Comparing Evil Essays

  • Comparing Evil in The Elephant Man, Romeo and Juliet, and Let the Circle Be Unbroken

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    Comparing the Evil Exposed in Christine Sparks' The Elephant Man, William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, and Mildred Taylor's Let the Circle Be Unbroken "Evil is the underlying element in the life of a living creature." This quotation, by Ray V. Sjorvek, expresses the idea that all living creatures contain a certain degree of evil inside themselves. In literature, protagonists usually express their sinister sides through words or actions when trying to prove the point that one's hidden emotions

  • Comparing Evil, Abuse and Escape in Oliver Twist and Great Expectations

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    the hands of his sister resulted in Pip distancing himself from any ties with his family.  Thus his independence grew as a direct result of the abuse he had faced. In both novels the main characters have to escape from harsh living conditions and evil surroundings which in turn forces them to grow as individuals, and become independent from a conformist society.  Oliver finds himself residing in an orphanage that is dark and sordid.  As well he finds himself in London’s lowest slums, such as the

  • Comparing Evil in Emerson, Hawthorne, and Melville

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    proper sense of evil is surely an attribute of a great writer." (98-99) Although he made the remark in a different context, one would naturally associate Hawthorne and Melville with the comment, while Emerson's might be one of the last names to mind. For the modern reader, who is often in the habit of assuming that the most profound and incisive apprehension of reality is a sense of tragedy, Emerson seems to have lost his grip. He has often been charged with a lack of vision of evil and tragedy. Yeats

  • Comparing God, Evil, And Suffering

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    much evil in the world such as: murder, child mortality, torture, rape, assault and more. So how can there be an all loving God if these things are constantly happening? In this paper, I will be arguing that there is in fact no such thing as an all loving and all powerful God due to Evil. When I think of an all-loving God, I think of God as someone who would never allow a child to be kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed. I think of God as someone who would not allow anything bad or evil to happen

  • Comparing Evil In The Silmarillion And The Lord Of The Rings

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    Evil in The Silmarillion is a more powerful and more pro-genitive force than good. It spreads itself very quickly in a shape of darkness and corrupts everything around. Hope and good luck turn into despair and sadness and even good intentions almost always turn out badly. In order to understand the contradiction between Tolkien’s own beliefs about evil and the image of evil in The Silmarillion, which is necessary to examine Tolkien’s views of evil and compare them with the position of Tolkien’s critics

  • Comparing Good And Evil In The Republic By Socrates

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    Good and evil are the most basic concept of value. The essential difference between humans and other animals is that people are rational, have value consciousness, and can distinguish between good and evil. This difference affects people's attitude towards things and influences people's behavior. Aristotle, a great ancient Greek philosopher, has a unique and comprehensive view of good. Before Aristotle, many philosophers in ancient Greece had their thinking about good. Socrates believed every virtue

  • Comparing Evil In Hesiod's Works And Genesis

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    The Evil God: Comparing the Origin of Evil Between Hesiod’s Works and Genesis Within Genesis, Works & Days, and Theogony the divine-human relationship is depicted where humans are initially blessed by the gods and live an effortless life until humans challenged them, thus leading to the existence of evil. Unlike Genesis, however, the origin of evil in Theogony is ambiguous because there is no clear indication of who is considered to be “in the right” between Prometheus and Zeus. While it can be

  • evilmac Comparing the Evil of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

    952 Words  | 2 Pages

    Comparing the Evil of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth “At the heart of William Shakespeare's Macbeth is an examination of the nature of evil and it's many faces and facets”(Cathell 119). The principal evil characters in the play, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, are both evil, but the manifestation of evil is different in each. Macbeth's evil is a dynamic character trait. He begins the play as a celebrated hero, loyal to his friends and dedicated to his king. He is strong and noble, a man to be admired

  • Comparing Aquinas: The Relation Between Good And Evil

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    are many different interpretations of evil, yet it is most commonly defined as inflicting harm on others or on the world consciously, whether it be by humans, gods, or other creatures. Evil occurs in many different forms and the origins of evil differentiates by cultures and time periods. The question of why terrible things occur varies since the Ancient Greeks explain evil with the notions of gods, Aquinas argues that fallen angels who had free will create evil, while the Cathars directly oppose Aquinas

  • Comparing Evil In Masque Of The Red Death, And Arthur Miller's The

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    Throughout time, evil has been a common trait in human nature. This trait is often connate in evil people rather than being developed from surroundings . Several examples of evil in humanity include William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily, Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death, and Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. These three pieces all display the trait of evil that naturally occurs in humanity. In the last text, Edgar Allan Poe creates a very vivid and gruesome theme in his short story The Masque

  • Comparing Good vs. Evil in Sherlock Holmes and Dracula

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    Good vs. Evil in Sherlock Holmes vs. Dracula It is all too often that literary critics read literature and then sift it into good and bad pieces, critiquing its value or mediocrity.  However, it needs to be pointed out that this onerous task of "analyzing literature" for literary devices need not be the basis for placing value and worth on literature.  Additionally, it is a great misunderstanding in society's education system that students need to learn what makes a good book solely by its use

  • Essay Comparing Beowulf and A Knight's Tale

    1001 Words  | 3 Pages

    Comparing Beowulf and A Knight's Tale In the stories of Beowulf and A Knight's Tale, there are many different themes. One of the major themes is the religion that runs through both of them, yet both stories have a very different view of religion. In Beowulf, it seems as if God has chosen where our life will end and where it will begin, everything happens by the will of God in a fair and just way. In The Knight's Tale, we see Greek gods playing with the characters and when they "play" with

  • Comparing Evil In Wicked And Star Wars

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    Similarities - turned evil (contributes) because of their surroundings Growing up Loss Difference - what really made Anakin evil was his fear of loss but what really made Elphaba evil was that she had already lost everything Padme Fiyero, sister, etc. Fear vs grief Antagonists in literature and entertainment are immediately branded as being evil from birth. However, these villains have suffered and lost to become what they are in the stories you read. This pertains to the antagonists in both

  • Comparing Evil In Shakespeare's Macbeth And The Bible

    554 Words  | 2 Pages

    Shakespeare is at it again, this time stealing from the only source more read than him; the Bible. Macbeth and Genesis 3 are both alike by greed, temptation, and forbidden fruit. We all know stealing is a crime. In both novels, the protagonist’s both committed sins pushed by their partners. The parallels are visible in the resemblances of the characters and justified by Shakespeare possessive, creation or characters, conflict, and theme. Shakespeare had crafted the characters to parallel Adam,

  • Comparing Beowulf and Michael Crichton's The 13th Warrior

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    Comparing Beowulf and Michael Crichton's The 13th Warrior Michael Crichton intertwined some aspects of Beowulf with his own thoughts to produce the drama, “The 13th Warrior.” Beowulf, written down by an unnamed Christian monk in the 8th century, served as a framework for the plot of “The 13th Warrior.” Beowulf and “The 13th Warrior” have many differences but the similarities that they share are more abundant through out the two pieces. Instead of doing a direct translation of Beowulf, the writer

  • Comparing Nietzsche's Beyond Good And Evil

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    In Beyond Good and Evil 21 Nietzsche argues that an autonomous agent requires being causa sui. The problem with this requirement is that nothing can be causa sui, Nietzsche says that, “the concept of a causa sui is something fundamentally absurd” (BGE 15) and because of this no one can be an autonomous agent. In the following line, Nietzsche asks, “Consequently, the external world is not the work of our organs?” If this is true, that causa sui is absurd and the external world is of our organs, then

  • Comparing The Evils Of Capitalism In The Jungle By Upton Sinclair

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    The Evils of Capitalism in The Jungle The American author, Upton Sinclair, popular for his muckraking of the Industrial Revolution, led a life that prepared him to publicize social issues. He was born September 20, 1878, in Baltimore, Maryland to Upton Sr. and Priscilla Sinclair. While both his parents and grandparents were socially prominent, he observed financial strain in his parents’ marriage. “Whether in Baltimore or later in New York City, his parents often lived in squalor, moving from one

  • Comparing Virtue and Vice in Utopia, The Bible, and Othello

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    Comparing Virtue and Vice in Utopia, The Bible, and Othello The definition of virtue varies between cultures and societies. Utopian ideas of virtue do not necessarily agree with Biblical or Elizabethan England views, however, More’s "Utopia," the Biblical accounts in Genesis of Joseph and Jacob, and Shakespeare’s "Othello" all present the concept of virtue prevailing over vice. Although at times vice may appear to triumph over virtue, ultimately poetry presents virtue as superior based on the

  • Comparing Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness

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    Comparing Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness Francis Coppola’s movie Apocalypse Now was inspired by the world famous Joseph Conrad novel Heart of Darkness. A comparison and contrast can be made between the two. Both have similar themes but entirely different settings. Heart of Darkness takes place on the Congo River in the Heart of Africa, while Apocalypse Now is set in Vietnam. "Heart of Darkness , which follows closely the actual events of Conrad's Congo journey, tells of the narrator's

  • Comparing Crime and Punishment and Taxi Driver

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    Driver,", and Raskolnikov, the main character of Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. Their revulsion for life leads both men to commit cold-blooded murders, but the story lines contain major differences. By contrasting these differences and comparing the common themes of the classic and the film, we may come to a clearer understanding of the purpose of both stories. The root of both Travis' and Raskolnikov's problems is their complete and utter disgust with the world around them. Travis