Blanche Essays

  • Analysis Of Blanche: A Character Named Blanche

    1770 Words  | 4 Pages

    Blanche: A Character Warped By Her Grievances Blanche’s presence in the narrative exists to illuminate her path to purgatory through a series of conflicts, insecurities, and failed romantic interactions. Her history is plagued with the past; and she seldom forgets it nor lets those around her forget their alleged responsibility to comfort her. “I never was hard enough or self-sufficient enough. When people are soft - soft people have got to shimmer and glow - they’ve got to put on soft colors,

  • Blanche in Streetcar

    969 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tennessee Williams’ “A Streetcar Named Desire,” paper lanterns, kitchen candles, and multicolored strobes reveal the various shades of reality surrounding Blanch DuBois. When Blanche visits her sister, Stella, and Stanley Kowalski’s modest apartment in New Orleans, tension regarding her mental stability immediately emerges. Blanche cloaks the apartment’s harsh light with a paper lantern, which initially suggests the fervency of her insecurity regarding physical beauty; however, this dim light eventually

  • The Charater of Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire

    1046 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Charater of Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire In 'A Streetcar Named Desire' we focus on three main characters. One of these characters is a lady called Blanche. As the play progresses, we gradually get to know more about Blanche and the type of person she really is in contrast to the type of person that she would like everybody else to think she is. Using four main mediums, symbolism and imagery, Blanche's action when by herself, Blanche's past and her dialogue with others such as

  • Blanche Dubois

    846 Words  | 2 Pages

    The leading female protagonist, Blanche Dubois, serves as an allegory for the loss of the Old South, representing the genteel society of Southern plantation owners through the nineteenth century. The DuBois sisters serve as remnants of Southern aristocracy. After the loss of Belle Reve, all that remains are idealistic pretensions. It is these pretensions that Blanche uses as a foundation to construct a new reality for herself. In contrast the character of Stanley suggests that the reality of a changing

  • Stanley And Blanche Comparison

    1115 Words  | 3 Pages

    The characters of Stanley and Blanche can be easily identified as polar opposites of each other. Blanche is a complex, sophisticated character, while Stanley can be seen as primal, simple, and sometimes animalistic. Tennessee Williams is able to use the opposition of Blanche and Stanley to build the rest of the story and characters. When looking at the character of Blanche, it can be easily seen that she is deeper than many of the characters in the arrangement. Blanche is able to put on a disguise

  • Blanche Dubois Monologue

    748 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Streetcar Named Desire, written by Tennessee Williams, fallows the story of Blanche, a troubled woman who must move on with her sister, Stella, and Stella’s husband, Stanley after losing the family home. Be that as it may, Blanche isn’t as innocent as she appears. In fact, throughout the whole of the play, one can never be sure if they are seeing the genuine Blanche, or just a face of that pleases the characters she is interacting with. In the 1951 movie adaptation of the play, under the direction

  • How Is Blanche Selfish

    973 Words  | 2 Pages

    named desire" the characters, Blanche and Mitch show how they are anithetical to one another be cause of the way they have been through a lot in their past, and also shows how both of them are not all there. In the story Blanche is a character who has gone through a rough past and has been through a lot of pain at one moment. In the book it shows that Blanche is a character who desires attention and protection from everyone around her. For example where Blanche says "yes I had Intamicies with

  • Blanche Dubois Struggles

    1045 Words  | 3 Pages

    of her own town because of her partners.The husband is not accepting of his wife’s sister and hassles her as much as he can. Blanche DuBois is Stella’s older sister, who was a high school English teacher in Laurel, Mississippi, until she was forced to leave her post. Blanche is a talkative and fragile woman around the age of thirty. After losing her childhood home, Blanche arrives in New Orleans at the Kowalski apartment and eventually reveals that she is completely lacking the necessities to live

  • Blanche Dubois's Guilt

    1658 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Consuming Guilt of Blanche DuBois The play A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams takes place in the late 1940’s in New Orleans. Blanche DuBois is the protagonist of this play. She arrives at her sister’s home and puts on an air of conceit and purity. Her invented personality is in contradiction to her past actions. Blanche, a disturbed woman, is living between reality and fantasy. Her alcohol addiction amplifies her fantasies. Due to her haunted past, Blanche has a strong need for attention

  • Honest Blanche, Sweet Blanche, Heart of Truth: Analysis of Blanche In A Streetcar Named Desire

    1488 Words  | 3 Pages

    In A Street Car Named Desire, the whimsical dialogues that Blanche Dubois embarks on throughout conversations with characters such as Stella and Stanley, work in tandem to leave the victims distraught by verbal lashes and painstakingly ardent dissertations of there personal motives for continuing to travel down the various dissipate inroads of there life. The often-demoralizing manner in which Blanche convolutes the actions of these characters, seemingly labels her with the nominal reputation as

  • The Characters of Blanche and Stanley

    2006 Words  | 5 Pages

    1.1 Protagonist Blanche DuBois is the younger sister of Stella Kowalski. She comes to visit Stella and her husband, Stanley at their small home in New Orleans. Blanche is described as a Southern Belle that presents a tragic flaw stemmed from her lack of self- esteem. There are many words that can be used to describe Blanche; however her most dominant traits are unstable, flirtatious, and deceitful. Blanche has a devastating and scarring past in which her tragic flaw originates from. The elements

  • Blanche Dubois Delusions

    1025 Words  | 3 Pages

    Desire, an old streetcar rattling down the French Quarter delivers perhaps one of the most unstable women to ever step into Louisiana. The white satin disaster is named Blanche Dubois, who is one of the focal characters in the play and in the play's themes. Blanche's actions are excellent proofs that delusion results in catastrophe. Blanche is not truthful on many topics, but her delusions relating to her age, relations, and financial situation all particularly cause her life to come crashing down much

  • Blanche And Stanley Analysis

    906 Words  | 2 Pages

    describes Blanche and Stanley in the play A Streetcar Named Desire. In the drama, A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, a woman named Blanche goes to live with her sister, Stella, and her sisters husband, Stanley. Blanche and Stanley don’t get along and Stanley digs into Blanche’s past and gets everyone to dislike her. In this play, Stanley and Blanche, two very different characters, prove that they have many similarities. Even though it seems so unlikely that Stanley and Blanche could have

  • The Real Blanche DuBois

    1715 Words  | 4 Pages

    The characters in “A Streetcar Named Desire”, most notably Blanche, demonstrates the quality of “being misplaced” and “being torn away from out chosen image of what and who we are” throughout the entirety of the play. Blanche could be seen as the central character for “being torn away from (her) chosen image”, as the image she projects to the world gets cruelly ripped away from her through a series of events that lead to her demise. Blanche is described as being “moth like”, meaning that she has to

  • Blanche Dubois Moth

    733 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the play A Street Car Named Desire, Tennessee Williams portrays Blanche Dubois as a flawed, fragile, and concealed moth. Charles Darwin, a well-known scientist, introduced the theory of “survival of the fittest” where certain genes within a living organism can help it survive longer and outlast other species. This theory is prominent throughout the play due to Blanche being described by the author as a moth. Moths have special attributes that help them survive. These attributes include a moth’s

  • The Characters of Blanche and Stanley

    1412 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the beginning Tennessee Williams formed Stanley and Blanche from the soil of repression and indulgence; he breathes desire into their nostrils causing them to become living souls. In the mist of the Elysian Fields garden was the tree of knowledge of death and redemption. Stanley the merciless predator of Blanche used the knowledge of the death of Belle Reve to expose Blanche’s nakedness. Blanche covers herself with puritanical fig leaves inadvertently exposing the primitive beast like qualities

  • Blanche Dubois Analysis

    647 Words  | 2 Pages

    Miss Blanche Dubois came from a wealthy background and she always believed herself to be so high above others socially. She very much was conscious of herself physically and worried about what people thought of her. Moving to her sister’s place, she feels out of place and has to adapt to a new way of living if she plans on staying with her sister. The house is too small for her compared to Belle Reve. She criticizes her sister, the husband and everything else she sees wrong. She always seems nervous

  • Blanche Dubois Monologue Analysis

    1331 Words  | 3 Pages

    Blanche Dubois, a refined and delicate woman plagued by bad nerves, makes her first appearance in scene one of A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. She unexpectedly arrives in New Orleans to visit her sister Stella Kowalski who ran away after their father’s death. Upon their reunion, Blanche is sharp-tongued and quick to state her shock over the unsavory status of the apartment in comparison to the luxurious plantation where the two sisters were raised. Though dissatisfied by the living

  • Blanche Dubois Research Paper

    1921 Words  | 4 Pages

    themes of fantasy and illusion to allow one to make life appear as it should be, rather than it is. Through the study of character and tropology, Tennessee Williams portrays the protagonist, Blanche DuBois, as the conflict of reality versus illusion through her world of delusion and fantastical philosophy. Blanche thrives on illusion; fantasy is her primary means of self-defense against both outside threats and against her own demons. Blanche’s main demon, her past life, haunts her every day, yet she

  • Blanche Dubois Monologue Essay

    762 Words  | 2 Pages

    is Blanche Dubois’ monologue is self-revealing. After the previous night’s poker game, drunken Stanley cruelly abused Stella in public. However, Stanley’s sweet words and frank actions promote Stella to forgive him. She returns home and spends the night with him in the end. Blanche does not understand why Stella decides to tolerate Stanley’s brutal behaviors and continue to live with him. She exhorts Stella to leave her beastly brother-in-law Stanley but Stella does not care much when Blanche ranting