Colosseum Essays

  • Colosseum

    751 Words  | 2 Pages

    arches each, the Colosseum is the biggest amphitheater ever build in Roman history; it holds the dimension of 620ft by 513ft and the astonishing height of 157ft. Located just east of the Roman Forum, it is one of the most iconic buildings in Rome today. The Colosseum was first commissioned by Emperor Vespasian after setting up the Flavian Dynasty in 69 A.D. His purpose was to gain public authority and encourage social welfare throughout the empire. Vespasian decreed that the Colosseum, later known as

  • The Colosseum

    2318 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Colosseum In the first century AD, the Roman Emperor Vespasian decided that Rome needed a stadium that would not only satisfy the crowds, but also convince the magnitude that Rome had become a power to be reckoned with. He wanted them to know that Rome now again had strong and unquestionable power in the world after the strong and bitter civil war it had recently gone through. His idea was to create an amphitheater. This theater, named the Flavian Amphitheater, earned a reputation as the

  • An Essay On The Colosseum

    518 Words  | 2 Pages

    Roberts English period 1 May 5, 2014 The Colosseum The Colosseum is probably the most well known monument known to man. It stands tall at 189 meters long and 156 meters wide. The Colosseum has over 80 arched entrances and can hold over 50,000 people. For a monument of its size, and the technology of olden times, it only took a short amount of time to build. From 72AD to 80AD they worked on this masterpiece, and finally, after eight years, the Colosseum (also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre)

  • The Colosseum, Rome

    1477 Words  | 3 Pages

    Pillar 1 Rachel Pillar Mr. Steven N. Rugare Architectural History I November 6, 2017 The Colosseum, Rome The Roman Colosseum is one of the largest amphitheaters ever built. It was once known as the Flavian Amphitheatre and is now an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome. It is made of concrete and sand and is located in Rome, Italy. The location of the Colosseum is very significant. It was built on the same site where Nero’s Golden House once stood, which is also considered the heart of the city of

  • The Roman Colosseum

    2372 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Roman Colosseum, a colossal amphitheater, was built in the first century under Flavian's rule. Many events such as gladiator games, beast fights, naval battles, and much more took place inside the huge elliptical arena. People of all ages and classes attended these well-known spectacles. The Colosseum is a huge Roman architectural achievement and the fact that it is still standing today only amplifies the importance of this structure. Hundred of thousands of people attended the ancient games

  • The Roman Colosseum

    793 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Roman Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is perhaps the most famous ancient landmark in the world. The Colosseum was the host to thousands of gladiatorial shows, mock naval battles, executions, and animal hunts. Today, the Colosseum still stands in the center of Rome, Italy, however, not quite as it used to be. Still, today, the Roman Colosseum is a large tourist attraction, thousands of tourists from all over the world still come to view this marveled arena. The Roman Colosseum

  • The Roman Colosseum

    3004 Words  | 7 Pages

    In Rome the buildings were constructed under Roman Empire. The Roman Colosseum was constructed between 69 to 79 CE by the Vespasian emperor, The Circus Maximum was built in the 2nd century B.C by the high emperor, in 31 B.C the fire destroyed it that led Emperor Augustus to rebuild the Circus in 82 AD, Ludus Magnus was a gladiatorial training school in Rome and it was originally built between 81-96AD by Emperor Domitian. The emperor’s theme was large public stone buildings that would bring the people

  • The Architecture of the Colosseum

    714 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Colosseum is one of the most well-known structures in Rome, Italy. The Colosseum was built almost two thousand years ago to host games for gladiators. The Colosseum provided for entertainment for the Romans, a form of punishment for those who did not obey the laws, and a place of great architectural beauty. The Architecture of the Colosseum is very grand, with the capacity to hold up to 80,000 people. The Colosseum is over 160 feet tall, it “has a length of 620 feet and was close to 513 feet

  • Essay On Colosseum

    604 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Colosseum or Coliseum was originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre. The building was constructed by the emperors of Flavian dynasty, following the reign of Nero. The name ‘Colosseum’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Colosseus’ meaning colossal (‘Facts about the Colosseum’, n.d.). It was the largest amphitheatre of the Roman Empire and in the world (Guinness World Records, 2013). It was also considered as one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and engineering. The Colosseum could hold

  • Research Paper On The Colosseum

    1212 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Colosseum The Colosseum is the largest amphitheater in the world. It is at the center of Rome in Italy. Some people call it the Coliseum while others call it the Flavian Amphitheatre. The name, “Flavian Amphitheatre”, was derived from Flavian dynasty, who oversaw the construction of the amphitheater from sand and concrete into a large oval shaped structure as it is seen today. The Flavian dynasty refers to the three emperors of Rome who reigned between 69 CE and 96CE. They were Vespasian, Titus

  • Research Paper On The Colosseum

    516 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Colosseum is one of the greatest architectural accomplishments of ancient Rome. It is known as the hunting theatre. The theatre shows off Rome’s power and grandeur. The Colosseum was a symbol of Rome’s power and was created for common use; Today, it is still a symbol of power of the once great Roman empire. The Colosseum is a Flavian Amphitheatre built in 80 CE under the emperors of the Flavian dynasty. The theatre was the biggest building of its kind standing at 45 meters high and 189 by

  • Colosseum and the Speckles Organ Pavilion

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    Colosseum and the Speckles Organ Pavilion The city of San Diego has always been a popular site for tourists. Balboa Park is one of the main tourist sites that is home to an enormous collection of art, history and science museums, galleries, and the old globe theatres and the world famous San Diego zoo. Many of these buildings and musuems are based on Aztec and Spanish architecture. Unlike other buildings in Balboa Park, the Speckles Organ Pavilion has a unique blend of ancient Roman and western

  • History Behind The Colosseum

    1527 Words  | 4 Pages

    discussed. Historical/Cultural Aspects When discussing the historical and cultural aspects it is important to take into consideration the culture, religion, political, social, economic and artistic aspects of the time period.The construction of the Colosseum occurred during the Flavian Dynasty, between 69 CE to 96 CE. The construction of this massive amphitheater began in 70 CE under the reign of emperor Vespasian and ended sometime around 80 CE under the reign of his son Titus (Vespasian, 2013). During

  • Research Paper On The Colosseum

    524 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Colosseum The Colosseum is the largest amphitheatre in Ancient Rome. For about a century, the Colosseum held harsh games to interest the people. The Colosseum saw four centuries of active use, but due to natural causes only two-thirds of it is still here today. The Colosseum has a fascinating history with many astonishing facts. The Colosseum was built by emperor Vespasian around seventy A.D and was completed by his son Titus in eighty-one A.D, who were both members of the Flavian Dynasty.

  • The Roman Colosseum and Its Activities

    608 Words  | 2 Pages

    Roman Colosseum? It was a beautiful and terrible place full of death, glory, and victory. But the Colosseum was also the center and heart of Roman culture. It was the place where gladiators could win big or lose it all evidently their lives. What is the Roman Colosseum? The Roman Colosseum wa a place of death and entertainment, thousands of gladiators lost their lives fighting. But they also sent slaves, prisoners, animals and even woman into battle, to fight for their lives. The Colosseum was built

  • The Symbols Of The Colosseum In Rome

    819 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Colosseum, one of Rome’s most famous structures, is located east of the Roman Forum in Piazza del Colosseo in Rome, Italy. As a gift to the Roman people, Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty commissioned the Colosseum around AD 70-72. Titus, Emperor Vespasian’s son and successor, opened it officially in AD 80. The Colosseum is able to hold roughly 50,000 spectators, making it the largest amphitheater in Rome. The Colosseum is a symbol of how advanced Romans were in architecture and building

  • Research Paper On The Colosseum

    2860 Words  | 6 Pages

    History 201 Research paper The colosseum Death and fights were the most entertaining events in the roman’s time. Such a cruel and violent entertainment required a complex and well-made building to keep the spectators safe. An enormous and deadly arena was completed in 79 A.D. The Colosseum, still today, stands in the middle of the Eternal City as a symbol and Roman domination. The Colosseum is a monument that carries interesting origins and a very prideful drama. After the victory against the Jews

  • Colosseum Research Paper

    648 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Colosseum, located just east of the Roman Forum, commissioned in A.D. 72-80 by Emperor Vespasian. Vespasian was a part of the Flavian dynasty and had the massive amphitheater constructed as a gift to the Roman people. The structure is made of concrete, travertine, tufa, brick, and marble and is approximately 615 x 510 ft. Titus Vespasian’s son opened the Colosseum in A.D. 80 and it was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater. Similar to our modern day sports arena, the Colosseum was built

  • Roman Colosseum Research Paper

    611 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Roman Colosseum was a spectacularly built amphitheater, with monumental architecture and size. Even though the Colosseum was created more than 1500 years ago, it is still the largest amphitheater in the world. The height of it measures almost 150 feet, with four different stories ( The building, also, has some of the most unique and ancient architecture in the entire world. Rectangular windows line each floor of the Colosseum, which used to hold statues or vegetation. Pillars

  • History and Construction of the Roman Colosseum

    860 Words  | 2 Pages

    Roman Colosseum is one of the most familiar and notable constructions in the world. It was given the name The Colosseum during the middle ages. This wonderful construction remains standing nearly 2 century’s after it had been originally constructed. One of the noticeable thing behind the Colosseum's charm is its architectural design. In this report I will look at the history of the The Colosseum, how it constructed and what is happening to it today. The History Construction of The Colosseum was