Cannes Essays

  • The Venice Film Festival and the Cannes Film Festival

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    the middle of January to the Rome Film Festival at the end of October, there is barely a day in the calendar where some Film Festival is not being celebrated in some part of the world. The most famous ones, such as the Venice Film Festival and the Cannes Film Festival, began their history in the 30's and despite critiques and negative reviews, they continue to be held every year. As a consequence, film festivals have become an object of study and several scholars have written articles and books about

  • French Fascination

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    still. In lieu of the “City of Light”, I’ve taken interest in a less conventional option. The AIFS Study Abroad at the Private “Collège International de Cannes”, in Cannes, France offers the most intriguing and m... ... middle of paper ... ... would face over the length of my stay in Cannes. As I have shown, the AIFS Study Abroad in Cannes, France is ripe with opportunities for me to advance in my major, increase my potential to succeed academically and in the workplace, and to fulfill a lifelong

  • Critique La Ventura

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    Critique La Ventura La Ventura is widely regarded as one of the greatest films to date. Michelangelo Antonioni didn’t win the Palme D’or, but it did get a Special Jury Prize during the Cannes film festival of 1960. No surprise he didn’t win the Palme D’or, but why give him an award in the first place? The reason for winning the title seemed unclear at first because the film had serious issues with breaking the rules of standardized filmmaking. For example having his actors enter the scene from

  • Censorship in the 1950's: How did this affect the making of “Night and Fog” one of the first ever cinematic documentaries on the Holocaust? A film by

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    Censorship in the 1950's: How did this affect the making of “Night and Fog” one of the first ever cinematic documentaries on the Holocaust? A film by Alain Resnais. The ‘Night and Fog Decree’ was issued by Adolf Hitler on December 7th 1941. The ‘Night and Fog Decree’ (Nacht und Nebel Erlass) bypassed all forms of basic law and was an order from Hitler to his secret police to murder anyone in Nazi Germany and occupied Europe who was deemed to be a threat. The decree stated that such people were

  • Director David Cronenberg's Movie 'A History of Violence'

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    Director David Cronenberg’s movie “A History of Violence” brings a little-known graphic novel to life. The protagonist, Tom Stall (Viggo Mortensen), seems to be living the ideal life when it suddenly takes a turn for the worse. Two robbers attempt to hold up his diner in a little Indiana town, until Tom stops them by slamming a hot glass coffee pot into the face of one and shooting three gunshots into the chest of the other. The scene’s carnage is heightened as bits of flesh dangle off the shattered

  • Menace II Society and Colonization

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    school, Albert began taking classes at the Los Angeles Community College Film School. Two short films established the twins’ reputation as innovative filmmakers and allowed them to direct Menace II Society (1993), which made its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival and grossed nearly 10 times as much as its $3 million budget. After following up with Dead Presidents (1995) they directed the feature-length documentary American Pimp (1999). From the very first scene, detailing Caine and O-Dog's fatal

  • Amelie: Interesting Premise and Beautiful Cinematography

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    Jean-Pierre Jeunet. His films are amongst favorites of film-goers in this generation. Interestingly, his films are always the subject of critical analysis as many juries of French Film Festivals aren’t keen on his films, Amélie being turned down by the Cannes Film Festival. This is also due to the fact that Jeunet collaborated with other countries to help fund his films which made the juries question the authenticity of its French film status. Jeunet’s next film project which is starred by Audrey Tautou

  • Bowling For Columbine

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    Reading 1: Genre Bowling for Columbine is an interactive/participatory style documentary directed by Michael Moore. Michael Moore heavily emphasises multiple shooting events, in particular the mass shooting at Columbine High School, to present to us the idea that ordinary Americans are getting out of control with their use of weapons. He also promotes the concept of the American government’s actions having contributed to the current attitudes towards weapons. Michael Moore effectively uses the common

  • Ecocriticism In The Road Cormac Mccarthy

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    The Road by Cormac McCarthy, is set in a post-apocalyptic United States. A father and his son have survived the event that cause the destruction and death of so many. The two of them follow a road that will lead them to the coast where they hope to find and untouched landscape that they can live in. Through their journey they encounter others that are just trying to stay alive, one’s who will steal, enslave them, or even kill them. An ecocriticism is is a lens that looks at the relationship between

  • How Does Pip Change Throughout The Novel

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    Great Expectations. From pages 60-61 the history shows us that what they wore sort of reflected on what they were selling like when Pip describes the corduroys that the shop keeper is wearing to the seeds in one of his draws because he sells seeds it says about this " I hardly knew which was which". Also the shop people have longer hours of work they run from 7:00am to 8:00pm. What Pip also found strange is that all the shop owners used to look at each through there shop windows apart from

  • Examples Of Survival In The Hunger Games

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    Survive, to remain alive or existent, to function and prosper, to prevail. The true definition of survive, is none other than remaining alive, at all cost, people can go to lengths they thought was not possible. Some survive because maybe they have strength, smart, or just because they did what they must’ve needed to do, to prolong their hour of death, that will end their legacies. A quote that represents survival is, “Survival of the fittest”. The movie Hunger Games capture the quote very well

  • Persepolis Identity

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    In my first paper, I defined “the grain” as the dominant voice that dictates the conversation that is writing or authorship that contributes to the metaphorical and limiting City of Norm. I went on to argue that “writing against the grain” involves working to navigate out of this City of Norm and into the marginalized suburbs, into a form of writing that aligns with one’s identity and values based on personal social location, a form of writing that is true to oneself. Having now read Marjane Satrapi’s

  • Juxtaposition In Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis

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    The Significance of Juxtaposition in Persepolis It is not possible for a country to function when it’s people are against their own government. Persepolis is an example of just how problematic this can become, a world where the rule of the government is no longer accepted by the people. The people of Iran desperately search for solutions by revolting against their strict government, however their plans are often violently shut down. In the story of Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi the juxtaposition

  • To Kill A Mockingbird Literary Analysis

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    Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) a traditional prose-fiction novel, and Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis (2000), a graphic novel, explore the significant impact the external world has on an individual’s sense of self, using similar techniques despite their different textual forms. Lee and Satrapi show their main characters Scout and Marji growing up in respectively 1930’s racially-segregated Alabama and 1980’s post-revolutionary Iran, negotiating the progressive ideologies of their families

  • Persepolis Literary Analysis

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    When analyzing Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel, Persepolis, under a Marxist Literary Lense, one can see an apparent irony in the protagonist’s support of revolution and left-wing ideologies like communism. Marji’s family is a fairly affluent family, seeing that they live lives of relative comfort and luxury. Seeing that the family is a part of the class of Iranian society that has money, it is strange that the family calls for a destruction of the current society that they live in. It seems that

  • Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis

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    Persepolis is a graphic autobiography by Marjane Satrapi that describe her childhood up to her early adult years in Iran during and after the Islamic Revolution. The title is a reference to the ancient capital of the Persian Empire, Persepolis. During the whole book, Marjane Satrapi is changing. The reader follows her character development. On panel 113 the last frame is illustrative of the contentious aspect of Marjane's relationship with her mother. While most of the book shows a tender and loving

  • Bowling For Columbine Essay

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    Bowling for Columbine is an American documentary film, released in 2002, and was written, directed and narrated by Michael Moore, which also utilizes a variety of persuasive documentary techniques for the purpose of provoking a response from the audience. The purpose of bowling for columbine is to show audiences issues made by the American gun laws such as violence e.g. The Columbine massacre. Moore presents the audience with new ideas and the issues facing America. It is a film about guns and America's

  • Analysis Of Zhang Huan's Seeds Of Hamburg

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    Zhang Huan’s performance piece, Seeds of Hamburg, was performed in 2002 in Hamburg, Germany. In the performance, Huan entered the wooden-chicken wire cage after being covered in honey and birdseed. Inside the cage, Huan moved around in various motions and 28 birds were released into the cage. Then Huan proceeds to sit on this throne-like structure constructed out of crates. After sitting on the throne structure for a while and allowing the birds to nibble from the birdseed on his body, a bird finally

  • How Does Satrapi Use The Veil In Persepolis

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    Throughout the novel Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, the veil is a powerful tool she exploits in order to provide a metaphorical description of the harsh reality of the lack of freedom she and many other Iranians face in the years following the Islamic revolution. Satrapi uses the veil as a way to show the change of women’s rights throughout the book, a way to show how her independence is a constantly changing entity, and allows her to demonstrate how the new government of Iran changes the freedom

  • Persepolis Rhetorical Analysis

    996 Words  | 2 Pages

    We are told of the injustice that is present around the world everyday. How the government suppresses its people to deny them rights that Americans see as a birthright. It also forces people to question basic human feelings and rituals. Marjane Satrapi depicts this injustice and oppression in her book Persepolis. Living in an unjust society forces people to rethink basic fundamentals such as forgiveness, as seen on pages 53 and 46 of Persepolis. Satrapi’s use of speech bubbles instead of voice overs