British Rule Essays

  • British Rule in India

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    The conflict and controversy surrounding events in India during the British occupation helped give rise to many conflicting ideas about British rule. Although they varied in degree, the ultimate ideas would question the authority of British dominance, overall. Interpretation of Rebellious events during the nineteenth century between British and Nationalist writers, expose the differing opinion of the two groups. The British naturally aspired to downplay any acts of rebellion, while their Indian

  • Comparing British Rule and Democracy in Rip Van Winkle

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    Comparing British Rule and Democracy Rip Van Winkle           In post-revolutionary America, literature began to show influence of the newly created democracy. As is the case with any young government, many different interest groups arose to attempt to mold the government according to their vision of democracy. Washington Irving, a native New Yorker born in 1783, grew up in a world engulfed in this democratic fanaticism. He grew up to be, as befitted his childhood atmosphere, a political satirist

  • Effects Of British Rule In India

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    The British rule in India caused many social, economic, and tradition changes, which still has rippling effect to this day. However, there are aspects of British involvement that helped India making this topic more delicate than a right and wrong choice. Also, many of the British actions came from good intensions, but without understanding the Indian society the British government actually caused more harm than progress. An example would be the education system in India that the British government

  • British Rule In Britain During The 1700s

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    colonies. The colonies had been discovered and settled by the British. The British believed that the colonies were British territories and were to be ruled as if they were British territories. The colonies did not like this. The Founding Fathers agreed that it was time for a change and sought to rebel from, and declare independence from the British. The Founding Fathers were justified in rebelling and declaring independence because the British rule had become oppressive, Britain was too small and too far

  • Overthrowing British Rule: The American Revolution

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    American Revolution was when the American Colonies rejected British rule and overthrew the authority of Great Britain which help found the United States of America. It was a long road but it was built over time with tension between the 13 colonies and the British rule of King George III. In 1733 the Molasses Act was imposed for six percent of every gallon sold from non-English colonies. This act was to make products cheaper from the British than the French. This act was rarely collected because of

  • Pandurang Hari and the Criticism of British Rule in India

    2914 Words  | 6 Pages

    William Browne Hockley. It contains a scathing criticism of Indians in general and Marathas in particular. Hence, scholars have readily recognized it as a colonialist work. What remains unnoticed is the fact that the novel also criticizes aspects of British rule in India. Focusing on this, the present article tries to show how the novel at times subverts the very discourse of colonialism it seeks to foster. William Browne Hockley (1792 – 1860) was a pioneer in the field of Anglo-Indian literature . He

  • Striving for Freedom: America's Escape from British Rule

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    Well this is how the americans felt during 1775 and 1776. They were governed by the colonies but behind it all was a much greater power. The were british soldiers and loyalists on every corner of the street. They felt trapped. They did whatever it took to be free, to gain liberty. A group called the Sons of liberty worked together to abolish the british rule in america, and they did whatever it took. If it took being violent and disruptive against the loyalist then that’s what they would do. At the

  • The Truth Behind Women’s Education During British Colonial Rule

    1520 Words  | 4 Pages

    to the British Crown as part of the agreement for an indefinite period of time. During this period of time, Hong Kong experienced major social changes, particularly in the area of women’s education. The purpose initially appeared to be the desire to help the Chinese; however, the truth was that Great Britain sought to establish their superiority by undermining the prevalent Confucian family system through the education of women. The educational system in Hong Kong shortly before colonial rule was mostly

  • Conflict in the Emerald Isle

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    island is broken up into to distinct regions. The Republic of Ireland consists of 26 counties, which make up the southern region. This area is predominantly Roman Catholic. Northern Ireland is made up of the 6 northern counties, which are under British rule. This area is predominately Protestant. The conflict between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland is based on both religious and political views. Ireland is a relatively small island off the coast of Great Britain; its land area is

  • Eamon De Valera

    2519 Words  | 6 Pages

    “If I wish to know what the Irish want, I look into my own heart.” De Valera loved Ireland and its people with a deep and lasting passion. It was he, probably more than any other person in their history, who helped that country win freedom from British rule and then shaped its history well into the twentieth century. De Valera’s mother, Catherine Coll, usually known as Kate, came to the states in 1879, at the young age of twenty-three. Like so many other Irish immigrants of that time, she had suffered

  • Ready

    1347 Words  | 3 Pages

    Botswana's first president: Seretse Khama (1921-80), founding President of Botswana, 1966-80. He inherited an impoverished and internationally obscure state from British rule, and left an increasingly democratic and prosperous country with a significant role in Southern Africa. Seretse Khama was born on 1 July 1921 at Serowe in the British protectorate of Bechuanaland. He was was the son of Sekgoma Khama, and the grandson of the internationally famous Kgosi Khama III (c.1835-1923), ruler of the Bangwato

  • Mohandas Gandhi`s life and Accomplishments

    732 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gandhi. And will also discuss Civil Disobedience. Throughout history most national heroes have been warriors, but Gandhi ended British rule over his native India without striking a single blow. A frail man, he devoted his life to peace and brotherhood in order to achieve social and political progress. Yet less than six months after his nonviolent resistance to British rule won independence for India, he was assassinated by a religious fanatic. Gandhi was one of the gentlest of men, a devout and almost

  • Causes of the Revolutionary War

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    Revolutionary War The haphazard and disorganized British rule of the American colonies in the decade prior to the outbreak led to the Revolutionary War. The mismanagement of the colonies, the taxation policies that violated the colonist right's, the distractions of foreign wars and politics in England and mercantilist policies that benefited the English to a much greater degree then the colonists all show the British incompetence in their rule over the colonies. These policies and distractions

  • Snakes And Ladders

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    nationalists were revolting against the British Empire, it changed the way of life in India. It let women have a more active role in everyday activities. Mehta’s father played a very active role in the revolutions; he used his house as a place for Indian nationalists to hide out for this he was placed in jail for several years. Her uncle was sentenced to seventeen years in a torture camp for different charges. Yet when asked what their worst memory of being under British rule was, they simply provided a simple

  • The Negro in the American Revolution

    1337 Words  | 3 Pages

    However, despite their troubles African Americans made a grand contribution and a great impact on both armed forces of the Colonies and British. "The American Negro was a participant as well as a symbol."; (Quarles 7) African Americans were active on and off the battlefield, they personified the goal freedom, the reason for the war being fought by the Colonies and British. The African Americans were stuck in the middle of a war between white people. Their loyalty was not to one side or another, but to

  • Mohandas Gandhi`s Use of Nonviolent Methods to Achieve Independence

    3658 Words  | 8 Pages

    The mission of Gandhi’s life was to help the people of India free themselves from British rule. Many people have struggled for independence. They have fought bloody battles or used terrorism in an attempt to achieve their goals. Gandhi’s revolution was different. He succeeded as an independence leader with the use of nonviolent methods. The young Mohandas Gandhi did not seem as a boy that would become a great leader. He changed as he studied in Britain and practiced in South Africa. He fought

  • Protestant Propaganda

    1046 Words  | 3 Pages

    broken up into two distinct regions. The Republic of Ireland consists of twenty-six counties, which make up the southern region. This area is predominantly Roman Catholic. Northern Ireland is made up of the six northern counties, which are under British rule and predominately Protestant. Both sides use propaganda to spread their ideas and gain support. They each have organizations, such as the I.R.A., in the south, and the U.V.F., in the north, which use peaceful methods such as newspapers and murals

  • Jamaica’s Slave Population and Reggae Music

    4262 Words  | 9 Pages

    will guide you through the history of Jamaican slavery, while inserting popular reggae music which I feel exemplifies the point I am trying to make: the history or Jamaica has affected reggae music. My paper describes the Transatlantic Journey, British rule in Jamaica, and what happened to the Jamaican people once they were emancipated. I feel that the lyrics I have chosen to incorporate into my paper are prime examples of how such popular reggae artists, such as Bob Marley and Burning Spear, were

  • Rip Van Winkle

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    grew up to be, as many would grow up in this atmosphere, a political satirist. This satirical nature of Irving's shows up well in "Rip Van Winkle", as he uses historical allusions and symbolic characters to mockingly compare colonial life under British rule to the democracy of the young United States. The reader assumes the appearance of Rip from the preceding paragraphs in which the author sets the general timeframe in the colonial era before and after the American Revolutionary war. To describe

  • The American Revolution: Freedom for the White Man

    1028 Words  | 3 Pages

    The American Revolution was a glorious war fought to free the American colonies from the British rule. Although we won that war, there were still many people who were not free from our rule. One group of people were the black slaves. The black people had many struggles to freedom which helped shape our American culture today. Three different periods characterized there struggles: the slaves before the Civil War, during Reconstruction, and during the civil rights movements. These three