Buddhist Essays

  • Buddhist Doctrine Of Karma

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    The Buddhist doctrine of karma ("deeds", "actions"), and the closely related doctrine of rebirth, are perhaps the best known, and often the least understood, of Buddhist doctrines. The matter is complicated by the fact that the other Indian religious traditions of Hinduism and Jainism have their own theories of Karma and Reincarnation. It is in fact the Hindu versions that are better known in the West. The Buddhist theory of karma and rebirth are quite distinct from their other Indian counterparts

  • Buddhist Art in Japan

    2007 Words  | 5 Pages

    Buddhist Art in Japan Buddhism had an important role in the development of Japanese art between the sixth and the sixteenth centuries. Buddhist art and religion came to Japan from China, with the arrival of a bronze Buddhist sculpture alongside the sutras. Buddhist art was encouraged by Crown Prince Taishi in the Suiko period in the sixth century and Emperor Shomu in the Nara period in the eighth century. In the early Heian period Buddhist art and architecture greatly influenced the traditional

  • I am Buddhist

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    I am Buddhist An often forgotten essential in our short existence we call “life” is our need for at least a quintessential connection of spirituality for our own subsistence. And as this world we live in, develops into supposed “development’’ and as evolution directs our way of life into a tedious search of happiness derived from money… and a person in a modern society barely has a moment for a prayer and “time’’ being as impatient as it is, the youth have no seconds to just sit and contemplate

  • Zen Buddhist Perspectives on Modern Education

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    Zen Buddhist Perspectives on Modern Education ABSTRACT: Many articles and books on Buddhism have been published in recent years, but publications dealing with Buddhist educational views are rarely available. In this paper, I wish to expound on Zen Buddhist perspectives on modern education. The history of Buddhist education is long and complex. In early centuries (400 BCE- 800 CE), Buddhist monasteries in India and China functioned as educational centers where vinaya, sutras and other subjects

  • Carl Gustav Jung and the Buddhist Mandala

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    Carl Gustav Jung and the Buddhist Mandala A one-time disciple of Sigmund Freud's, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) is credited with contributing significantly to the burgeoning field of psychotherapy by formulating some of the first ideas regarding dream analysis, psychological complexes and archetypes (paradigmatic images or instinctive impulses to action). As part of his search for universal keys to the human psyche, Jung also studied and wrote numerous commentaries throughout his career on Eastern

  • Buddhist view on Abortion

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    has been severely disapproved of in the Buddhist tradition. It is also equally clear that abortion has been tolerated in Buddhist Japan and accommodated under exceptional circumstances by some modern Buddhists in the U.S. The situation is similar to that of Roman Catholicism, where abortion, though disapproved of in the strongest terms by Church authorities, is still practiced by a large number of devoted Catholics and defended by at least a few. As a Buddhist, I would most likely still be for abortion

  • Siddhartha Essay: Hindu and Buddhist Thought

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    Hindu and Buddhist Thought in Siddhartha Siddhartha, set in India, is subtitled an "Indic Poetic Work," and it clearly owes much to Indian religions. But the question of the exact nature of Hesse's debt to various aspects of Indian religion and philosophy in Siddhartha is quite complicated and deserves detailed discussion. This essay will discuss the elements of Hindu and Buddhist thought present in Siddhartha and make distinctions between them. "Siddhartha is one of the names of the

  • The Significance of Sacrifice in Buddhist Practice

    5234 Words  | 11 Pages

    The Significance of Sacrifice in Buddhist Practice The self-immolation of Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc at a busy intersection in Saigon on June 11, 1963 utterly shocked most Americans who could not fathom why a person would commit such a horrific act. Without trying to explore any feasible explanations within this man’s religion, many decided that he was probably just a fanatic who wanted to make a political statement in the most appalling manner possible. Was that the case? Was Quang

  • Death from a Buddhist and Christian Point of View

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    Death from a Buddhist and Christian Point of View “You will be with me today in paradise,” Jesus Christ told this to the thief on the cross while they were dying. However, can people believe that there is truly life after death? In many different religions there are different perceptions of life after death. For example in the Buddhist religion, the Buddhist people believe that life is practice for death. Professor Brown, of California State University of Northridge stated, “The Buddhist people cultivate

  • Summary Of A Buddhist Response To The Nature Of Human Rights

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                                                  In the essay “A Buddhist Response to the Nature of Human Rights”, Inada outlined the distinctly different views of human rights held by the west and the east. The western view of human rights to be based on “hard relationship”, while his description of the eastern view is

  • Masters and Gautama: A Synthesis of Buddhist Philosophy

    2399 Words  | 5 Pages

    Masters and Gautama: A Synthesis of Buddhist Philosophy Regardless of who we are or where we come from, we are unlucky enough to be subject to a world consisting of modifiers, pre-established social elements, systems of opinion and belief, which, though we may be unaware of them while they work their magic on us, ultimately serve to wrap us in a prison of thought. At the same time, there exist modifiers which may serve to free us. Depending on the right conditions, the time, we can be fortunate

  • Graeco-Buddhist Art in Gandhara

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    Graeco-Roman art in Buddhist iconography (Fisher 1993). In a region called Gandhara (now Pakistan), we could easily see these kinds of influences in stone sculptures of Bodhisattvas. In this paper, we will see a comparison between a ‘Male Head From a Relief’ from Roman period with ‘Head of Bodhisattva’ from Gandhara, Kushan Dynasty and how sculptures in Buddhism had influence of Graeco-Roman period. This influence was said to be in North-Western region, Gandhara (now Pakistan). Gandharan Buddhist iconography

  • Buddhist Monasteries: The Borobudur in Java, Indonesia

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    particularly Buddhist monasteries. Monasteries are beautiful, often very complex, buildings that comprise the domestic quarters and workplaces of monastics. Monasteries generally include a place reserved for prayer such as a chapel, church, or temple. And even more particularly, I will concentrate on more of a temple rather than a monastery but one that could be considered both: the Borobudur. The Borobudur is located on the Indonesian island of Java. The Borobudur is the largest, most famous Buddhist temple

  • buddhism

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    history, politics, and America Zen, or Zenno (as it is known by the Japanese word from which it derives), is the most common form of Buddhism practiced in the world today. All types of people from intellectuals to celebrities refer to themselves as Buddhist, but despite its popularity today in America, it has had a long history throughout the world. "Here none think of wealth or fame, All talk of right and wrong is quelled. In Autumn I rake the leaf-banked stream, In spring attend the nightingale. Who

  • Buddhism and Suicide

    1256 Words  | 3 Pages

    Bibliography on Buddhist Ethics http://jbe.gold.ac.uk/7/harvey001.html#suicide Incoporate western philoosophy? Western ethics? First part- Bacvkground on Buddhist doctrine concerning suicide 1. No Buddhist Should Commit Suicide The Milindapanha 98. from the Vinaya Pitaka section on the Order. Warren, Henry Clarke. Buddhism in Translations. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Ltd. (1995). King Nagasena explains why a buddhist (priest) may not kill himself. He claims that the world needs Buddhists to spread

  • Buddhism

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    rebirth, known as samsara, goes on forever or until one achieves Nirvana. The Buddhist definition of Nirvana is "the highest state of spiritual bliss, as absolute immortality through absorption of the soul into itself, but preserving individuality" (Head1 57).     Birth is not the beginning and death is not the end. This cycle of life has no beginning and can go on forever without an end. The ultimate goal for every Buddhist, Nirvana, represents total enlightenment and liberation. Only through achieving

  • Buddhism

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    and the many different Buddhist schools around the world. Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual growth that shows the true nature of life. Some of the Buddhist practices (such as meditation) are ways of changing people in order to develop awareness, kindness, and wisdom. Since Buddhism doesn’t consist of worshipping an actual God, some people don’t see it as an actual religion. The basic ways Buddhist teaching are straightforward and to the point. Change in the Buddhist belief is very possible

  • Discussion of the four noble truths of Buddhism

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    the four noble truths: is the Buddhist view of existence optimistic or pessimistic? The question of the Buddhist view of existence being optimistic or pessimistic is one which is many have an opinion on. It could be said that the four noble truths provide the views of the Buddha in the way that life is led and more importantly, should be led. Certainly, the end goal is clearly optimistic, the attainment of spiritual enlightenment, or nirvana. However, the Buddhist view of life as we lead it is often

  • The Dhammapada

    1226 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Dhammapada is a Pali version of one of the most popular text of the Buddhist canon. The Dhammapada, or “sayings of the Buddha”, is a collection of 423 verses that tell about the ideals and teachings of the Buddha. When taken together, these verses provide a structured form of teaching within the Buddhist religion. These verses are a kind of guiding voice to the path of true enlightenment. The Dhammapada is a religious work that is meant to provide a certain set of religious and ethical values

  • mauryan empire

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    that the notion of Dhamma is a type of ethos for social morality or ethical behaviour. Furthermore, the term is said to be a fundamental philosophy of Buddhist doctrine, the practice of which leads to one’s advancement in both a spiritual and material sense. That Ashoka was a proclaimed Buddhist is evident from the edicts, “I have been a Buddhist layman for more than two and a half years, but for a year I did not make much progress. Now for more than a year I have drawn closer to the Order and become