Comparing Good And Evil In The Republic By Socrates

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Good and evil are the most basic concept of value. The essential difference between humans and other animals is that people are rational, have value consciousness, and can distinguish between good and evil. This difference affects people's attitude towards things and influences people's behavior. Aristotle, a great ancient Greek philosopher, has a unique and comprehensive view of good.
Before Aristotle, many philosophers in ancient Greece had their thinking about good. Socrates believed every virtue has a form. They are eternal. Humans use knowledge to understand them. The universal form of these forms is the form of good, which ultimately determines the various types of virtue, and the good as the highest Form is consistent with truth and beauty. For Socrates, good has both the meaning of ethics and ontology. He believes in God, so in his opinion, God is acting according to reason and arranges all things for good. Good is the prime …show more content…

In The Republic, he likened the good to the sun. Things get their true presence and knowability through it. The form of good as the highest Form is the cause of all forms. It runs through all forms and becomes the ultimate goal of all forms. Because the form is the cause of the phenomenon, the form of good is, therefore, the fundamental cause of the sensible world. Because the form is the cause of the phenomenon, the form of good is, therefore, the primary cause of the sensible world. The individual good of the sensible world is only good because it imitates the form of good. The form of good makes the intelligible world and the sensible world become a hierarchical order system and enables people to know them. The philosopher's task is to understand the form of good, and then to have a coherent and complete understanding of all forms. The form of good plays a role of God. It is both the highest concept of ontology and epistemology and the highest concept of

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