British Cities Essays

  • The British Government's Decision to Evacuate Children from Britain’s Major Cities at the Start of the Second World War

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    The government evacuated children from major cities in Britain to safer areas of the country in response to a new style of warfare that had emerged from World War One, due to the use of aircraft. Aircraft began to target industrial areas in an attempt to damage a country’s economy, and therefore damage their ability on the front line, and morale. However, accuracy was bad and so bombs often landed off target and injured civilians who worked or lived in the industrial areas. The Government decided

  • Traffic and Urban Congestion: 1955-1970

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    Traffic and Urban Congestion: 1955-1970 In 1960, Great Britain still had no urban freeways. But with the ownership of private cars becoming ever more common, the problem of congestion in British cities was unavoidable. Investigating the possibilities of freeways as alleviators of big-city traffic jams, the government-sponsored Buchanan Report was pessimistic: ... the study shows the very formidable potential build-up of traffic as vehicular ownership and usage increase to the maximum. The accommodation

  • Public Health and Nineteenth-Century Literature

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    those living in the same place during the 20th century. During the nineteenth century the English were plagued with many epidemics, but lacked the knowledge and capability to successfully treat and eliminate these diseases. London, like other British cities, had appalling sanitary conditions. These conditions were responsible for a rash of epidemics which so heightened public concern about the city's poor health conditions that in 1848 a general Board of Health was established. Among the Board's

  • The Effect of the Spanish, French and British on Indian Culture in North America

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    The Effect of the Spanish, French and British on Indian Culture in North America The life styles of the Indians of the Americas changed greatly over time, almost completely influenced by Western culture.

  • Product Strategy of the British Airways

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    the British Airways 1.1 Introduction to product strategy Product is the most important component in an organization. Without a product there is no place, no price, no promotion, and no business. Product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or a need. It is the core ingredient of the marketing mix and is everything favorable and unfavorable, tangible and intangible received in the exchange of an idea, service or good (Kotler 11th edition, 2003). British Airways

  • British Racial Prejudice

    8202 Words  | 17 Pages

    Racial Prejudice in British Immigration Policy Introduction The purpose of this paper is that to highlight what I see as racist, unjust and inhumane elements in Britain’s immigration system and the culture of secrecy surrounds it. The permanent residents (who has indefinite leave to remain), central to this discussion not the illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers. Also immigration’s treatments of people coming over to Britain for a range of other reasons and with papers and visas they expect

  • London: A Global City

    633 Words  | 2 Pages

    The first industrial revolution, evolved in London, allowed many advances in many scopes for the British capital. Actually, those upheavals give her the access to the world’s market, her power spread worldwide, its networks of influence never stopped extending. Now, those stamps pin down London. That’s why, today, London is considered as Europe’s capital, London is a global city, attracting nowadays diverse strategic activities. Firstly, London is a big economic place, contracting the most influential

  • How Did The Industrial Revolution Transform London 1800 To 1914

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    discussing city development as a political, social and economic force, not simply a construction of buildings and environments, but one that encompasses all the activities that bring life to these structures. I discuss some of the forces that dramatically transformed London into the city it is today. During the Industrial revolution, London’s development was increasingly shaped by social and political forces that evolved into policies that changed the physical characteristics of the city. Without this

  • Evacuation

    599 Words  | 2 Pages

    Evacuation The evacuation has got to do with the movement of vulnerable people and children out of the city and into the country sides in case if the country starts getting bombed. The evacuation plan began in the 1930s. In August 1938 Adolf Hilter began making speeches that suggested he was going to send the German Army into Czechoslovakia. The British government now began to fear a war with Nazi Germany and Neville chamberlain ordered that Air Raid Precautions (ARP) volunteers to be mobilized

  • Le Corbusier Research Paper

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    Le Corbusier worked with his cousin Pierre Jeanneret and architects Jean Drew and Maxwell Fry, who stayed in India until the plan swung into action and the city of Chandigarh was built. The city was planned on a rectangular grid adapted to field conditions. The areas are divided into sectors and have connecting streets and highways passing through them. Le Corbusier personally designed the government building, the Capitol. His béton brut, the un-rendered surfaces of the buildings, still showing the

  • The Fabulous Maid LLC: A Case Study

    512 Words  | 2 Pages

    Massachusetts has become a large home for many historical cities through the years. The Fabulous Maid LLC has made great effort to service these areas and provide the best results. While cleaning, The Fabulous Maid makes an effort to understand the area they are in. It is because of constant cleaning, that a city stands tall, history intact. Somerville Massachusetts is a great example of historical value and has been apart of the service area for Residential Cleaning Somerville MA. The town known

  • Howrah Case Study

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    Name Howrah or Haora is an industrial city, a municipal corporation in the Howrah district, West Bengal, India. It is the second largest city of the Indian state of West Bengal. it is a twin city to Kolkata. Howrah is the second smallest district after Kolkata. The two cities are connected by four bridges on the river Ganges, these being the Howrah Bridge (also known as Rabindra Setu), the Vidyasagar Setu (also known as the second Hooghly Bridge), the Vivekananda Setu (also known as Bally Bridge)

  • Overview Of Reykjavik

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    capital city in the country known as Iceland. Although smaller than most other national capitals, the city contains a population of approximately 118,488 according to UN statistics, making it the largest city in Iceland. It is located in the southwestern part of the Island on the southern shore of the bay of Faxafloi. It currently stands as the center of national trade, and political activities for the nation and boasts being among the safest, cleanest, and environmentally friendly cities in the world

  • Miss Potter Identity

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    successfully portrayed her as an admirable lady “whose imagination inspires the world”. Beyond such great depiction of one individual, the film also demonstrates the identity of British people as a whole. Various characteristics have been explored, and the most remarkable one is their incredible love of nature. The British adore nature and its green peace. They see the countryside, with cottages, ponds, trees and grasses, an ideal place to live safely and healthily. They love gardens and parks, as

  • Urbanization In Mumbai Case Study

    1191 Words  | 3 Pages

    Mumbai is a megacity and a World city, it has grown enormously since the 1950’s and gives a great case study of urbanization and its issues within an LEDC. This case study will explore how urbanization, suburbanization, counter urbanization and now reurbanisation processes have occurred in the Mumbai region and how those processes have been managed. Mumbai is located on a peninsular on the Western coast of Maharashtra state in western India, bordering the Arabian Sea. Bombay is a thriving

  • Circular Quay Essay

    686 Words  | 2 Pages

    development, pre-coronation, coronation, and future prospect of Circular Quay. Circular Quay is located in on the northern edge of the Sydney central business on Sydney Cove, between Bennelong Point and The Rocks. It is under administration of the city of Sydney. The considerable area around Circular Quay is regarded as the most popular tourism attractions which are made up of parks and restaurants for tourists from all over all over the world .Additionally, a number of ferry quays, bus stops, and

  • The Importance Of Urban Regeneration

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    provide a better quality of life for those people who live and work there. Therefore, housing and buildings are the key issues for achieving urban regeneration. For example the city center of Coventry, it has a rich history going back to before the fourteenth century when it was one of the wealthiest towns in British, but since the second world war, with the demise of the manufacturing industry, its past had become smothered by

  • Broadacre City Analysis

    866 Words  | 2 Pages

    “We live now in cities of the past, slaves of the machine and of traditional building.” - Frank Lloyd Wright The Broadacre City - Relevance to Phoenix Today In 1932, Frank Lloyd authored an essay entitled The Disappearing city in which he proposed a solution that he called the Broadacre City. He was against the classical architecture and its repetition in cities and proposed a modern architecture approach to city development. His distaste of city life was developed during his period in Chicago and

  • Detroit Urban redevelopment

    1989 Words  | 4 Pages

    the World," is the largest city in the state of Michigan. The city sits at the heart of an official three-county metropolitan region comprising Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties. As we look at the current condition of Detroit Michigan, you would ponder what made the city look so ran down and why did everyone abandoned a once known as a beautiful city. If one were to look at older pictures of the city back in its earlier years they wouldn't be able to tell that the city used to have life with in

  • Case Study Of Kurla Mumbai

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    It was spelt Coorla under the British Raj and was the first railway line in British India when it opened in 1853. The beginning of the 20th century also saw Kurla emerge as a big cotton and textile mill industry and by 1910 there were many mills which manufactured cotton and woolen cloth in steam factories