Comparing Walt Whitman Essays

  • Comparing Walt Whitman and Ralph Emerson

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    Comparing Walt Whitman and Ralph Emerson Walt Whitman is Jay Leno and Ralph Emerson is Ed Hall. Walt takes the instructions announced by Emerson and runs gallantly with them making beautiful and insightful poetry. Walt Whitman and Ralph Emerson spoke out in an age where society was not ready for such dramatic writers. Whitman uses several of Emerson's topics and styles to be that good poet. Whitman elaborates on the characteristics of a poet, freedom, children, and animals. In order

  • Comparing Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson

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    Comparing Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson The lives of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson have many similarities and differences. Here, we will focus on the similarities in their lives in order to bring to attention a correlation between Whitman's poem I Saw in Louisiana a Live-oak Growing and Dickinson's poem # 1510. Both poets wrote during the time of Romanticism, even though Whitman was Dickinson's senior by some eleven years. This however did not influence the way the writing styles of

  • Comparing the Works of Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman

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    In both Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman’s works, they emphasize some differences in their writing. In Dickinson’s works she shows that her works are short and simple poems, while Whitman’s poems and often long and complex. With Dickinson showing that her works are short and simple, while Whitman brings on a more sophisticated style, it truly shows that they use their own unique style of writing. In both Whitman and Dickinson works they have been known for being such unique artist and being original

  • Comparing Ginsberg And Walt Whitman

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    symbolism and imagery, his poem “A Supermarket in California” is written in admiration of fellow poet, Walt Whitman. Despite “Howl” and Ginsberg's other poems containing epithets ranging from

  • Essay Comparing Dickinson And Walt Whitman

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    figurative language that can be interpreted in multiple ways, they convey deeper meanings than what writing on the paper. It is what lies between the lines that have opened the eyes of fans of poetry for centuries.Two amazing poets are Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson. Whitman and Dickinson are both very peaceful in their styles of writing and do not cause or focus on any type tough or worrying topics and subjects. Dickinson’s and Whitman’s styles, contents and meanings differ when compared to each other

  • Walt Whitman's Influence on Germany

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    Walt Whitman's Influence on Germany Walt Whitman (1819-1892) is considered to be one of the greatest American poets of the nineteenth century. While Edgar Allan Poe may have been more widely read, Whitman had more international writers actively respond to him and his poetry than any other American poet. A century after his death, writers around the world are still in dialogue with him, pondering the questions he posed, arguing with him and elaborating on his insights. People have been attracted

  • Dickinson Vs. Whitman

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    Dickinson vs. Whitman After receiving five years of schooling, Walt Whitman spent four years learning the printing trade; Emily Dickinson returned home after receiving schooling to be with her family and never really had a job. Walt Whitman spent most of his time observing people and New York City. Dickinson rarely left her house and she didn't associate with many people other than her family. In this essay I will be comparing Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman. Emily Dickinson's life differs greatly

  • The Poetic Father of Freedom

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    Malcom Cowley, an American literary critic, once said that, “Before Walt Whitman, America hardly existed”. Walt Whitman was an American poet born in 1819 in New York, living during the time period of slavery, The Civil War, and the death of Abraham Lincoln. Often nicknamed ‘The Bard of Democracy’, Whitman was most remembered for celebrating the freedom Americans had found through their new political system of democracy. Democracy is a form of government in which citizens have the power to elect leaders

  • Walt Whitman Rhetorical Devices

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    Some people may accuse Walt Whitman, of being an egotist. Whitman is not an egotist, he is not overfocused on himself, but on all of humanity. In poem number 1, I celebrate and sing myself, he is not only focusing and celebrating himself, he is celebrating life and all humans. Whitman says, “And what I shall assume, you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as well belongs to you.” In this line Whitman is explaining how we are all the same, we all come from the same place, from the same ancestors

  • Song of Myself by Walt Whitman

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    In his first anthology of poems entitled “Song of Myself”, Walt Whitman reveals some of his views on democracy through the use of symbolism and free verse poetry. His use of symbolism and free verse poetry creates indeterminacy, giving the reader hints rather than answers about the nature of the poem. In the sixth part of “Song of Myself”, a child asks the narrator of the poem, “What is the grass?” (Whitman). Instead of simply giving an answer, the narrator cannot make up his mind, and stumbles

  • An Annotation of Section 24 of Walt Whitman's Song of Myself

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    An Annotation of Section 24 of Walt Whitman's Song of Myself Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" is a vision of the American spirit, a vision of Whitman himself. It is his cry for democracy, giving each of us a voice through his poetry. Each of us has a voice and desires, and this is Whitman's representation of our voices, the voice of America. America, the great melting pot, was founded for freedom and democracy, and this poem is his way of re-instilling these lost American ideals. In this passage

  • A Comparison of Whitman’s Song of Myself with Ginsberg’s Howl

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    nascent stage because of the absence of a history in comparison to other nations’ poetry humming with matured voices. Nevertheless, in the past century, American poetry has received the recognition it deserves from the creative poetic compositions of Walt Whitman, who has been called “the father of American poetry.” His dynamic style and uncommon content is well exhibited in his famous poem “Song of Myself,” giving a direction to the American writers of posterity. In addition, his distinct use of the line

  • The Individual Versus Society in Kerouac and Ginsberg

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    The Individual Versus Society in Kerouac and Ginsberg One theme that is prevalent throughout much of the literature we have covered so far is that it is very critical of the conformist values of late 1950s society. In an era of Levittowns and supermarkets and the omnipresent television, there was a call to leave the conformist suburban culture in search of something higher. Two major proponents of the individual as opposed to society were Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, two of the central figures

  • Compare and Contrast how feelings of fear and confusion are conveyed

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    they are; Patrolling Barnegat by Walt Whitman, On the Train by Gillian Clarke, and Storm on the Island by Seamus Heaney. These poems all portray a feeling of confusion, often it is linked with the theme of war. In Patrolling Barnegat, Walt Whitman uses repetition to enhance the power of the storm he is describing. "Wild, Wild the storm, and the sea high running" The repetition of wild in this line helps to enforce the power of the storm and nature. Whitman also uses personification in this

  • Society: The Puppet Master of Freedom

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    their oppressors live in complete sovereignty. People did not know then and still do not understand today that the environment they inhabit is the key factor that controls communal freedom. In Wallace Stevens “Disillusionment of Ten O’ Clock” and Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” both speakers affirm that society does not allow individual freedom to exist in this world. The speaker in “Disillusionment of Ten O’ Clock” (Stevens) places the readers in a position that is crucial to the way that he wants

  • Similarities Between Dickinson And Walt Whitman

    961 Words  | 2 Pages

    Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman could arguably be labeled as America’s greatest poets from the 19th Century. Whitman’s writing was very sensual and unconventional compared to the other writings of his time. As Whitman became famous for his poetry, he edited and revised his poetry like the various editions of Leaves of Grass. Within this book of poetry, Whitman had a lot of poems based on human relationships and occurrences. Similarly, Emily Dickinson wrote poetry based on human relationships, although

  • Seamus Heaney’s Storm on the Island and Walt Whitman’s Patrolling

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    Seamus Heaney’s Storm on the Island and Walt Whitman’s Patrolling Barnegat which were written in 1966 and 1856 respectively are two classical poems describing vividly How the poems I have studied explored nature and its effect. Seamus Heaney’s Storm on the Island and Walt Whitman’s Patrolling Barnegat which were written in 1966 and 1856 respectively are two classical poems describing vividly the horror and insecurity experienced by human’s during a wild storm. Storm on the Island and

  • Essay on Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson

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    Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson In America’s history, there have been so many writers, but only few are known for changing the course of American literature.  Two writers that fit this description are Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman.  These two poets have different styles of writing but possess the same themes from the social environment that they are surrounded in.  The poetry reflects these poets’ personality and their own style of writing.  Whitman had an outgoing personality, while Dickinson

  • Romanticism In William Wordsworth

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    American poets is Walt Whitman. Whitman’s poetry has become a rallying cry for Americans, asking for individuality, self-approval, and even equality. While this poetry seems to be truly groundbreaking, which it objectively was, Whitman was influenced by the writings of others. While Whitman may not have believed in this connection to previous authors, critics have linked him to Emerson, Poe, and even Carlyle. However, many critics have ignored the connection between Walt Whitman and the English writer

  • I Sit and Look Out by Walt Whitman

    863 Words  | 2 Pages

    Every historical period has its own hero of the time. It can be an active businessman or a sensitive aristocrat that fits the time best. In the poem I Sit and Look Out, Walt Whitman describes the horrors of the oppressive age he was living in. However, he does not try to change the situation and only "sits and look out". The question is whether being a spectator is enough to make the life of the oppressed better. The author is the mirror of the cruel 19th century reality, and this is a huge step