Being Well-Rounded Essays

  • A Jack of All Trades: The Importance of Being Well-Rounded in the Workplace

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    A JACK OF ALL TRADES: The Importance of Being Well-Rounded in the Workplace Introduction There are literally hundreds of desirable traits in the workplace. Of these, one of the arguably most important is to be well-rounded in the workplace. Many skills can assist an individual in being a well-rounded employee. Oral communication skills, written communication skills, teamwork, technical skills, leadership skills, adaptation skills, computer skills, interpersonal skills and analytic abilities

  • Being Well-Rounded

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    Being well-rounded is nothing to feel well about. Yes, it can make life a breeze, but it can also be the forceful winds that hold you back. Yes, it can be the bridge allowing you safe passage over the rushing waters of failure, but it can also be the troll barring you from crossing to a future full of easy decisions about how you should live your life. Not too long ago, I yet again received A's on several tests in my AP classes ranging from chemistry and calculus to Spanish and economics. After

  • The Importance of Physical Fitness

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    look, feel and do our best. More specifically, it is: "The ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and alertly, with energy left over for enjoying leisure-time activities and meeting emergency demands, and is a major basis for good health and well-being." ("Fitness...") Physical fitness involves the performance of the heart and lungs, and muscles of the body. And, since what we do with our bodies also affects what we can do with our minds, fitness somewhat influences qualities, such as mental

  • An Analysis of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway

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    An Analysis of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway Somewhere within the narrative of Mrs. Dalloway, there seems to lie what could be understood as a restatement - or, perhaps, a working out of - the essentially simple, key theme or motif found in Woolf's famous feminist essay A Room of One's Own. Mrs. Dalloway does in fact possess "a room of her own - " and enjoys an income (or the use of an income) that is at least "five hundred a year - " (Room: 164). But most importantly, Clarissa Dalloway also

  • Borgmann’s Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life

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    Borgmann’s Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate Borgmann’s theory of focal things in application to Tai Chi, as well as propose the opposition to it with an exercise machine as a device in the context of Borgmann’s Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life. In addition, I will try to argue that the resolution to the bifurcation between things and devices is a specific kind of equilibrium. First, Tai Chi, the old Chinese art

  • A Good Samaritan Law is Never a Good Idea

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    As the nation watched, Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer said farewell with the arrest, trial, and conviction of violating a Good Samaritan law. While this made for a hilarious television show, this law itself seems to both contradict its essence as well as violate the right to freedom of choice of a citizen. The Good Samaritan law, which requires a bystander to provide aid to those who are in harm’s way if there is no apparent immediate danger to the bystander, encroaches upon the rights of a citizen

  • The Oppression of Women and Their Movement Toward Individuality

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    based solely on a difference in chromosomes, not a difference in intelligence, talent, or ability. These claims have been made based on ideas from Biblical representations of men and women to protecting women and ensuring their mental and physical well-being. Still, women formed a unity that had clear goals, valid supporters, and strong leaders that enabled them to overcome their oppressions. Many ideas of male superiority come from and began with the Bible. It can be noted that woman, in the second

  • What is Adequate Health Care and Who Has the Right to Receive It?

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    health and well-being and prevent illness and disease, not just access to medical care. This includes, among many others, the right to education, food and shelter, to freedom from discrimination and persecution, to information, and to the benefits of science. Every woman, man, and child has the human right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, without discrimination of any kind. Enjoyment of human right to health, is vital to all aspects of a person¡¦s life and well-being

  • Materialism in Today's Society

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    Do you value your belongings more than you value friends, family, love, or yourself? The truth is that obsession with possessions has become a way of life in today's society. Materialism has been defined as the theory or doctrine that physical well-being and worldly possessions constitute the greatest good and highest value in life. (Heritage Dictionary, 3rd ed.) This means that we look to possessions to bring us happiness. We then use these possessions to make things and people behave or respond

  • Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse - Portrait of a Real Woman

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    anything that so perfectly described women: wives, mothers, daughters and artists. I felt like shouting "Eureka!" on every page. These were my thoughts, beautifully written. Virginia Woolf writes of the essential loneliness and aloneness of human beings. In the first passage I am examining Mrs. Ramsay is the heart of the group gathered around the dinner table. It is because of her that they are assembled. She is the wife, the mother. "And the whole of the effort of merging and flowing and creating

  • Doing the Right Thing in Hamlet

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    happiness of the individual as the highest good and defines what is right as the action that maximizes that end. By definition, micro ethics is very similar to the belief of ethical egoism. On the other hand, macro ethics views happiness as the well-being of a group as a whole and defines what is right as the action that maximizes that end. As used here, a group can be those people of a specific city, state, nation, or race, and any particular group has "greater importance than any particular individual

  • The College Experience

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    The College Experience "Tomorrow is the first day of what I will become." I wrote this in my diary the night before my first day of college. I was anxious as I imagined the stereotypical college room: intellectual students, in-depth discussions about neat stuff, and of course, a casual professor sporting the tweed jacket with leather elbows. I was also ill as I foresaw myself drowning in a murky pool of reading assignments and finals, hearing a deep, depressing voice ask "What can you do with

  • Developmental Stages

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    moral reasoning. In level one of this theory, there are two stages the child will enter. This stage is seen in pre-school age children through high school. For the duration of stage one, the child will formulate decisions that are best for their well-being. They will try to avoid punishment at all cost and maintain a strong sense of obedience. The child will do this with no regards for the feelings of others. The child will obey rules given chiefly by powerful authority figures (i.e. parents, teachers

  • Egyptian Art and Architecture

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    its forms was devoted principally to the service of the pharaoh, who was considered a god on Earth, to the state, and to religion. From early times a belief in a life after death dictated that the dead be buried with material goods to their ensure well-being for eternity. The regular patterns of nature—the annual flooding of the Nile, the cycle of the seasons, and the progress of the Sun that brought day and night—were considered gifts from the gods to the people of Egypt. Egyptian thought, morality

  • To Serve Others through Dentistry

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    To Serve Others through Dentistry My interest in dentistry is a result of a sincere interest in the profession as well as a strong belief that my personal qualities will allow me to contribute to the well-being of others. My observations of dentists at work, my interest in thier manual skills, and my strong desire for service work have lead me to choose dentistry. My broad but science-centered academic background is health-related, which will help me succeed in a dental program. Dentistry depends

  • What Makes You American

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    language and customs of life while others involved their livelihood. It was difficult finding similar employment that they were accustomed to in England. Therefore, their work was hard and took its toll upon the health and well-being of not only the adults, but the children as well. They came to America not knowing if they would even have any good resources in order to survive. They relied on their own judgement and things didn't turn out too bad for them. And what about the Native Americans? Most

  • Analysis of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

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    as a potential threat to the well-being of mankind, Bradbury uses Fahrenheit 451 to state his distrust for it in the novel, which explains why the devices are depicted as "chilling, impersonal gadgets of mechanized anti-culture,'; (Mogen 141). Also, as the television was becoming the main form of communication in the 50's, Bradbury believed that it was "reducing society to very mediocre tastes'; (Touponce 125). As a defense against the degradation of literature (as well as peoples' minds), Bradbury

  • Christian Ideals in The Grapes of Wrath

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    The Christian Ideals in The Grapes of Wrath In Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath one of the themes discussed is the idea of Christian goodness exhibited in the Joads and other migrant workers. Those in the book representing this * "[eat] together with glad and sincere hearts." This type of selfless sharing is a Christian concept of good fellowship. Particularly, Ma shows her caring towards others from the beginning and urges others to do the same. Jim Casy, while struggling with the orthodox view

  • My Personal Philosophy of Education

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    I believe that knowledge is relative and that reinforcing the feeling of acceptance of individuality is of paramount importance to a student’s academic success and emotional well-being. Existentialism appeals to me because of its emphasis on individuality rather than imitation and learning that engages emotional as well as intellectual faculties. I like the existentialist role of the teacher as a presenter of possibilities and the amount of individual contact the teacher has with each student

  • Slave Masters – Some Good, Some Bad

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    about their heritage. The slave narratives of Mary Reynolds and Walter Calloway illustrate that some slave masters provided their slaves with the necessities of life, did not stand for slave cruelty, and were concerned for their slaves' spiritual well-being, while others did the complete opposite. Mary Reynolds, who spent the first part of her life as a slave in Louisiana, and Walter Calloway, who spent the majority of his life on a plantation in Alabama, both spoke about how hard the work was