Chinese Essays

  • Chinese Dynasties

    3138 Words  | 7 Pages

    Chinese Dynasties: 1. Shang: Also called Yin, dynasty that was China's earliest historically verifiable state 1766 B.C. to 1122 B.C. A. Reason's for Rise: Unlike the early accounts of history by the Chinese, there is archaeological evidence of the Shang, who built their cities in northern China around the eastern parts of the Yellow River. For this reason they are called the Yellow River civilization. They were a bronze age people; bronze-working seems to have entered China around 2000 BC (about

  • Chinese

    1206 Words  | 3 Pages

    Denver Riot which led to the Chinese Exclusion act in his book The Road to Chinese Exclusion. Zhu illuminates this time of anti-Chinese society in the United States with a large pull for nativism. The way in which Zhu writes about this riot and the consequences that followed shed light on just how anti-Chinese Americans were at the time. Before this time, Asian immigrants were untrusted but never to this extreme. Over time as more and more Asian, specifically Chinese, immigrants arrived the American

  • Chinese and American Cultures

    4366 Words  | 9 Pages

    Chinese and American Cultures Chinese-Americans authors Amy Tan and Gish Jen have both grappled with the idea of mixed identity in America. For them, a generational problem develops over time, and cultural displacement occurs as family lines expand. While this is not the problem in and of itself, indeed, it is natural for current culture to gain foothold over distant culture, it serves as the backdrop for the disorientation that occurs between generations. In their novels, Tan and Jen pinpoint

  • Chinese Education

    1786 Words  | 4 Pages

    Chinese Education The Education system in China although different than America’s has many good qualities. The view of Education in China has changed dramatically over the last forty years; it has gone from there being no real system to one that is held up to be one of the best in the world. In this paper I will go through the history of Chinese education and show how much it truly has changed. I will also look at how it is now and what China can expect for its future. In 1949 The People’s

  • Chinese art

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    Chinese Art The Chinese culture is a very interesting topic to learn about. They have many beliefs, customs and traditions that make them unique. Art was very important to the Chinese culture. It was a way to express or symbolize emotions. The Chinese display many different styles as well as techniques to express who they truly are and believe. Art began in China in stone structures. Large carvings were carried out by families rather than one particular person. Throughout the years, Chinese art

  • Chinese Footbinding

    1751 Words  | 4 Pages

    The ancient Chinese custom of footbinding caused severe life-long suffering for the Chinese women involved. When researching the subject of footbinding, one of the difficult things is finding factual knowledge written before the 20th century. Most of the historical data has been gathered from writings, drawings and photographs from the 19th and 20th centuries. Additionally, the research indicates that the historical documentation was mainly from missionary accounts and literature from various anti-footbinding

  • Chinese Americans

    977 Words  | 2 Pages

    Chinese Americans The focus of our group project is on Chinese Americans. We studied various aspects of their lives and the preservation of their culture in America. The Chinese American population is continually growing. In fact, in 1990, they were the largest group of Asians in the United States (Min 58). But living in America and adjusting to a new way of life is not easy. Many Chinese Americans have faced and continue to face much conflict between their Chinese and American identities. But many

  • Chinese Culture

    817 Words  | 2 Pages

    than western parts of the world. Chinese culture varies greatly compared to ours. These great differences between eastern culture and western culture make China a very interesting place. Some of the vast differences include literature, social structure, and government. The greatest difference is Chinese philosophy and way of thinking. China has developed a strict system of tradition that has given China great advantages and disadvantages. This is shown in Chinese literature. Tradition in China is

  • Chinese Footbinding

    3513 Words  | 8 Pages

    Chinese Footbinding In addressing the subject of footbinding, one primary difficulty becomes apparent - that much remains within the realm of the unknowable. Any factual knowledge about the practice may only be drawn from 19th- and 20th-century writings, drawings or photographs. In addition, many of these documents represent a distinctly Western point of view, as they are primarily composed of missionary accounts and the literature of the various anti -footbinding societies.[1] The historical

  • Chinese Culture

    850 Words  | 2 Pages

    time. Also, the Chinese civilization was growing with these periods of time and it will continues greater than ever. Many wars and unhappinesses were happening during this period. Although, the time has passed, the histories and the civilizations have not passed. These family virtues, serious, working attitudes, sense of justice and the great Confucian tradition have been deeply assimilated into the Chinese people. Some Chinese traditions are different from North American’s. The Chinese culture has many

  • Chinese Americans

    2191 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Lost Ones – Young Chinese Americans Due to harsh immigration laws, in American history, Chinese have often relied on illegal means of entering the United States. For example, in 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act (Chinese Exclusion Act, Documents on Anti-Chinese Immigration Policy.) was passed, the first and only act that restricted immigration from one particular ethnicity. This act restricted immigration of Chinese labourers. In 1888, this act was extended to all Chinese immigrants except for

  • Chinese Mathology And The Myth Of Chinese Myths

    742 Words  | 2 Pages

    those representing their particular culture. Chinese mythology is evidential to this pattern. Although many records were not recorded in a systematic way, it is still a hefty amount of evidence of the myths collected by the Chinese. The legends ranged from characters such as dragons to gods who controlled different functions in China. Chinese mythology is further examined by exploring the nature of their deities and the effect on their religion. Chinese are known for their deep interpretation of the

  • Chinese Culture

    1206 Words  | 3 Pages

    Socialization ------ American Born Chinese Children under Chinese Culture According to the American Heritage Dictionary, socialization is “the process of learning interpersonal and interactional skills that are in conformity with the values of one's society” (American Heritage). It is a process of learning culture. During socialization, children will acquire attitudes, norms, values, behaviors, personalities, etc. within agencies of socialization, which were described as “Agencies of socialization

  • Influence Of Chinese And Irish

    2138 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Influence of Chinese and Irish Laborers on the Transcontinental Railroad The Chinese and Irish laborers answered strongly when asked to help build the Transcontinental Railroad that connected the Pacific and the Atlantic Coasts. During the long process the immigrant workers encountered harsh weather and living and working conditions. Their work produced the Great Iron Trail in an incredibly short time with minimal resources and equipment. Their struggles are often overlooked and their overseers

  • U.S. and Chinese Education

    4379 Words  | 9 Pages

    U.S. and Chinese Education Causation For Choosing This Topic I must confess I believed, until I two months ago, the Chinese education system is a totally mistake. I do not like it and as far as I know, a lot of Chinese students hold the same idea like me. I asked several Chinese graduate students who are now studying in US if they are satisfied with their elementary and middle school year’s study, or say, do they think those studies benefit their future life. Their answers are all negative

  • Chinese Mythology

    1701 Words  | 4 Pages

    (Lansford 1). Every culture has its own myth that explains about the nature of that particular culture. The Chinese culture has been around for many centuries, its myths have accumulated into varies stories of gods and their culture. China is the world’s oldest continuous civilization (Cotterel 9). Evidence show the earliest Chinese civilization to be found around 1650 B.C. The beginnings of Chinese mythology, started around the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Influenced by alchemist ideas, Taoist and Buddhist

  • Chinese Prostitution

    1442 Words  | 3 Pages

    In 1850, only 7 Chinese women were in San Francisco compared to the 4,018 Chinese men. These lows numbers could’ve been because Chinese men were afraid to bring their wives and raise families in a place full of racial violence. The growing anti-Chinese sentiment and few labor opportunities reduced the chances for entry of Chinese women. The few women in San Francisco’s Chinatown basically turned Chinatown into a bachelor’s society. Many men went to brothel houses to release their sexual tensions

  • Chinese And Chinese Language: Cantonese And English

    1383 Words  | 3 Pages

    most usage dialects in Chinese. According to a news report in 2011, there are around 120 billion people speak Cantonese in all over the world, which included Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong, Macao, and the people who in the other countries like the United State, Canada, Singapore, and Malaysia etc. As an international student from Guangzhou, Cantonese is my first language and all my family members speak Cantonese as well. In this paper, I interviewed my father to answered

  • black and chinese americans

    548 Words  | 2 Pages

    equal to one another, but this was not always the case. In the 1800s black and Chinese Americans went through a ruthless period of discrimination, due to the white man’s ignorance. Even though the Chinese and blacks were singled out they both were treated differently but also had many similarities. Harsh treatment, long hours, and extremely low wages were only a small part of the brutal-ness both races faced. The Chinese men came to America hoping to provide a better life for theirs families back in

  • Chinese Education

    1182 Words  | 3 Pages

    place an adequate emphasis on education. China differed from many western cultures. China has a long history of emphasizing education. Contemporary Chinese culture stays true to its ancient roots through a Confucian culture reflected in the modern educational system. Chinese cultural history is riddled with signs of Confucian thought. Ancient Chinese society defined success by occupation rather than a person’s wealth. According to traditional Confucian thought, there were four main social classes