Clinical Depression Essays

  • Defining Clinical Depression

    698 Words  | 2 Pages

    Defining Clinical Depression People of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life have felt depressed and unhappy at some time in their lives. These periods of sadness usually pass after a short time, but for some people, this feeling can remain for weeks, months, and even years. (1) This prolonged state of unhappiness is called major (or clinical) depression and is characterized by a persistent sad or "empty" mood, loss of interest in favorite activities, difficulty concentrating, and many other

  • Clinical Depression

    603 Words  | 2 Pages

    Clinical depression is very common. Over nine million Americans are diagnosed with clinical depression at some point in their lives. Many more people suffer from clinical depression because they do not seek treatment. They may feel that depression is a personal weakness, or try to cope with their symptoms alone. On the other hand, some people are comfortable with admitting their symptoms and seeking help. Such a discrepancy may account for the differences in reported cases of depression between men

  • Clinical Depression

    1013 Words  | 3 Pages

    Clinical Depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer. Clinical depression results from interactions between brain chemicals and hormones that influence a person's energy level, feelings, sleeping and eating habits, these chemical interactions are linked to many causes such as, a person's family history of illness, biochemical and psychological make-up, prolonged stress, and traumatic life crisis such as death

  • Understanding Clinical Depression

    3083 Words  | 7 Pages

    they are 'depressed', but the clinical depressions that are seen by doctors differ from the low mood brought on by everyday setbacks. Psychiatrists see a range of more severe mood disturbances and so find it easier to distinguish these from the normal variations of mood seen in the community. General practitioners (GP's) need to be sensitive enough to distinguish emotional reactions to setbacks in life from anxiety syndromes, somatisation and clinical depressions. The general idea is that anxiety

  • Understanding Clinical Depression

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    our life’s, however depression is different from this occasional feelings. Depression affects everything in your life and performing easy task and daily activities become hard, you have trouble seeking the positive things and you stuck yourself in the negative side. One question we might all ask will be how do we know if we are depressed or simply just sad? In order to answer that question we first need to understand the definition of depression, in medical news today depression is defined as.” A medical

  • Clinical Depression: An Internal Battle

    1198 Words  | 3 Pages

    Essay #3 - Explaining a concept Depression : An internal battle Depression - also called “clinical depression” or a “depressive disorder”- is a disorder in which the patient feels the intense feeling of sadness or a negative feeling. It is a mood disorder. According to MayoClinic, “depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.”The distressing symptoms of depression affects how the patient thinks and feels. Depression blocks the person’s ability to

  • Clinical Depression: A Case Study

    639 Words  | 2 Pages

    Depression can be assessed in several ways. For instance a friend may notice that someone maybe showing excessive sadness, the person feeling depressed might not even realize their own depressive symptoms. Depression can last several days or even weeks, or even over an extended period of time, this would be called clinical depression. Depression can affect the daily lives of many people. Extreme stress can trigger depression. Psychotherapy can help people realize and overcome psychological and

  • Clinical Depression Research Paper

    546 Words  | 2 Pages

    Depression is a frequent and strenuous medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and the way how you act. Depression is a mood disorder, that strikes all ages, races, and genders. There are different types of depression, but we will be focusing on clinical depression and the effect it has on the development of humans and how depression is one of the most significant world epidemics. Depression symptoms can range from mild to severe which can include from just feeling

  • Clinical Depression Informative Speech

    717 Words  | 2 Pages

    about something in your life? Well then you have depression. Depression is a mood disorder that also known as called “clinical depression”. Depression is all around us in the world. Studies have shown that men at the age of 18 or higher have a higher chance of getting depressed than women can. The odds of getting depression is 1 in 33 children will have depression. Teenagers have a different change than other people. 1 in 8 teenagers will have depression. A group named the World Health Organization

  • Difference Between Sadness And Clinical Depression

    1410 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is depression? People can feel sad for a number of reason. For example, having a bad grade, losing a job, going through a bad breakup, or listening to music can bring sadness along. These are all good reasons to feel sad when something bad happens to people and they feel sad; that is normal. With depression it is different. The thing with depression is when nothing tragic happens and, yet for some reason, someone feels sad for absolutely no reason at all. People can wake up in the morning and

  • Assessing Clinical Depression According to the MADRS

    817 Words  | 2 Pages

    about 17% of people are likely to experience some kind of depression at some point in their lives. Another figure is: around 2.6 million people in England suffered from depression in 2006 (Thomas and Morris. 2003). Brown (2001) even suggests that by 2020 depression will become the second most common disease. All these alarming figures lead to the question of what depression exactly is and how to asses and treat it. In the DSM-IV depression is defined by meeting five or more of the following symptoms

  • Clinical Depression

    537 Words  | 2 Pages

    My great aunt, Jean Cooper, deals with clinical depression. I call her grandma Jean. Grandma Jean is divorced with two daughters and she resides in her colossal home located in Thousand Oaks California. Over the summer I had visited her after nine years. Spending time with my great aunt gave me an insight of her depression which changed my view of life. One side effect my great aunt’s depression is her consistency to hoard objects. It was a long night and I had just returned to my great aunt’s

  • More than a Bad Case of Blues: Clinical Depression

    1639 Words  | 4 Pages

    loss, and low self esteem. Reacting this way may turn out to be clinical depression rather than just a bad case of blues. I. Many people define depression as being sad all the time when in reality there is much more to that interpretation. A. A constant and overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. B. The personal, social and occupational lives suffering from depression become defective. C. Little is known about depression. II. Depression can be hereditary as well as environmental. A. Those with no

  • Clinical Depression In Teens

    770 Words  | 2 Pages

    Clinical depression is a common yet serious illness that affects many teens in the United States. They may “get into trouble at school, be negative and irritable, and feel misunderstood” (“Depression in Teens,” 2011). Boys and girls are equally likely to develop some form of depression and it often continues into adulthood if left untreated during childhood (“Depression in Teens,” 2011). Because many teens don’t even recognize that the way they feel is caused by a depressive disorder, they never

  • What is Clinical Depression?

    2180 Words  | 5 Pages

    What is depression? Depression is an illness that can take over a person’s life---it can take their happiness and their will to live. This illness can effect adults, teenagers, and even kids. “Depression is an equal opportunity disorder---- it can affect anyone of any group, any background, any race, any gender, and any age. It is the great leveler of all groups and can take the greatest and the smallest of us all and reduce us to the pain and nothingness that is depression (Nydegger 1)”. Depression

  • Clinical Depression Research Paper

    755 Words  | 2 Pages

    There is actually a big difference between feeling depressed and suffering from depression (the correct medical term is clinical depression). But what exactly is clinical depression? Well it's normal to feel sad and depressed every now and then, sometimes if you're lucky that feeling will pass, but clinical depression is an illness which has many physical and emotional symptoms that affect your ability to work, sleep, eat or enjoy any positive aspects of life for example, and stays with you for quite

  • The Monoamine Hypothesis, Placebos and Problems of Theory Construction in Psychology, Medicine, and Psychiatry

    3746 Words  | 8 Pages

    Problems of Theory Construction in Psychology, Medicine, and Psychiatry ABSTRACT: Can there be scientific theories in psychology, medicine or psychiatry? I approach this question through an in-depth analysis of a typical experiment for clinical depression involving the monoamine hypothesis, drug action, and placebos. I begin my discussion with a reconstruction of Adolph Grünbaum's conceptual analysis of 'placebo,' and then use his notion of "intentional placebo" to discuss a typical experiment

  • Clinical Depression Among Teens

    1284 Words  | 3 Pages

    Depression has become a huge issue amongst teens within the past decade. The most devastating fact about depression is that it is often not addressed. Most teens feel they have no one to talk to about their depression. Depression affects teens of all walks of life from the porvished to privileged teens. According to Dr. Harold Koplewiz “About 2 million teenagers suffer from clinical depression and about 1 in 5 young people will experience depression before they become adults, according to the U

  • The Effect of Serotonin on the Brain in Suicide Patients

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    individuals mood. SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) are common medications that treat major depression. Thus affecting the mood of an individual. Some would argue improving the quality of life of people who suffer from clinical depression. The amount of serotonin in the brain has an affect on an individual's behavior. "Low levels of the chemical are associated with clinical depression". (1) According to an article in "Time Domestic" entitled Suicide Check, serotonin may not reach some

  • The Pros And Cons Of Clinical Depression

    1528 Words  | 4 Pages

    illness, “just getting over it,” is an impossibility. Depression is a disorder that is often mistaken with a person “just being sad.” Although, feeling depressed at times is a normal human emotion, with constantly experiencing life struggles, having loss, and self-esteem issues, it may create a problem when feelings of intense sadness lasts for weeks and disables functioning normally. Depression is more than sadness; it may be clinical depression. Knowing and understanding it is a common illness is