Century London Essays

  • Overcrowding and Housing in Nineteenth-Century London

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    in Nineteenth-Century London From 1801 to 1851, the population of London grew from under 1 million inhabitants to 2.25 million. This was due in large part to immigration, both from other countries and from the countryside of England. Hundreds of thousands of people were moving to the newly industrialized cities and towns to find work, having been squeezed off the land because of the enclosure of farms. There was also displacement of the working-class within the city of London because of a number

  • Law and Order in London in the Late 19th Century

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    Law and Order in London in the Late 19th Century At the beginning of the nineteenth century 60% of Britain's population lived in the countryside, this meant there wasn't any need for police officers as people were living far apart and away from shops and financial areas. Crime was minimal, apart from small crimes like petty thieving and crimes over land etc. But as technology developed the Industrial Revolution began, steam powered factories were built all over the country, a new industrial

  • Law and Order in London in Late Nineteenth Century

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    Law and Order in London in Late Nineteenth Century The British police force came to being in the late eighteenth century. By 1800 there were only 2 police forces in the whole of Britain, both of which were in London. One was the Bow street runners, which was set up in 1749 and the other, was the Thames River police force, which by then was only 2 years old. The main turning point for policing as far as London is concerned came in 1829 when 'Sir Robert Peel', the home secretary of the time

  • The Century London Angela Woollacott Summary

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    Negotiating Turn-of –the –Century London by Angela Woollacott, comprises historical abstracts taken from journals, dairies, and magazine articles. These artifacts help identify as well as support the physical and social mobility of gendered ideologies of London’s turn toward modernism in the 20th century. This article has four specific arguments pertaining to the colonial subjects of Australian women coming to London, to achieve living the ultimate reality. Firstly being how London and modernity fostered

  • 19th Century London in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

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    19th Century London in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 'A time for finding yourself a year older, and not an hour richer' this is a good example that represents Scrooges overall attitude to Christmas and those who celebrate it. The central character of a Christmas Carol is Ebenezer Scrooge a man portrayed by Dickens as a miser who cares little for others around him, a man whose only interest in life is money that can be made from exploiting other people. The novel is set in Victorian

  • Process Essay: The Great Fire Of London

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    chose the topic about the Great Fire of London because this event gripped my attention at once. The reason why I became interested in this topic is because I was surprised about the remarkable transformation of London compared to before the fire and after the fire. There was a video clip I watched, produced by a group of De Montfort University students. It showed the filthy, messy, and out of order environment of London during the 17th century. Then, I saw London after the fire. Especially, I saw the

  • Transformation of London in the 1790s

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    Transformation of London in the 1790s Many changes were occurring in London during the 1790s. New ideas were emerging within England and around the world. The onset of the French Revolution contributed greatly to the unrest and the turmoil of the times. As the English citizens responded to both internal and external affairs, religious movements, social and political reform parties, and governmental reactions gained momentum. In addition, many writers responded and contributed to the progressive

  • Summary: The Thames Barriers

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    The main threats to London come from the storm surges and global warming (involving both thermal expansion and contributions from melting polar ice caps). Climate change also threatens to increase the frequency at which storms occur in London, adding further to the risks faced. (Marsh, n.d.) The importance of the Thames barrier is emphasised in recent figures which suggest that the failure of the Thames barrier could lead to the flooding of around 100,000 homes in east London and Greenwich. The risk

  • London Docklands Essay

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    The London Docklands are a particularly unique area of London; the area possesses a rich history as a major seaport, but is also now home to one of London’s largest financial centers. In essence, the London Docklands are a junction where history collides with the present. Within this essay, I will discuss how efforts to conserve the past of the London Docklands conflict with its current development. One the one hand, the Museum of London Docklands (MLD) acts as a prime example of efforts to conserve

  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Red-Headed League

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    London is a popular location for movies and novels to be utilized as the setting. There are numerous historic venues that allow for a variety of sets and scenes. London has played a starring role in many blockbuster movies thanks to its epic skyline, atmospheric streets and royal palaces. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote many different short stories with a main character, Sherlock Holmes, whose job was to discover the solution of different crimes or suspicious activities in the area. He lived in a flat

  • Revolt Of 1857 Essay

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    disaffection prevailing among native troops in India". THE BEGINNING OF PEOPLES WAR IN INDIA BY- Kaushik Roy- The 19th century witnessed the emergence of a new form of warfare. The “limited war” of the 18th century was replaced by the “people’s war” in the mid-19th century which in turn gave rise to “total war” during the first half of the 20th century.1 The European 18th century wars were of limited liability fought without any moral or ideological issues.

  • In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present

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    In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different. In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different and contrasting views of the same city. William Wordsworth view of London is positive and optimistic. William Blake on the other hand presents a very negative dismal picture of the city. William Wordsworth was born in 1770 and has always had a love of nature. He studied at Cambridge University, which later

  • North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

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    The nineteenth century was a time of economic, technologic, and population growth. These changes created problems in everyone’s daily lives. Two examples of things that affected the lives of many were disease and sanitation. Disease and sanitation led to high mortality rates in Nineteenth- Century England. This relates to North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell as it takes place during nineteenth century England and multiple characters died presumably due to disease. In North and South by the Victorian

  • The Waste Land and Heart of Darkness

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    Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad influenced the 20th century with its commentary on racism in society and the emptiness of human kind. The novel influenced T.S. Eliot through commentary on human kind and the influence can be found in his poems The Waste Land and The Hollow Men. The savagery of the human race is the main focus of Heart of Darkness. T.S. Elliot understands human kind as a primitive state that, in its most simple form, is a terrible existence. The novel’s savagery greatly influenced

  • London Docklands

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    February 2018 Research note, London Dockland What is brief history of the Dockland It is in the east and south east of London The city surrounding with water. Until the 17th century, Londoners began to take serious water in the East End. The harbor was built at Rotherhithe,in 1690s After the dock (harbor) was built, attracted workers from around the country and around the world, making the East End a densely populated area full of different nationalities and cultures. London Docklands is the name of

  • Bombing London, the London Blitz

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    anecdotes of the Blitz. The internet has provided access to many historical resources to students of different educational and economic backgrounds. One is able to uncover many facts of the universe using the internet. Although many accounts of the London Blitz are uncovered during one’s search, many of these anecdotes are clouded by the writer’s personal eyewitness bias. Many university websites, news websites, government websites, and educational resource websites provide information to counter

  • Jewish Population of Victorian England

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    the strides they have made over a century. YEAR # OF JEWS IN ENGLAND 1815 25000 1851 35000 1880 60000 (Naman 47) "In 1800, the overwhelming majority of London's Jews, rich and poor, were still living in the East End of London, in and around the city" (Black 63). Not until decades later would Jews move out of the East End and move outwards from London and form their own communities. East End was the complete opposite of West End London. Black describes " a great part

  • Law and Order in Victorian London

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    Law and Order in Victorian London In this essay I will be discussing what law and order was seen as in Victorian London. I will be discussing the corruption throughout law and order in the country, how crimes led to the formation of the Metropolitan police and a new prison system. The industrial revolution was the reason why crimes, population, money and valuable goods had increased. If you were poor, there was a lot of money and valuable goods to be taken for grabs. The invention new

  • Blake and Swift

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    Blake and Swift 18th century London, it seems, was not a city of beauty or mirth; that is, at least, for the poets William Blake and Jonathan Swift. Blake’s “London” and Swift’s “A Description of a City Shower” are both poems in which the pervading theme is one of a dark, miserable city. London is portrayed as a cold and unredeemable city in both the 1710 poem of Swift, and the 1793 poem of Blake. These works, over eighty years apart, are so strikingly similar in their themes and focus that

  • Regents Park

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    free to set up their own institutions as long as it wasn’t in Oxford. It is from this background that Regent’s Park has its roots. The London Baptist Educational Society was founded in the much more liberal London of 1752, developing into a collegiate establishment in 1810 on a site acquired in Stepney. The college became affiliated with the University of London and moved t... ... middle of paper ... ...r own in-house investigation, which confirmed a shortage of money that would not allow them