Whose Life Is It Anyway? by Brian Clark Whose life is it anyway? is about Ken Harrison, a paralysed patient in hospital, and his battle to end his own life. The problem here is that he is incapable of committing suicide and has to turn to euthanasia. The hospital is against this. They cannot deliberately let a conscious person die. In this essay I will tackle the question above, how Brain Clark persuades us that Ken’s decision is right. The title of the play, 'Whose life is it anyway
Accompanying Write-up The theme of our presentation is "Attitudes towards Death". Two of the chosen pieces, "Macbeth" (William Shakespeare) and "Whose life is it anyway?" (Brian Clark), are both relevant to Death. In "Macbeth", Macbeth has just killed Duncan and is racked with guilt and anxiety. Lady Macbeth, co-perpetrator in the crime, is convincing him that it was the correct thing to do and mocking his fears. The play is a tragedy and shows a negative attitude towards death, with the
Brian Clark uses a number of techniques to dramatise the Euthanasia Debate in his play, Who's Life is it Anyway Brian Clark uses a number of techniques to dramatise the Euthanasia Debate in his play, "Who's Life is it Anyway". Euthanasia is the means by which a person has the freedom of choice over whether they live or die. In the play there are two main arguments concerning this issue. One argument saying that a patient has the right to make this decision of life and death and on which
Emma's Dilemma The Problem: Emma is playing with arrangements of the letters of her name. One arrangement is EMMA A different arrangement is MEAM Another arrangement is AEMM Experiment: ----------- For my investigation I have been asked to work out the number of different arrangements of the letters from the name Emma. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EMMA AMEM EMAM AMME --------- EAMM MEMA MMEA MMAE MAME
responds to his plight with wit and clarity and argues his case with power and persuasion. As this play focuses on ones mans wish to die and the issue of euthanasia we as the audience would expect the play to be very emotional. With the storyline, Clark could have easily made this play the opposite of what it actually is, powerful and fast moving. As Harrison had been though such a terrible ordeal we would expect him to be full of self pity and self indulgence and therefore make the play emotional
Roddy Doyle's Paddy Clark: No More Laughing for Paddy Yer Name Here Poetry/Fiction Paddy Clarke Roddy Doyle's Paddy Clarke HA HA HA was a beautifully written book. It perfectly captures the mind of a ten year old boy in Ireland during the mid- 1960's. Paddy Clarke, the young boy who Doyle uses to enter the mind of a ten year old, is a boy who most can relate to. The book explores most aspects of life through the eyes of Paddy. Doyle takes us through childhood and childhood's end. Doyle is able
Comparison Research There have been considerable debate on research of media comparison as it relates to education over the past few years. According to Richard Clark, there has been a "paradigm shift" that occurred in instructional media research during the past decade from a behavioral to a more cognitive approach. (Anglin 348). Clark felt that there was "consistent evidence found that there are no learning benefits to be gained from employing any specific medium to deliver instruction. Research
Andy Clark, in Natural-Born Cyborgs, offers an extended argument that technology’s impact on and intertwining with ordinary biological human life is not to be feared, either psychologically or morally. Clark offers several key concepts towards his line of reasoning. Clark argues that a human being thinks and reasons based on the biological brain and body dynamically linked with the culture and technological tools transparently accessible to the human. This form of thinking and reasoning develops
people who did not agree with him even if it meant being unpopular with the students and his peers. He stood firm with what he believes is right and good for the school. As an administrator, we should adapt the same courage in decision making as Mr. Clark. Administrators have to make a lot of decisions, whether big or small. And in making decisions, there will always be resistance, not everyone will agree with you. But as an administrator, you should not let this affect you. If administrators become
George Rogers Clark Who was George Rogers Clark? This is probably a question most people in America couldn't answer. The reason is very simple, George Rogers Clark was a hero in an age of heroism. He simply could not compare with the legends of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other Revolutionary War heroes. Clark nevertheless is very important, especially to the people of Kentucky, Illinois, and Indiana who became apart of the United States of America because of his great leadership
Commentary on “Abstract Inquiry and the Patrolling of Black/White Borders through Linguistic Stylization” by John Taggart Clark: Teachers and the ethnicity of their students The essay “Abstract Inquiry and the Patrolling of Black/White Borders through Linguistic Stylization” by John Taggart Clark states that the teacher who teaches from the point of view of the majority culture and does not include the student’s minority culture point of view creates cultural and political borders between themselves
Clark and Menefee Architects The Reid House was designed by W.G. Clark and Charles Menefee and built in John’s Island, SC in 1986. Menefee and Clark designed primarily in the American South. Clark and Menefee are known for their “tripartite vertical organization.” The base level normally consists of secondary bedroom(s)/studio spaces and services. The First floor is a “piano nobile of principal rooms with a double-height living space.” The attic level usually consists of the master bedroom
self-help author Brian Tracy (2001) said, “If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it’s moving you away from your goals.” Setting goals requires understanding where one is, where one wants to be, and a course on how to get there. As stated in the text, when drafting goals, they should be “realistic and attainable,” “improve the organization,” everyone should have a voice in the “goal-setting process,” and “a program should be developed to achieve each goal.” (Clark, 1997) While
Mary Higgins Clark does a great job of keeping the reader in suspense. Mary Higgins Clark introduces many characters that all could me suspects in the crimes she describes in this novel. "You Belong to Me" was definitely one of her best works. Dr. Susan Chandler, a clinical psychologist, is researching cases of missing women. On her daily talk show, she focuses on the case of Regina Clausen who disapeared on a cruise three years earlier. In Regina's belongings, a turquoise ring with the inscription
Canada’s political and governmental systems, while much like our own here in the U.S., is rather different and, of course, has its own unique story and parties that clash for control during debates and elections. Much like our country, Canada’s two main political parties are the Liberals and Conservatives, but more have sprung up over the years, and the country has come up from a two party system to the multi party system it calls its own today. Canada’s governmental system, as you may already know
The rise of Kim Campbell as Canada's first female Prime Minister is considered by many to be that of a phenomenon. Webster's Dictionary describes a phenomenon as being something of significant or rare, either fact or event. This can be shown by the rise of Kim Campbell from a local Vancouver School Board Trustee, to becoming Prime Minister of Canada. Of course, this success was dependent on her ability and ambition to succeed in what is still considered in contemporary terms as being a male dominated
The Band, Queen In early 1970 the band Queen was formed. Freddie Mercury on vocals, Brian May on guitar, Roger Taylor on drums and Mike Gross on bass. They had known each other for years. All living in the town of Kensington in Britain, sometimes even living together. Brian and Roger belonged to a band called Smile, and Freddie was a very talented vocalsit playing for the band Ibex. They decided to join forces, to better themselves, and their chances of obtaining fame and fortune. After a
Phoenix Nights by Peter Kay “Phoenix Nights” is a renowned British comedy that has never failed to amuse audiences for the last 2 years. Some people may “Phoenix Nights” is “ an absolute phenomenon”, while others declare it is “ a unsuitable comedy with no great comedy values”. Whatever your opinion, there is no denying the tremendous success “Phoenix Nights” has had on the British Public. Peter Kay has used a variety of different comic conventions to target an assortment of different audiences
How Friel Involves his Audience in the Conflict Between Coloniser and Colonised in his Play Translations The play 'translations' by Brian Friel is set in Ireland in 1833. During this time, the area was undergoing colonisation by the English and the play represents a microcosm of the events occurring all over the nation at the time. The consequence of this colonisation was inevitably that the Gaelic language native to Ireland was eventually lost and replaced by English. Friel develops a
First I want to say that I was a little hesitant in choosing this book. The saying that “you can’t judge a book by its cover” certainly holds true for this book. When seeing the size of the book, I thought that there was no way I would be able to read this book in ten days. The cover shows what I thought was a hot air balloon. The first connection I made with the book were from the images on the cover. I visualized images of Wizard of Oz before I even opened to the first page. As I read the book