Celtic Mythology Essays

  • Ancient Celtic Mythology: A Vision of Gods and Goddesses

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    Ancient Celtic Mythology: A Vision of Gods and Goddesses Upon investigating the supernatural reality that the Celts endured, it is necessary to somewhat overlook the myths to see what lies behind them. It is essential to find when and from where the myths originated and how true the storytellers, or narrators, really are. The Celtic gods and goddesses, in such an early mythological time defined as " 'a period when beings lived or events happened such as one no longer sees in our days' " (Sjoestedt

  • Heroes of Celtic and Germanic Mythology

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    Heroes of Celtic and Germanic Mythology Throughout the myths of the Celtic and Germanic peoples of northern Europe tales of epic heroes and their extraordinary deeds abound. These tales depict heroes performing a variety of incredible feats; many of which appear to be magical, superhuman, and, quite honestly, utterly impossible (e.g., wading across oceans, defeating armies virtually single-handedly, and other astounding exploits). Since the Celtic and Germanic tribes of antiquity inhabited

  • The Dream of Oenghus

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    The Dream of Oenghus The Celtic myth, "The Dream of Oenghus," relates the tale of Oenghus the Celtic god of love and his long search for true love. Oenghus is the son of Boann and Daghdhae. Boann the white cow goddess, and Daghdhae the father of all gods, the "good god." In a dream Oenghus sees "the loveliest figure in Ireland…" His memory of this vision makes him ill with loneliness and he begins to waste away. With the help of his mother, and another of his fathers' sons, Bodhbh, he begins his

  • Mercutio

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    words, "O, then I see Queen Mab hath been with you!" he plunges into a forty-two line speech which is actually composed of only two sentences, giving him barely enough breath to pause between phrases. The gist of the speech concerns Mab, whom Celtic mythology considered to be the midwife of the fairies, and who also is held to be responsible for human beings' dreams. The Queen Mab speech is totally fanciful, describing, as if to a child, this tiny little creature who flies through the air in a small

  • Celtic Druids

    700 Words  | 2 Pages

    language that tied all of them together, Old Celtic which is the descendent of the original Ur-Lnaguage. "Welsh, Breton the language of Brittany, in France- and the variants of Gaelic spoken in Ireland and Scotland are all Celtic languages"(Stokstad 485). Celtic Druids Evidence of their culture is basically archeological, it has also come from oral tradition, dating back to shortly before the fifth century AD. Knowledge of all the Druids besides the Celtic ones has been found from and around the

  • The Celtic Appreciation of Nature

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    The Celtic Appreciation of Nature In doing this assignment, I was looking forward to becoming more appreciative of nature, and all that it has to offer us, wanting a better understanding of it all. It seems that we take all of the beauty of our earth for granted, we are spoiled and it shows. In completing this practicum, I hoped to return to a state of mind where everything I see has beauty in it, like a baby seeing things for the first time, when everything is so fascinating, that touching it

  • The Jewelry We Wear

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    fashion as trends and style change. Usually found in silver jewelry, Celtic design is beautiful for its simple elegance. Basic lines come together to form elaborate designs. Celtic designs are also found in a lot of modern jewelry. While much of the Celtic jewelry today is often found in catalogues and stores catering to fortune tellers, witches and fans of the fantasy and medieval lifestyles, many people of Irish decent are drawn to Celtic jewelry as a sign of their heritage and background. Personal

  • The Germanic and Celtic Tradition by George MacDonald

    954 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Germanic and Celtic Tradition by George MacDonald One of the most interesting things about fairytales is how the author has borrowed ideas from ancient myths and legends and kept them alive in their writings. The Princess and the Goblin is one of these fairytales. In writing this novel, George MacDonald has incorporated much of the folk tradition in his characters and plot. Specifically, his concept of goblins seem to be drawn from the tradition of dwarfs, gnomes, and kobolds of Germanic

  • John Gotti: An American Mobster

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    John Gotti John Gotti: The American Mobster This is a story about a New York mobster, who was the Godfather of the Gambino Family. Today he is serving a life sentence in Marion Federal Penitentiary on 43 counts of racketeering, multiple murders, loan sharking, gambling, and even jury tampering. John Gotti was born October 27, 1940 in the Bronx. John Gotti had 12 other brothers and sisters. He had 2 parents, Fannie and John Joseph Gotti Sr. John Gotti started school in 1945. In 1950 The Gotti family

  • Celtic Mythological Motifs in Chretien's Yvain and Carroll's Alice

    1930 Words  | 4 Pages

    Celtic Mythological Motifs in Chretien's Yvain and Carroll's Alice Abstract: This is an analysis of celtic mythological motifs or themes (usually found Arthurian romances) in the medieval romance Yvain and the victorian classic, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland .} There are elements of the Arthurian romance in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Chretien de Troyes' Yvain . Both novels incorporate important aspects or reoccurring themes in Arthurian romances

  • The Children of Lir: The Swan and Paganism

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    upon Ireland and it’s people. In these stories the swan is a supernatural element, a transformation, with a sort of dark magic or dark theme surrounding it. The swan represents a supernatural element, a tie to magic and Kings, it is shrouded in Celtic mythology and history, and tangled in the tales of the druids; the swan represents the once polytheistic worship of the ancestors of Ireland and how the presence of their pagan past is represented in a dark light, that can only be saved by the cleansing

  • Short Story: The Land Of Eternal Happiness

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    “It’s rumored,” Maimeó said nonchalantly “that the sídhe are from Tír na Óg, the Land of Eternal Happiness. In this wonderful world, there is no death or sickness. There is an abundance of all things pleasurable: food, drink, and music. When one lives in Tír na Óg, they do not age or lose their beauty.” This made no sense to Neil. “If some of these guys are weird and dangerous, how can it be called the Land of Eternal Happiness? Seems more like it would be a living nightmare to hang out with a

  • The Sidhe, the Tuatha de Danaan, and the Fairies in Yeats's Early Works

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    became involved with Irish nationalism as well. His desire to express this nationalism was given voice through a Celtic literature that he hoped would inform and inspire his countrymen. Falling in love with a beautiful firebrand Irish patriot (who also had a taste for the occult) only served to further ignite the Celtic flames of imagination in Yeats. References to supernatural Celtic beings and the Irish spirit world abound in Yeats's early poetry. To make these passages seem less arcane, a look

  • Catholicism V. Rangers: Catholicism Vs. Protestantism

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    Celtic vs. Rangers: Catholicism vs. Protestantism Most European cities can boast of a professional football (soccer) club and a competitive rivalry with a neighboring team. However, Glasgow, Scotland is the home of one of the oldest and most heated rivalries in the world. Two of the most prestigious football clubs in Europe, Celtic and Rangers, both call Glasgow their home. The cross-town rivals first met on the pitch on February 28, 1888. At that point, "none of the 2,000 spectators at the game

  • Mythic Elements in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    contains many mythical elements, as well as story elements. The myths are thought to have originated from the Celtic world. Pieces of the poem are clear ties to some of the mythology stories that rose from Celtic traditions. One of the first ties comes from the setting of the introduction of the poem, when Arthur and the round table knights are celebrating the New Year. In Celtic mythology, this New Year celebration could be seen as Samhain, the tim... ... middle of paper ... ...for the reader

  • The Importance of Celtic Culture in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

    1481 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Importance of Celtic Culture in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, one can discover a variety of reasons why the Green Knight is indeed green.  Some can be found in open text while others one has to search for.  There is possibly another aspect involved in the holly leaf he carries in his first appearance.  The deeper aspect of the Green Knight is how he ties into the beliefs and culture of the Celts. The most obvious reason why the green knight is

  • Druids

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    Anglo-Saxon period, the most well known of these people were the Druids. The Druids were the priests or ministers of religion among the ancient Celtic nations in Gaul, Britain, and Germany. They combined the functions of the priest, the magistrate, the scholar, and the physician. Druidism is a reconstruction of the beliefs and practices of the ancient Celtic priesthood-professional class. They underwent lengthy training; about twenty years. Druids led all public rituals, which were normally held within

  • Celtic Lifestyle

    1657 Words  | 4 Pages

    Celtic Lifestyle During the period when the Celts existed, which is approximately 800 BC - 400 AD, they were just a little tribe compared to other large civilizations such as the Romans and Greeks. They still managed to conquer many regions and prove victorious in most of their battles. Who were these Celts that survived numerous struggles? Where did they originate? What kind of social structure did they have? What kinds of beliefs did they have? What sort of weapons and armor did they use in

  • Anglo-Saxon Warriors and the Klephts of Greece: Their Indo-European Origins

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    Anglo-Saxon warrior bands share the same code of honor as the Greek resistance fighters called Klephts both nations having a common Indo-European heritage and concept of hero. Beginning in the fifth century Germanic invasions transformed the Celtic culture of the British Isles. Anglo-Saxon warrior bands conquered the native Celts and prevailed in England from the fifth until the eleventh century. Warfare, the idea of comitatus, and the Germanic heroic code comprised the Anglo-Saxon way of life

  • The Importance Of Mythology In The Classroom

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    Jasmine Horton Dr. Bottoms Mythology April 29, 2014 Teaching students in the 21st century can be challenging yet rewarding. With the increase in technology, it has become a challenge to get students to see that there is importance in reading older literature and writing on paper. There are many ways to relate mythology in a public school setting. Teaching mythology is an opportunity to break barriers that have been established before students walk in the room. When students are able to see that