Clinical Practice Essays

  • Clinical Practice Guidelines

    1289 Words  | 3 Pages

    Clinical practice guidelines or CPGs are “statements that include recommendations intended to optimize patient care that are informed by a systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits and harms of alternative care options.” They attempt to distill a large body of medical knowledge into a convenient, user-friendly format by making recommendations about how the evidence can be applied in actual practice while taking into consideration context-specific issues such as cost and patient

  • Clinical Practice Reflection

    1040 Words  | 3 Pages

    I have a lot to reflect on from my clinical practice this week: working with my client’s primary care giver, my client’s complex health experience and through acknowledgement of the areas of practice of where I am wanting to improve confidence in my skills as a nursing student as well as recognizing and acknowledging areas I have strength in. These two clinical days gave me experience that enabled me to step forward in understanding of collaboration with other health care providers, new ways of

  • Importance Of Good Clinical Practices

    558 Words  | 2 Pages

    Importance of GCP (good clinical practice) and ICH guidelines: GCP (Good Clinical practice) is an international standard set for designing, conducting, monitoring and recording of clinical trials. GCP guaranties the accuracy and credibility of the reported results. It also assures that the rights and integrity of the subject are protected and kept secret, and the collected data is reliable. Here it is very necessary to understand the reasons that led to the formation of GCP-ICH guidelines. The Nuremberg

  • Clinical Practice

    688 Words  | 2 Pages

    2.4 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THEORY LEARNING AND CLINICAL PRACTICE Clinical practice allows students to become socialized to the norms and culture of medical imaging profession. This shows the importance of clinical practice in medical imaging education. Therefore, learning in clinical practice need to be more efficient in order to adequately prepare medical imaging students for work they do after qualifying (al. Fitzgerald et, 2011). Argue that participation Simplify tasks and achievements

  • Good Clinical Practice

    1480 Words  | 3 Pages

    boards mainly regulate conduct of clinical trails through the use of regulations, FDA will use the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) while in the EU Medical Device Regulations (MDR) are used. The two guidelines form the basis for clinical research and are founded on the Declaration of Helsinki and the ICH guidelines on Good Clinical Practice (GCP).GCP is defined as the standard design of design monitoring auditing, recording analysis performance and reporting of clinical trials and studies, it provides

  • Clinical Practice Guidelines

    1400 Words  | 3 Pages

    Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) are very crucial in the evaluation of the practice to be absorbed and implemented by an organization. Often, clinical practice guidelines are defined as the statements that recommend intentions to optimize patient care that is informed by a systematic review of evidence, outcome and findings and an assessment of advantages and benefits and the disadvantages and challenges of alternative care options. Clinical practice guidelines play a very important role in providing

  • Journals, Reflection, and Learning

    2129 Words  | 5 Pages

    integration of learning and clinical practice (Jasper 1999). Journals are considered an effective way to socialize learners to academic discourse and institutional culture (Garland 1999; Myers 2001) and enhance the learning of Eng... ... middle of paper ... ...f Thought' in Journal Writing." System 29, no. 4 (December 2001): 481-488. Orem, R. A. "Journal Writing as a Form of Professional Development." In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing

  • Diabetes Mellitus

    5673 Words  | 12 Pages

    poor utilization of the insulin that is available. The two most common types of diabetes are classified as type I or type II diabetes mellitus. Gestational diabetes and secondary diabetes are other classifications of diabetes commonly seen in clinical practice Normal Insulin Metabolism Insulin is a hormone produced by the B cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. Under normal conditions, insulin is continuously released into the bloodstream in small pulsatile increments (a basal rate)

  • Future Clinical Practice

    781 Words  | 2 Pages

    How will this learning influence my future clinical practice? The role of nursing is rapidly changing and significantly, nurses expected to process patient data, carry out research and keep abreast of technological advances. Current pressures on the healthcare system is our ageing population impacting on mortality and morbidity rates, as well as diminished staffing levels and rising patient demand. There is need for Nurses to be highly trained, knowledgeable and acquire the ability to critically

  • Reflection Of Clinical Practice

    803 Words  | 2 Pages

    This reflective essay will discuss three skills that I have leant and developed during my placement. The three skills that I will be discussing in this essay are bed-bath, observing a corpse being prepared for mortuary and putting canulla and taking it out. These skills will be discussed in this essay using (Gibb’s, 1988) model. I have chosen to use Gibb’s model because I find this model easier to use and understand to guide me through my reflection process. Moreover, this model will be useful in

  • The Importance Of Good Clinical Practice

    1601 Words  | 4 Pages

    standard to facilitate the mutual acceptance of clinical data by the regulatory authorities, and removes redundancy or duplication in development and review process. One of the great challenges in applying good clinical practices is defining the roles and responsibilities of those involves and ensuring a dynamic process in which contributions are complementary. Evidence-based medicine is the standard of care for treatment of disease. Through clinical research, we expand on that knowledge to improve

  • Clinical Supervision And Practice Essay

    1151 Words  | 3 Pages

    the evidence base for clinical supervision (CS) in mental health care practice. Against the current climate of rapid societal and organisational change in Ireland, mental health care providers are increasingly being challenged to ensure safer higher quality contemporary services based on best practice. It is vital that senior management fosters a culture of CS to assist in this process. The essay will focus on following themes to ensure that it covers supervision practices and assist this quality

  • Cultural Safety in Clinical Practice

    1652 Words  | 4 Pages

    now interacting with different types of people from diverse cultural backgrounds. In the clinical setting, nurses are believed to spend the most time with patients. This involves regularly dealing with people coming from different ethnicities and with different cultural practices and beliefs (Brown & Edwards, 2012). Given this cultural diversity, every patient may have his/her own cultural beliefs and practices regarding his/her own health and its treatment which can be similar or different to those

  • Clinical Practice Guideline Adaptation Research

    928 Words  | 2 Pages

    Clinical practice guideline is the deliberate product of inclusively considering factors influencing the decision making. Developing clinical practice guidelines is a time, resources and expertise consuming process. While for middle or low income countries where the resources and expertise may be scarce, adopting or adapting existing high quality clinical practice guidelines could be a potentially cost-effective strategy. Guideline adaptation is “a systematic process that guides local groups to identify

  • Grace Family Medical Practice: Clinical Analysis

    619 Words  | 2 Pages

    evaluate/reflect at the end of each clinical course by answering the statements/questions below. This paper is evaluated based on how completely each section is answered as well as grammar/spelling/punctuation. 1. Describe the things (at least 3) you felt good about in the clinical experiences this term. This clinical experience has been great. I go to clinical everyday with an open mind. I have learned a wealth of information from my preceptor at Grace Family Medical Practice. I continue to manage acute

  • Child Language Sampling Is Important In Clinical Practice

    1648 Words  | 4 Pages

    The use of child language sampling in speech and language therapy is imperative. This essay will discuss and explore the practice of language sampling, the aspects and processes involved and its significance in clinical practice. The assessment of a child’s speech must include a relevant language sample and also, a thorough evaluation of the language sample is vital. With a view to assessing a child’s language sample, a specific set of concise aspects of said sample must be completed. These aspects

  • Reflection as an Essential Element of Clinical Practice

    1726 Words  | 4 Pages

    In this essay I will be describing reflection, the methods of reflecting and the benefits of reflection in clinical practise. Everyone from doctors and lawyers to shop assistants and builders reflect upon their work. Reflection can be used to learn and develop as a clinician, professional and also as a person. Reflection is the examination of personal thoughts and actions. For practitioners this could mean focusing on how they interact with colleagues, patients and their environment. For example

  • Master Of Social Work: Advanced Clinical Practice

    1913 Words  | 4 Pages

    Goal Statement Degree program: Master of Social Work- Advanced Clinical Practice Personal/Professional Goals My professional goal is to obtain a Master of Social Work degree with a specialization in crisis and trauma intervention from Walden University. I would especially like to work with individuals affected by crisis, trauma, and grief, and help them overcome their personal and social problems, and strong negative influences on their lives. Studying at Walden University is important to me,

  • Chapter 3: Boundary Crossing In Clinical Practice

    644 Words  | 2 Pages

    I choose to complete my second reflection paper on chapter three: Boundary Crossing in Clinical Practice. The author starts the chapter first by mentioning seeing professionals having sexual encounters with their clients. She found it hard to understand how a professional could participate in such acts. As the author began to look at boundary she began to see she was also guilty not as heinous as some of her fellow colleagues by participating in sexual acts but unintentionally crossing certain boundaries

  • Central Line Clinical Practice Guideline and Rational

    2337 Words  | 5 Pages

    Central Line Clinical Practice Guideline & Rational Central venous catheters (CVCs) are frequently used in intensive care units (ICUs) for a number of reasons (measure central venous pressure, when peripheral veins are unable to be accessed, administration of medications/therapies and aspiration of blood samples) (Conroy, 2006, p. 98). Patients in this environment already have an increased risk of infection because of their treatments. Patient treatments commonly involve invasive devices or interventions