Concerning Human Understanding Essays

  • Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

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    like a man coming back to life, a child walking on water, or a woman turning water into wine. Miracles do not play by the rules for they are always under scrutiny and yet people still find themselves believing in them. Within “An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” by David Hume, Hume explores the notion of miracles and questions what drives people to believe in these miracles that are not grounded in facts but by faith. Upon reading this piece, a question that may arise for some is even though

  • John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding

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    John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding In John Locke's "Essay Concerning Human Understanding", he makes a distinction between the sorts of ideas we can conceive of in the perception of objects. Locke separates these perceptions into primary and secondary qualities. Regardless of any criticism of such a distinction, it is a necessary one in that, without it, perception would be a haphazard affair. To illustrate this, an examination of Locke's definition of primary and secondary qualities

  • Cause and Effect in David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

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    Cause and Effect in David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding In An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume states, “there is not, in any single, particular instance of cause and effect, any thing which can suggest the idea of power or necessary connexion” (Hume, 1993: 41). Hume establishes in section II that all ideas originate from impressions that employ the senses (11). Therefore, in order for there to be an idea of power or “necessary connexion,” there must be

  • Comparing Plato’s Symposium and David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

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    Comparing Plato’s Symposium and David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Philosophy, when broken down into the original Greek, is philos, which means love, and logos, which means word. Thus philosophy is the love of words or linguistics. There is not one way of viewing this love of words. Both Plato and David Hume examine philosophy in their texts, Symposium and An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, respectively. I will outline, then compare, these two philosophers’ views

  • John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government

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    while in England, including Sir Isaac Newton, of whom he wrote. Through Locke's friendships with numerous government officials, Locke became influential in the politics of the seventeenth century. Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding, written in 1690, dealt with the subject of human philosophy, and was written with consistency to the theories of Newton. Locke's views that experience produces ideas led him to believe that people are not aware of physical objects, but rather that they are aware

  • Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume

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    concept comes to exist in one’s mind is itself a concept worth examining. Many philosophers have looked for the origin of thought in the human mind, and many different reasons for this origin have been put forth. As a philosopher, it is only fitting that Hume would propose his own framework for human thinking. For Hume, perceptions are developed either as the understanding of the outside world, or as recollections of these events or alterations of these memories within the mind¹. This distinction is important

  • An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke

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    In his “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding” John Locke discusses personal identity where he tries to show that personal identity depends on our memories. Locke also discuses some of the changes that are possible in our constitution that still result in the same personal identity. However, I think that Locke fails to account for certain aspects of memory that effect personal identity which leads me to think personal identity may not be what Locke proposes it to be. Locke distinguishes between

  • David Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

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    In An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume reasons that until we know the “necessary connection” or cause of things then all knowledge is uncertain, “merely a habit of thinking based upon repeated observation” (induction), and which depends on the future being like the past. Ultimately, he concludes that matters of fact can only be known through experience therefore matters of fact are only justified by recourse to experience, but any attempt to do this ends up being “circular”, “we

  • John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

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    The concept of innate knowledge is the theory that humans can have knowledge without having gained that knowledge through experiencing the world with their sensory organs or through reasoning. Some theories discuss that people may not be aware of this knowledge as soon as they are born and instead, only become aware of in later on in their life after unlocking access to that knowledge (1). In the text, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding John Locke provides his case against the existence of innate

  • David Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

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    David Hume, in his Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, claims that a reasonable person should not believe in miracles, especially if they are informed of a miracle through testimony; his argument concerning why people should be unable to believe a miracle is cogent, but he fails to adequately explain why people do believe in miracles even though they should not be able to. His theory about miracles is based on a previously outlined idea which Hume calls “constant conjunction”; people use the

  • John Locke and The Egalitarian Principle

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    liberalism that developed in the United States focused on a ‘minimal state’ in terms of government restriction while John Locke centralized his focus on the social and political means of the individual. Generally, egalitarianism is defined as “a belief in human equality in terms of social political and economic affairs.” Under this standard, John Locke cannot be labeled an egalitarian in all terms since he does not believe in equality of persons in all aspects. John Locke’s form of classical liberalism can

  • John Locke on Personal Identity

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    In order to form an opinion on what Locke would do in the case of the 80 year old man who has been charged with war crimes that he genuinely does not remember one has to analyse the complex definitions surrounding identities. This essay will look into Locke’s thoughts and theories and by process of elimination speculate on how Locke would have evaluated the claim. Why the necessity to fully analyse the definition of identity? Locke believed that the identity of things was not always as readily discernable

  • John Locke's Philosophy

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    in 1658. In 1690 Locke’s An Essay Concerning Human Understanding appeared. From this came Tabula rasa. This then laid the foundation for environmentalism. Locke was an English philosopher who was regarded as one of the “most influential of enlightenment thinkers” and “important to social contract social” (Wikipedia). Locke died in 1704 never being married or having children. His theories are a part of what we practice today. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding is a set of four books and within

  • The Blocks of Humanity of John Locke

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    recognition of a universal human nature; that all humans have innate desires for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The doctrine of the blank a totalitarian dream” (Brainyquotes). John Locke who was a political writer, an Oxford scholar, medical researcher, and physican. He was widley known as the philospher that challanged the flaws of humanity. Being so widely known as an excellent writer in the 17th century, in his piece An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Locke confronts the

  • Natural Law

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    government. Natural law was based on moral principles, but the overall outlook changed with the times. John Locke was a great philosopher from the middle of the 17th century. He was a primary contributor to the new ideas concerning natural law of that time. He argued that humans in the state of nature are free and equal, yet insecure in their freedom. When they enter society, they surrender only such rights as are necessary for their security and for the common good. He also believed that each individual

  • John Locke

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    John Locke's, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690), was first criticized by the philosopher and theologian, John Norris of Bemerton, in his "Cursory Reflections upon a Book Call'd, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding," and appended to his Christian Blessedness or Discourses upon the Beatitudes (1690). Norris's criticisms of Locke prompted three replies, which were only posthumously published. Locke has been viewed, historically, as the winner of this debate; however, new evidence has

  • Copy Principle David Hume

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    how we form the beliefs about the world. While his claim is wildly accepted by many philosophers, there are still problems to his principle which Hume ignored as something insufficient. By analysing sections 2 of David Hume’s “Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding”, we are able to distinguish

  • David Hume Problem Of Induction Essay

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    Problem of Induction In this paper, I will discuss Hume’s “problem of induction,” his solution to the problem, and whether or not his solution to the problem is correct. In David Hume 's 'An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding ', Hume states that no actual proof exists to suggest that future occurrences will happen the way previous occurrences did. His solution to this “problem of induction” is that our beliefs about cause and effect are based out of pure habit of thought that we have become

  • Inconsistencies in Hume's Empirical Thought

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    In his Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume attempts to uncover the ultimate truth about where our knowledge comes from.  This leads him to suggest that all our ideas and knowledge arise from outward experiences and sensations.  He attempts to prove this by solving the "problem of induction."  I disagree with Hume's ideas, and in this essay I will explain why.  I shall begin by explaining the problem of induction, and the sceptical doubts Hume raises concerning the inductive process

  • A Humean Critique of Descartes

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    Philosophy and Hume’s An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding will include an examination of Hume and Descartes’ divergent definitions of knowledge and methods for acquiring knowledge. This will be followed by a comparison of the philosophers’ thoughts on the origin of ideas, the idea of God, and the limits of reason. Hume’s discussion of the “Operations of the Understanding” (Hume 15) ably frames a first comparison with Descartes. Hume divides the objects of human inquiry and reasoning into two