Comparing Existentialism Essays

  • Comparing Existentialism in The Trial and Nausea

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    Existentialism in The Trial and Nausea The Trial and Nausea   Webster's Dictionary defines Existentialism as a "philosophic doctrine of beliefs that people have absolute freedom of choice and that the universe is absurd, with an emphasis on the phenomena of anxiety and alienation." As Existentialism was coming to the foreground of the philosophical world during the 1940's, a group of Existentialist philosophers became well-known public figures in America. Their philosophies were commonly discussed

  • Comparing Existentialism in Crime and Punishment and Invisible Man

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    Existentialism in Crime and Punishment and Invisible Man The works of Dostoevsky and Ellison are both obvious existential novels, but they exist on two different levels of existentialism. In Invisible Man the invisible narrator has to deal with the enemy of a chaotic and prejudice world around him. In contrast, Roskolnokov, in Crime And Punishment, is his own enemy, and struggles with his two separate identities. One which feels he is superior to ordinary men and the other which is kind, caring

  • Comparing Jean-Paul Sartre's Existentialism And Humanism

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    In the excerpts of Jean-Paul Sartre’s anthology Existentialism and Humanism, as translated by Philip Mairet, Sartre takes a humanistic approach in an effort to connect Marxism and Existentialism within the context of art. The time in which these ideas were formed society was emerging from a period of utter chaos, war, and dictatorship. Existentialism and Humanism, written in 1946, has clear influences of the Dada movement (1917-1950): “a constellation of social protest and art movements … against

  • Existentialism Vs. Determinism

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    However, if our choices are made with total freedom than certainly we must claim responsibility for our choices and actions. The readings I chose offered two quite opposite theories on individual human freedom, determinism vs. existentialism. In comparing these two theories the contrasts are quite outstanding. Evidently, some philosophers felt that human beings did not really have a free will. This view, defined as determinism held that certain casual laws rule what occurs in

  • Kierkegaard And Camus View Of Existentialism

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    The founders of existentialism such as Sartre, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard and Camus exemplify the philosophy of existentialism in their writings because they focus on absurdity in life and lack of definite meaning. Throughout history some people see themselves as just someone who is put on Earth just for “no reason” these people believe that there is no meaning to them. What is right could mean that it is wrong in society. What they might think is wrong might mean it is right in society. There is no

  • Freudian Psychoanalysis

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    Freudian psychoanalysis is dead. Murdered initially in the manner of Caesar, with multiple assassins impaling the theory with their attacks. Simone de Beauvoir was one of the assassins, early to the regicide with a blade forged from positivism, existentialism, and feminism; but certainly not the first to deliver a blow. The echoes of the passing of Freudian psychoanalysis reverberate to this day, as does Caesar’s influence. The influence of Freudian psychoanalysis can be seen throughout western society

  • The Style of Milan Kundera

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    regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's acts. This word has been used when describing Milan Kundera’s style of writing. The term existentialism came from Jean Paul Sartre, a French philosopher. Existentialism emphasizes individual existence, freedom and choice. The philosophy focuses on the existence of man. Sartre believed that to be a true existentialist one must accept that there is no God therefore man is alone

  • The Glass Menagerie: Existentialist Responsibilities Conveyed Through the Character Tom

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    “The Glass Menagerie: Tennessee Williams." The Facts on File Companion to American Drama. Ed. Jackson R. Bryer and Mary C. Hartig. New York: Facts on File, 2004. 178. Print. Crowell, Steven. "Existentialism." The Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Winter 2010. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. "Existentialism-A Philosophy.", 2012. Web. 03 May 2012. The Glass Menagerie. Drama for Students. Ed. David Galens and Lynn Spampinato. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale Research

  • Freud and His Castration Complex Theory

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    both sides, one must consider two areas. The first is accountability to the own humankind of a person and the second is forced selections that are on the road to a complete existence for an individual. The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker and “Existentialism Is a Humanism” by Jean-Paul Sartre examine these realms by using two different branches of knowledge. The result of this comparison is a sector that has the greatest amount of influence over a vast number of people. The theme of psychology is

  • The Existential Theme of London’s To Build A Fire

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    existentialist, as well as the subject of existentialism itself, evades definition. Davis McElroy points out this problem by comparing the act of defining existentialism to the act of trying “to explain human existence in a single sentence . . .” (xi). For the sake of brevity, perhaps a short, simple definition would be best; according to the American Heritage Dictionar... ... middle of paper ... ...s artful placement of irony within the story. Works Cited “Existentialism.” The American Heritage Dictionary

  • Comparing and Contrasting Nietzsche’s Preparatory Human Being and Kierkegaard’s Knight of Faith

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    for a new kind of life. The free spirit and the knight of faith are both beings that can withstand the melting of ice idols, and are able to joyously dance in the warm breeze. Works Cited Guignon, Charles B., and Derk Pereboom. Existentialism: Basic Writings. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2001. Print. Kierkegaard, Søren, Howard V. Hong, Edna H. Hong, and Søren Kierkegaard. Philosophical Fragments, Johannes Climacus. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 1985. Print. Nietzsche, Friedrich, and

  • The Grief of Existentialist in Albert Camus’s Work of Fiction, "The Stranger"

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    is an atheist and an existentialist. As such, he doesn’t concern himself with traditional emotions and beliefs and is instead only concerned with the physical world around him and his physical interactions with it. This is best exemplified when comparing the novels opening paragraph, “Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don’t know. I got a telegram from the home: “Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours.” That doesn’t mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday.” to the uncomfortable heat

  • Comparing Suicide And Atheism In Albert Camus 'Existentialism'

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    Existentialism is a philosophy which revolves around the central belief that we create ourselves. External factors are not important. It is the way that we let external factors affect us that determines who we are. As individuals we all have the freedom to choose our own path(this is the meaning and purpose of life). There are many stories that relate to this philosophy. In 1984 by George Orwell, Winston chooses to rebel against the government. In “Antigone” by Jean Anouilh, Antigone buries her brother

  • Use Of Existentialism In Ernest Hemingway's A Clean Well-Lighted Place

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    Ernest Hemingway 's use of existentialism in "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" Existentialism is a philosophical term that comes from the 19th century and at the time used to describe philosophers such as Jean-Paul Sarte 's and Simone de Beauvoir 's writing themes. It is a term of many vague definitions but does not contain synonyms. It is a unique concept, but could define as one 's reaction to human existence as a whole, and the difficulty finding/lacking a purpose in the world. Without experience

  • Yalom's Perspective of Existential Therapy

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    Yalom's Perspective of Existential Therapy Existential therapy through the eyes of Dr. Yalom is very fascinating. There is never a fixed life that each person is supposed to live. In his therapy the clients are allowed to find out for themselves what it is they need by receiving adequate questioning from Dr. Yalom. His questioning guides them down the existential path to freedom and responsibility. "If we affirm life and live in the present as fully as possible, however, we will not be obsessed

  • Moral Conventionalism

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    Conventionalism is a theory of moral conduct to which the criteria for good and bad are based on general agreement, based on compliance with social norms i. Unjust Law as defined by King is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. j. Existentialism is the philosophical theory which states that a set of categories governed by authenticity are necessary to capture human existence. k. Intrinsic good refers to the moral idea of something that is great, just

  • Imperialism and Existential Freedom in Works Such as Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Johann Goethe’s Faust

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    view it as something that pertains to government. Even the first definition of imperialism in the dictionary is “imperial state, authority, spirit, or system of government” (Webster 729). However, imperialism encompasses so much more than this. In comparing the resonations between Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness with Johann Goethe’s Faust, one can see how imperialism affects the political, the social, the psychological, and the spiritual, especially within the past 200 years. Stemming from this is

  • The Ethics Of Ambiguity By Beauvoir

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    How then, Beauvoir asks, “Could men, originally separated, get together?” (18) This is when Beauvoir starts to discuss ethics and the main topic of her book. As, according to existentialism, there is no god or higher power, man has a moral obligation to others, and those morals are essentially a result of our freedom. “To will oneself moral and to will oneself free are one and the same decision,” (24). It is through this moral obligation

  • Comparative Literature Essay

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    Examining literary texts in different languages in order to find out about their affinities, relations or influences is known by the literary communion as comparative literary studies (Prawer 8). Francois Jost believes that comparative literature is to a great extent “as old as literature itself” (Jost 22); however, literature is a prerequisite to comparative literature (21). Due to the international nature of comparative literature, literature takes the form of a universal, rather than a national

  • Essay Comparing Change in The Stranger and Nausea

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    Comparing Change in The Stranger and Nausea Existentialists mean that we can't rationalize, since we can't explain human fear, anguish, and pain. To rationalize is absurd, because in the final analysis, we will find nothing. Life is absurd. This leads to the term Nothingness. Thus, since we can't find a meaning of life more than what we attempt to create by ourselves, we anguish. Living in the same era, Camus and Sartre individually helped to form the school of existentialism. Of course there