Clever Use Essays

  • The Color Red in American Beauty

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    famous theater director Sam Mendes and encompasses a great number of cinematic techniques that appear fresh and exciting. Critics have mentioned many of these techniques. However, they failed to notice the clever use of color used throughout the film--especially the color red. Sam Mendes effectively uses the color red; as a central motif to accentuate mood and theme, to contrast families, and to reveal characters personalities and feelings. In American culture red is a color of various meanings and images

  • Compare & Contrast 3 Essays

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    are in proving a steadfast view of an ambiguous subject through sarcastic criticism of opposing ideas and by applying clever use of irony; the authors’ sentiments vary from imperialistic to anti-imperialistic, and from attesting to detesting a past event."Thank God For The Atom Bomb" is a straightforward imperialistic literature which analyzes cause and effect to justify the use of the Atomic bomb during World War 2. The author continuously criticizes the evil of the Japanese in an attempt to convince

  • Word Play in Hamlet

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    should force the whole kingdom to `be contracted in one brow of woe'. Yet, once he has drawn the crowd to him, sympathised with them and become `one' of them in mourning, he then quickly proceeds to other matters in a far more formal tone. His clever use of language is once again shown, in his interrogation of Polonius's son. Laertes reveals that his `thoughts and wishes bend again toward France' and asks the Kings leave. Claudius does grant him the leave, but ... ... middle of paper ...

  • The Art of the Postage Stamp

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    Liechtenstein, and the United Nations feature his designs (American Sport Art Museum). In addition to the traditional challenges associated with any artistic endeavor, a postage stamp’s size and shape constraints limit design possibilities. Through his clever use of line, color, and composition, Erni promotes his humanitarian philosophy through his works, despite the restrictions. In 1986, he wrote: "I am convinced that it is possible to express something even on the smallest space - supposing that you

  • Warnings in Shakespeare's Sonnet 95

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    young man to realize that his handsomeness is the sole aspect of his person that prevents absolute disapproval of his behavior in other people, and he also wants him to be aware of the ultimate consequences of his actions.  Through a clever use of diction, imagery, and meter in a typical Shakespearian format, Shakespeare warns his young friend of the risks involved with the overindulgence of sexual activity. In the first quatrain, Shakespeare presents the young man to

  • Symbolism in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams

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    has certainly used symbolism and colour extremely effectively in his play, ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’. A moving story about fading Southern belle Blanche DuBois and her lapse into insanity, ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ contains much symbolism and clever use of colour. This helps the audience to link certain scenes and events to the themes and issues that Williams presents within the play, such as desire and death, and the conflict between the old America and the new. Scene Three is one of the pivotal

  • Analysis If Homeward Bound

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    also consists of amusing characters that the audience can relate to. This type of play appeals to mostly sophisticated audiences and actors because the play consists of clever use of language and brilliant conversation. Elliot Hayes’ use of satire in Homeward Bound plays an important part in the telling of the story. His use of satire expresses how the characters feel about each other and their situations. There were many parts of the play that had satire in them. The scene where the mother

  • Aquila by Andrew Norris

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    novel in which the main characters have a wonderful adventure. “Aquila” by Andrew Norris is a novel in which the main characters have a wonderful adventure. This essay will examine how the author portrays the theme of adventure through his clever use of characterisation and key incidents. In this novel a pair of best friends is on a school trip and they find a flying machine. However because it is a school trip they cannot take the flying machine home so they hide it at the site of the

  • The Real Inspector Hound by Tom Stoppard

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    The Real Inspector Hound by Tom Stoppard For this unit, the play which we are studying is "The Real Inspector Hound" written by Tom Stoppard, an English playwright famous for his clever use of language and ironic political metaphors. Stoppard was associated theatre of the absurd, and often his play referred to the meaninglessness of the human condition. He combined the English tradition of the "comedy of manners" (a play that attacks the customs of the upper classes) with contemporary

  • Edward Abbey's Great American Desert

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    stirring curiosity about these fascinating ecosystems. He both invites and dissuades his readers from visiting the deserts of North America through the use of humor and sarcasm. In this essay, he is rhetorically successful in arguing that the open spaces of the undeveloped deserts are sacred places in need of respect and protection through his clever use of pathos and logos. Born in Home, Pennsylvania in 1927, Abbey worked as a forest ranger and fire look-out for the National Forest Service after

  • Homosexuality in Melville's, Moby Dick

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    subject matter is reflective of Melville's attempt to construct a social commentary about homosexuality. This story is a vehicle to express something entirely unrelated to the surface meanings. Sexual references are often disguised by Melville's clever use of diction. Such references take many forms in the text but become most evident in Melville's description of a scene. Chapter 94, A Squeeze of the Hand, is illustrative of this. Melville writes, "I squeezed that sperm till a strange sort of insanity

  • Sophocles' Clever Use of Dramatic Irony in Oedipus the King

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    it is most reasonable and how agonizing it can be to be the costs of the misinterpretation, in some sense foreseeable. Dramatic irony is also use by Sophocles to make the audience feel their taken part of the play knowing the fate of the main character, making the audience wait in suspense wanting to know how Oedipus would react to his fate. The other use of the dramatic irony was to foreshadow which is a key component of great literature. My edition is a little different than the required text

  • The Variety of Characters in Shakespeare's Othello

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    is. On the contrary Othello himself is rather noble in his speech, but overall just as clever. These characters are clever in their own separate ways: Othello in living a double life of both war and love (which seems to keep him tied to the battlefield, a danger zone) and Iago is clever in his ways of manipulating an entire lot of people to get what he wants. Any excerpt from the play Othello shows how clever Shakespeare is in his own ways, writing traits that cannot be ignored. A good example

  • Effective Use of Humor in Hamlet

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    Effective Use of Humor in Hamlet The use of humor in a tragic story helps to give the reader a break from the monotony of a depressing story line. “If a story were completely filled with depressing and tragic events, the readers' interest would most definitely be lost”( Bloom 91). William Shakespeare's, Hamlet is based on the tragedy of a murder of the king of Denmark, whose son must revenge his murderer. Therefore it is classified as a tragedy and if humor weren't present in the play it would

  • Analysis of Shakespeare's The Tempest - Effective Use of the Cliffhanger

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    The Tempest:  Effective Use of the Cliffhanger The first scene of The Tempest is unlike most of the openings in Shakespeare's plays, in that includes quite a bit of action. Instead of properly introducing some of the main characters, or setting up an important plot strand, this opening scene appears to be only an attention-grabbing device. This statement can be made quite justifiably, due to the fact that all the events of Act 1 Scene 1 are recounted in the following scene, in the conversations

  • Birth Of A Nation: Art Or Propaganda

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    picture expected emotional manipulation. After all, years before the film Birth of a nation, makers of film employed techniques to evoke pathos from viewers; whether through the use of a sobbing mother, a frightened child or what have you. In this respect the film was not a ground-breaker; However, through its effective use of devices such as symbolism, foreshadowing and allusions, as well as building on and arguably perfecting film techniques such as continuity editing, intercutting and close-ups

  • Gender Bias In Language

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    another individual, that we must take into account the person's linguistic genealogy. There are people who use language that would be considered prejudicial or biased in use. But the question that is raised is in regard to language usage: is the language the cause of the bias or is it reflective of the preexisting bias that the user holds? There are those who believe that the language that we use in day-to-day conversation is biased in and of itself. They feel that the term mailman, for example, is

  • Essay on Voltaire’s Candide: Use of Language

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    Use of Language in Candide A great philosopher Liebnitz once said that this is the best possible of all worlds. Voltaire disagrees. In Voltaire's Candide, the impartial narrator travels to distant lands and experiences a range of extremes. After having spent a great deal of time away from his homeland, and having seen more than most people see in a lifetime, the narrator is forced to conclude that this may not be the best possible world because of the reality of evil. Voltaire relates this point

  • Effective Use of Color in William Gibson's Neuromancer

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    Effective Use of Color in Neuromancer As I sit in my chair and type this essay, I am amazed to see myself staring into the computer next to me and wondering if William Gibson was indeed correct. The screen, which is a dark gray, has been put on "sleep mode" by Windows 98 but has not been powered off. It is not only the monitor that troubles me as I stare blankly into it, but rather, it is "the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." This is how Gibson touches the reader in Neuromancer.

  • Use of Satire in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels

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    Effective Use of Satire in Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift's story, Gulliver's Travels, is a very clever story. It recounts the fictitious journey of a fictitious man named Lemuel Gulliver, and his travels to the fantasy lands of Lilliput, Brobdinag, Laputa, and Houyhnhmn land. When one first reads his accounts in each of these lands, one may believe that they are reading humorous accounts of fairy-tale-like lands that are intended to amuse children. When one reads this story in the light of