Children born with this disorder may have thin, weak, stiff, or missing muscles around these joints. The most common cause of arthrogryposis is fetal akinesia which is where the baby doesn’t move around a lot in the womb during development. Extra tissue can form in the joints making movement more difficult for the child to move. The reasons

  • Muscular Dystrophy

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    Muscular dystrophy refers to, not one, but a group of muscle diseases. These diseases have three features in common: they are hereditary; they are progressive; and each causes a characteristic and selective pattern of weakness. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most prevalent and severe childhood form of this group of diseases. Each form of muscular dystrophy is caused by a defect in a specific gene. In 1986, scientists discovered exactly which piece of genetic material is missing in Duchenne

  • Spinal Cord Injury

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    Historically, each year 11,000 people are added to the existing 230,000 cases of Spinal Cord Injury in the United States. Sad to say that young population ranging from 16-30 years old are affected by the Spinal Cord Injury. Learning the physiology of central nervous system is essential in understanding the function of spinal column. Central Nervous system is made up of spinal cord and the brain. The brain responds and receives sensory input from the spinal cord. The spinal cord is the communication

  • Researching the World of Plastic Surgery

    3659 Words  | 8 Pages

    Researching the World of Plastic Surgery In the creation of our beings, we are blessed, and sometimes cursed with features we, as freethinkers, might not otherwise have chosen for ourselves. Certain circumstances however, may arise on the journey known as life, forcing us to reconstruct these features in an effort to construct normal, healthy, lives. Often, we are compelled to reconstruct these features in an effort to enhance an otherwise normal, healthy life. For the individual unaware of the

  • Breast Reflection

    613 Words  | 2 Pages

    breast augmentation. Some patients also have breast revisions when their saline implants have deflated or leaked. This procedure will also benefit patients in Miami who are experiencing a tightening of tissues surrounding the implant or capsular contracture which may cause the breast to shift in position. Whatever th...

  • Cosmetic Surgery - No Longer Only For the Rich and Famous

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    Cosmetic surgery companies offer many options in which to finance cosmetic procedures for individual of all income levels. There were over 10 million surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2008, as reported by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). (Surgery, 2009) The statistic mentioned, clearly shows how many of us now would be willing to undergo cosmetic surgery. But, have you asked why? In today’s society, plastic surgery is the

  • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Case Study

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is one the most common forms of muscular dystrophy and is also the most severe form of muscular dystrophy (“Diagnostic Tools,” 2015) with an approximate incidence of 1 in 3,500-3,600 newborn males, depending on the source (Bushby et al., 2009a; Habermann & Ghosh, 2007; “Duchenne,” 2014) and accounts for roughly half of all people with muscular dystrophy (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). Muscular dystrophies are largely characterized by a progressive muscle weakness related

  • Rotator Cuff Injury Research Paper

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    The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles that form a cuff over the humerus to the scapula. This group of muscle includes teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and subscapularis. These muscles provide stability to the shoulder and allow the shoulder to rotate and function properly during shoulder movement. The tendons and muscle can be damage by overuse, injury, or gradual aging. This damage may cause significant pain, fluid accumulation within the joint due to inflammation, arthritis

  • Stroke Case Study Studies Case Studies

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    Evaluation of the case: What is stroke? The formation of a clot in the arteries leading to or within the brain causing an interruption to the flow of blood to a specific area of the brain. (National Stroke Association, 2014) Symptoms of a stroke:  Weakness or a complete loss of sensation to a body part  Dizziness, loss of balance & coordination and difficulty sitting, standing and walking. (National Stroke Association, 2014) Age & gender risk factors - 55-year-old woman The risk of having a stroke

  • Essay On Osteonecrosis

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    increased intracystic pressure associated with degenerative changes of hip in advanced stages of necrosis. In advanced stages, there may be collapse of femoral head, cheilus formation with adhesions around the periphery of femoral head and associated contracture of articular capsule which causes pain due to its stretching effect over t... ... middle of paper ... ...ure of choice based on surgeon's expertise. A femoral head preserving operation having satisfactory results in long term follow up should

  • Essay On Muscular Dystrophy

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    joints in painful positions. Often, teens are fitted with special braces to ensure flexible joints and tendons (the strong, rubber band-like tissues that attach muscles to bones). Surgery is sometimes used to reduce pain and increase movement from contractures. Because we rely on certain muscles to breathe, some teens with MD need respiratory aids, such as a ventilator, to help them breathe. Teens with MD also might need to be treated for problems like scoliosis, which can be caused by weakened muscles

  • Plastic Surgery And Cosmetic Surgery

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    Plastic surgery is a surgery focused on to repair deformation of parts of body and correction of body functional involving the skin, tissues, organs, musculoskeletal system, hand, breast and external body. The word plastic surgery derived from Greek word “Plastikos” meaning fit for molding. Damaged part of tissues, skin, organ, nerves, muscle or blood vessels of a person can affect the patient’s physical, emotional, social and economic. There are many types of birth defects anomalies such

  • College Essay On Breast Augmentation

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    incision approach is used with an endoscope (tube with a light for visualization and placement of the breast implant). Cons Breast augmentation poses various risks, including: •Scar tissue that distorts the shape of the breast implant (capsular contracture) •Breast pain •Infection •Changes in nipple and breast sensation, usually temporary •Implant leakage or rupture Pros Improved Appearance Breast implants purpose is to increase the size of the breasts, as well as correct any physical flaws

  • What is Sciatica?

    526 Words  | 2 Pages

    What is Sciatica? Sciatica is defined as an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. If you have ever suffered from the pain of pressure on the sciatic nerve, you know how excruciatingly painful it can be. It may manifest as a burning or tingling feeling followed by numbness. Sciatica does not just go away on its own. You must discover why the pain is there and how to relieve the condition that caused it. Sciatic pain can be treated with massage combined with stretching exercises to keep the area of